Copy record from previous field if specific combobox value - vba

I have an access form that needs filling in daily by various people.
It's to document changes to a website and I currently have a combobox box set up for the various sections to state whether they are AMENDS, REVERTS or NO CHANGE.
I have set conditional formatting to then highlight these sections but am also trying to get it to work so that if the user chooses "NO CHANGE" then the data for that field copies over from the previous record.
I have set this up in the AfterUpdate code for the combobox, but nothing is happening, not even an error... can anyone help?
Private Sub COMBOBOX1_AfterUpdate()
If Me.COMBOBOX1 = 3 Then
Me.[FIELD_TO_CHANGE] = DLookup("[FIELD_TO_CHANGE]", "tb_TABLE", "[ID]=Forms![form_FORM]![ID]-1")
End If
End Sub
(Where 3 is the value of NO CHANGE in the combobox, and FIELD_TO_CHANGE, tb_TABLE and form_FORM being the names of the various elements)

First you should define your control COMBOBOX1, enter in Properties Window, define
COMBOBOX1.AfterUpdate = "[Event Procedure]"
then your Private Sub COMBOBOX1_AfterUpdate() will be taken into account. Error may occur and popup to you.
Then change the event handler like this to start:
Private Sub COMBOBOX1_AfterUpdate()
If Me.COMBOBOX1 = 3 Then
Me.[FIELD_TO_CHANGE] = DLookup("[FIELD_TO_CHANGE]", "tb_TABLE", "[ID]=" & (Me.[ID] - 1))
End If
End Sub
There will be many errors to correct before your form works...


Hide a Form tab depending on the value of a field

pretty simple question here in scope.
Wondering If I would be able to hide the tabs of a form based off the values of a table's fields.
I have been reading the 2019 Access Bible and so far it is still unclear to me how I would write the VBA module to constantly be running. Im asking the question a little early in my attempts, but hoping I can ask this well enough to get a head start.
I dont quite understand the execution model of VBA for access yet. I have prior expierence coding but this will be my 1st time in access. Just looking for a little help on how to write the function scope. You see below that I think it should be "Main" something, as I want it to run whenever in form view. Like I know how to write Private sub functions to respond to a button click. But not for a function that just runs in the background of the form.
I guess the real question is when to execute? Right? Any suggestions?
I was thinking something along the line of this below.
Main function()
If Me.FieldProcess_Water = "1" Then
Me.TabProcess_Water.Visible = True
Me.TabProcess_Water.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
This requires some setup to reduce redundant code but should do what you want.
First you'll need your checkbox names and page names to be similar. In my example I have the page names as Tab_Name and the checkboxes as just Name. eg. Tab_Process Water and Process Water.
Then Create a sub called Form_Current() in the form's code-behind.
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim chk As Control
For Each chk In Me.Controls
If chk.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
If chk = False Then
'Change TabCtl0 to whatever your's is called
Me.TabCtl0.Pages("Tab_" & chk.Name).Visible = False
Me.TabCtl0.Pages("Tab_" & chk.Name).Visible = True
End If
End If
End Sub
This will iterate through the current record's checkboxes and toggle it's respective tab's visibility.
To have the CheckBox update the tabs as they are clicked:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim chk As Control
Dim prop As Variant
For Each chk In Me.Controls
If chk.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
chk.OnClick = "=Check_Click()"
End If
End Sub
This will assign a command to each checkbox.
Dim caller As String
caller = Me.ActiveControl.Name
If Me.ActiveControl.Value = False Then
Me.TabCtl0.Pages("Tab_" & caller).Visible = False
Me.TabCtl0.Pages("Tab_" & caller).Visible = True
End If
This will hide the relevant tabs.

How do I hide/unhide a subform based on the input from two comboboxes?

I have a mainform, called TrainingsSU
In it I am calling subform qry_TrainingSU (built from the query of the same name)
I have it set up so that the records auto populate the subform based on the two comboboxes in the main form.
But what I need to do is hide the subform, and have it display only when the two comboboxes are populated and records are loaded.
Here's the current VBA (of which I am not really even a novice at)
Private Sub cbo_EmployeeLookup_AfterUpdate()
If Me.cbo_EmployeeLookup.Value = "" Then
Forms!qry_TrainingsSU.Visible = False
Forms!qry_TrainingsSU = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cbo_TrainingName_AfterUpdate()
If Me.cbo_TrainingName.Value = "" Then
Forms!qry_TrainingsSU = False
Forms!qry_TrainingsSU.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
I found the general form of this code in another answer, here: MS Access: Hide and Unhide subform based on drop down in Main Form
However the code doesn't seem to be working for me.
Currently the subform is set to Visible:No
So nothing shows up at all.
If I change that, it doesn't disappear and the empty subform is still visible.
This wouldn't be a problem, except I need to use this form for another query and want to layer them over eachother when the second subform is ready to be used.
Later this form will be used to push an UPDATE SET to a table based on the different subforms.
Is there something that is obviously wrong with the code, or did I miss a setting somewhere?
You can try this:
Private Sub updateStates()
If (Me.cbo_EmployeeLookup.Value <> "" AND Me.cbo_TrainingName.Value <> "") Then
Me!qry_TrainingsSU.Visible = True
Me!qry_TrainingsSU.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cbo_EmployeeLookup_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Private Sub cbo_TrainingName_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Forms!qry_TrainingsSU searches form opened as main form, not a subform.

How to add userform into this code instead of msgbox?

