How to use sub query in group by clause sql server 2005 - sql-server-2005

my table data as follows
FinishDate SpecialistName jobstate
----------------------- --------------- ---------
2012-10-01 00:00:00.000 Josh FINISHED
2012-10-01 00:00:00.000 Josh FINISHED
2012-10-01 00:00:00.000 Sam FINISHED
2012-10-01 00:00:00.000 Robin FINISHED
2012-10-01 00:00:00.000 Robin FINISHED
2012-10-01 00:00:00.000 Joy FINISHED
2012-10-01 00:00:00.000 Joy INCOMMING
2012-10-02 00:00:00.000 Joy FINISHED
my query as follows
select Count(*) [Count] from employee
where convert(varchar,FinishDate,112)>='20121001'
and convert(varchar,FinishDate,112) <='20121001'
and JobState='FINISHED'
group by SpecialistName
if a particular specialist finish multiple jobs in same day then i want to show 1
if robin,josh & Sam finish 10 jobs in same day then 3 will be shown for that day
then output will be like
FinishDate Count
----------------------- ------
2012-10-01 00:00:00.000 3
2012-10-02 00:00:00.000 5
2012-10-03 00:00:00.000 15
so just guide me how to customize my sql to have desire result. thanks

try something along these lines. Syntax may not be perfect (did "freehand")
, Count(*) [Count]
convert(varchar,FinishDate,112) TheDate
, SpecialistName
from employee
where convert(varchar,FinishDate,112)>='20121001'
and convert(varchar,FinishDate,112) <='20121001'
and JobState='FINISHED'
group by
, SpecialistName
) t1
Group By
It has to be two selects because the groupings that you want are different. If you did a single select grouping by FinishDate and SpecialistName what you would get would be a count of the distinct combinations of those two.
What you want is to get the distinct SpecialistNames that had at least one entry in a date. Distinct because you care that they had an entry, but not whether they had 1 or 3 or 17. This is done by the inner query.
Then you want to take these distinct SpecialistName with corresponding date and summarize them by FinishDate to get a count of specialists by date. This is done by the outer query.
Part of your comment mentions Distinct and you could in fact use Select Distinct instead of Group By in the inner query since we don’t need a count there. The outer query does require the Group By since you do need a count. My own bias is to use group by rather than distinct in case I need an aggregate function later, but that’s me. It would be perfectly OK to use Select Distinct if you prefer.


Subsetting on dates for a SQL query

Using Snowflake, I am attempting to subset on customers that have no current subscriptions, and eliminating all IDs for those which have current/active contracts.
Each ID will typically have multiple records associated with a contract/renewal history for a particular ID/customer.
It is only known if a customer is active if there is no contract that goes beyond the current date, while there are likely multiple past contracts which have lapsed, but the account is still active if one of those contract end dates goes beyond the current date.
Consider the following table:
With a desired output non-active customers that do not have an end date beyond Jan 5th 2023 (or current/arbitrary date)
My first attempt was:
FROM table
but the obvious problem is that I'll also be selecting past contracts of customers who haven't expired/churned and who have a contract that goes beyond the current date.
How do I resolve this?
As there are many rows per name and ID, you should aggregate the data and then use a HAVING clause to select only those you are interested in.
SELECT name, id
FROM table
GROUP BY name, id
HAVING MAX(date_end) < GETDATE();
You can work it out with an EXCEPT operator, if your DBMS supports it:
SELECT DISTINCT Name, ID FROM tab WHERE Date_end > <your_date>
This would removes the active <Name, ID> pairs from the whole.

