How to see live list of syntax errors in WebStorm 7 (or IntelliJ)? - intellij-idea

While editing a JavaScript file, the IDE shows highlights on the lines that have problems and displays the lightbulb when you're on one of those lines.
How can I see a live list of all problems found in the current file (e.g. syntax errors)?
The only way I found so far was to manually run inspection and check the inspection window. That's quite cumbersome. Even the "Problems" section of the Project window updates itself automatically as soon as I change the code (even without saving) - but it doesn't display the actual errors (only which files have errors).
Apparently the IDE knows what errors exist in the file - I just can't find a way to see all of them in a list.
In every other IDE I know, it is a built-in, enabled-by-default, feature: eclipse, visual studio, brackets, etc.

Apparently this is an open issue on the IntelliJ family of products. Please upvote that issue if you feel it is missing as well!


Missing toolbar in IntelliJ

This sounds like a duplicate post but I tried to find answers to this question online and can't seem to find any helpful information...
I opened several downloaded class files that form one project, and can't seem to run the code. There is no toolbar with the run and debug button and the shortcut (^R) is not working. Right-clicking on the files neither gives the option to execute the code.
Looking at your screenshots (especially #2, the one that show the File menu) it seems to me that you are in the Light Edit mode where the whole IDE pretty much is just an editor.
Switch to the full IDE mode (where you open the actual project) and you will have the full functionality.

IntelliJ: How can I "kick" the error highlighting process to get it unstuck?

I'm working on a create-react-app codebase with Typescript enabled.
I find that IDEA real-time syntax analysis of my code often gets "stuck".
I make a mistake, IDEA shows the little red squiggles almost immediately, then I fix the errors but sometimes the red squiggles don't always go away.
For example:
There's nothing wrong with the above code any more, but IDEA still shows the red squiggles, both in the code and the project tool window / changelist window.
I've found that I can "un-stick" the code analysis by killing any/all the node.exe sub-process that IDEA has. Presumably one of those sub-process is "stuck" and when I kill the process, IDEA launches a new one and the syntax error highlighting will disappear.
Obviously, I'd prefer that the code analysis not get stuck at all, but failing that is there a way I can "un-stick" the code analysis from within the IDE?
I'm looking for something faster than re-starting IDEA (or clearing caches, etc.)
Using IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3 (Ultimate edition) on Windows.
package.json configuration and the rest of the code can be found here:
As per comment from Lena, restarting the Typescript language service will fix issues with stale highlighting errors.
The Typescript status bar widget is usually found at the bottom right of the editor:
Tested with IDEA 2021.1.2

How can I force intellij to check all files?

When I'm using intellij sometimes I do very large refactors that the IDE can't help with. This often breaks a lot of files, but since I'm using either Typescript or Java it's relatively easy to find the problems.
My issue is that I can't seem to get Intellij to check those files unless I open them specifically.
The kind of checking I'm talking about isn't a specific inspection, it's just like the normal compilation problems.
So for example, I have a typescript project and I modified some stuff. When I open some of my React components intellij waits a second, and then highlights parts of it in red. I can go to those parts and see what the issue is.
I've tried forcing the inspector to run, and I've tried building the project, but neither one gives me the red squiggly love I need :^(
It feels like the project->build should force intellij to highlight all this stuff, but it seems to have no effect.

Codewarrior 10.5 broken links from problems window to errors in code

Typically when I compile a project I am working on in Codewarrior, the Problems window displays the errors and warnings it finds. From there, I am able to click on the errors and I will be linked to the location of the error in the code. In the current project I am working on, the errors are displayed in the problems window, but they do not link to the error. It shows the correct file and path, but the hyperlink to the location in the code is broken. In the console window, I can use the Next/Previous error buttons to navigate to error, but I can't do this from the Problems window - which I find easier to read. I know that this error is limited to this project, because I have opened other projects since this started happening and do not experience this problem in those projects. When I started this project, I copied an existing Codewarrior 10.5 project that does not have this issue and began changing names and editing. I have a suspicion that I might have missed something during this conversion process, but I am running out of places to look.
I'm not sure the exact reason for this error, but I did correct it by deleting the folders in the workspace folder and re-importing the project.

Xcode code folding issue

After updating Xcode(5.0.1),one of my project files is automatically unfolding the code every time i leave the file or close Xcode.And this weird behavior is bothering me a lot,i already tried to delete and recreate it but didn't worked.
Anyone knows what might be causing this single file to have its code unfolded?
With Xcode-9, this issue is resolved. Code folding is being remembered and saved by Xcode 9 Editor.
Code you have/had folded exact before last source build/save, is automatically stored upon document/file closure. And same will be visible as it was (folded) when you will open document/file next time.
You don't need to do anything (there is no any option in Xcode tool bar to enable or disable) to save your code fold.
There's no way around it. xCode will unfold your code automatically. Period. There is no option to "preserve" code folding. (sad, but true...)