rails 4 complex SQL scope - sql

I have a model Users which has_many EventLogs.
I would like create a scope which will order Users by those with the most occurrences of EventLogs they have.
scope :highest_completed_events, .....
How can I count the number of EventLogs with a status of 2, and then order the users with the highest occurrence of that type of event.
User.joins(:event_logs).where("event_logs.status_id = 2")#... COUNT, then ORDER BY
Hope that makes sense.

Here's a query you can execute to get your users ordered by the number of events they have:
#users = User.
select("users.*, COUNT(event_logs.id) as event_logs_count").
joins('LEFT JOIN event_logs ON event_logs.user_id = users.id').
order('event_logs_count DESC')
You should use a LEFT JOIN since you'll want to include users who don't have any events.
If you were to write it as a scope:
scope(:highest_completed_events, {
select: 'users.*, COUNT(event_logs.id) as event_logs_count',
joins: 'LEFT JOIN event_logs ON event_logs.user_id = users.id',
group: 'users.id',
order: 'event_logs_count DESC'
#users = User.highest_completed_events
In order to filter the events by a particular status, simply use a where().
#users = User.
select("users.*, COUNT(event_logs.id) as event_logs_count").
joins('LEFT JOIN event_logs ON event_logs.user_id = users.id').
where('event_logs.status = ?', STATUS_COMPLETE).
order('event_logs_count DESC')
As an aside, sometimes you'll run into issues with ActiveRecord stripping out your custom select() statement when doing something like #users.count. What I normally do is nest this kind of thing in a custom from() statement.
_from = User.
select("users.*, COUNT(event_logs.id) as event_logs_count").
joins('LEFT JOIN event_logs ON event_logs.user_id = users.id').
order('event_logs_count DESC').to_sql
#users = User.from("(#{_from}) as users")
#users.count # will work

User.all.sort_by{|u| u.event_logs.select{|l| l.status_id = 2}.count}.reverse
Or is it 'eventlogs'? Schouldn't your line be has_many :event_logs ?
BTW, my solution is not very efficient but DB-agnostic.


SQL LEFT JOIN value NOT in either join column

I suspect this is a rather common scenario and may show my ineptitude as a DB developer, but here goes anyway ...
I have two tables: Profiles and HiddenProfiles and the HiddenProfiles table has two relevant foreign keys: profile_id and hidden_profile_id that store ids from the Profiles table.
As you can imagine, a user can hide another user (wherein his profile ID would be the profile_id in the HiddenProfiles table) or he can be hidden by another user (wherein his profile ID would be put in the hidden_profile_id column). Again, a pretty common scenario.
Desired Outcome:
I want to do a join (or to be honest, whatever would be the most efficient query) on the Profiles and HiddenProfiles table to find all the profiles that a given profile is both not hiding AND not hidden from.
In my head I thought it would be pretty straightforward, but the iterations I came up with kept seeming to miss one half of the problem. Finally, I ended up with something that looks like this:
SELECT "profiles".* FROM "profiles"
LEFT JOIN hidden_profiles hp1 on hp1.profile_id = profiles.id and (hp1.hidden_profile_id = 1)
LEFT JOIN hidden_profiles hp2 on hp2.hidden_profile_id = profiles.id and (hp2.profile_id = 1)
WHERE (hp1.hidden_profile_id is null) AND (hp2.profile_id is null)
Don't get me wrong, this "works" but in my heart of hearts I feel like there should be a better way. If in fact there is not, I'm more than happy to accept that answer from someone with more wisdom than myself on the matter. :)
And for what it's worth these are two RoR models sitting on a Postgres DB, so solutions tailored to those constraints are appreciated.
Models are as such:
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :hidden_profiles, dependent: :delete_all
scope :not_hidden_to_me, -> (profile) { joins("LEFT JOIN hidden_profiles hp1 on hp1.profile_id = profiles.id and (hp1.hidden_profile_id = #{profile.id})").where("hp1.hidden_profile_id is null") }
scope :not_hidden_by_me, -> (profile) { joins("LEFT JOIN hidden_profiles hp2 on hp2.hidden_profile_id = profiles.id and (hp2.profile_id = #{profile.id})").where("hp2.profile_id is null") }
scope :not_hidden, -> (profile) { self.not_hidden_to_me(profile).not_hidden_by_me(profile) }
class HiddenProfile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :profile
belongs_to :hidden_profile, class_name: "Profile"
So to get the profiles I want I'm doing the following:
And again, maybe this is fine, but if there's a better way I'll happily take it.
If you want to get this list just for a single profile, I would implement an instance method to perform effectively the same query in ActiveRecord. The only modification I made is to perform a single join onto a union of subqueries and to apply the conditions on the subqueries. This should reduce the columns that need to be loaded into memory, and hopefully be faster (you'd need to benchmark against your data to be sure):
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
def visible_profiles
Profile.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN (
SELECT profile_id p_id FROM hidden_profiles WHERE hidden_profile_id = #{id}
SELECT hidden_profile_id p_id FROM hidden_profiles WHERE profile_id = #{id}
) hp ON hp.p_id = profiles.id").where("hp.p_id IS NULL")
Since this method returns an ActiveRecord scope, you can chain additional conditions if desired:
Profile.find(1).visible_profiles.where("created_at > ?", Time.new(2015,1,1)).order(:name)
Personally I've never liked the join = null approach. I find it counter intuitive. You're asking for a join, and then limiting the results to records that don't match.
I'd approach it more as
SELECT id FROM profiles p
(SELECT * FROM hidden_profiles hp1
WHERE hp1.hidden_profile_id = 1 and hp1.profile_id = p.profile_id)
NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM hidden_profiles hp2
WHERE hp2.hidden_profile_id = p.profile_id and hp2.profile_id = 1)
But you're going to need to run it some EXPLAINs with realistic volumes to be sure of which works best.

