Yaml-cpp parser doesn't handle key:value fragment correctly - yaml-cpp

today I found following strange behavior in yaml-cpp library.
Following yaml fragment:
- { a: b }
is correctly parsed as key:value element with key=a and value=b. But when I updated fragment to this:
- { a:b }
fragment is evaluated as scalar value "a:b".
Is this correct behavior? And is there a simply way how to force parser to evaluate this fragment as key:value ?

This is correct behavior. From the YAML spec:
Normally, YAML insists the “:” mapping value indicator be separated from the value by white space. A benefit of this restriction is that the “:” character can be used inside plain scalars, as long as it is not followed by white space. This allows for unquoted URLs and timestamps. It is also a potential source for confusion as “a:1” is a plain scalar and not a key: value pair.
To ensure JSON compatibility, if a key inside a flow mapping is JSON-like, YAML allows the following value to be specified adjacent to the “:”. This causes no ambiguity, as all JSON-like keys are surrounded by indicators.
For example, you could write:
- { "a":b }
However, as they point out, this isn't very readable; stick with putting a space after the colon.


URL-parameters input seems inconsistent

I have review multiple instructions on URL-parameters which all suggest 2 approaches:
Parameters can follow / forward slashes or be specified by parameter name and then by parameter value. so either:
1) http://numbersapi.com/42
2) http://numbersapi.com/random?min=10&max=20
For the 2nd one, I provide parameter name and then parameter value by using the ?. I also provide multiple parameters using ampersand.
Now I have see the request below which works fine but does not fit into the rules above:
I understand that the requests sets 42 as a parameter but why is the ? not followed by the parameter name and just by the value. Also the ? seems to be used as an ampersand???
From Wikipedia:
Every HTTP URL conforms to the syntax of a generic URI. The URI generic syntax consists of a hierarchical sequence of five components:
URI = scheme:[//authority]path[?query][#fragment]
where the authority component divides into three subcomponents:
authority = [userinfo#]host[:port]
This is represented in a syntax diagram as:
As you can see, the ? ends the path part of the URL and starts the query part.
The query part is usually a &-separated string of name=value pairs, but it doesn't have to be, so json is a valid value for the query part.
Or, as the Wikipedia articles says it:
An optional query component preceded by a question mark (?), containing a query string of non-hierarchical data. Its syntax is not well defined, but by convention is most often a sequence of attribute–value pairs separated by a delimiter.
It is also fairly common for request processors to treat a name=value pair that is missing the = sign, as if the it was name=.
E.g. if you're writing Servlet code and call servletRequest.getParameter("json"), it would return an empty string ("") for that last URL in the question.

ANTLR lexer patern [\p{Emoji}]+ is matching numbers

The ANTLR4 lexer pattern [\p{Emoji}]+ is matching numbers. See screenshot. Note that it correctly rejects alpha chars. Is there an issue with the pattern?
\p{Emoji} matches everything that has the Unicode Emoji property. Numbers do have that property, so \p{Emoji} is correct in matching them. Why though?
The Unicode standard defines any codepoint to have the Emoji property if it can appear as part of an Emoji. Numbers can appear as parts of emojis (for example I think shapes with numbers on them, which for them reason count as emojis, consist of a shape, followed by a join, followed by the number), so they have that property.
If you only want to match codepoints that are emojis by themselves, you can just use the Emoji_Presentation property instead. This will fail to match combined emojis though.
If you want to match any sequence that creates an emoji, I think you'll want to match something like "Emoji_Presentation, followed by zero or more of '(Join_Control or Variation_Selector) followed by Emoji'" (here you want Emoji instead of Emoji_Presentation because that's where numbers are allowed).
However, for the purpose of allowing emojis in identifiers (as opposed to a lexer rule to match emojis and nothing else), you don't actually have to worry about whether a number is part of an emoji or not, just that it doesn't appear as the first character of the identifier. So you could simply define your fragment for the starting character to only include Emoji_Presentation and then the fragment for continuing characters to include Emoji as well as Join_Control and Variation_Selector.
So something like this would work:
fragment IdStart
: [_\p{Alpha}\p{General_Category=Other_Letter}\p{Emoji_Presentation}]
fragment IdContinue
: IdStart
// The `\p{Number}` might be redundant, I'm not sure. I don't know
// whether there are any (non-ascii) numeric codepoints that don't
// also have the `Emoji` property.
| [\p{Number}\p{Emoji}\p{Join_Control}\p{Variation_Selector}]
Identifier: IdStart IdContinue*;
Of course that's assuming you actually want to allow characters besides emojis. The definition in your question only included emojis (or was meant to anyway), but since it was called Identifier, I'm assuming you just removed the other allowed categories to simplify it.
Looking at the code that seems to define emoji code points:
UnicodeSet emojiRKUnicodeSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{GCB=Regional_Indicator}\\*#0-9\\u00a9\\u00ae\\u2122\\u3030\\u303d]");
it looks to be including digits (why, I don't know, checkout sepp2k's excellent explanation). You can always raise an issue if you think something is wrong.
You could also just use a character class like this instead:
: [\u00a9\u00ae\u2000-\u3300\ud83c\ud000-\udfff\ud83d\ud000-\udfff\ud83e\ud000-\udfff]+

