cant list to port 80 on apache - apache

i want to access my localhost on port 80,
all the ports are working except the port 80
i used netstate in order to know who is using the port 80 and i found the port 80 in this way:
Proto Local Address
what should i do please?
i need to listen to port 80 because i want my localhost call without the port number so the portnumber will be the default witch is 80

Try a netstat -a -n -o and find the PID of that process that is using port 80 then type in the following command to know which application is using that process
tasklist /svc /FI "PID eq 5988"
Here 5988 is the PID.
Once you get to know which application is using that port simply terminate it.


Can not connect to tensorboard on my google compute engine

I am trying to connect to tensorboard on my google compute engine instance but it is not working.
I have an anacondo distribution and use:
tensorboard --logdir=/logs
to create my tensorboard at default port 6006.
I also allowed HTTP/HTTPS traffic at my instance and also edited my firewall rules to allow traffic at:
IP ranges:
But, when I try to acess my tensorboard at
I get a timeout loading.
Can anybody help me?
Normally this type of configuration is related to port communication issues. Go ahead and get all the available ports with nmap, and you should see something as following:
$ nmap -Pn [YOUR IP ADDRESS]
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp closed http
443/tcp closed https
3389/tcp closed ms-wbt-server
Once, you confirm if the port "6006" is open, check if it can connect to your server with a telnet:
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
If you get "connection refused" make sure not only that this port is "open" but that it's "listening" as well (remember this needs to be configured on your application in your web server). You can check that with a netstat as following:
$ netstat -an | egrep -w “6006”
And you should see something like this (example for port 22):
$ netstat -an | grep 22
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
If it says on the Local Address column, it means that port is ONLY listening for connections from your PC itself, not from the Internet or network. If it says, it means that port is listening on all 'network interfaces' (i.e. your computer, your modem(s) and your network card(s)).
Thus, the IP you need is the one as the example (, since this means all IPs can reach that specific port. Plus, you must see the “Listen” status.
In addition, make sure to set up properly the Firewall rules in GCP and your software running on the instance itself to allow traffic to/from this port “6006” in specific, either to any instance or to a specific one using network tags.

Apache configured to listen on port 80 only but instead listening on port 8080 as well

I was not able to use port 8080 because it was apparently already used.
In order to see which program was using it, I typed the following command in my terminal (on MacOS):
sudo lsof -n -i :8080
Here's the result:
httpd is also listening on port 80, which I found out by using the following command:
sudo lsof -n -i :80 | grep LISTEN
Here's the result:
So I went to find out what this "httpd"-process was. Apparently it is basically the web server installed on my machine. The web server installed on my machine is Apache2.
Given this fact I concluded that Apache2 was apparently configured to listen on port 80 AND on port 8080.
BUT: Here's the crazy thing: I went to the folder /etc/apache2 and opened the file "httpd.conf". In the file Apache is configured to listen on port 80 only !!!
Why the hell is it also listening on port 8080 ?!
How can I make it listen on port 80 only ?

how to solve Apache Error i already changes the ports but couldn't what the Error is?

03:32:35[Apache]Problem detected!
03:32:35[Apache]Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4!
03:32:35[Apache]Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
03:32:35[Apache]You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
03:32:35[Apache]or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port
03:32:35[Apache]Attempting to start Apache app...
03:32:35[Apache]Status change detected: running
As log said, Port 80 is already used by another process
to check wich process use port :
WINDOWS: netstat -a -b
LINUX : sudo netstat -tulpn (must run with root)
To change the port of Apache, you have to modify this file:
APACHE_INSTALLATION_PATH/conf/httpd.conf and change this configuration Listen 80 to the port you want to use, example : Listen 8085
N.B: in your browser you must type this url instead of ( ==
You must restart your apache server
I think that skype is using port 80, but i'm not sure

how should I test if port forwarding is working?

I am doing a local forwarding to the remote port at 80 which the apache2 is listening on like this ssh -L 80:localhost:80 , so it connects me to the remote server, however I find I can still do mkdir rm and such commands. Isn't it so that I am only forwarded to application listening on port 80? so what's the difference to this command ssh -p 22 ? Is there a way to test if this port forwarding is working?
Yes, you can Test as follows:
You should use a Client program on one Side and A Server Program on the other remote side.
Try to connect your client to your server according to ports and IP's used in your port forwarding by Netsh Cmd.
If connection succeed , that is it, if connection fails, that means port forwarding command was failed, or your ip and port configuration of your client and server is wrong.
More over if you send a text file to the server, you should receive it.
I hope that this will help.
You can listen on port 80 with netcat like this on the host ...
nc -l -p 80
... and then either send something back with netcat ...
nc 80 <<< hello
... and see if you get a "hello" on the server, or use nmap :
nmap -p 80
You can also use nmap the same way if you already have a server listening on port 80, like apache.
Just note that nmap will say it's closed unless there is something listening on that port.

Running ssh on Amazon EC2 instance on port other than 22

I am not able to access Amazon EC2 instance via ssh as i am behind a firewall.
So, i thought of running ssh on port other than 22, like 80 or 443.
I tried starting Amazon EC2 instance via Web Management Console with following 'user data':
#!/bin/bash -ex
perl -pi -e 's/^#?Port 22$/Port 80/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service sshd restart || service ssh restart
The idea being that the above script would execute on instance startup and switch ssh from port 22 to port 80. (Ref:
But ssh is still not accessible on port 80.
Apparently 'user data' script is not being executed on start up?
I can 'only' start stop instances via Web Management Console, not from command-line (being behind firewall)
Any ideas?
To connect to an AWS instance through ssh from a port different than default 22:
Open the security group of your instance so that it allows connections to that port from the source that you choose ( for any source).
In your instance:
It is a new instance you could use an user-data script like this one:
#!/bin/bash -ex
perl -pi -e 's/^#?Port 22$/Port 443/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service sshd restart || service ssh restart
Please note that this only works if you are launching a new instance:
User data scripts and cloud-init directives only run during the first boot cycle when an instance is launched.
If it is not a new Instance, edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file adding/changing Port 22 to the port that you want (i.e: Port 443) to connect through ssh and then do service ssh restart and you should be done.
Note: I did this with an Ubuntu instance, with another Linux instances may be slightly different.
The amazon firewall blocks all ports other than 22. You first have to enable port 80/443/whatever.
Go to "security groups" -> click on the group you chose for your instance, then on the "Inbound" tab.
There you can add your ports.
EDIT: If by chance you also installed apache or some other webserver, port 80 will be used and cannot be used by sshd. I do not know which operating system is installed on your server, but maybe some webserver is already included?
EDIT 2: As per the last comment, it seems nowadays all ports are blocked by default. So you will have to open port 22 if you need it. Wasn't the case eight years ago, but configurations change ;)
Here is what I came up with to run sshd on 443 and 22 having rhel8 on ec2
make sure your security groups allow connection from your network/ip to the desired ports (in my case 22 and 443)
tcp 443 #allow access to 443 from IP
tcp 22 #allow access to 22 from IP
Login to the EC2 and
#install semanage with
sudo yum install -y policycoreutils-python-utils
#delete 443 from http ports
sudo semanage port -d -t http_port_t -p tcp 443
#add 443 to ssh ports
sudo semanage port -m -t ssh_port_t -p tcp 443
Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 22
Port 443
Restart sshd
sudo service sshd restart