Assertions in ABAP - abap

Over the years I've written code in a variety of languages and environments, but one constant seemed to be the consensus on the use of assertions. As I understand it, they are there for the development process when you want to identify "impossible" errors and other situations to which your first reaction would be "that can't be right" and which cannot be handled gracefully, leaving the system in a state where it has no choice but to terminate. Assertions are easy to understand and quick to code but due to their fail-fast nature are unsuitable for development code. Ideally, assertions are used to discover all development bugs and then removed or turned off when shipping the code. Input or program states that are wrong, but possible (and expected to occur) should instead be handled gracefully via exceptions or other error handling techniques.
However, none of this seems to hold true for writing ABAP code for SAP. I've just spent the better part of an hour trying to track down the precise location where an assert was giving me an unintelligible error. This turned out to be five levels down in standard SAP code, which is apparently riddled with ASSERT statements. I now know that a certain variable identifying a table IS NOT INITIAL while its accompanying variable identifying a field is.
This tells me nothing. The Web Dynpro component running this code actually "catches" this assert, showing me a generic error message, which only serves to prevent the debugger from launching when the assert is tripped.
My question therefore is what the guidelines or best practices are for the use of assertions in ABAP. Is this SAP writing bad code? Is it an accepted practice to fill your custom code with asserts and leave them in when shipping the code? If so, how would we go about handling these asserts in runtime so that the application doesn't crash and burn while still being able to identify the cause of the error?

The guidelines and best practices are virtually the same in ABAP development as in any other language. Assertion should be used as internal guidance checks only, exceptions for regular input validation errors and other stuff. It might be sensible to leave the assertions in the code - after all, you'd probably rather want your program to crash in a controlled fashion than continue in an unforeseen way and probably damage some critical data in the process without anyone noticing. Take a look at checkpoint groups if you don't want your program to abort in a production environment - but in my opinion: What's the use of a sanity check (as a last line of defense) if it's disabled in the environment where it matters most?
Of course I'm assuming that the input is validated properly (so that crashes are prevented) and that all APIs are used according to the intended use and documentation. Unfortunately - as with every other programming language - it's up to the developer to live up to these standards.


Proper library behavior with erroneous user input

Suppose I'm writing a library that stores a sequence of doubles to a file in a certain format. The format requires that the doubles are monotonically increasing.
Now, some users won't read the manual carefully or write buggy frontends that do something like
What the library could do is
Error out when store(0.3) is called.
Try to correct the error by making a good guess, e.g., actually store(3.3).
Correct the error and write a message to stderr.
The advantage of (1) would be that the user cannot miss it. If the code ran for a long time (which is the regular case in my context), though, the user wouldn't be too happy with the program aborting.
(2) would do away with this, but possibly encourage misusing the library.
Are there policies in any language that advocate one approach over the other?
Irrespective of the language used, my general advice is to always fail quickly. This localises errors to the actual source of the problem - i.e., throw an error or exception and bail out (perhaps permitting the programmer to catch the exception, depending on the language). Similarly, some languages with checked exceptions might force the programmer to add a check for malformed input.
The reason for this is simple - the further away from the actual source of the problem that the errors manifest, the harder the program is to debug. Let's say the programmer didn't mean 3.3 (as opposed to 0.3) and you corrected it for him - well, the program will keep running, but at some point the value 3.3 will manifest and potentially cause other problems. It might also be that the source of these values was some kind of sorting algorithm with bugs - the fact that your library doesn't fail in this case will simply make it harder to debug the sorting algorithm and identify the real cause of the failure.
It also plays hell with any attempts to unit test the code - code that should fail doesn't necessarily fail in the right place. This just makes the code magical and much more difficult to manage as part of a development process.
There is an alternative to simply failing and forcing the user or client program to start the interaction all over again - you could do things in a transactional manner such that the library is left in a consistent state after the failure, permitting the user to proceed from the last valid input (for example). This should be implemented with proper rollback semantics though, to ensure data consistency.
So in summary: fail fast, and fail early.

