JFugue not changing tempo in the middle of a song with 2 voices - tempo

I am using jFugue 4.03 and attempting to read in a song using the MusicXML reader class. Something odd is happening upon read in - the tempos are not being acknowledged. Here is a code snippet that I am trying, just to mock up what the "music string" looks like after it has been read in from the parser.
Player player = new Player();
//read in using the XML parser. Displaying it as a string literal for clarity
player.play("T60 V0 A3q B3q C3q B3q V1 A2h C2h | T120 V0 A3q B3q C3q B3q V1 A2h C2h");
On my machine (Windows 8 x64, Java 1.7.0_40) I hear the output of 2 measures of 2 voices playing [good so far], but they are at the same tempo (60bpm).
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

I found a work around by moving the T120 after the second V0, not before it.
Player player = new Player();
player.play("T60 V0 A3q B3q C3q B3q V1 A2h C2h | V0 T120 A3q B3q C3q B3q V1 A2h C2h");
In general, I used the following regex to post-fix my tempos when reading in from a MusicXML file:
Pattern tempoFixedPattern = new Pattern(pattern
.getMusicString().replaceAll("(T[0-9]+) (V[0-9]+)", "$2 $1"));


AviSynth - turn sound off

I am using AviSynth+ and I play an .avs script into VLC (I've installed the AviSynth plugin for VLC).
My script is very basic and it looks like this:
DirectShowSource("D:\MyVideo.asf", fps=25, convertfps=true)
How can I turn off the sound of the video, only for the first two minutes of the video?
I am using Windows 8 - 64 bit
I know that this is a very late answer, but an easy way to do it would be to split the clip into two segments, silence the first segment with Amplify, and then rejoin them:
original = DirectShowSource("D:\MyVideo.asf", fps=25, convertfps=true)
numSeconds = 60 * 2
numFrames = Round(source.FrameRate() * numSeconds)
beginning = source.Trim(0, numFrames - 1, False)
rest = source.Trim(numFrames, 0, False)
beginning.Amplify(0.0) + rest

Movesense CustomGATT and ECG or Accelerometer

There have been a few posts on this issue without any solutions announced.
Wanting to access internal movesense sensor data (ECG, Acc…) but without using the Android or iOS platforms ( as suggested by a movesense presentation https://www.movesense.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/2018-11-06-Using-Movesense-CustomGATTService.pdf ), I have failed to do so for at least 1 week.
I can successfully create my own GATT characteristics and subscribe to them from outside the movesense device. This is easily done by augmenting the samples/custom_gattsvc_app with a few lines :
Definition :
const uint16_t myCharUUID16 = 0x2A58; // this new characteristic will appear in the service as the third one in the sample
In CustomGATTSvcClient::configGattSvc() :
WB_RES::GattProperty myCharProp = WB_RES::GattProperty::INDICATE;
myChar.props = wb::MakeArray<WB_RES::GattProperty>( &myCharProp, 1);
myChar.uuid = wb::MakeArray<uint8_t>( reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&myCharUUID16), 2);
customGattSvc.chars = wb::MakeArray<WB_RES::GattChar>(characteristics, 3); // 3 here since there are 3 characteristics now
You can now see and subscribe with a BTLE client (bluetility…) to the new service even if it does not do anything for now.
The problems start here for me :
In CustomGATTSvcClient::onGetResult() I try to force a subscription to ECG or Acc since onGetResult() is called by CustomGATTSvcClient::onPostResult() once all the BT services are created :
int32_t sampleRate = 10;
asyncSubscribe(WB_RES::LOCAL::MEAS_ACC_SAMPLERATE(),AsyncRequestOptions::Empty, sampleRate);
I do not implement onSubscribeResult()
In onNotify() you should be able to intercept the call from the whiteboard with the new data every 1/10 second by
switch (resourceId.getConstId()) {
// To see a blinking LED on each new Acc data
asyncPut(WB_RES::LOCAL::COMPONENT_LED(),AsyncRequestOptions::Empty, myFlippingBool);
myFlippingBool = ! myFlippingBool;
What I have observed :
A. When I asyncSubscribe() the ECG or Acc, the sample’s WB_RES::LOCAL::MEAS_TEMP::LID is no longer called and no updates are dispatched to a BT client even after a successful subscription to the 0x2A1C characteristic. This means that all Notifications are disabled by a resource conflict ?
B. When subscribing ( as before ) or even by :
wb::Result result = getResource("Meas/Acc/10", mMyAccResourceId);
result = asyncSubscribe(mMyAccResourceId);
The onNotify() method is never called as the LED does not blink ( even directly after onNotify() implementation without the switch / case )
There is a lack of documentation on CustomGatt and it seems it blocks many people in integrating the sensor on other platforms ( Raspberry Pi or generic processors running a BT stack ).
I have tried before to access the movesense platform with direct AT commands from a rudimentary microcontroller and a BT module without success (Movesense direct access to GATT endpoints ), so now I’m turning to a Raspberry solution + Qt without success.
Thank you for any example or answers to this question !
At least 10 Hz is not supported. What happens with Meas\Acc\13 ?

