Static or dynamic width access to computer BUS? [closed] - embedded

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Suppose we have a simple processor, could be an embedded system, with one system bus, for the sake of the argument, a 32bit bus.
Now, if we have a couple of Peripherals, one named PER0 for example, attached to the bus, we can do two things:
Allow it to have fixed-width access to the main bus, for example 8 bits, and that way PER0 will always communicate with the bus in 8bit packages. This we can call static-width access.
Allow it to have options to choose how it will communicate with the
bus in terms of size of data by using signals with which it tells
the processor the mode of access it wants to use. For example, we
create two signals, A1 and A0, between the processor and PER0, whose
values will say:
00 - wait
01 - 8bit
10 - 16bit
11 - 32bit
and so the processor will know whether to send 8bit data to its
bus, or 32bit data, based on the values of A1, A0. This we can call
dynamic-width access to the bus.
In your experience, which of these two methods is preferred, and why? Also, in which cases should this be implemented? And finally, considering embedded systems, which method is more widely spread?
EDIT: I would like to expand on this topic, so I'm not asking for personal preferences, but for further information about these two methods, and their applications in computer systems. Therefore, I believe that this qualifies as a legitimate stackoverflow question.

There are multiple considerations. Naturally, the dynamic-width would allow better utilization of bandwidth in case you have multiple sizes in your transactions. On the other hand, if you transfer some 8 bytes, and then the next 8, you double the overhead compared to the baseline (transferring the full block in one go, assuming you can cache it until it fully consumed). So basically you need to know how well you can tell in advance which chunks you're going to need.
There's an interesting paper about the possibility of using such a dynamic sized transactions between the CPU and the DRAM:
Adaptive granularity memory systems: a tradeoff between storage efficiency and throughput
There you can see the conflict since it's very hard to tell which transactions you'll need in the future and whether bringing only partial data may cause a degradation. They went to the effort of implementing a predictor to try and speculate that. Note that this is applicable to you only if you're dealing with coherent memory.


Do any microprocessors today use Scoreboarding or Tomasulo's algorithm? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've researched a bit and i found out about Intel pentium pro, AMD K7, IBM power PC but these are pretty old. I'm not able to find any info about current day processors that use these mechanisms for dynamic scheduling
Every modern OoO exec CPU uses Tomasulo's algorithm for register renaming. The basic idea of renaming onto more physical registers in a kind of SSA dependency analysis hasn't changed.
Modern Intel CPUs like Skylake have evolved some since Pentium Pro (e.g. renaming onto a physical register file instead of holding data right in the ROB), but PPro and the P6 family is a direct ancestor of the Sandybridge-family. See for some discussion of the first member of that new family. (And if you're curious about CPU internals, a much more in-depth look at it.) See also but Agner's microarch guide focuses more on how to optimize for it, e.g. that register renaming isn't a bottleneck on modern CPUs: rename width matches issue width, and the same register can be renamed 4 times in an issue group of 4 instructions.
Advancements in managing the RAT include Nehalem introducing fast-recovery for branch misses: snapshot the RAT on branches so you can restore to there when you detect a branch miss, instead of draining earlier un-executed uops before starting recovery.
Also mov-elimination and xor-zeroing elimination: they're handled at register-rename time instead of needing a back-end uop to write the register. (For xor-zeroing, presumably there's a physical zero register and zeroing idioms point the architectural register at that physical zero. What is the best way to set a register to zero in x86 assembly: xor, mov or and? and Can x86's MOV really be "free"? Why can't I reproduce this at all?)
If you're going to do OoO exec at all, you might as well go all-in, so AFAIK nothing modern does just scoreboarding instead of register renaming. (Except for in-order cores that scoreboard loads, so cache-miss latency doesn't stall until a later instruction actually reads the load's target register.)
There are still in-order execution cores that don't do either, leaving instruction scheduling / software-pipelining up to compilers / humans. aka statically scheduled. This is not rare; widely used budget smartphone chips use cores like ARM Cortex-A53. Most programs bottleneck on memory, and you can allow some memory-level parallelism in an in-order core, especially with a store buffer.
Sometimes energy per computation is more important than performance.
Tomasulo's algorithm dates back to 1967. It's quite old and several modifications and improvements have been made to it. Also, new dynamic scheduling methods have been developed.
Check out
Likewise, pure Scoreboarding is not used anymore, at least not in mainstream architectures, but its core concept is used as a base element for modern dynamic scheduling techniques.
It is fair to say that although they're not used as is anymore, some of their features are still maintained in modern dynamic scheduling and out-of-order execution techniques.

