Error while using Paginated Lucene Search in cloudant - lucene

I'm currently having an issue in lucene cloudant implementation with pagination.
{"error":"scala.Symbol cannot be cast to org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef","reason":null}
The URL that I am trying to access :
What I found :
If I remove the bookmark ( means 1st page ) it works fine.
Or, If I remove the sort, it works fine.
below is the index that I created for this view :
"indexes": {
"name": {
"index": "function (doc)
if (doc.Type == 'contact')
index("default", doc._id);
index("name",doc.Name,{"store": "yes"});
if(doc.Profile) {index("profile", doc.Profile, {"store": "no"});}
if (doc.Aliases)
if (Array.isArray(doc.Aliases))
doc.Aliases.forEach(function (alias){
index("alias", alias, {"store":"yes"})
index("alias", doc.Alias_Name, {"store":"yes"})

We have deployed a fix for this issue and you should no longer be experiencing this problem. Please confirm that that is the case. Thanks!


$nuxt is not defined when using $nuxt.route in computed

I'm looking to use the following for my nuxt routes within the computed property. All seemed to be working until 3mins ago when I started getting $nuxt is not defined. Removing the following code makes the app run again. What am I doing wrong here?
computed: {
updateActiveRoute() {
return $nuxt.$ ? $nuxt.$ : 'Hello'
watch: {
updateActiveRoute(newVal) {
this.activeRoute = newVal
$nuxt, precisely window.$nuxt is only available on client-side and should only be used as escape hatch.
You can access the route object via this.$route instead when using the Options API.
computed: {
updateActiveRoute() {
return this.$ ? this.$ : 'Hello'
watch: {
updateActiveRoute(newVal) {
this.activeRoute = newVal
Use this.$nuxt
Only within the template you can access variables without this.

BigCommerce Stencil - GraphQL query using front matter not returning anything

I'm not sure if it's a bug, but I'm not able to make GraphQL work in the Cornerstone template. I'm expecting an error or something getting returned at least, but nothing is being rendered at all from gql.
I am on the pages/product.html template, and I even tried this example from the docs:
limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_videos_count}}
limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_reviews_count}}
limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_related_products_count}}
limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_similar_by_views_count}}
gql: "query productById($productId: Int!) {
site {
product(entityId: $productId) {
variants(first: 25) {
edges {
node {
defaultImage {
url(width: 1000)
My goal is to have access to the paths/URL on each of the product's category because product.category is just an array of category names. Here's the query I am able to make work on the GraphQL playground (86 to be replaced by $productId in the front matter GraphQL query, I think?):
query getProductCategories {
site {
product(entityId: 86) {
categories {
edges {
node {
If there's no way around this, maybe I'll just try to do the fetching in the client side.
This now works correctly, as of 20-Sep-2021.
There was a bug, tracked as an issue here: which has been resolved and closed.

Read query from apollo cache with a query that doesn't exist yet, but has all info stored in the cache already

I have a graphql endpoint where this query can be entered:
fragment ChildParts {
fragment ParentParts {
children {
node {
query {
parents {
nodes {
When executed, it returns something like this:
"data": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "<some id for parent>",
"__typename": "ParentNode",
"children": {
"edges": [
node: {
"id": "<some id for child>",
"__typename": "ChildNode"
Now, with apollo client, after a mutation, I can read this query from the cache, and update / add / delete any ParentNode, and also any ChildNode, but I have to go over the structure returned by this query.
Now, I'm looking for a possibility to get a list of ChildNodes out of the cache (which has those already, as the cache is created as a flat list), to make the update of nested data a bit easier. Is there a possibility of reading a query out of the cache, without having read the same query from the server before?
You can use the client's readFragment method to retrieve any one individual item from the cache. This just requires the id and a fragment string.
const todo = client.readFragment({
fragment: gql`
fragment fooFragment on Foo {
Note that id here is the cache key returned by the dataIdFromObject function -- if you haven't specified a custom function, then (provided the __typename and id or _id fields are present) the default implementation is just:
${result.__typename}:${ || result._id}
If you provided your own dataIdFromObject function, you'll need to provide whatever id is returned by that function.
As #Herku pointed out, depending on the use case, it's also possible to use cache redirects to utilize data cached for one query when resolving another one. This is configured as part of setting up your InMemoryCache:
const cache = new InMemoryCache({
cacheRedirects: {
Query: {
book: (_, args, { getCacheKey }) =>
getCacheKey({ __typename: 'Book', id: })
Unfortunately, as of writing this answer, I don't believe there's any method to delete a cached item by id. There's on going discussion here around that point (original issue here).