Bison parser with operator tokens in variable name

I am new to bison, and have the misfortune of needing to write a parser for a language that may have what would otherwise be an operator within a variable name. For example, depending on context, the expression
could be interpreted as either:
the variable "FOO" being assigned the value of the variable "BAR" minus the value of the variable "BAZ", OR
the variable "FOO" being assigned the value of the variable "BAR-BAZ"
Fortunately the language requires variable declarations ahead of time, so I can determine whether a given string is a valid variable via a function I've implemented:
bool isVariable(char* name);
that will return true if the given string is a valid variable name, and false otherwise.
How do I tell bison to attempt the second scenario above first, and only if (through use of isVariable()) that path fails, go back and try it as the first scenario above? I've read that you can have bison try multiple parsing paths and cull invalid ones when it encounters a YYERROR, so I've tried a set of rules similar to:
STRING { if(!isVariable($1)) YYERROR; }
expression '-' expression
| variable
but when given "BAR-BAZ" the parser tries it as a single variable and just stops completely when it hits the YYERROR instead of exploring the "BAR" - "BAZ" path as I expect. What am I doing wrong?
I'm beginning to think that my flex rule for STRING might be the culprit:
((A-Z0-9][-A-Z0-9_///.]+)|([A-Z])) {yylval.sval = strdup(yytext); return STRING;}
In this case, if '-' appears in the middle of alphanumeric characters, the whole lot is treated as 1 STRING, without the possibility for subdivision by the parser (and therefore only one path explored). I suppose I could manually parse the STRING in the parser action, but it seems like there should be a better way. Perhaps flex could give back alternate token streams (one for the "BAR-BAZ" case and another for the "BAR"-"BAZ" case) that are diverted to different parser stacks for exploration? Is something like that possible?
It's not impossible to solve this problem within a bison-generated parser, but it's not easy, and the amount of hackery required might detract from the readability and verifiability of the grammar.
To be clear, GLR parsers are not fallback parsers. The GLR algorithm explores all possible parses in parallel, and rejects invalid ones as it goes. (The bison implementation requires that the parse converge to a single possible parse; the original GLR algorithm produces forest of parse trees.) Also, the GLR algorithm does not contemplate multiple lexical analyses.
If you want to solve this problem in the context of the parser, you'll probably need to introduce special handling for whitespace, or at least for - which are not surrounded by whitespace. Otherwise, you will not be able to distinguish between a - b (presumably always subtraction) and a-b (which might be the variable a-b if that variable were defined). Leaving aside that issue, you would be looking for something like this (but this won't work, as explained below):
expr : term
| expr '-' term
term : factor
| term '*' factor
factor: var
| '(' expr ')'
var : ident { if (!isVariable($1)) { /* reject this production */ } }
ident : WORD
| ident '-' WORD { $$ = concatenate($1, "-", $3); }
This won't work because the action associated with var : ident is not executed until after the parse has been disambiguated. So if the production is rejected, the parse fails, because the parser has already determined that the production is necessary. (Until the parser makes that determination, actions are deferred.)
Bison allows GLR grammars to use semantic predicates, which are executed immediately instead of being deferred. But that doesn't help, because semantic predicates cannot make use of computed semantic values (since the semantic value computations are still deferred when the semantic predicate is evaluated). You might think you could get around this by making the computation of the concatenated identifier (in the second ident production) a semantic predicate, but then you run into another limitation: semantic predicates do not themselves have semantic values.
Probably there is a hack which will get around this problem, but that might leave you with a different problem. Suppose that a, c, a-b and b-c are defined variables. Then, what is the meaning of a-b-c? Is it (a-b) - c or a - (b-c) or an error?
If you expect it to be an error, then there is no problem since the GLR parser will find both possible parses and bison-generated GLR parsers signal a syntax error if the parse is ambiguous. But then the question becomes: is a-b-c only an error if it is ambiguous? Or is it an error because you cannot use a subtraction operator without surround whitespace if its arguments are hyphenated variables? (So that a-b-c can only be resolved to (a - b) - c or to (a-b-c), regardless of whether a-b and b-c exist?) To enforce the latter requirement, you'll need yet more complication.
If, on the other hand, your language is expected to model a "fallback" approach, then the result should be (a-b) - c. But making that selection is not a simple merge procedure between two expr reductions, because of the possibility of a higher precedence * operator: d * a-b-c either resolves to (d * a-b) - c or (d * a) - b-c; in those two cases, the parse trees are radically different.
An alternative solution is to put the disambiguation of hyphenated variables into the scanner, instead of the parser. This leads to a much simpler and somewhat clearer definition, but it leads to a different problem: how do you tell the scanner when you don't want the semantic disambiguation to happen? For example, you don't want the scanner to insist on breaking up a variable name into segments when you the name occurs in a declaration.
Even though the semantic tie-in with the scanner is a bit ugly, I'd go with that approach in this case. A rough outline of a solution is as follows:
First, the grammar. Here I've added a simple declaration syntax, which may or may not have any resemblance to the one in your grammar. See notes below.
expr : term
| expr '-' term
term : factor
| term '*' factor
factor: VARIABLE
| '(' expr ')'
decl : { splitVariables(false); } "set" VARIABLE
{ splitVariables(true); } '=' expr ';'
{ addVariable($2); /* ... */ }
(See below for the semantics of splitVariables.)
Now, the lexer. Again, it's important to know what the intended result for a-b-c is; I'll outline two possible strategies. First, the fallback strategy, which can be implemented in flex:
int candidate_len = 0;
[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*/"-"[[:alpha:]] { yymore();
candidate_len = yyleng;
[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]* { yylval.id = strdup(yytext);
return WORD;
<HYPHENATED>"-"[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*/"-"[[:alpha:]] {
if (isVariable(yytext))
candidate_len = yyleng;
<HYPHENATED>"-"[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]* { if (!isVariable(yytext))
yylval.id = strdup(yytext);
return WORD;
That uses yymore and yyless to find the longest prefix sequence of hyphenated words which is a valid variable. (If there is no such prefix, it chooses the first word. An alternative would be to select the entire sequence if there is no such prefix.)
A similar alternative, which only allows the complete hyphenated sequence (in the case where that is a valid variable) or individual words. Again, we use yyless and yymore, but this time we don't bother checking intermediate prefixes and we use a second start condition for the case where we know we're not going to combine words:
int candidate_len = 0;
[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*/"-"[[:alpha:]] { yymore();
candidate_len = yyleng;
[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]* { yylval.id = strdup(yytext);
return WORD;
<HYPHENATED>("-"[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*)*[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]* {
if (isVariable(yytext)) {
yylval.id = strdup(yytext);
return WORD;
} else {
yylval.id = strdup(yytext);
return WORD;
<NO_COMBINE>[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]* { yylval.id = strdup(yytext);
return WORD;
<NO_COMBINE>"-" { return '-'; }
<NO_COMBINE>.|\n { yyless(0); /* rescan */
Both of the above solutions use isVariable to decide whether or not a hyphenated sequence is a valid variable. As mentioned earlier, there must be a way to turn off the check, for example in the case of a declaration. To accomplish this, we need to implement splitVariables(bool). The implementation is straightforward; it simply needs to set a flag visible to isVariable. If the flag is set to true, then isVariable always returns true without actually checking for the existence of the variable in the symbol table.
All of that assumes that the symbol table and the splitVariables flag are shared between the parser and the scanner. A naïve solution would make both of these variables globals; a cleaner solution would be to use a pure parser and lexer, and pass the symbol table structure (including the flag) from the main program into the parser, and from there (using %lex-param) into the lexer.