Query using condition within an array

I have 2 models, user and centre, which have a many to many relationship.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name
has_and_belongs_to_many :centres
class Centre < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :centre_id, :city_id, :state_id
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
Now I have an user with multiple centres, and I want to retrieve all the centres that have the same "state_id" as that user.
This is what I am doing now
state_id_array = []
user.centres.each do |centre|
state_id_array << centre.state_id
return Centre.where("state_id IN (?)", state_id_array).uniq
It works, but it's very ugly. Is there a better way for achieving this? Ideally a one line query.
Now I have
Centre.where('centres.state_id IN (?)', Centre.select('state_id').joins(:user).where('users.id=(?)', user))
The subquery work by itself, but when I tried to execute the entire query, I get NULL for the inner query.
Centre.select('state_id').joins(:user).where('users.id=(?)', user)
will generate
SELECT state_id FROM "centres" INNER JOIN "centres_users" ON "centres_users"."centre_id" = "centres"."id" INNER JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" = "centres_users"."user_id" WHERE (users.id = (5))
Which return 'SA', 'VIC', 'VIC'
but the whole query will generate
SELECT DISTINCT "centres".* FROM "centres" WHERE (centres.state_id IN (NULL,NULL,NULL))
Does user also has state_id column if yes then try this,
User.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN users ON users.state_id = centers.state_id")
try User.joins(:center)
will retrieve a model with only the state_id column populated. To retrieve a field, use
Below is the final query I had
Centre.where('centres.state_id IN (?)', Centre.joins(:user).where('users.id=(?)', user).pluck('state_id').uniq)

Custom select on join table

I'm using rails 3.2, and trying to use ActiveRecord to query my database.
I have 2 activerecord models, Admin and Order:
class Admin < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :email, :name
has_many :orders
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :operation
belongs_to :admin
In my case, order.operation is a string, representing order type. I'm trying to build a query giving me three columns:
admin.name, admin.orders.where(:operation => 'bonus').count, admin.orders.where(:operation => 'gift').count
Is there a way to fit it in a single query?
here's raw sql to get what I need:
SELECT t_a.admin_id_com, t_a.name, gb_f_f_gb_f_fi.bonus_count, gb_f_f_gb_f_fi.gifts_count
SELECT f_fil.admin_id_gifts, f_fil.gifts_count, f_filt.admin_id_bonus, f_filt.bonus_count
SELECT admin_id as admin_id_gifts, count(distinct id) as gifts_count FROM orders WHERE operation = 'new gifts!' GROUP BY admin_id_gifts)
SELECT admin_id as admin_id_bonus, count(distinct id) as bonus_count FROM orders WHERE operation = 'new bonuses!' GROUP BY admin_id_bonus)
f_filt ON (f_fil.admin_id_gifts = f_filt.admin_id_bonus))
gb_f_f_gb_f_fi LEFT OUTER JOIN (
SELECT id AS admin_id_com, t_ad.name FROM admins t_ad) t_a ON (gb_f_f_gb_f_fi.admin_id_gifts = t_a.admin_id_com)
Is it possible to buid a query like that using ActiveRecord?
Try this:
#admins = Admin.joins(:orders).
select("admins.id, admins.name, orders.id,
SUM((orders.operation = 'bonus')::integer) AS bonus_count,
SUM((orders.operation = 'gift')::integer) AS gift_count ").
group("admins.id ")
# access each columns as
admin.name, admin.bonus_count, admin.gift_count
Other option is to use eager loading, it will use two queries but might be faster
#admins = Admin.includes(:orders)
# in admin.rb
def orders_count(type)
# Don't use where here as it would make a separate query instead of using eager loading records
orders.select{|x| x.operation == type}.count
# access each columns as
admin.name, admin.orders_count("bonus"), admin.orders_count("gift")