Write bytes to a PLC device

I'm working around a connection between a PLC device and my companies PC. The PLC is the known Siemens S7-200 and I'm using vb.NET. Probably I should use another language but vb.NET is the one I'm more comfortable with. To do so, I'm also using a PPI protocol through COM1 and LibNoDave library to establish the connection.
The program I'm testing has to have Input 0.0 On, so I attached a switch to make it happen. Also I made a vb console to read (and write) the state of the Inputs and Outputs (as the LED physical indicators on the device) and also the state of the Bit memories:
The console reader (LEITOR section - sorry) is working like I intended and all the Q's, I's and M's are correctly lighting up if it is the case.
The problem is, to run the PLC program, I also have to lit up Q 1.1.
The Ladder Network that describes this has the following logical map:
I know I have to use the code:
Public FDS As libnodave.daveOSserialType 'Serial type
Public DI As libnodave.daveInterface 'Interface
Public DC As libnodave.daveConnection 'Connection
Public lPPI As Integer = 0 'Local
Public pPPI As Integer = 2 'PLC
Public RES As Integer = 0 'Response
Public REP As Integer = 0 'Response
Public buf(100) As Byte
Sub Code()
FDS.rfd = libnodave.setPort("COM1", "9600", AscW("E"))
DI = New libnodave.daveInterface(FDS, "IF1", lPPI, libnodave.daveProtoPPI, libnodave.daveSpeed93k)
DC = New libnodave.daveConnection(DI, pPPI, 0, 0)
RES = DC.connectPLC
'Write on PLC:
RES = DC.writeBytes(...
End sub
The code is working fine with no errors and an establish connection (until the last RESponse).
Here's the problem:
I can lit up the Output 1.1 (on the device and on the console) by doing the following:
RES = DC.writeBytes(libnodave.daveDB, 1, 1500, 16, buf)
buf = BitConverter.GetBytes(libnodave.daveSwapIed_16(30))
by repeating these two steps five more times (another time with 30 again, two more times with 50 and, finally, another two times with 50).
I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong, but there's not a lot of these commands description available online for a guy like me (who's just got started).
Can anyone explain what's going on? And also, How can I lit Q 1.1 with just one step?

Receive data from host computer using Circuit Python on Circuit Playground Express