Escape special characters in Apache pig data

I am using Apache Pig to process some data.
My data set has some strings that contain special characters i.e (#,{}[]).
This programming pig book says that you can't escape those characters.
So how can I process my data without deleting the special characters?
I thought about replacing them but would like to avoid that.
Have you tried loading your data? There is no way to escape these characters when they are part of the values in a tuple, bag, or map, but there is no problem whatsoever in loading these characters in when part of a string. Just specify that field as type chararray.
The only issue you will have to watch out for here is if your strings ever contain the character that Pig is using as field delimiter - for example, if you are USING PigStorage(',') and your strings contain commas. But as long as you are not telling Pig to parse your field as a map, #, [, and ] will be handled just fine.
Easiest way would be,
input = LOAD 'inputLocation' USING TextLoader() as unparsedString:chararray;
TextLoader just reads each line of input into a String regardless of what's inside that string. You could then use your own parsing logic.
When writing your loader function, instead of returning tuples with e.g. maps as a String (and thus later relying on Utf8StorageConverter to get the conversion to a map right):
Tuple tuple = tupleFactory.newTuple( 1 );
tuple.set(0, new DataByteArray("[age#22, name#joel]"));
you can create and set directly a Java map:
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(2);
map.put("age", 22);
map.put("name", "joel");
tuple.set(0, map);
This is useful especially if you have to do the parsing during loading anyway.