complex join in scope in Rails ActiveRecord

I have the following scope, which I know is not optimal:
scope :event_stream_for, lambda{ |user|
where("target_id in (?) and target_type = ?", user.events.collect(&:id), "Event")
This creates 3 queries. How can I optimize it?
Alternatively, how do I put the whole sql statement in lambda of the scope, like
SELECT * FROM activities WHERE target_type =='Event' AND target_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT id FROM events WHERE (host_id == user.id OR invitee_id == user.id))
Thank you
Assuming user has many events and each event belongs to a user.
scope :event_stream_for, lambda{ |user
joins(:events). # or joins("LEFT JOIN events ON events.user_id = users.id").
where(["target_type=?", "Event"])
this will run one query. Haven't tested my code with your table, but it should work similarly.
----------------------- based on your edited question -------------------
SELECT * FROM activities WHERE target_type =='Event' AND target_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT id FROM events WHERE (host_id == user.id OR invitee_id == user.id))
It's all about ActiveRecord Relation, http://railscasts.com/episodes/239-activerecord-relation-walkthrough?view=asciicast
select("*,distinct events.id AS events_id").
joins("events ON (events.host_id = #{user.id} OR events.invitee_id = #{user.id}").
where(:target_type => 'Event')
Try this on console, and if it works you can just simply change it to scope.
Since i m not sure what you are trying to do, you may need some adjustment.
How about this?
scope :event_stream_for, lambda{ |user|
where("target_id in (SELECT DISTINCT id FROM events WHERE (host_id == ? OR invitee_id == ?) and target_type = ?", user.id, user.id, "Event")
It's just rearranging what you already had, but it should get you down to one query, since it doesn't use the associations in code.

Nested sql queries in rails when :has_and_belongst_to_many

In my application I the next task that has not already been done by a user. I have Three models, A Book that has many Tasks and then I have a User that has has and belongs to many tasks. The table tasks_users table contains all completed tasks so I need to write a complex query to find the next task to perform.
I have came up with two solutions in pure SQL that works, but I cant translate them to rails, thats what I need help with
SELECT * FROM `tasks`
WHERE `tasks`.`book_id` = #book_id
AND `tasks`.`id` NOT IN (
SELECT `tasks_users`.`task_id`
FROM `tasks_users`
WHERE `tasks_users`.`user_id` = #user_id)
ORDER BY `task`.`date` ASC
and equally without nested select
FROM tasks
LEFT JOIN tasks_users
ON tasks_users.tasks_id = task.id
AND tasks_users.user_id = #user_id
WHERE tasks_users.task_id IS NULL
AND tasks.book_id = #book_id
This is what I Have done in rails with the MetaWhere plugin
book.tasks.joins(:users.outer).where(:users => {:id => nil})
but I cant figure out how to get the current user there too,
Thanks for any help!
I think this will duplicate the second form with the LEFT JOIN:
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :next_task, lambda { |book,user| book.tasks.\
joins("LEFT JOIN task_users ON task_users.task_id=tasks.id AND task_users.user_id=#{user.id}").\
order("date DESC").limit(1) }
Note that instead of tasks_users this uses the table name task_user, which is more typical for a join model. Also, it needs to be called with:
book.tasks.where("tasks.id not in (select task_id from tasks_users where user_id=?)", #user_id).first
That would give you the first task that doesn't already have an entry in tasks_users for the current user.