Dojo provide - update legacy to AMD - dojo

This is a followup to this question.
So I have this pre AMD dojo code :
som.var.iable = {A:1,B:2};
som.var.iable2 = {C: 3, D:som.var.iable.B}
//code based on the above variables
For AMD, after reading this and the previous link, I am trying something like this
som.var.iable = {A:1,B:2};
som.var.iable2 = {C: 3, D:som.var.iable.B}
], function(declare){
return declare("", null {
], function(declare){
som.var.iable = {A:1,B:2};
som.var.iable2 = {C: 3, D:som.var.iable.B}
return declare("blah", null {
//code based on the above variables
Obviously this fails, as there is no object structure like som.var.iable. I can it, but my question is how did it work in the legacy code? and what would be the correct AMD equivalent?
Any help is greatly appreciated!

OK, here are my assumptions about what you're trying to do:
You don't really need a global variable called some with a property var, that's just a way to organize stuff
You want three modules, some/var/iable, some/var/iable2, and blah. This means three files and three define() calls
Neither som.var.iable nor som.var.iable2 are real inheritable classes, they're just plain old objects... so only blah needs to use declare()
Thus you should create a file som/var/iable.js, which is a provides a plain object:
return {A:1,B,2}
And another called som/var/iable2.js, which is a module that provides a plain object:
return {C: 3, D:iable.B}
And then your third module blah.js that provides a Class-object:
var parentClasses = [];
var clazz = declare(parentClasses, {
constructor : function(){
// No need for this.inherited(arguments) in this particular case
alert("Welcome to the constructor. Did you know that iable2.D is "+iable2.D+"?");
return clazz;
I haven't tested all this, but to kick it off in a page you'd finally want to put:
require(["blah",dojo/domReady!"], function(blah){
var b = new blah();
Dojo should take care of loading everything in-order so that you get an alert that says
Welcome to the constructor. Did you know that iable2.D is 2?


dojo JsonRest call not working

I'm trying to call my RESTful service from dojo. All I can see from debugger is, it tries to call the service but it doen't reach there. There are no errors. I can see the 'hello' alert.
var rest = new JsonRest({
target: "/my/rest/call"
I's following this page from dojotoolkit.
But if i call using a declare then it works.
function(JsonRest, declare){
var rest = declare(JsonRest);
var restResult = new rest({
target: "/my/rest/call"
What am I doing wrong here?
error messages in console:
You're not following that tutorial to the letter. The difference is that you're using define and not require. Dojo's define is used in combination with declare to create new Dojo classes. Dojo's require is used to load and use existing classes. The link below is a recommended read and in your case pay special attention to the 'Requiring modules' and 'Defining modules' parts:
If you use require like in that tutorial, it works perfectly:
], function(
) {
new JsonRest({
target: 'some/resource/'
}).get(1).then(function (item) {
Here's a working example on Plunker:

