How to create words within a Forth definition - definition

I'm using Gforth, and I want to create a word in a definition. In the cmd line of Gforth I can type:
create foo
Or more specifically, I defined an array function that expects a size on the stack and creates a word with the address to that array:
: array ( n -- ) ( i -- addr)
create cells allot
does> cells + ;
So if I type 10 array foo I can then use foo later.
But if I were to write 10 array foo within another definition it gives me a compilation error. I've tried replacing foo with s" foo" which compiles, but it blows up at run time, saying:
Attempt to use zero-length string as a name
Is there a way to do this?

One way to do it in gforth:
: bar 10 s" foo" ['] array execute-parsing ;
Other implementations do it differently, e.g.
It's not easy to do in Standard Forth, but this may be good enough:
: bar 10 s" array foo" evaluate ;

I guess most of what you want to do can be done by defining words, i.e. using create ... does> ... This allows you to define a word with specialized behaviour.
: 2const create , , does> 2# ;
can be used to create double constants like 2 3 2const a-double (that stashes 2 and 3 away in a-double) and then a-double pushes two values (2 3).


Calling for a column in a dataframe

I'm creating a dataframe(df) with two, columns PEA_0 and PEA_180. To input values in the cells of each column I could do this:
df$PEA_0 <-1
df$PEA_180 <-1
But since I'm expanding my df I would like a easy way to change the number behind "PEA_". I would like to assign the number to a letter so that I could change the number on the fly later:
and run the code like this:
paste("df$PEA_", a, sep="") < -1
I want R to understand that the code above means:
df$PEA_0 <- 1 but R only sees "df$PEA_0" <- 1 and throws the error :
Error in paste("tilst$Death_", a) <- 1 :
target of assignment expands to non-language object
Any thoughts on how to omit this?

Aligning numeric values on left with WRITE

I'm creating a calculation table and want to align the numbers on the left under the '+'.
But somehow the first number in each column from the counter has some space before it.
How can I eliminate that space and align my table so that the left side is all in one row?
DATA: counter TYPE i,
counter2 TYPE i.
ULINE /(159).
WRITE: /1 sy-vline , '+', sy-vline.
counter = sy-index - 1 .
WRITE: counter, sy-vline.
ULINE /(159).
counter = sy-index - 1 .
WRITE: /1 sy-vline , counter , sy-vline.
ULINE /(159).
The spaces in front of the number are there because of the data type. Type i is an elementary data type and can have numbers from -2147483648 to 2147483647, which means it can be 11 characters long. Some data types have an output length that is variable, but that is not the case for i. You can see that if you click on it in your output, it should have a red outline 11 characters long.
But if you would rather have the spaces at the end of the number, then you can use 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT'. But the "table outline" will still have to be just as big, since the number can have 11 characters.
DATA: counterc TYPE c LENGTH 11.
MOVE counter TO counterc.
input = counterc
output = counterc.
WRITE: ... counterc ...
Alternatively, the output of a table looks way better if you use SALV. Look here for example, to see how to output a table using SALV.

How to chose options in a while loop

My program --> I Will ask the user to introduce a number and I want to make that if the number is not in a random sequence (I choose 1,2,3) of numbers, the user need to write again a number until the number they enter is in the sequence:
a = (1,2,3)
option = int(input(''))
while option != a:
print('Enter a number between 1 and 3 !!')
option = int(input(''))
So as you can see I use the variable as a tuple but I don't know how to do it.. =(
Assuming the use of a tuple is obligatory, you will need to get input as a string, because it is iterable type. It will alow you easily convert to int, sign by sign, thru list comprehension. Now you have a list of ints, which you simply convert to a tuple. The final option variable looks:
option = tuple([int(sign) for sign in str(input(''))])
But consider keeping your signature in int instead of tuple. Int number is also unequivocal if its about sequence. In python 123 == 132 returns False. That way, you need only to replace:
a = (1,2,3)
by a:
a = 123
And script will works.

Using CONTAINS with variables sql

Ok so I am trying to reference one variable with another in SQL.
X= a,b,c,d (x is a string variable with a list of things in it)
Y= b ( Y is a string variable that may or may not have a vaue that appears in X)
I tried this:
Case when Y in (X) then 1 else 0 end as aa
But it doesnt work since it looks for exact matches between X and Y
also tried this:
where contains(X,#Y)
but i cant create Y globally since it is a variable that changes in each row of the table.( x also changes)
A solution in SAS would also be useful.
Maybe like will help
X like ('%'+Y+'%')
case when (X like ('%'+Y+'%')) then 1 else 0 end
SQLFiddle example
In SAS I would use the INDEX function, either in a data step or proc sql. This returns the position within the string in which it finds the character(s), or zero if there is no match. Therefore a test if the value returned is greater than zero will result in a binary 1:0 output. You need to use the compress function with the variable containing the search characters as SAS pads the value with blanks.
Data step solution :
Proc Sql solution :
index(x,compress(y))>0 as aa

MATLAB: Checking type of table

I want to ask how to check if a variable is table 1x8 or 8x1 of type logical?
I know I can check the class of an array for logical like this:
I know I can get the size of table like this:
[h w] = size(a);
if(w==1 & h==8 | w==8 & h==1)
But what if table has more than 2 dimensions? How can I get number of dimensions?
To get the number of dimensions, use ndims
numDimensions = ndims(a);
However, you can instead request size to return a single output, which is an array [sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,...], and check its length. Even better, you can use isvector to test whether it's a 1-d array.
So you can write
if isvector(a) && length(a) == 8
disp('it''s a 1x8 or 8x1 array')
Finally, to test for logical, it's easier to write