Pythonic error handling of complex functions

I'd like to know if there is a Pythonic way for handling errors in long-running functions that can have errors in part that do not affect the ability of the function to continue.
As an example, consider a function that given a list of URLs, it recursively retrieves the resource and all linked resources under the path of the top level URLs. It stores the retrieved resources in a local filesystem with a directory structure mirroring the URL structure. Essentially this is a basic recursive wget for a list of pages.
There are quite a number of points where this function could fail:
A URL may be invalid, or unresolvable
The host may not be reachable (perhaps temporarily)
Saving locally may have disk errors
anything else you can think of.
A failure on retrieving or saving any one resource only affects the function's ability to continue to process that resource and any child resources that may be linked from it, but it is possible to continue to retrieve other resources.
A simple model of error handling is that on the first error, an appropriate exception is raised for the caller to handle. The problem with this is that it terminates the function and does not allow it to continue. The error could possibly be fixed and the function restarted from the beginning but this would cause work to be redone, and any permanent errors may mean we never complete.
A couple of alternatives I have in mind are:
Record errors in a list as they occur and abort processing that resource any any child resources, but continue on to the next resource. A threshold could be used to abort the entire function if too many errors occur, or perhaps just try everything. The caller can interrogate this list at the completion of the function to see if there were any problems.
The caller could provide a callable object that is called with each error. This moves responsibility for recording errors back to the caller. You could even specify that if the callable returns False that processing should stop. This would move the threshold management to the caller.
Implement the former with the latter, providing an error handling object than encodes the former's behavior.
In Python discussions, I've often noted certain approaches described as Pythonic or non-Pythonic. I'd like to know if there are any particularly Pythonic approaches to handling the type of scenario described above.
Does Python have any batteries included that model more sophisticated error handling than the terminate model of exception handling, or do the more complex batteries included use a model of error handling that I should copy to stay Pythonic?
Note: Please do not focus on the example. I'm not looking to solve problems in that particular space, but it seemed like a good example that most people here would have an understanding of.
I don't think there's a particularly clear "Pythonic/non-Pythonic" distinction at the level you're talking about here.
One of the big reasons there's no "one-size-fits-all" solution in this domain, is that the exact semantics you want are going to be problem specific.
For one situation, abort-on-first-failure may be adequate.
For another, you may want abort-and-rollback if any of the operations fails.
For a third, you may want to complete as many as possible and simply log-and-ignore failures
For a fourth alternative, you may want to complete as many as possible, but raise an exception at the end to report any that failed.
Even supporting an error handler doesn't necessarily cover all of those desired behaviours - a simple per-failure error handler can't easily provide abort-and-rollback semantics, or generate a single exception at the end. (It's not impossible - you just have to mess around with tricks like passing bound methods or closures as your error handlers)
So the best you can do is take an educated guess at typical usage scenarios and desirable behaviours in the face of errors, and design your API accordingly.
A fully general solution would accept an on-error handler that is given each failure as it happens, and a final "errors occurred" handler that gives the caller a chance to decide how multiple errors are handled (with some protocol to allow data to be passed from the individual error handlers to the final batch error handler).
However, providing such a general solution is likely to be an API design failure. The designer of the API shouldn't be afraid to have an opinion on how their API should be used, and how errors should be handled. The main thing to keep in mind is to not overengineer your solution:
if the naive approach is adequate, don't mess with it
if collecting failures in a list and reporting a single error is good enough, do that
if you need to rollback everything if one part fails, then just implement it that way
if there's a genuine use case for custom error handling, then accept an error handler as a part of the API. But have a specific use case in mind when you do this, don't just do it for the sake of it. And when you do, have a sensible default handler that is used if the user doesn't specify one (this may just be the naive "raise immediately" approach)
If you do offer selectable error handlers, consider offering some standard error handlers that can be passed in either as callables or as named strings (i.e. along the lines of the error handler selection for text codecs)
Perhaps the best you're going to get as a general principle is that "Pythonic" error handling will be as simple as possible, but no simpler. But at that point, the word is just being used as a synonym for "good code", which isn't really its intent.
On the other hand, it is slightly easier to talk about what actual forms non-Pythonic error handling might take:
def myFunction(an_arg, error_handler)
# Do stuff
if err_occurred:
if isinstance(err, RuntimeError):
elif isinstance(err, IOError):
The Pythonic idiom is that error handlers, if supported at all, are just simple callables. Give them the information they need to decide how to handle the situation, rather than try to decide too much on their behalf. If you want to make it easier to implement common aspects of the error handling, then provide a separate helper class with a __call__ method that does the dispatch, so people can decide whether or not they want to use it (or how much they want to override when they do use it). This isn't completely Python-specific, but it is something that folks coming from languages that make it annoyingly difficult to pass arbitrary callables around (such as Java, C, C++) may get wrong. So complex error handling protocols would definitely be a way to head into "non-Pythonic error handling" territory.
The other problem in the above non-Pythonic code is that there's no default handler provided. Forcing every API user to make a decision they may not yet be equipped to make is just poor API design. But now we're back in general "good code"/"bad code" territory, so Pythonic/non-Pythonic really shouldn't be used to describe the difference.
Error handling should rely on exceptions and logging, so for each error raise an exception and log an error message.
Then at any caller function level catch the exception, log any other additional error if needed and handle the issue.
If the issue is not fully handled, then re-raise the exception again so that upper levels can catch the same exception and perform different actions.
In any of this stages you can keep a counter of some types of exceptions so that you can perform some actions only if there have been a specific number of issues.