About embedded firmware development [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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In the past few days I found how important is RTOS layer on the top of the embedded hardware.
My question is :
Is there any bifurcation between device driver (written in C directly burned over the microcontroller)
And the Linux Device driver ?
This question is a little broad, but an answer, a little broad itself, can be given.
The broadness comes from the fact that "embedded hardware" is not a precise term. That hardware ranges from 4 bit microcontrollers, or 8 pins ones, up to big CPUs which have many points in common with typical processors used tipically on linux machines (desktop and servers). Linux itself can be tailored up to the point it does not resemble a normal operating system anymore.
Anyway, a few things, generally acceptable, can be the following. Linux is not, in its "plain" version, a real time operating system - with the term RTOS instead, the "real time" part is implied. So, this can be one bifurcation. But the most important thing, I think, is that embedded firmware tries to address the hardware and the task to be done without anything else added. Linux O.S. instead is general purpose - it means that it offers a lot of services and functionalities that, in many cases, are not needed and only give more cost, less performances, more complication.
Often, in a small or medium embedded system, there is not even a "driver": the hardware and the application talk directly to each other. Of course, when the hardware is (more or less) standard (like a USB port, a ethernet controller, a serial port), the programming framework can provide ready-to-use software that sometimes is called "driver" - but very often it is not a driver, but simply a library with a set of functions to initialize the device, and exchange data. The application uses those library routines to directly manage the device. The O.S. layer is not present or, if the programmer wants to use an RTOS, he must check that there are no problems.
A Linux driver is not targeted to the application, but to the kernel. And the application seldom talks to the driver - it uses instead a uniform language (tipically "file system idiom") to talk to the kernel, which in turns calls the driver on behalf of the application.
A simple example I know very well is a serial port. Under Linux you open a file (may be /dev/ttyS0), use some IOCTL and alike to set it up, and then start to read and write to the file. You don't even care that there is a driver in the middle, and the driver was written without knowledge of the application - the driver only interacts with the kernel.
In many embedded cases instead, you set up the serial port writing directly to the hardware registers; you then write two interrupt routines which read and write to the serial port, getting and putting data from/into ram buffers. The application reads and writes data directly to those buffers. Special events (or not so special ones) can be signaled directly from the interrupt handlers to the application. Sometimes I implement the serial protocol (checksum, packets, sequences) directly in the interrupt routine. It is faster, and simpler, and uses less resources. But clearly this piece of software is no more a "driver" in the common sense.
Hope this answer explains at least a part of the whole picture, which is very large.

How can I inspect network traffic from a GPRS watch? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I recently received a one of these Chinese watches that communicates over GPRS. I am trying to decipher the protocol used, as well as trying to figure out why it does not work.
I was thinking that there might be various approaches to inspecting the network traffic in this case.
Maybe there is a 3G/GSM operator that lets me inspect the network traffic? (does this exist?)
Create a fake base-station using software defined radio (seems incredibly overkill)
Maybe some other trick can work?
GPRS is what I'd call an extension to GSM. As that, it's encrypted.
So simply sniffing airborne traffic won't do. It's possible, though not overly likely, that your network operator uses weak encryption (slides), but deciphering GPRS traffic might be a bit much if you haven't done something like that before. Hence, your two approaches sound reasonable.
Maybe there is a 3G/GSM operator that lets me inspect the network traffic? (does this exist?)
No. At least, I don't think so (and on some level, I hope they don't. The potential for abuse is just too high).
However, you could be your own operator, as you notice yourself:
Create a fake base-station using software defined radio (seems incredibly overkill)
How's that overkill? You want to play man in the middle in a complex infrastructure. Becoming infrastructure does sound like the logical next step.
As a matter of fact, Osmocom's OpenBSC freshly supports GPRS modes. You can program your own sim card and use it, without faking anything, within your own network. It's noteworthy that under any jurisdiction I can think of, you'll need a spectrum license to operate a mobile phone network, so you should only do this within a well-shielded enclosure.
Another approach that sounds far more viable and financially sound: Disassemble one watch, look out for the different ICs/modules, identify whether there's an isolated GPRS modem. Find the serial lines between that and your watch's CPU, and tap electrically into that with a <10USD serial-to-USB converter. Out of curiosity, I think we'd all like to know which model you got from where :D

