Insert time with timezone daylight savings - sql

I would like to insert time data type in postgresql that includes the timezone and is aware of daylight savings time. This is what I have done:
start_time time(0) with time zone,
end_time time(0) with time zone
INSERT INTO mytable(start_time, end_time)
VALUES(TIME '08:00:00 MST7MDT', TIME '18:00:00 MST7MDT')
I get the following error:
invalid input syntax for type time: "08:00:00 MST7MDT"
It works if I use 'MST' instead of 'MST7MDT', but I need it to be aware of DST. I also tried using 'America/Edmonton' as the timezone, but I got the same error.
What is the proper way to insert a time value (not timestamp) with timezone and DST?
I would actually like to use the 'America/Edmonton' syntax

The proper way is not to use time with time zone (note the space between time and zone) at all, since it is broken by design. It is in the SQL standard, so Postgres supports the type - but advises not to use it. More in this related answer:
Accounting for DST in Postgres, when selecting scheduled items
Since you are having problems with DST, timetz (short name) is a particularly bad choice. It is ill-equipped to deal with DST. It's impossible to tell whether 8:00:00 is in winter or summer time.
Use timestamp with time zone (timstamptz) instead. You can always discard the date part. Simply use start_time::time to get the local time from a timestamptz. Or use AT TIME ZONE to transpose to your time zone.
Generally, to take DST into account automatically, use a time zone name instead of a time zone abbreviation. More explanation in this related question & answer:
Time zone names with identical properties yield different result when applied to timestamp
In your particular case, you could probably use America/Los_Angeles (example with timestamptz):
INSERT INTO mytable(start_time, end_time)
('1970-01-01 08:00:00 America/Los_Angeles'
, '1970-01-01 18:00:00 America/Los_Angeles')
I found this by checking:
SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names
WHERE utc_offset = '-07:00'
AND is_dst;
Basics about time zone handling:
Ignoring time zones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL

How about this?
INSERT INTO mytable(start_time, end_time)
VALUES('08:00:00'::time at time zone 'MST7MDT', '18:00:00'::time at time zone 'MST7MDT')


Postgres: meaning of `timestamp without time zone at time zone`

I am having some trouble understanding how to deal in Postgres with time zone semantic:
Consider this table
TABLE MyTable (
// other columns
And this query
FROM MyTable
WHERE // conditions
AND tstzrange(#{start} ::timestamp with time zone, #{end} ::timestamp with time zone] #> MyDate::timestamp without time zone at time zone 'CET'
I understand that Postgres only stores the epoch value i.e. no time zone info is ever stored, so I understand the need to specify timezone for start and end as they are formatted strings that Postgres needs to calculate the epoch for.
What I don't really understand is:
MyDate::timestamp without time zone at time zone 'CET'
Postgres knows the epoch for MyDate since it's their values are stored, why the need to "convert" to a time zone ?
What are we actually saying here and can this be simplified ?
Postgres never stores timezone information in timestamp or timestamptz. In the timestamptz case the timestamp being stored is rotated to a UTC value using either the timezone information in the presented timestamp or the value of the setting TimeZone and then stored. In the timestamp case that is not done. On output a timestamptz is rotated back from UTC to whatever the TimeZone setting is or what via at time zone <some_tz>. In the timestamp case the retrieved value is assumed to be the setting of TimeZone unless you override with at time zone <some_tz>. Best practices is that you use timestamptz.

Convert To Another Timezone in Postgresql

How do I convert the below code to another timezone using postgresql?
SELECT date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE);
The above code returns this output:
'2020-05-01 00:00:00'
I want to convert from the default timezone to 'PST'.
Is this what you are looking for?
select date_trunc('month', current_date) at time zone 'utc' at time zone 'pst'
2020-05-01 08:00:00+01
The following is not specific to this question.
While Postgres supports timezone abbreviations (pst, ...) be cautious using them. They establish fixed offsets from UTC. That offset remains the same all time; they are not aware of day light saving changes. In most cases much better to use full timezone name, i.e 'America/Los_Angeles' instead. From Postgres Documentation
A time zone abbreviation, for example PST. Such a specification merely
defines a particular offset from UTC, in contrast to full time zone
names which can imply a set of daylight savings transition-date rules
as well. The recognized abbreviations are listed in the
pg_timezone_abbrevs view (see Section 51.91). You cannot set the
configuration parameters TimeZone or log_timezone to a time zone
abbreviation, but you can use abbreviations in date/time input values
and with the AT TIME ZONE operator.