dojo1.10 Dynamic update of dijit.form.Select

I was trying to asynchronously update a Select field via Memory and ObjectStore. This doesn't work. Setting the data to the Memory object before creating the Select element works fine. Updating the Memory object after creating the Select element doesn't work anymore.
Example code:
], function(ready, Select, Memory, Observable, ObjectStore, dom){
ready(function() {
var mymem = new Memory();
var myobs = new Observable(mymem);
var mystore = new ObjectStore({ objectStore: myobs });
/* updating memory here works :) */
//mymem.setData([ { id: 2, label: 'qwertz2' }, { id: 3, label: 'qwertz3' } ]);
var s = new Select({
store: mystore
}, 'appsAdminQueueContainer');
/* updating memory here doesn't work :( */
mymem.setData([ { id: 2, label: 'qwertz2' }, { id: 3, label: 'qwertz3' } ]);
Real working example:
Is this a bug or is there a solution to be able to update the content of the Select field after creating it - without having to access the Select field directly?
Thank you for your response.
The use of dojo/ready was just a missed leftover while simplifying my code, sorry.
That the use of the ObjectStore is not necessary was not clear to me. Thanks for clearing up.
Okay, the real problem seems to be indeed the last point. I think I have to extend my description.
Updated/extended problem description:
I'm using a grid. At first I was using dojox/grid/DataGrid, but then I switched to dgrid. Everything works well, but I want to use dijit.form.Select as editor for one column. This works also well if the data is static. But in one column I have to read dynamic data from the server. This data comes in JSON format.
First I tried to solve this with the use of dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore - that worked. But it's deprecated and I need to implement a formatter for that column that has to have access to the same JSON data read from the server. I don't have the code for that solution anymore, but it didn't work. I wasn't able to successfully query the data from within the formatter function.
Then I switched to Memory and xhr. The response from the server comes after the Memory object is created (and, as it seems, after creating the Select), so I had to use setData to bring my loaded data in the store. And because the Select is only an editor of a grid, I don't have access to the object itself to be able to re-set the store after updating the data.
I hope my extended description makes my real problem a bit clearer. Thanks in advance for your help!
This works for me:
], function (Select, Memory, Observable) {
var mymem = new Memory({
data: [{
id: 2,
label: 'qwertz2'
}, {
id: 3,
label: 'qwertz3'
var myobs = new Observable(mymem);
var s = new Select({
labelAttr: 'label',
store: myobs
}, 'appsAdminQueueContainer');
myobs.add({ id: 4, label: 'qwerty' });
Notable changes:
There's no reason to use dojo/ready in this code. The require callback already waits for modules to load, and as long as this script is at the bottom of the body, there's no need to wait for the DOM to load, either.
There's no need to use a dojo/data store adapter. dijit/form/Select supports dojo/store as well (as of 1.8 if I recall correctly). This might also have been why observation wasn't working. The only difference is labelAttr must be specified on the Select since dojo/store has no concept of a label property.
(Edit) now that I re-read the question, I notice you are calling setData. setData does not fire observers. setData completely resets the store's data, and to reflect that, you would need to actually reset the store on the select entirely (which requires calling setStore, not set('store', ...), if you are using 1.9 or earlier, because Select was never updated properly to support the set API until 1.10).
(Edit #2) Given that the primary reason you are calling setData is due to creating the store before actually having data for it, your case would probably be greatly simplified by using the RequestMemory store implementation from dojo-smore. It basically re-adds the url support that dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore had but dojo/store/Memory didn't.

How to use dojo On with Dojox Searchbox?

I am following this link and am trying to do the same in my app. The only difference is that I want to use "onSearch" event using "dojo On" but I am not able to read results, query, options that we get by default in the onSearch function.Please help me in solving this problem.
My HTML code:
<input data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/SearchBox" type="search" placeHolder="Search"
data-dojo-props='store:store, searchAttr: "label", ignoreCase: true, pageSize:2'>
<ul data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/RoundRectList" jsId="list"></ul>
My JS code:
declare("controllers.SearchController", [], {
constructor : function(args) {
WL.Logger.debug("SearchController created");
console.log("i am in SearchController.start");
this.started = true;
store = new MemoryStore({data: [
{label: "Alabama"},
{label: "Alaska"},
{label: "American Samoa"},
{label: "Arizona"},
{label: "Arkansas"},
{label: "Kansas"},
{label: "Kentucky"}
var searchbox=registry.byId("searchbox");
onSearch: function (results, query, options) {
// this.onSearch = function () {};
return controllers.SearchController;
Also, I am following this link dojox/mobile/SearchBox 'onSearch' event runs twice on webkit
to use the workaround for dojox searchbox. How can I implement it in my case?
You should never try to access widget events through DOM nodes. There is a difference between widgets and DOM nodes, and this is one of them. Also, because dojo/on can only be used with DOM nodes and DOM events, you cannot use it to handle the onSearch event.
Every widget has a on() function that you can use to attach widget event handlers. For example:
searchbox.on("search", lang.hitch(this, this.onSearch));
If the event runs twice, you can try doing something like this (you will probably have to rewrite this in your object oriented design):
var myEventHandler = searchbox.on("search", lang.hitch(this, this.onSearch());
According to the API documentation the return value of the on() function is undefined, but this topic its stated that it returns an object containing a remove() function able to remove the event listener.
I don't think it's possible. If you want to retrieve data from your database/webservice, you could use the dojo/store/JsonRest store (RESTful webservices) or you could implement your own store (or fetch the data and put it in a dojo/store/Memory).
Dojo chooses for an abstraction layer upon your data implementation called the store API. The advantages of these are that, because it's an abstraction layer, that you can use your store for multiple purposes (all Dijit widgets, Dojo mobile widgets, ...) work in a similar way that they use a store.
Concerning this part of your question:
I am following this link dojox/mobile/SearchBox 'onSearch' event runs twice on webkit to use the workaround for dojox searchbox. How can I implement it in my case?
I do not think such a workaround is needed. As I wrote in this answer, as long as you have a store specified, SearchBox.onSearch() should be called only once.
In short: just do not apply this workaround, it shouldn't be necessary.
In addition to the event mistake pointed out by Dmitri, there's an issue with the order of execution.
When does Dojo parse your HTML? Do you have parseOnLoad:true in your dojoConfig (or data-dojo-config)?
When the parser reaches data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/SearchBox", it will try to instantiate a SearchBox widget. Because you have specified store:store in its properties, it will look for a variable called store.
Now, the store variable itself gets instantiated in your SearchController. So you have to make sure that subscription() is called before the parser runs. However, the subscription() method in turn tries to look for a widget called "searchbox". So the parser has to be called before subscription(). As you can tell, this isn't going to work :)
So you have to rewrite the SearchController a bit. For example, you can remove the store:store from data-dojo-props, and let the controller set it in the subscription method:
var store = new MemoryStore({data: [....]});
var searchbox = registry.byId("searchbox");
searchbox.set("store", store);
searchbox.on("search", lang.hitch(this, this.onSearch)); // See Dmitri's answer.