I currently have this code
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim myCell As Range
For Each myCell In Range("G4:G160")
If (Not IsEmpty(myCell)) And myCell.Value <> 17521 And myCell.Value <> "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Next myCell
End Sub
and have this for my userform
Sub DisplayUserForm()
Dim form As New WarningBox
form.LOL.Caption = "INCORRECT!"
Set form = Nothing
End Sub
What else must I do in order for this to appear instead of msgbox to alert whoever is entering data will be showing "INCORRECT!" in bold and Surrounded by red.
Please see image below of what I am trying to show
Please follow these steps:
Insert a new Form by right-clicking on your VBA project and selecting UserForm under the Insert option.
Click once on the created form and then press the ``F4key to open theProperties``` window.
On the Properties window, the default name for your form is UserForm1. Change it to any new value as you want (e.g., WarningBox)
From the ToolBox window, drag and drop a Label on your form and adjust its size, font, font color, and all other properties that exist on the Properties window. Please rename the label to message. I will use this name later when calling the form to be shown.
If you want, like step 4, add a CommandButton to your form and change its name to for example okButton and adjust other properties as you want.
Double click on the button to write the code for this button. Write the code as follows:
Private Sub okButton_Click()
'Close the form
Unload Me
End Sub
Now, modify your DisplayUserForm() sub as follows:
Sub DisplayUserForm()
Dim form As New warningBox
form.message.Caption = "write your message here"
Set form = Nothing
End Sub
All will be done as you want!
Marc: if your "Incorrect" message is the "LOL" object whose caption you modify with the code form.LOL.Caption = "INCORRECT!", it will be editable if it is a TextBox object. Saeed Sayyadipour's example shows using a Label object, instead, that will not be editable by the user (and I 'second' his advice about the "OK" button).
Also, though, since the event tells you which cells were changed by defining the "Target" range object, do you really need to loop through all of G4:G160, since only the cells within Target were changed by the user? Perhaps use For Each MyCell in Intersect(Target,Range("G4:G160")), or perhaps add these lines where appropriate:
Dim AffectedCells as Range
Set AffectedCells=Intersect(Target,Range("G4:G160"))
Set AffectedCells=Nothing
and change your loop to:
For Each myCell in AffectedCells
Next myCell
If there is no overlap between the changed range (Target) and your G4:G160, nothing happens and your code exits quickly.

SubForm won't Requery after MainForm Changes are made

I have an access 2010 database that has a main form 'MainForm' and a subform 'SubForm'. The SubForm is attached to the MainForm as a Subform/Subreport object. The user will select a unique identifier from a dropdown and the subform should use that identifier to pull up employee information on the subform. I have tried any number of ways to avail...
Private Sub Dropdown_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me!Dropdown) Or Me!Dropdown= "" Then
' nothing to do due to no one selected
' Forms!SubForm.Requery
' DoCmd.OpenForm "SubForm",,,"[ID]=" & me!SubForm!ID,,acDialog
End If
End Sub
The commented out statements are only some of the things I have tried.
Thanks in advance
You should be able to do this without any code by specifying the LinkMasterField and LinkChildField properties of the subform control on your main form.
It is clear that LinkChildField should be set to ID in the form design mode. It looks like you'll want to set LinkMasterField to Dropdown. You can set the FilterOnEmptyMaster property to Yes to hide all records before the Dropdown is filled, or No to show all records before Dropdown is specified.
If LinkMaster/LinkChild are not appropriate, then code for Dropdown's AfterUpdate event. This fires after a choice is completed via keyboard or mouse. It should look like :
Private Sub Dropdown_AfterUpdate()
If Len(Me!Dropdown & "") = 0 Then
'' handle cleared Dropdown
Subform.Form.Filter = "[ID] = " & Me!Dropdown
Subform.Form.FilterOn = True
End If
End Sub
Changing the filter should update the subform.

Detecting changes to checkboxes via VBA

Following on from my previous question.
A requirement from the customer is to have checkboxes on a report to disable rows of information on another sheet. The rows are defined as named ranges, formated by P_XXXXXX. The XXXXXX is a unique identifier that is also a field on the row so I can easily generate the range names on the fly.
The problem I am having is:
After clicking on the items and then closing the form Excel asks if we want to save. This is undersirable.
I need someway of registering a change event happening on my generated checkboxes. So if one or more changes I can run through and hide/unhide the relevant ranges.
My code for adding the checkboxes looks like:
' For each row...
' check box in column 17(=Q).
Dim lCenter As Long
lCenter = rngCurrent.Width / 4 ' not actual centre but close enough
With ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add(rngCurrent.Left + lCenter, rngCurrent.Top - 2, rngCurrent.Width, rngCurrent.Height)
.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
.Caption = ""
End With
So how do you link a change in a checkbox with a sub/function?
Set the OnAction property of the Checkboxes object to the name of a sub you want to run whenever the checkbox is checked or unchecked.
Sub MakeCB()
With ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add(ActiveCell.Left + 0, ActiveCell.Top - 2, ActiveCell.Width, ActiveCell.Height)
.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
.Caption = ""
.OnAction = "CheckboxChange"
End With
End Sub
Sub CheckboxChange()
MsgBox "change"
End Sub
I don't think there are any events available with the Excel.Checkbox control. Try using the MSForms checkbox instead. You'll need a reference to 'Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library' - it's not redistributeable, but if you're using VBA, then that's fine.
You can then do something like this, and handle the event in the usual way:
''class level
Private WithEvents m_Checkbox as MSForms.CheckBox
Public Sub MakeCheckbox()
Set m_Checkbox = Activesheet.OLEObjects.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1")
End Sub
Private Sub m_Checkbox_Click()
''Do stuff
End Sub
Obviously, you'll only be able to handle a set number of checkboxes this way - I would recommend creating a class to hold each checkbox.