Add a new element in each array of objects where array may have different length in mongodb

I have a following shema.
I have to add a new field into headerValues array like this:
I tried different approaches like this:
for(var i=0;i<data.output.headerValues.length;i++) {
"_id": data._id, "output.headerValues.startDate":data.output.headerValues[i].startDate
"$set": {
So, In this approach it is executing script and then failing. It is updating result with failed statement.
Another approach I have followed using this link:
{ "$set": { "output.headerValues.$[].types":"used" }
But it fails with error:
cannot use the part (headerValues of output.headerValues.$[].types) to
traverse the element ({headerValues: [ { startDate: "0707", headers:
"Id|week" } ]}) WriteError#src/mongo/shell/bulk_api.js:469:48
I have searched with many different ways which can update different arrays object by adding new field to each object but no success. Can anybody please suggest that what am I doing wrong?
Your query is {"_id" : "week"} but in your data id field is week
So you can change {"_id" : "week"} to {"id" : "week"} and also update your mongodb latest version
{ "$set": { "output.headerValues.$[].types":"used" }

Invocation from function in QML?

I can share an item easily using an InvokeActionItem in a Page but I need to be able to call it in a listview item. I've managed to trigger an invoke, but I cannot figure out how to add data when triggering it. I keep getting an error message of
InvocationPrivate::setQuery: you are not allowed to change InvokeQuery object
Note: I am trying to do this in purely QML, I will do it via c++ if necessary but QML would be preferable.
Code that works inside a Page object:
actions: [
InvokeActionItem {
ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
title: "Share"
query {
mimeType: "text/plain"
invokeActionId: "bb.action.SHARE"
onTriggered: {
//myTextProperty is a string variable property for the page.
data = myTextProperty;
The code I've tried to use in the other item is as follows, but does NOT work:
Container {
gestureHandlers: [
TapHandler {
LongPressHandler {
onLongPressed: {
attachedObjects: [
Invocation {
id: invokeShare
query: InvokeQuery {
mimeType: "text/plain"
Is there a way to change the data for an invoke purely with QML or do I need to just run it through c++ instead?
After a fair amount of browsing forums and testing various methods, I have finally found one that works.
Add the following in your attachedObjects:
attachedObjects: [
Invocation {
id: invokeShare
query: InvokeQuery {
mimeType: "text/plain"
onArmed: {
if ( != "") {
Then wherever you need to call the invocation do the following:
invokeQuery.mimeType = "text/plain" = "mytext";
Note that if you do not do a check in the onArmed for data it will automatically call the invocation on creation - in the case of a listview this can result in 20+ screens asking you to share on bbm... ;)
You can actually use the InvokeActionItem, you just have to call updateQuery to retrigger the invokeQuery.
When the ListItemData changes, the binding will cause the values to update.
InvokeActionItem {
enabled: != undefined
id: invokeAction
uri: "" +
onQueryChanged: {
For remove "InvocationPrivate::setQuery: you are not allowed to change InvokeQuery object" message I use this:
attachedObjects: [
Invocation {
id: invoke
query {
mimeType: "text/plain"
invokeTargetId: "sys.bbm.sharehandler"
onDataChanged: {
console.log("change data")
onArmed: {
if ( != "") {
function shareBBM(){
invoke.query.setData("TEXT TO SHARE");