Testing fault tolerant code

I’m currently working on a server application were we have agreed to try and maintain a certain level of service. The level of service we want to guaranty is: if a request is accepted by the server and the server sends on an acknowledgement to the client we want to guaranty that the request will happen, even if the server crashes. As requests can be long running and the acknowledgement time needs be short we implement this by persisting the request, then sending an acknowledgement to the client, then carrying out the various actions to fulfill the request. As actions are carried out they too are persisted, so the server knows the state of a request on start up, and there’s also various reconciliation mechanisms with external systems to check the accuracy of our logs.
This all seems to work fairly well, but we have difficult saying this with any conviction as we find it very difficult to test our fault tolerant code. So far we’ve come up with two strategies but neither is entirely satisfactory:
Have an external process watch the server code and then try and kill it off at what the external process thinks is an appropriate point in the test
Add code the application that will cause it to crash a certain know critical points
My problem with the first strategy is the external process cannot know the exact state of the application, so we cannot be sure we’re hitting the most problematic points in the code. My problem with the second strategy, although it gives more control over were the fault takes, is I do not like have code to inject faults within my application, even with optional compilation etc. I fear it would be too easy to over look a fault injection point and have it slip into a production environment.
I think there are three ways to deal with this, if available I could suggest a comprehensive set of integration tests for these various pieces of code, using dependency injection or factory objects to produce broken actions during these integrations.
Secondly, running the application with random kill -9's, and disabling of network interfaces may be a good way to test these things.
I would also suggest testing file system failure. How you would do that depends on your OS, on Solaris or FreeBSD I would create a zfs file system in a file, and then rm the file while the application is running.
If you are using database code, then I would suggest testing failure of the database as well.
Another alternative to dependency injection, and probably the solution I would use, are interceptors, you can enable crash test interceptors in your code, these would know the state of the application and introduce the above listed failures at the correct time, or any others you may want to create. It would not require changes to your existing code, just some additional code to wrap it.
A possible answer to the first point is to multiply experiments with your external process so that probability to impact problematic parts of code is increased. Then you can analyze core dump file to determine where the code has actually crashed.
Another way is to increase observability and/or commandability by stubbing library or kernel calls, i.e., without modifying your application code.
You can find some resources on Fault Injection page of Wikipedia, in particular in Software Implemented Fault Injection section.
Your concern about fault injection is not a fundamental concern. You merely need a foolproof way to prevent such code ending up in deployment. One way to do so is by designing your fault injector as a debugger. I.e. the faults are injected by a process external to your process. This already provides a level of isolation. Furthermore, most OS'es provide some kind of access control which prevents debugging unless specifially enabled. In the most primitive form, it's by limiting it to root, on other operating systems it requires a specific "debug privilege". Naturally, on production nobody will have that, and thus your fault injector cannot even run on production.
Practially, the fault injector can set breakpoints at specific addresses, i.e. function or even line of code. You can then react to that, e.g. by terminating the process after a certain breakpoint is hit three times.
I was just about to write the same as Justin :)
The component I would suggest to replace during testing could be the logging component (if you have one, if not, I'd strongly suggest to implement one...). It's relatively easy to replace it with code that generates error and the logger usually gets enough information to know the current application state.
Also it seems to be feasible to make sure that the testing code doesn't go into production. I would discourage conditional compilation though but rather go with some configuration file to select the logging component.
Using "random" kills might help to detect errors but is not well suited for systematic testing because of its non-determinism. Therefore I wouldn't use it for automatic tests.

