SQL Data Represented in Excell (Cells out of Order) - sql

Currently we are using excel to display our stored procedures for reporting.
I have been coming across an issue where the excel columns, once filled with data, are not in the same order as they're in the SELECT statement.
The CONNECTION STRING in excel, points to our database and the COMMAND TEXT is an execute call for the SP.
Its my understanding that excel will display the SELECT statement items in order of appearance.
Could someone confirm this or tell me if there is something I am missing?

Make your ORDER BY sequence match the SELECT sequence and it should work, don't just match one, match them all.
I used to use SQL as an ODBC link inside excel and it was fickle at times!

Use the command ORDER BY "something in your table" in the end of your statement COMMAND TEXT and see if you get the results in the order of the "order by".


Best Method to Query SQL using Variable Excel Values

There's an SQL database that I would like to query through excel without having to pull the entire SQL database into excel (5Million + rows). I have established the connection in excel. The values that I will be using to query the SQL Database are variable (typically around 150-200 cells).
End Result: The variable cells in excel are all in column A, I would like to query the Column A SQL values to retrieve the Column B SQL value and pull them back into excel. I know I could download the whole SQL database into excel and do a vlookup but my excel file will undoubtedly crash with all the SQL data.
Does anyone know where I should start? Would this best be resolved through VBA code or the advanced editor directly in excel?
Brandon M
You can include "?" in the query text of your connection. The first time you run the query, Excel will ask you what each of the "?" references. You can then change the values in those cells, and refresh the connection to use those new values.
Your situation is a bit unclear to me.
Do you want to perform "Select * from table where column in (Cell A)"? and then to print into Cell B?
If yes, you can use VBA code to build your SQL query and select the data.
If you don't want to use VBA, you can use some cell concatenation to build the query and can pass the query to SQL.

Cannot view the SQL portion of a query in ACCESS?

I am currently working on a project of replacing our old access database queries, but on one of them I am not able to view the actual SQL View.
Does anyone know a way to force the view or to export it somehow?
Error causing problem:
The SQL statement could not be executed because it contains ambiguous outer joins.
Note that I can view the Design View without issue but when I right click on the tab and select SQL View is when I get the error.
I did attempt what #LeeMac mentioned below but same error occurs:
This question is not like Ambiguous Outer Joins?
The OP on that question can actually see and edit their SQL.
My issues is that I cannot see or edit the SQL as the SQL View wont open.
Try executing the following VBA code from the Immediate Window (accessible using Ctrl+G) in the VBA IDE (open the IDE using Alt+F11):
Replace YourQuery with the name of your query.
This should print the SQL code which comprises your query - you can then analyse the SQL to determine the cause of the error.
It's odd this error would arise when merely viewing the SQL content of the query definition.
It makes me think that the query is perhaps referencing a crosstab subquery which is actually the cause of the error, but which needs to be evaluated in order for MS Access to determine the columns available when viewing the design of the query in question.
Try this:
hit ctrl-g, and from immediate window type in this:
saveastext acQuery,"Name of query","c:\test\mysql.txt"
Access ordinarily doesn't allow you to save invalid queries, so it's strange you somehow got into this situation in the first place.
If you can copy the query, you can easily get to the SQL by changing the query to a passthrough query, either through the GUI or through VBA:
Dim q As DAO.QueryDef
Set q = CurrentDb.QueryDefs!Query1
q.Connect = "ODBC;"
Debug.Print q.SQL
Passthrough queries are not validated, so you can freely read and write anything you want as SQL in it.
Note that this is irreversible when done through VBA. You can only change it back to a normal query once you made the SQL valid again. If you do it through the GUI, you can just not save it, though.
I had this problem and the issue was that i had a subquery that calculated fields but did not actually have a table in it. for example it would calculate first and last day of last month which is 2 calculated fields, then it was the first query in a series of queries that were built off it and the last one wouldnt resolve sql as original poster indicated also gave the ambiguous join message as well as query needs input table (which was that first subquery). i put a table with 1 record in it but didnt use the record and it worked.... so it just a needs a table in it.

How to remove Nulls from Save As in SQL Server Management Studio

I have created a variable that is type table inside a stored procedure. At the end of the procedure I am selecting all the rows in the table and displaying them. When I right click on the headers and select "Save As" it allows me to change the type to All Files and save the file as a text file. This works fine except that the columns that have NULLS in them saves as NULLS. I want it to fill NULLs in with spaces.
I've been trying to find a way to create a file using a stored procedure but most things indicate to use SSIS but I can't figure out how to use SSIS with a variable that is a table instead of using an actual table.
If I could either replace nulls with spaces or use a stored procedure to do the same thing it would be great. I can not use tab or comma delimited as the final product has to be a flat file that each column uses the same amount of characters as is declared in the column headers. Padded with spaces.
Thanks for any help you are able to offer.
P.S. I am using SQL Server 2012 Management Studio
The easy way to do this would be to convert the NULLs to spaces in your SELECT statement.
SELECT COALESCE(yourcolumn, '')
Put the COALESCE clause around every column that has NULLs in it.
Using COALESCE article link
If the last thing you do in the stored procedure is Select * From TempTable then you can use that SP in an OleDb source component. Change from Table or View to Sql Command and use the Exec (sp_SomeName) syntax. This will create a pipe that you can connect to a destination component, such as flat file.
I have seen many issues over the years doing Save Results As... I will only use this for informal 'quick check' files and not for anything considered 'live' or 'production' data.
Here is a good blog that also shows how to use parameters.

find column name in sql query

I would like to use the GUI to find q column name in my sql query which has more than 300 columns
For example: I want to use GUI provided by SQL to find all the column names starting with VENDOR and hi-light them in order to make my operation easier..
I just want to use GUI
P.S: No query suggestions please, I am already aware of them (using like and all)
In MSQL Studio, use the Query Designer (Design Query In Editor...), paste your SQL, then use the name column in criteria pane to copy and paste in excel

Change select statement in SQL from Excel - end user

I have a decent size SQL statement that I have connected to an Excel worksheet and it runs fine. The question I have is would it be possible to have the end user enter a list of values in an excel sheet or somewhere else and have those values added to a WHERE clause in my SQL to limit the results per the users needs without the user having to go into connection and alter the SQL etc.? Thank you.
Yes. I do it as part of a VB script. I'm not a VB expert and I didn't set it up- I just know enough to tweak some changes that the users require.
Conceptually- provide an area in th Excel template for users to enter the parameters, use VB to get the values of those parameters, then pass them to the SQL statement.
You can create a Data Connection in Excel that utilizes a parameter. Whether you are calling a Stored Procedure on the DB or sending raw SQL, you can replace part of the statement with a ?. Tie that parameter to a specific cell. Now all your user needs to do is enter/change the value in that cell and it will re-query the database using that value as the parameter.
(I don't have Excel in front of me, otherwise I'd walk you through the exact steps)