How to load properties from an external file in SOAP UI? - properties

Currently, when I tried with an external csv/excel, some junk values are getting updated as properties. Please provide an external file snapshot on how to provide property values to import it in SOAP UI.

Have you tried using the Custom Properties import/export feature? It uses an xml document.
You can find it by clicking on your Project/TestSuite/TestCase/TestStep, then looking in the bottom-left corner. Click on the "Custom Properties" tab. There should be property import and export buttons.
There may also be something here which could help you:

first you should save your external file like this *.properties (like file type .properties). inside file there should be key=value Recordlike this


Sensenet: Define Content Type with File Upload

How Can I define an content type with a field that contains an file? I think I should use binary type data to do it that but I don't know how to do the rest...
This example uses image upload, but I'm don't know how to define a field as a simple file upload...
The "File" content type is designed to upload any kind of file. In the example - what you said - described a specialized content type with image related metadata. You should try to use the File content type. If its metadata is not good enough for you, you can create an inherited content type with the desired field set.
As Zoltan has written in sensenet there is a predefined content type called File to handle any kind of file you want. If you inherit your custom CTD from this type (parentType="File") it will automatically have a Binary field to store file's binary data when upload and you can define additional fields for custom metas.
If you want to use a content type inherited differently you can use a Binary field to store any kind of data, but will lose built in upload functionality (Upload page). In the other hand on the New/Edit page there will be the File upload's Browse button beside your custom field.
With this it's important to set properly the visibility configurations. If it's set to Hide then you won't be able to upload a file from the New or Edit page.
<Field name="CustomField" type="Binary">
<DisplayName>Custom Field</DisplayName>

Save Web Service Response as XML

I'm working with HP UFT nad HP ALM. I'm trying to save a web service response as xml in an API-Test. I found many tutorials to save a response in an Excel but it's not what I want.
Is this possible? If not, is it possible to download an .wsdl response?
API-Test construction
Control if there exist an specific xml file(refernce.xml) on my computer
If not then stop the test/if the reference.xml exist then keep going
Now I want to save the response
Compare the 2 files(reference.xml and downloaded xml)
In Api Tests/Components you can do this by simply using the standard activities available.
In the Toolbox menu, under 'Standard Activities' expand the 'File' list and add the 'Write to File' activity to your flow. Then, in the Input/Checkpoints tab of the activity you can set the export path (in the path you should include the name.xml file that will be generated) and the content (for the content you can select the main tag of the response, that holds all the content : for example).
In Api Tests/Components you can do this by simply using the standard activities available.
In the Toolbox menu, under 'Standard Activities' expand the 'File' list and add the 'Write to File' activity to your flow. Then, in the Input/Checkpoints tab of the activity you can set the export path (in the path you should include the name.xml file that will be generated) and the content (for the content you can select the main tag of the response, that holds all the content:` for example).

Is there any way to use Web App Builder NLS(in builder folder) in our widgets?

I have created a widget in web app builder. I want to reuse some common nls tags for my widget, which is already available in WAB's NLS file.
Is there any way to do this without including that file in my widget.
I have created an NLS for my widget, but I want that text for similar string should be synced with WAB.
Ex. There is 'OK' and 'Cancel' button in my widget. These string is configured in WAB's NLS file.
I want that my widget should fetch these configured text from that NLS file.
Any hint will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Got the solution.
WAB stores the NLS configuration into a global variable 'jimuNls'. so we can access it using 'window.jimuNls' or directly 'jimuNls'.

Sugarcrm : modify actions on Dashlet quickEdit button

I have a very specific question on Sugarcrm.
I'm using version Enterprise 6.5.16, and i'm coming to a dead-end.
What i currently have :
When the user is on his homepage, he has a Dashlet called "My open Cases", which displays every open Cases assigned to/or created by him.
For each row of this dashlet, we have a quickEdit icon displayed. (you know, the little pen).
When the user clicks on that little icon, it opens the quickcreate (or quickedit?) popup.
What i want to achieve is :
I want, when the user clicks on the icon, that Sugar does not open a popup, but opens a new browser tab on EditView.
So basically, when on Home, when the user wants to edit "Case01--Issue" from the dashlet, instead of poping the quickcreate (or quickedit) form, i want to open a new browser tab with the complete edit view of "Case01 -- Issue".
What do i have to do? I did not see the definition of the icon in custom/modules/Cases/metadata/dashletviewdefs.php nor elsewhere.
Thanks by advance for your help and time!
The "My Cases" dashlet, and most dashlets, extend the DashletGeneric class, found in /include/Dashlets/DashletGeneric.php. This uses the template file DashletGenericDisplay.tpl in the same directory, and this is the template that displays the quick edit button.
To remove or alter the quick edit button, you would extend My Cases and insist that it use a custom smarty template of your own creation. In /custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/CustomMyCasesDashlet/CustomMyCasesDashlet.php you might have the following:
class CustomMyCasesDashlet extends MyCasesDashlet{
$displayTpl = 'custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/CustomMyCasesDashlet/CustomMyCasesDashlet.tpl';
You would then copy the original template to the new file and location referenced by CustomMyCasesDashlet::displayTpl and adjust as desired.
For your Dashlet to register correctly with the system, you'll also need your CustomMyCasesDashlet.meta.php file. Copy the original to your custom directory and adjust labels as necessary -- the key is to replace references to MyCasesDashlet with CustomMyCasesDashlet.
You should create your own dashlet (with copying existing one in "custom" folder), replace all standart entries to your own. Add copy of DashletGenericDisplay.tpl too and name it like CustomMyCasesDashlet.tpl.
It's not necessary to extend MyCasesDashlet class. You can leave "extends DashletGeneric".
In constructor function CustomMyCasesDashlet() just add the line:
$this->displayTpl = 'custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/CustomMyCasesDashlet/CustomMyCasesDashlet.tpl';
Pay attention to $this->. Its necessary to override DashletGeneric field.
Copy the file from modules/Cases/Dashlets/MyCasesDashlet/MyCasesDashlet.php and paste it to custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/MyCasesDashlet/MyCasesDashlet
If you don't have Cases folder inside the custom directory, create one.
After copying the file, add a property to load your custom TPL file.
Default DashletGenericDisplay.tpl file located at include/Dashlets/
class MyCasesDashlet extends DashletGeneric {
var $displayTpl = "custom/modules/Cases/Dashlets/DashletGenericDisplay.tpl";

Getting HTML of Smart Form Content in Ektron

I am working in Ektron 8.0.
I have created a smart form configuration in Settings,I assigned this particular smart form configuration for
a Folder and created a Smart form content.Now i am trying to access the Smart Form content programmatically.
I am getting the "XML" data as the content.Html property.Is there is any way i can get the HTML data corresponding to a smartform content,rather than these XML data?
There are a few ways to this, here are two.
<CMS:ContentBlock runat="server" Visible="true" DisplayXslt="/xmlfiles/SmartForm.xslt" DefaultContentID="23" />
The SmartForm.xslt file translates the xml into formatted html.
Use XSD to access SmartForm Content on the code behind.
This article explains the process.
You need to get a copy of the .xsd file and use it to create an object definition for your smart form.
Use the xsd.exe tool to create a class. The command looks like this.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\xsd.exe" "C:\inetpub\site\xsd\SmartFormContet.xsd" /classes /language:CS /namespace:SmartForm.SmartFormContent
This will generate a class file named SmartFormContet.cs
Copy this file and paste into the code behind of the page.
Deserialize the XML from the Content.Html property.