Why would you need to know about each processor in particular? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm curious to understand what could be the motivation behind the fine-grained detail of each virtual processor that the Windows 8 task manager seems to be focusing on.
Here's a screenshot (from here):
I know this setup could only exist in a non-standard, costly, important server environment (1TB RAM!), but what is the use of a heatmap? Or, setting processor affinity:
What I'm asking is, under what circumstances a developer would care if specific processor X is being used more than processor Y (instead of just knowing that a single non-multithreaded process is maxing out a core, which would be better shown as a process heatmap, instead of a processor heatmap), or care whether a process will use this or that processor (which I can't expect a human to guess better than an auto-balancing algorithm)?
In most cases, it doesn't matter, and the heatmap does nothing more than look cool.
Big servers, though, are different. Some processors have a "NUMA", or Non-Uniform Memory Access, architecture. In these cases, some processor cores are able to access some chunks of memory faster than other cores. In these cases, adjusting the process affinity to keep the process on the cores with faster memory access might prove useful. Also, if a processor has per-core caches (as many do), there might be a performance cost if a thread were to jump from one core to another. The Windows scheduler should do a good job avoiding switches like these, but I could imagine in some strange workloads you might need to force it.
These settings could also be useful if you want to limit the number of cores an application is using (say to keep some other cores free for another dedicated task.) It might also be useful if you're running a stress test and you are trying to determine if you have a bad CPU core. It also could work around BIOS/firmware bugs such as the bugs related to high-performance timers that plagued many multi-core CPUs from a few years back.
I can't give you a good use case for this heat map (except that it looks super awesome), but I can tell you a sad story about how we used CPU affinity to fix something.
We were automating some older version of MS Office to do some batch processing of Word documents and Word was occasionally crashing. After a while of troubleshooting and desperation, we tried setting Word process' affinity to just one CPU to reduce concurrency and hence reduce the likelihood of race conditions. It worked. Word stopped crashing.
One possible scenario would be a server that is running multiple VMs where each client is paying to have access to their VM.
The administrator may set the processor affinities so that each VM has guaranteed access to X number of cores (and would charge the client appropriately).
Now, suppose that the administrator notices that the cores assigned to ABC Company Inc.'s VMs are registering highly on the heatmap. This would be a perfect opportunity to upsell ABC Company Inc and get them to pay for more cores.
Both the administrator and ABC Company Inc win - the administrator makes more money, and ABC Company Inc experience better performance.
In this way, the heatmap can function as a Decision Support System which helps ABC Company Inc decide whether their needs merit more cores, and helps the administrator to target their advertising better to the their customers that can benefit.

Can I write or modify data on an RFID tag? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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maybe my question would be lost in the forum, but has somebody work with RFID tags? I know I can read them, but can I write or modify the inside data? Does anyone know where can I find more about this?
RFID Standards:
125 Khz (low-frequency) tags are write-once/read-many, and usually only contain a small (permanent) unique identification number.
13.56 Mhz (high-frequency) tags are usually read/write, they can typically store about 1 to 2 kilbytes of data in addition to their preset (permanent) unique ID number.
860-960 Mhz (ultra-high-frequency) tags are typically read/write and can have much larger information storage capacity (I think that 64 KB is the highest currently available for passive tags) in addition to their preset (permanent) unique ID number.
More Information
Most read/write tags can be locked to prevent further writing to specific data-blocks in the tag's internal memory, while leaving other blocks unlocked. Different tag manufacturers make their tags differently, though.
Depending on your intended application, you might have to program your own microcontroller to interface with an embedded RFID read/write module using a manufacturer-specific protocol. That's certainly a lot cheaper than buying a complete RFID read/write unit, as they can cost several thousand dollars. With a custom solution, you can build you own unit that does specifically what you want for as little as $200.
RFID Journal
RFID Toys (Book) Website
SkyTek - RFID reader manufacturing company (you can buy their products through third-party retailers & wholesalers like Mouser)
Trossen Robotics - You can buy RFID tags and readers (125 Khz & 13.56 Mhz) from here, among other things
I did some development with Mifare Classic (ISO 14443A) cards about 7-8 years ago. You can read and write to all sectors of the card, IIRC the only data you can't change is the serial number.
Back then we used a proprietary library from Philips Semiconductors. The command interface to the card was quite alike the ISO 7816-4 (used with standard Smart Cards).
I'd recomment that you look at the OpenPCD platform if you are into development.
This is also of interest regarding the cryptographic functions in some RFID cards.
Some RFID chips are read-write, the majority are read-only. You can find out if your chip is read-only by checking the datasheet.
It depends on the type of chip you are using, but nowerdays most chips you can write. It also depends on how much power you give your RFID device. To read you dont need allot of power and very little line of sight. To right you need them full insight and longer insight
RFID tag has more standards. I have developed the RFID tag on Mifare card (ISO 14443A,B) and ISO 15693. Both of them, you can read/write or modify the data in the block data of RFID tag.
We have recently started looking into RFID solutions at my work place and we found a cheap solution for testing purposes.
One of the units from here:
Plugs into any windows mobile device with an SD slot and allows reading / writing. There is also a development kit to get you on your way with your own apps.
Hope this helps