Using Distinct and MAX(date) in a large data

I have a table that stores the list of users who have accessed a product(with the accessed date).
I have written the below query to get the list of users who have accessed the product B between '2021-02-01' and '2021-02-26'.
SELECT DISTINCT UserName,Country,ADate,Product FROM Report WHERE UserName != '-' and Product='B and (CAST(ADate AS DATE) BETWEEN #startdate AND #enddate '
then it gives the below result:
UserName Country ADate Product
-------- ------ -------- ---------
asson IN 2021-02-10 00:00:00.000 B
rajan US 2021-02-23 00:00:00.000 B
rajan US 2021-02-25 00:00:00.000 B
moody US 2021-02-14 00:00:00.000 B
rajon US 2021-02-01 00:00:00.000 B
lukman US 2021-02-10 00:00:00.000 B
since the user rajan has accessed the product in 2 days it shows 2 entries for rajan even though I have added distinct. So I have modified the query as below:
SELECT DISTINCT UserName,Country,max(ADate),Product FROM Report WHERE UserName != '-' and Product='B' and (CAST(ADate AS DATE) BETWEEN #startdate AND #enddate group by Username,product
This query gives me the required result. But the problem I am facing now is When I select the table with more than a month gap (say data between 2 months), I miss some data in the output. I believe it might be due to the MAX(ADate). Can anyone give a good suggestion to get rid of this issue?
This will give you the latest access date of each user by month
SELECT DISTINCT UserName,Country, month(ADate) as month, max(ADate),Product FROM Report WHERE UserName != '-' and Product='B' group by UserName, Country, month, Product

How to have the rolling distinct count of each day for past three days in Oracle SQL?

I searched for this a lot, but I couldn't find the solution yet. let me explain my question by sample data and my desired output.
sample data:
datetime customer
---------- --------
2018-10-21 09:00 Ryan
2018-10-21 10:00 Sarah
2018-10-21 20:00 Sarah
2018-10-22 09:00 Peter
2018-10-22 10:00 Andy
2018-10-23 09:00 Sarah
2018-10-23 10:00 Peter
2018-10-24 10:00 Andy
2018-10-24 20:00 Andy
my desired output is to have the distinctive number of customers for past three days relative to each day:
trunc(datetime) progressive count distinct customer
--------------- -----------------------------------
2018-10-21 2
2018-10-22 4
2018-10-23 4
2018-10-24 3
explanation: for 21th, because we have only Ryan and Sarah the count is 2 (also because we have no other records before 21th); for 22th Andy and Peter are added to the distinct list, so it's 4. for 23th, no new customer is added so it would be 4. for 24th, however, as we only should consider past 3 days (as per business logic), we should only take 24th,23th and 22th; so the distinct customers would be Sarah, Andy and Peter. so the count is 3.
I believe it is called the progressive count, or moving count or rolling up count. but I couldn't implement it in Oracle 11g SQL. Obviously it's easy by using PL-SQL programming (Stored-Procedure/Function). but, preferably I wonder if we can have it by a single SQL query.
What you seem to want is:
select date,
count(distinct customer) over (order by date rows between 2 preceding and current row)
from (select distinct trunc(datetime) as date, customer
from t
) t
group by date;
However, Oracle does not support window frames with count(distinct).
One rather brute force approach is a correlated subquery:
select date,
(select count(distinct t2.customer)
from t t2
where t2.datetime >= - 2
) as running_3
from (select distinct trunc(datetime) as date
from t
) t;
This should have reasonable performance for a small number of dates. As the number of dates increases, the performance will degrade linearly.

