Need assistance to create a simple SQL database. Error is as follows: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2 Incorrect syntax near ',' - sql

I just need a little help with an error I am receiving when trying to create a table in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio. The table I am trying to construct is: (This is only a small portion of the database which contains multiple tables similar to this one being constructed)
create table Holidays (
staff_ID numeric(10) foreign key,
start_Date date,
fin_Date date,
holiday_Type char(100),
reason nvarchar(100),
The error I am receiving is:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near ','.
NOTE: I have created tables before in a similar fashion to this, and have looked over them to compare the differences (to which I can see is almost none).
Any help is much appreciated.

You have one "," extra on the end , also your foreign key mentioned badly.
Try this:
create table Holidays (
staff_ID numeric(10) foreign key references Table(Column),
start_Date date, fin_Date date, holiday_Type char(100),
reason nvarchar(100))

You have an extra comma after your last column definition. Try this:
create table Holidays (
staff_ID numeric(10) foreign key,
start_Date date,
fin_Date date,
holiday_Type char(100),
reason nvarchar(100) -- removed comma from here


New to SQL and already having an issue

I'm doing a group project to learn SQL, I'm using jdoodle as an online IDE for now and w3schools. I feel so weird for asking this because this is literally my first attempt but I get an error.
CREATE TABLE Suppliers (
SupplierNumber int,
SupplierName varchar(255),
SupplierAddress varchar(255),
Error: near line 1: in prepare, near "DATABASE": syntax error (1)
Error: near line 2: in prepare, near ")": syntax error (1)
I'm just like copying exactly what w3schools taught me?
I don't see any errors in here, But these are some best practises,
RUN the SQL queries one by one in case if that's causing the error. First create the Database and then Create the Table. Do both seperately.
CREATE TABLE Suppliers (
supplierNumber int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
supplierName varchar(255),
supplierAddress varchar(255)
Best practise is to have the column names in lowerCamelCase.
Normally we don't use comma for the last line. It is Unnecessary
Having a Primary key for every table is good. Make it PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL at the same time to prevent some error in the future.

How to fix this message error that i cant create table using script?

I just want to make a new table in database, when I create table just got some messages like
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5 Incorrect syntax near 'tbl_invoice'".
So my question is where do I start to make a new table?
use master
use db_penjualan
create table tbl_invoice (
no_invoice varchar primary key (10),
jenis_pembayaran varchar(25),
user_generate varchar (10),
tgl_terbit date not null )
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5 Incorrect syntax near
The problem lies with primary key declaration syntax. Write it as:
use db_penjualan
create table tbl_invoice (
no_invoice varchar(10),
jenis_pembayaran varchar(25),
user_generate varchar (10),
tgl_terbit date not null ,
primary key(no_invoice)--define primary key col here