Getting method not defined error using dojo lang.hitch

I'm pretty new to dojo, and I'm trying to use the lang.hitch method to handle my callbacks, but I keep getting an "Uncaught Reference Error: is not defined error" when using it. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong - I'm just not sure what it is. this refers to my newly created object in the initializeLocators function, verified as I stepped through my code. The candidates parameter to the showResults method is returned from the event handling closure. Thanks for your help.
My class:
define(["dojo/_base/declare", ..., "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/on", "dojo/dom", ...],
function(declare, ..., lang, ...){
var SDCLocateClass = declare(null, {
constructor: function() {
initializeLocators: function() {
this.addressNode = dom.byId("resultsDiv");
//set up the address locator functionality
this.locator = new Locator("http://...");
this.locator.on("address-to-locations-complete", lang.hitch(this, showResults));
showResults: function(candidates) {
return SDCLocateClass;
showResults is a variable that is not defined. Use this.showResults or use a string "showResults"
lang.hitch(this, this.showResults));

Accessing properties of ember-data through relationship (Not in the template)

I want to stress that this problem only occurs outside of a template, such as when I try to access properties of related objects while in a controller, unit test, etc. Rendering the template seem to get the property well and work as expected.
Here is a simple example in JS Bin with a failing test which repros my problem. The passing test asserts that the property is accessible and rendered in the template as expected. The failing test shows that I get null when I try to access the property with get. Really nothing fancy here but I don't understand why it's returning null.
Here is the application part of the JS Bin example:
App.ApplicationRoute = Em.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.Foo.find();
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
adapter: DS.FixtureAdapter.create()
App.Foo = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr("string"),
* The subject under test
childName: function() {
return this.get("");
child: DS.belongsTo("App.Bar")
App.Bar = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr("string")
App.Foo.FIXTURES = [{
id: 1,
name: "Fred",
child: 3
}, {
id: 2,
name: "Barney",
child: 4
App.Bar.FIXTURES = [{
id: 3,
name: "Pebbles"
}, {
id: 4,
name: "Bam Bam"
This passes.
test("Child name is rendered", function() {
visit("/").then(function() {
This fails.
test("Child name is accessed", function() {
var foo = App.Foo.find(1);
equal(foo.get("childName"), "Pebbles");
equal(foo.get(""), "Pebbles");
This has to be something simple/stupid like forgetting a character or something, but I think I've driven myself too far into frustration to think clearly for a while. Thanks in advance for any help.
You need to use the then to know when the data is loaded
asyncTest("Child name is accessed", function() {
// load the data from server
App.Foo.find(1).then(function(foo) {
// the child id is 3, we need to fetch the remaining data
// and this is async, because of the ajax request
foo.get("child").then(function(child) {
equal(child.get("name"), "Pebbles");
// childName call, but since the
// data is loaded, isn't necessary to use a second then
equal(foo.get("childName"), "Pebbles");
In ember data, like major of the orm's, the data is lazy loaded, for relationships. This is because, isn't needed to return all loaded object graph, let's leave the user ask for what it want, and then load.
Because some implementations are async, like: websql, indexeddb, ajax, websockets etc. The interface of ember-data is async, so you need to use the then method to know when the data is loaded or failed.
The things work in your template, because it are binding aware. Even when the change are async, it will be finished later, and the bindings will be notified and updated.
I have updated your demo, and the tests pass