Getting started with IntelliJ IDEA [closed] - intellij-idea

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Closed 9 years ago.
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there is a new book about intellij , Getting started with IntelliJ IDEA , i find tome website but can not find anyone , anyone has this book please send me ?

Unless I am misunderstanding you... you are asking someone to illegally send you a copy of this book in e-book format. That's rather unethical. And it goes against the spirit, if not the rules, of StackOverflow. Not to mention the law. Authors work hard to write books. I'm sure this one is no exception. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if people stole things from you and/or your company. You'd be out of a job soon and living on the streets. If you want a copy of the book -- e-book or physical book -- you can buy it.

I'm not aware of any really good books, but there is a very good overview demo to get started with:
Have fun!

I guess this is the one you refer to. As you can see, it should(or already) out this month, but you'll have to wait, till you can download it from web for free. If you would like to master this program, you should just code and in time you'll know pretty much that you need.


ETL Steps and Performance Guide [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new to ETL and BI intelligence. I want to learn and work on Pentaho Spoon tool for ETL. I have searched a lot for a tutorial/blog or guide which should be an excellent and easy for a nascent user. i want this tutorial consisting of following things.
i. Which steps should be used?
ii. Where should we use any step?
iii. Which steps should be skipped and why?
iv. How to maintain the performance?
The performance is the main issue for me and i want to make a brilliant KTR's in the sense of time and memory.
Note: For me Stackoverflow is the best platform to ask such type of question's from an intelligent and wise peoples.
Read the Kettle cookbook ( Proper book, available on amazon ) it has all of this. This is far too much to answer in a single tutorial or q&a site!
The books "Pentaho Solutions" and "Pentaho Kettle Solutions" of Roland Bouman, Jos van Dongen and Matt Casters are recommended too. Further, the first book works with MySQL if it can be useful for you.
I've also read "Pentaho 3.2 Data Integration", because although it is about an old version, it was quite useful to start and understand how to use some transformations or do some tasks.
This questions seems let research,
butt still you can use Pentaho Data Integration Steps documentation where by going through each step you will get all answer for your question.
Pentaho Data Integration Steps

tool to help understand project? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have big project (not mine) in java EE , at first when I looked at it there were many many classes, when I try to understand a method of class there is another class which calls method in it and again and again, It's really hard to understand the code (there is no documentation) is there any tool to help me ?
Unfortunately there aren't really any tools to help with this, the most that you can hope is that someone created a UML Doc for the code you're viewing. However, as this is not the case, the best place to start is at the main method and slowly traverse the setup. I find that it helps to keep notes and diagrams, describing (functionally) what things do and in what order they happen.

open source piano keyboard ios [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any open source code for creating a piano keyboard with sounds for ios? I have looked but have not found one, or offer a good recommendation were to start, AVAudioPlayer. or systemSoundID
Here is one you can try. It is something I started a while back and have not had time to finish because of my day job.
I found this great tutorial, it is a little advanced but perfect for learning. I already have a simple version up and running using this tutorial
I have tried a few solutions, and eventually used this piano keyboard for iOS, since I couldn't get rid of the lag which is crucial when using it as part of a multitracker for timing issues (an app I'm working on).
I learned a lot from going over the code and through the support I got from the author, so even though it wasn't free I was very pleased with it.

Visual Basic (for Applications) Learning Resources [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As resident techie I have been charged with teaching some colleagues VB specifically for use with Excel.
My main duties involve MySQL and Objective-C and haven't touched VB since University. While I'm not worried about the prospect of learning VB (how hard can it be, right?). I have no clue on where to point my "students" to start.
Any good books? Online tutorials? I will of-course be sending them to SO.
I like VBA Developer's Handbook by Getz and Gilbert for a book. On the internets, I always wind up at and often has good stuff.
After that maybe some Free VBA Tutorials
Google search came up with - this one is very basic and probably you will just have to breeze thru it and then probably move on to my personal favorite

Best Practices/Software for Object-Oriented Analysis [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I read this book:
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Now i am looking forward to find a Software that make it easy to collect all my Ideas etc (specific Software for OOA).
At the moment i am using my Whiteboard to collect/design Ideas etc. Afterwards i am taking pictures of it and add text to our Wiki/Trac.
At school, we're using Objecteering, which is easy to use, integrated to Eclipse, but not free.
IMO blank paper is a must, but not always the easier to share and to edit.
Install mediawiki (the stuff that powers wikipedia, don't settle for anything less you will need the full feature set eventually) and put all your ideas in there. This makes it easy to refine them and to improve then as time goes by.