Issues of Error handling with ANTLR3

I tried error reporting in following manner.
public String getErrorMessage(RecognitionException e,String[] tokenNames)
List stack=getRuleInvocationStack(e,this.getClass().getName());
String msg=null;
if(e instanceof NoViableAltException){
<some code>
String[] inputLines = e.input.toString().split("\r\n");
String line = "";
line = "at \"" + inputLines[e.token.getLine() - 2];
else if(e.token.getCharPositionInLine()>0)
line = "at \"" + inputLines[e.token.getLine() - 1];
return ": " + msg.split("at")[0] + line + "\" => [" + stack.get(stack.size() - 1) + "]";
public String getTokenErrorDisplay(Token t){
return t.toString();
And now errors are displayed as follows.
line 6:7 : missing CLOSSB at "int a[6;" => [var_declaration]
line 8:0 : missing SEMICOL at "int p" => [var_declaration]
line 8:5 : missing CLOSB at "get(2;" => [call]
I have 2 questions.
1) Is there a proper way to do the same thing I have done?
2) I want to replace CLOSSB, SEMICOL, CLOSB etc. with their real symbols. How can I do that using the map in .g file?
Thank you.
1) Is there a proper way to do the same thing I have done?
I don't know if there is a defined proper way of showing errors. My take on showing errors is a litmis test. If the user can figure out how to fix the error based on what you have given them then it is good. If the user is confued by the error message then the message needs more work. Based on the examples given in the question, symbols were only char constants.
My favorite way of seeing errors is with the line with an arrow pointing at the location.
Expected closing brace on line 6.
int a[6;
2) I want to replace CLOSSB, SEMICOL, CLOSB etc. with their real symbols. How can I do that using the map in .g file?
You will have to read the separately generated token file and then make a map, i.e. a dictionary data structure, to translate the token name into the token character(s).
First we have to clarify what is meant by symbol. If you limit the definition of symbol to only tokens that are defined in the tokens file with a char or string then this can be done, i.e. '!'=13, or 'public'=92, if however you chose to use the definition of symbol to be any text associated with a token, then that is something other than what I was or plan to address.
When ANTLR generates its token map it uses three different sources:
The char or string constants in the lexer
The char or string constants in the parser.
Internal tokens such as Invalid, Down, Up
Since the tokens in the lexer are not the complete set, one should use the tokens file as a starting point. If you look at the tokens file you will note that the lowest value is 4. If you look at the TokenTypes file (This is the C# version name) you will find the remaining defined tokens.
If you find names like T__ in the tokens file, those are the names ANTLR generated for the char/string literals in the parser.
If you are using string and/or char literals in parser rules, then ANTLR must create a new set of lexer rules that include all of the string and/or char literals in the parser rules. Remember that the parser can only see tokens and not raw text. So string and/or char literals cannot be passed to the parser.
To see the new set of lexer rules, use org.antlr.Tool –Xsavelexer, and then open the created grammar file. The name may be like.g . If you have string and/or char literals in your parser rules you will see lexer rules with name starting with T .
Now that you know all of the tokens and their values you can create a mapping table from the info given in the error to the string you want to output instead for the symbol.
The code at http://markmail.org/message/2vtaukxw5kbdnhdv#query:+page:1+mid:2vtaukxw5kbdnhdv+state:results
is an example.
However the mapping of the tokens can change for such things as changing rules in the lexer or changing char/string literals in the parser. So if the message all of a sudden output the wrong string for a symbol you will have to update the mapping table by hand.
While this is not a perfect solution, it is a possible solution depending on how you define symbol.
Note: Last time I looked ANTLR 4.x creates the table automatically for access within the parser because it was such a problem for so many with ANTLR 3.x.
Bhathiya wrote:
*1) Is there a proper way to do the same thing I have done?
There is no single way to do this. Note that proper error-handling and reporting is tricky. Terence Parr spends a whole chapter on this in The Definitive ANTLR Reference (chapter 10). I recommend you get hold of a copy and read it.
Bhathiya wrote:
2) I want to replace CLOSSB, SEMICOL, CLOSB etc. with their real symbols. How can I do that using the map in .g file?
You can't. For SEMICOL this may seem easy to do, but how would you get this information for a token like FOO:
FOO : (X | Y)+;
fragment X : '4'..'6';
fragment Y : 'a' | 'bc' | . ;