Msg 547, The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

In SQL Server 2012 Management studio, I tried many time to create some tables and insert into the tables some values, but the problem here is in relationship with tables :
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint
The Errors :
Msg 8152, Level 16, State 14, Line 116 String or binary data would be
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 122 The INSERT statement conflicted
with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "eworkerFK". The conflict occurred in
database "7", table "dbo.member_clup", column 'manager_id'.
The statement has been terminated.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 128
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint
"SALEDFk". The conflict occurred in database "7", table "dbo.worker",
column 'worker_number'.
Can anyone help me to insert values into the correct
tables ?
code_place int,
OUT_israel varchar (15)
CONSTRAINT address1 PRIMARY KEY(code_place)
create table member_clup
manager_id int,
manager_name varchar(15),
manager_last varchar(12),
phone_num int,
type varchar(10),
CONSTRAINT manager1PK PRIMARY KEY(manager_id)
create table worker
worker_number int,
worker_name varchar(50),
worker_last varchar(49),
id varchar(9),
type varchar(50),
manager_id int
CONSTRAINT workerPK PRIMARY KEY(worker_number)
CONSTRAINT eworkerFK FOREIGN KEY(manager_id)
REFERENCES member_clup(manager_id)
room_number int,
floor int,
room_type varchar(8)
cars_number int,
car_type varchar(15),
car_model int,
Cust_number int ,
Cust_name varchar(50),
cust_lastname varchar(50),
cust_phone varchar(10),
code_place int,
Room_id int,
Saledby int
CONSTRAINT tourest1 PRIMARY KEY(Cust_number)
CONSTRAINT addressFK FOREIGN KEY(code_place)
REFERENCES address(code_place),
REFERENCES worker(worker_number),
REFERENCES rooms(room_number)
Cust_number int,
cars_number int,
CONSTRAINT custPK1 PRIMARY KEY(Cust_number,cars_number),
REFERENCES cars(cars_number),
REFERENCES tourest(Cust_number)
insert into cars VALUES
insert into rooms VALUES
insert into address VALUES
insert into member_clup VALUES
(5991,'ramada','hassan','0532731212','Rooms & Tips'),
(5210,'meri','yako','0525022572','General Manager')
insert into worker
insert into tourest VALUES
insert into kesher VALUES
This code is straightforward to debug, you surely can work it out. Run each statement on it's own and see its result. If it fails, split it into smaller statements and repeat. If you can't split it, it's already small enough to debug by eyesight, it won't take long to figure the issue.
Before debugging though, know this, restarting from scratch is sometimes helpful/necessary, so have restart script(s) ready. In this scenario only a bunch of DROP TABLEs are necessary, they'll remove the tables and their records.
Your CREATE TABLE statements are working fine, that's one thing passed. Even if you had problems with them though, run them one by one to debug, not all at once.
Your INSERTs are problematic, yeah. Run each INSERT block one by one, and for the block that fails, split it into individual INSERT statements, one per record, and now you'll be able to tell which row is the problem.
Even though you cite certain foreign key conflict issues, I'm getting a bunch of different foreign key issues. Double-check the code you provided. Also,
the order of what statement is ran first matters (can I furnish the third floor of my house while I don't even have third and second floors? Can you cancel a booking that you didn't book yet?)
Lastly, the data seem to have truncation issues, whether the table column should be bigger or the records' values are incorrect is something only you can tell.

Can't create new table

I'm new to SQL Server 2000 and face a problem. I want to make a new table but I encounter an error message with the following code:
create table Buku
Kode_Buku char(5) constraint PK_Kode_Buku Primary Key,
Judul_Buku varchar(10)not null,
Nama_Pengarang varchar(30) not null,
Penerbit varchar(30),
Kota_Terbit varchar(30) default,
Tahun_Terbit varchar(4) default,
Bahasa varchar(4) check,
Harga_Jual money,
and here's the error code:
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'Buku'.
You have three problems:
You have multiple cases where you say default but don't specify anything
You have a check but don't specify anything
Your last column definition says money, with a trailing comma
Now, none of these lead to the exact error message you're getting, so maybe there is more you're not telling us (is there more code before the create table bit?), but these little syntax problems are far too localized to be useful in this Q & A format.
I just ran this on a SQL Server 2000 instance and it worked just fine:
create table Buku
Kode_Buku char(5) constraint PK_Kode_Buku Primary Key,
Judul_Buku varchar(10) not null, -- added space here
Nama_Pengarang varchar(30) not null,
Penerbit varchar(30),
Kota_Terbit varchar(30), -- removed default here
Tahun_Terbit varchar(4), -- removed default here
Bahasa varchar(4), -- removed check here
Harga_Jual money -- removed comma here
So I'm not sure what you're doing differently, but I can't get the error message you are seeing with the information you've provided in the question. If you're still getting an error message with this code (and only this code), you'll need to provide more information, such as ##VERSION, what interface you're using to submit the create table statement to SQL Server, etc.

Error while altering table in SQL Server

I'm just trying to add 2 columns to customer table
but I get the following error when I try to run the script,
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near '('.
Can someone tell me what is the mistake that I'm doing. Thanks in anticipation
You don't need the brackets for an alter statement so remove them. ie:
You don't need any ( before the column names - just use:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Customer
ADD CustomerName VARCHAR(255) NULL, CustomerDesc VARCHAR(30) NULL
Does that work?