Why is error handling important?

I was given a task of write the coding guidelines for my team, and it was going great until my manager asked me to write an explanation of Why Error Handling is Important.
I know it instinctively, but how do I express this in words?
I tried to google it first but came up empty, so I now ask my fellow coding wizards.
IMHO ... most programs are very large, very complex and written by multiple people. This combination of factors almost always leads to some kind of software bug. It's not that programmers are malicious, stupid or lazy ... it's just that in the rush to meet a deadline we often don't forsee every possible thing that a user can do to our programs and something is bound to happen.
In this respect error handling serves two purposes.
First, it lets the user know, in a relatively friendly manner, that something has gone wrong and that they should contact the technical support department or that someone from tech support has been notified. As we all know there's a HUGE difference between receiving a rather nasty, tech riddled notice that says something like "Object not set to reference of an object" etc. ... and receiving a nice popup type window that says "There has been an issue. Please contact the helpdesk".
Second it allows the programmer to put in some niceties to aid in the debugging of issues. For instance ... in my code, I typically write a custom error handler that takes in a number of parameters and spits back a nice, formatted message that can either be emailed to the helpdesk, stashed in an event log, written to a log file etc.. The error message will contain as much info as I can cram in there to help me figure out what happened, stack traces, function parameters, database calls ... you name it. I like verbose error messages to help me figure out what actually happened. The user never has to see any of it, they get the nice, friendly message above, letting them know that someone can figure out what's going on.
Error handling is important because it makes it easier for the end users of your code to use it correctly. Another important issue is that it makes your code easier to maintain. Error handling makes it easier to embed input specifications into the code, so you don't have to look up the design when you write and later maintain the code.
Why Error Handling is Important.
Because of what can happen if you don't.
If you're capable of writing coding guidelines, you should be able to handle this, surely?
Its quite simple to explain to a layman manager:
If your handle your errors, your program will likely continue to function after an error, your customer can likely continue working, and you can provide a report of exactly how the bug occurred so you can fix it.
If you don't handle your errors, your program may crash, lose all of your customers work and you likely won't know where the bug occurred (provided you don't handle your fatal exception with a stack trace).
Another huge reason that error handling is so important is security! Certain types of errors, if not handled properly can leave a program and the underlying operating system in a vulnerable state. Handling errors must be a deliberate and well thought out process because even when handled gracefully, errors can write to log files or splash error messages to the screen that supply potential attackers with very valuable information that they can use later to take advantage of specific vulnerabilities.
First I would ask is it important?
I've seen (ugly) code where some errors were ignored (eg null reference)
So what type of errors are important to handle?
There is a big difference between System.IO.FileNotFoundException, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException and System.ApplicationException

How much a tester should know about internal details of code?