Postgres function to return datetime with time zone offset

Instead of always writing:
select my_column at time zone 'UTC' at time zone 'Europe/Paris' from my_table;
I would prefer doing:
select dtz(my_column, 'Europe/Paris') from my_table;
UTC is system-wide (server time zone), and could even be hardcoded in dtz().
Can someone share an efficient implementation of such a function?
select my_column at time zone 'UTC' at time zone 'Europe/Paris' from my_table;
Can be shortened a very very little bit like this:
select timezone('UTC', my_column) at time zone 'Europe/Paris' from my_table;
Its really dificult to see what you are having trouble with on this.
I don't believe the server timezone helps you here. As I understand it, it's the SQL client timezone than affects this.
You're not going to get a function more efficient than (IMMUTABLE):
But this will always be less efficient than writing it inline in your SQL.
Ideally your timestamp should be TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE instead of TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIMEZONE since it's being used to store absolute timestamps not local timestamps. This would prevent the need for two conversions (into UTC and out of it). But that does mean you would need to add the AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' into your INSERT and UPDATE statements.

Get "time with time zone" from "time without time zone" and the time zone name

First off, I realize time with time zone is not recommended. I am going to use it because I'm comparing multiple time with time zone values to my current system time regardless of day. I.e. a user says start everyday at 08:00 and finish at 12:00 with THEIR time zone, not the system time zone. So, I have a time without time zone column in one table, let's call it SCHEDULES.time and I have a UNIX time zone name column in another table, let's call it
My system time zone is 'America/Regina', which does not use DST and so the offset is always -06.
Given a time of '12:00:00' and a tz of 'America/Vancouver' I would like to select the data into a column of type time with time zone but I DO NOT want to convert the time to my time zone because the user has effectively said begin at when it is 12:00 in Vancouver, not in Regina.
Thus, doing:
results (at the moment) in:
but I really want:
I can't find any documentation relating to applying a time zone to a time, other then AT TIME ZONE. Is there a way to accomplish this without character manipulation or other hacks?
This can be accomplished by using string concatenation, casting, and the Postgres time zone view as such:
select ('12:00:00'::text || utc_offset::text)::timetz
from pg_timezone_names
where name = 'America/Vancouver';
However, this is fairly slow. There must be a better way, no?
I apologize for the confusion. The SCHEDULES table DOES NOT use time with time zone, I am trying to SELECT a time with time zone by combining values from a time without time zone and a text time zone name.
Thanks to all those involved for their (heated) discussion. :) I have been convinced to abandon my plan to use a time with time zone for my output and instead use a timestamp with time zone as it performs well, is more readable, and solves another problem that I was going to run into, time zones that roll into new dates. IE. '2011-11-21 23:59' in 'America/Vancouver' is '2011-11-22' in 'America/Regina'.
As I said in my last update, I have chosen the answer that #MichaelKrelin-hacker first proposed and #JonSkeet finalized. That is, a timestamp with time zone as my final output is a better solution. I ended up using a query like:
SELECT timezone(, now()::date + SCHEDULES.time)
The timezone() format was rewritten by Postgres after I entered (current_date + SCHEDULES.time) AT TIME ZONE into my view.
WARNING: PostgreSQL newbie (see comments on the question!). I know a bit about time zones though, so I know what makes sense to ask.
It looks to me like this is basically an unsupported situation (unfortunately) when it comes to AT TIME ZONE. Looking at the AT TIME ZONE documentation it gives a table where the "input" value types are only:
timestamp without time zone
timestamp with time zone
time with time zone
We're missing the one you want: time without time zone. What you're asking is somewhat logical, although it does depend on the date... as different time zones can have different offsets depending on the date. For example, 12:00:00 Europe/London may mean 12:00:00 UTC, or it may mean 11:00:00 UTC, depending on whether it's winter or summer.
On my system, having set the system time zone to America/Regina, the query
AT TIME ZONE 'America/Vancouver'
gives me 2011-11-22 14:00:00-06 as a result. That's not ideal, but it does at least give the instant point in time (I think). I believe that if you fetched that with a client library - or compared it with another TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE - you'd get the right result. It's just the text conversion that then uses the system time zone for output.
Would that be good enough for you? