How to aggregate details in Pentaho Report Designer (PRD) 3.9? - pentaho

Very new to Pentaho Reporting,
I have a query grabbing columns categories, quantity, and gross. It returns about 200 rows.
Without changing the query, is there a way for the report to display the aggregates for each category (I have category as a group)? For example, All you can eat should only display a sum of the Amount and GrossValue columns.
Same for dessert (notice there are two group headers - why?)

You just need to get used to with pentaho report designer.
Refer information given at the end of this page simple report.
You can add one parameter in group footer and set its properties.
They provides properties like aggregation-type, which can be set as Sum or count and then it will show at the end of each group with sum or count of the rows as per the type you specified.


SSRS 2008 R2 - How to aggregate group data based on inner group filters?

I have made a simplified example to illustrate the question i'm trying to ask here. In my example i have sales orders and each sales order has multiple lines, i group by Sales Order Number, then by Sales Order Line (row groups)
I have found Group Filters very useful/flexible in filtering report data in specific areas of a table, so in my example i filter the SOLine group to exclude the SO line if it equals 3.
Then, i want to have a group aggregate for the entire SO, to tell me a count of the SO lines within it. Unfortunately when doing COUNT() expression from a textbox within the Sales Order Number group scope it counts all the lines, including the SO Line 3, whereas i want it to take into consideration the line filtered out from its child group.
Below is a screenshot of my tablix and grouping:
On the SOLine group i have the following filter:
And below is the output i get when previewing the report:
I want that count to evaluate to 4, but i ideally want to keep using groups as i've found they are much more efficient than using SUM(IIF) which completely slowed down my actual report which has thousands of rows.
If this is not possible, please give all best alternatives i could use.
Many thanks.

How to filter columns via MDX

Im new (couple of days to be exact) on Cubes, I have the following problem.
I have a Measure that brings certain amount of data, 100 rows for example. From that data I want to filter numbers that are < 0 from one of its columns.
For example this measure:
[Measures].[Distribution CSU Groups]
Will bring data like this
enter image description here
As you can see in the link, I want to filter those rows that have negative values on the 3rd column.
Is it possible to do this via MDX and how?
Yes filtering is possible in mdx via the following functions:
IIF function
FILTER function
HAVING clause

How to display n number of rows between two groups in SSRS 2010

Using SSRS 2010
I have Two groups YearMonth and Insured. I need to display only 50 records per page based on a group "Insured". So I have created parent group "GroupPageBreakOnly" and used this expression =CEILING(RowNumber(Nothing)/50).
I ensured that the Page Break at end is checked so that individual groups appear in individual page.
As a result the first page displays 31 rows, the second one 50 rows, and the third one 9 rows.
I tried to specify data region "Insured"
but it gives me an error:
...the value of the scope parameter of RowNumber must equal the name of the group directly containing the current group.
What am I missing here?
Unless you need this report to do other things, I would apply the grouping and aggregation in the Dataset itself which is generally a lot more efficient anyway.
Have you tried using ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY YearMonth, Insured ORDER BY YearMonth, Insured) to give the number of rows, perhaps even throwing in a % 50 at the end to see which group of 50 it fell into?
This can then be grouped on in your report.

Sum of distinct values in field SSRS 2005

I'm working on SSRS report builder that is using a dataset calling a SQL Server 2000 database.
The query is getting sums of a few different fields and is also pulling out all records that have to do with that client number. I want to get the sum of the sum but it is way over because of the detail rows. Basically what I want is the sum of the distinct sum column values.
=Sum(Fields!tot.Value, "table1_Group3")
I saw that you can get sums by the groups and I tried the expression above but it comes back with an error:
The Value expression for the textbox 'tot' has a scope parameter that is not
valid for an aggregate function...
table1_Group3 is the name of the group that holds the sum value in the report.
Any suggestions on how to get the distinct values to sum them in this report.
=Sum(Fields!tot.Value, "table1_Group3")
The code above will give you the sum of "tot" for all rows in the current "table1_Group3." This means that this expression only makes sense somewhere within table1_Group3. Otherwise, SSRS doesn't know which is the current instance of that group.
Sounds like you would like to sum this value across multiple groups, but only take one "tot" from each instance of the group. (Are you sure that all rows in that group will have the same "Tot?")
If tot is the total of other fields in your returned data, then simply add those up in your formula. This may have the added benefit of simplifying your SQL query as well.
Some other options that could work:
- Change your SQL query so that only one row per group gets the Tot field set.
- Use Embedded code in the report to keep a running total which is added to only once per group, such as in the group header.
(If upgrading to 2008R2 SSRS is an option, then the Lookup function could be used here, maybe even to look back at the same dataset.)
change the query/ dataset to sum(distinct tot) using the temp table on the sql server
I suppose you need to write sum(distinct columnName).

SQL Query For Product Sales Report

I have a query that gives a product sales report by whatever date range I specify.
Something like select whatever from wherever where date ordered between start date and end date order by product id.
My page then loop through the recordset and displays the results on the page in a list.
What I would like to do is provide a list showing PRODUCT A total sales = whatever, PRODUCT B total sales = whatever so on and so forth. So as the loop runs product a = product a + 1
I do this already with staff sales, but there are only 5 staff so I have managed to do this, but there are over 300 product codes.
What is the best way to proceed.
Possible solutions:
Do this in your application code by keeping track of the product code and running totals. When the product code changes, emit an extra row with the totals into the output.
Do something similar to #1, but use a separate GROUP BY query to get the totals.
Create a SELECT statement that UNIONs together two queries, one for the product detail lines and one with the summary information.
Use some product specific command (you don't say what database you're using) to accomplish #3 without having to do the UNION yourself. Both MySQL and SQL Server offer (different) ROLL UP clauses that can do what you want.