How useful, if at all, is for the testers on a product team to know about the internal code details of a product. This does not mean they need to know every line of code but a good idea of how the code is structured, what is the object model, how the various modules are inter-linked, what are the inter-dependencies between various features etc.? This can argubaly help them in finding related issues or defects once they hit one. On the other side, this can potentially 'bias' their "user-centric" approach towards evaluating and certifying the product and can effect the testing results in the end.
I have not heard of any specific model for such interaction. (Lets assume a product that users, potentially non-technical consume, and not a framework or API that the testers are testing - in the latter case the testers may need to understand the code to test that because the user is another programmer).
That entirely depends upon the type of testing being done.
For functional system testing, the testers can and probably should be oblivious to the details of the implementation -- if they know the details they may inadvertently account for that in their test strategy and not properly test the product.
For performance and scalability testing it's often helpful for the testers to have some high-level knowledge of the structure of the codebase, as it's beneficial in identifying potential performance hotspots, and therefore writing targetted test cases. The reason this is important is that generally performance testing is a broad open-ended process, so anything that can be done to focus the testing to get results is beneficial to everybody.
This sounds similiar to this previous question: Should QA test from a strictly black-box perspective?
I've never seen a circumstance where a tester who knew a lot about the internals of system was disadvantaged.
I would assert that there are self justifying myths that an informed tester is as adequate or even better than a deeply technical one because:
It allows project managers to use 'random or low quality resources' for testing. The 'as uninformed as the user myth'. If you want this type of testing - get some 'real' users to test your stuff.
Testers are still often seen as cheaper and less valuable than developers. The 'anybody can do blackbox testing myth'.
Development can defer proper testing to the test team. Two myths in one 'we don't need to train testers' and 'only the test team does testing' myths.
What you are looking at here is the difference between black box (no knowledge of the internals), white box (all knowledge) and grey box (some select knowledge).
The answer really depends on the purpose of the code. For integration heavy projects then where and how they communicate, even if it is entirely behind the scenes, allows testers to produce appropriate non-functional test cases.
These test cases are determining whether or not a component will gracefully handle the lack of availability of a dependency. It can also be used to identify performance related issues.
For example: As a tester if I know that the Web UI component defers a request to a orchestration service that does the real work then I can construct a scenario where the orchestration takes a long time (high load). If the user then performs another request (simulating user impatience) and the web service will receive a second request while the first is still going. If we continually repeat this the web service will eventually die from stress. Without knowing the underlying model it would not be easy to find the problem
In most cases for functionality testing then black box is preferred, as soon as you move towards non-functional or system integration then understanding the interactions can assist in ensuring appropriate test coverage.
Not all testers are skilled or comfortable working/understanding the component interactions or internals so it is on a per tester/per system basis on whether it is appropriate.
In almost all cases we start with black box and head towards white as the need sees.
A tester does not need to know internal details.
The application should be tested without any knowledge of interal structure, development problems, externals depenedncies.
If you encumber the tester with those additional info you push him into a certain testing scheme and the tester should never be pushed in a direction he should just test from a non coder view.
There are multiple testing methodologies that require code reviewing, and also those that don't.
The advantages to white-box testing (i.e. reading the code) is that you can tailor your testing to only test areas that you know (from reading the code) will fail.
Disadvantages include time wasted from actual testing to understand the code.
Black-box testing (i.e. not reading the code) can be just as good (or better?) at finding bugs than white-box.
Normally both types of testing can happen on one project, developers white-box unit testing, and testers black-box integration testing.
I prefer Black Box testing for final test regimes
In an ideal world...
Testers should know nothing about the internals of the code
They should know everything the customer will - i.e. have the documents/help required to use the system/application.(this definetly includes the API description/documents if it's some sort of code deliverable)
If the testers can't manage to find the defects with these limitations, you haven't documented your API/application enough.
If they are dedicated testers (Only thing they do) then I think they should know as little about the code as possible that they are attempting to test.
Too often they try to determine why its failing, that is the responsibility of the developer not the tester.
That said I think developers make great testers, because we tend to know the edge cases for certain types of functionality.
Here's an example of a bug which you can't find if you don't know the code internals, because you simply can't test all inputs:
long long int increment(long long int l) {
if (l == 475636294934LL) return 3;
return l + 1;
However, in this case it would be found if the tester had 100% code coverage as a target, and looked at only enough of the internals to write tests to achieve that.
Here's an example of a bug which you quite likely won't find if you do know the code internals, because false confidence is contagious. In particular, it is usually not possible for the author of the code to write a test which catches this bug:
int MyConnect(socket *sock) {
/* socket must have been bound already, but that's OK */
return RealConnect(sock);
If the documentation of MyConnect fails to mention that the socket must be bound, then something unexpected will happen some day (someone will call it unbound, and presumably the socket implementation will select an arbitrary local address). But a tester who can see the code often doesn't have the mindset of "testing" the documentation. Unless they're really on form, they won't notice that there's an assumption in the code not mentioned in the docs, and will just accept the assumption. In contrast, a tester writing from the docs could easily spot the bug, because they'll think "what possible states can a socket be in? I'll do a test for each". Since no constraints are mentioned, there's no reason they won't try the case that fails.
Answer: do both. One way to do this is to write a test suite before you see/write the code, and then add more tests to cover any special cases you introduce in your implementation. This applies whether or not the tester is the same person as the programmer, although obviously if the programmer writes the second kind of test, then only one person in the organisation has to understand the code. It's arguable whether it's a good long-term strategy to have code only one person has ever understood, but it's widespread, because it certainly saves time getting something out the door.
[Edit: I decline to say how these bugs came about. Maybe the programmer of the first one was clinically insane, and for the second one there are some restrictions on the port used, in order to workaround some weird network setup known to occur, and the socket is supposed to have been created via some de-weirdifying API whose existence is mentioned in the general sockets docs, but they neglect to require its use. Clearly in both these cases the programmer has been very careless. But that doesn't affect the point: the examples don't need to be realistic, since if you don't catch bugs that only a very careless programmer would make, then you won't catch all the actual bugs in your code unless you never have a bad day, make a crazy typo, etc.]
I guess it depends how good of testing you want. If you just want to sanity check the common scenarios, then by all means, just give the testers / pizza-eaters the application and tell them to go crazy.
However, if you'd like to have a chance at finding edge cases, performance or load issues, or a whole lot of other issues that hide in the depths of your code, you'd probably be better off hiring testers who know how and when to use white box techniques.
Your call.
IMHO, I think the industry view of testers is completely wrong.
Think about it ... you have two plumbers, one is extremely experienced, knows all the rules, the building codes, and can quickly look at something and know if the work is done right or not. The other plumber is good, and get the job done reliably.
Which one would you want to do the final inspection to make sure you don't come home to a flooded house? In fact, in what other industry do they allow someone who knows hardly anything about the system they are inspecting to actually do the inspection?
I have seen the bar for QA go up over the years, and that makes me happy. In time, QA may become something that devs aspire to be.
In short, not only should they be familiar with the code being tested, but they should have an understanding that rivals the architects of the product, as well as be able to effectively interface with the product owner(s) / customers to ensure that what is being created is actually what they want. But now I am going into a whole seperate conversation ...
Will it happen? Probably sooner than you think. I have been able to reduce the number of people needed to do QA, increase the overall effectiveness of the team, and increase the quality of the product simply by hiring very skilled people with dev / architect backgrounds with a strong aptitude for QA. I have lower operating costs, and since the software going out is higher quality, I end up with lower support costs. FWIW ... I have found that while I can backfill the QA guys effectively into a dev role when needed, the opposite is almost always not true.
If there is time, a tester should definitely go through a developers code. This way, you can improve your tests to get better coverage.
So, maybe if you write your black box tests looking at the spec and think you have the time to execute all of those and will still be left with time, going through code cannot be a bad idea.
Basically it all depends on how much time you have.. Another thing you can do to improve coverage is look at the developers design documents. Those should give you a good idea of what the code is going to look like...
Testers have the advantage of being familiar with both the dev code and the test code!
I would say they don't need to know the internal code details at all. However they do need to know the required functionality and system rules in full detail - like an analyst. Otherwise they won't test all the functionality, or won't realise when the system misbehaves.
For user acceptance testing the tester does not need to know the internal code details of the app. They only need to know the expected functionality, the business rules. When a bug is reported
Whoever is fixing the bug should know the inter-dependencies between various features.