I am using a Circuit Playground Express from Adafruit, and I'm programming it with Circuit Python.
I want to read data transmitted from the computer to which the Circuit Playground Express is connected via USB. Using input() works fine, but I would rather get the buffer of the serial instead, so that the loop would go on while there's no input. Something like serial.read().
import serial does not work on Circuit Python, or maybe I must install something. Is there anything else I could do to read the serial buffer using Circuit Python?
Aiden's answer lead me in the right direction and I found a nice (and slightly different) example of how to use supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available from Adafruit here (specifically lines 89-95): https://learn.adafruit.com/AT-Hand-Raiser/circuitpython-code
A minimum working example for code.py that takes the input and formats a new string in the form "RX: string" is
import supervisor
while True:
if supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available:
value = input().strip()
# Sometimes Windows sends an extra (or missing) newline - ignore them
if value == "":
print("RX: {}".format(value))
Tested on: Adafruit CircuitPython 4.1.0 on 2019-08-02; Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0 Express with samd21g18. Messages sent using the serial connection in mu-editor on macOS.
Sample output
main.py output:
RX: hello!
I got a simple example to work based on above posts, not sure how stable or useful it is, but still posting it here:
CircuitPython Code:
import supervisor
while True:
if supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available:
value = input().strip()
print(f"Received: {value}\r")
PC Code
import time
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('COM6', 115200) # open serial port
command = b'hello\n\r'
print(f"Sending Command: [{command}]")
ser.write(command) # write a string
ended = False
reply = b''
for _ in range(len(command)):
a = ser.read() # Read the loopback chars and ignore
while True:
a = ser.read()
if a== b'\r':
reply += a
print(f"Reply was: [{reply}]")
c:\circuitpythontest>python TEST1.PY
Sending Command: [b'hello\n\r']
Reply was: [b'Received: hello']
This is now somewhat possible!
In the January stable release of CircuitPython 3.1.2 the function serial_bytes_available was added to the supervisor module.
This allows you to poll the availability of serial bytes.
For example in the CircuitPython firmware (i.e. boot.py) a serial echo example would be:
import supervisor
def serial_read():
if supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available():
value = input()
and ensure when you create the serial device object on the host side you set the timeout wait to be very small (i.e. 0.01).
i.e in python:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(
ser.write(b'HELLO from CircuitPython\n')
x = ser.readlines()
print("received: {}".format(x))

Netduino + Ethernet Shield: How to write to SD card?

I have tried several example programs to write data to the SD card mounted on the Ethernet shield, but none worked. The SD card size is 4 GB and formatted as FAT32.
The Ethernet shield is the following:
(Bought on Amazon - Arduino Ethernet Shield)
And this is example code that doesn't work when creating a Netduino application (not Netduino Plus application) (thefirst line throws an exception):
public static void Main()
StorageDevice.MountSD("SD1", SPI_Devices.SPI1, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10);
string[] directories = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(#"\");
Debug.Print("directory count: " + directories.Length.ToString());
for (int i = 0; i < directories.Length; i++)
Debug.Print("directory: " + directories[i]);
string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(#"\SD1");
Debug.Print("file count: " + files.Length.ToString());
for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
Debug.Print("filename: " + files[i]);
FileStream fs = new FileStream(files[i], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None, 512);
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);
Debug.Print("contents: " + sr.ReadToEnd());
Is there a example working program?
Thanks to Chris and James, I managed to write to the SD card and read from it. After putting everything together, I wrote an article, in case anyone else faces the same issues.
The latest revision of the Arduino Ethernet Shield uses the "ICSP" header (3x2, 6-pin header on right side of board) to communicate. The input/output data going to your SD card is going over those pins.
We've included these same headers on the Netduino for compatibility; to use this shield, you'll want to solder the appropriate header onto your Netduino. Then you should be good to go!
BTW, Netduino Plus has integrated MicroSD and fast Ethernet networking...which may be an easy solution as well. http://www.netduino.com/netduinoplus/
Chris (Secret Labs LLC)
I found a reference on this forum page http://forums.netduino.com
"you'll currently need to put a jumper wire between D10 and D4 to get
the SD card to work--although that will not be necessary with the
production v4.1.1 firwmare (which will let you specify the SD card's
chip select line)."
Which makes me think that you need to use D4 instead of D10 for the SD Card. I found some other references on the same page that mentioned D10 is the SS pin for the Ethernet. The Firmware available on their download page is currently only 4.1.0 so you will probably need the jumper. I can't test this but the forum link should be a good starting point.