Selecting the most recent date

I have data structured like this:
ID | Enrolment_Date | Appointment1_Date | Appointment2_Date | .... | Appointment150_Date |
112 01/01/2015 01/02/2015 01/03/2018 01/08/2018
113 01/06/2018 01/07/2018 NULL NULL
114 01/04/2018 01/05/2018 01/06/2018 NULL
I need a new variable which counts the number of months between the enrolment_date and the most recent appointment. The challenge is is that all individuals have a different number of appointments.
Update: I agree with the comments that this is poor table design and it needs to be reformatted. Could proposed solutions please include suggested code on how to transform the table?
Since the OP is currently stuck with this bad design, I will point out a temporary solution. As others have suggested, you really must change the structure here. For now, this will suffice:
SELECT '['+ NAME + '],' FROM sys.columns WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID ('TableA') -- find all columns, last one probably max appointment date
CASE WHEN Appointment150_Date IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF (MONTH, Enrolment_Date, Appointment150_Date)
WHEN Appointment149_Date IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF (MONTH, Enrolment_Date, Appointment149_Date)
WHEN Appointment148_Date IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF (MONTH, Enrolment_Date, Appointment148_Date)
WHEN Appointment147_Date IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF (MONTH, Enrolment_Date, Appointment147_Date)
WHEN Appointment146_Date IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF (MONTH, Enrolment_Date, Appointment146_Date)
WHEN Appointment145_Date IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF (MONTH, Enrolment_Date, Appointment145_Date)
WHEN Appointment144_Date IS NOT NULL THEN DATEDIFF (MONTH, Enrolment_Date, Appointment144_Date) -- and so on
END AS NumberOfMonths
This is a very ugly temporary solution and should be considered as such.
You will need to restructure your data, the given structure is poor database design. Create two separate tables - one called users and one called appointments. The users table contains the user id, enrollment date and any other specific user information. Each row in the appointments table contains the user's unique id and a specific appointment date. Structuring your tables like this will make it easier to write a query to get days/months since last appointment.
For example:
Users Table:
ID, Enrollment_Date
1, 2018-01-01
2, 2018-03-02
3, 2018-05-02
Appointments Table:
ID, Appointment_Date
1, 2018-01-02
1, 2018-02-02
1, 2018-02-10
2, 2018-05-01
You would then be able to write a query to join the two tables together and calculate the difference between the enrollment date and min value of the appointment date.
It is better if you can create two tables.
Enrolment Table (dbo.Enrolments)
ID | EnrolmentDate
1 | 2018-08-30
2 | 2018-08-31
Appointments Table (dbo.Appointments)
ID | EnrolmentID | AppointmentDate
1 | 1 | 2018-09-02
2 | 1 | 2018-09-03
3 | 2 | 2018-09-01
4 | 2 | 2018-09-03
Then you can try something like this.
If you want the count of months from Enrolment Date to the final appointment date then use below query.
SELECT E.ID, E.EnrolmentDate, A.NoOfMonths
FROM dbo.Enrolments E
SELECT DATEDIFF(mm, E.EnrolmentDate, MAX(A.AppointmentDate)) AS NoOfMonths
FROM dbo.Appointments A
WHERE A.EnrolmentId = E.ID
) A
And, If you want the count of months from Enrolment Date to the nearest appointment date then use below query.
SELECT E.ID, E.EnrolmentDate, A.NoOfMonths
FROM dbo.Enrolments E
SELECT DATEDIFF(mm, E.EnrolmentDate, MIN(A.AppointmentDate)) AS NoOfMonths
FROM dbo.Appointments A
WHERE A.EnrolmentId = E.ID
) A
Try this on sqlfiddle
You have a lousy data structure, as others have noted. You really one a table with one row per appointment. After all, what happens after the 150th appointment?
select, t.Enrolment_Date,
datediff(month, t.Enrolment_Date, m.max_Appointment_Date) as months_diff
from t cross apply
(select max(Appointment_Date) as max_Appointment_Date
from (values (Appointment1_Date),
. . .
) v(Appointment_Date)
) m;

Assign a counter in SQL Server to records with sequential dates, and only increment when dates not sequential

I am trying to assign a Trip # to records for Customers with sequential days, and increment the Trip ID if they have a break in sequential days, and come later in the month for example. The data structure looks like this:
CustomerID Date
1 2014-01-01
1 2014-01-02
1 2014-01-04
2 2014-01-01
2 2014-01-05
2 2014-01-06
2 2014-01-08
The desired output based upon the above example dataset would be:
CustomerID Date Trip
1 2014-01-01 1
1 2014-01-02 1
1 2014-01-04 2
2 2014-01-01 1
2 2014-01-05 2
2 2014-01-06 2
2 2014-01-08 3
So if the Dates for that Customer are back-to-back, it is considered the same Trip, and has the same Trip #. Is there a way to do this in SQL Server? I am using MSSQL 2012.
My initial thoughts are to use the LAG, ROW_NUMBER, or OVER/PARTITION BY function, or even a Recursive Table Variable Function. I can paste some code, but in all honesty, my code isn't working so far. If this is a simple query, but I am just not thinking about it correctly, that would be great.
Thank you in advance.
Since Date is a DATE (ie has no hours), you could for example use DENSE_RANK() by Date - ROW_NUMBER() days which will give a constant value for continuous days, something like;
WITH cte AS (
SELECT CustomerID, Date,
Date) dt
FROM trips
SELECT CustomerID, Date,
FROM cte;
An SQLfiddle to test with.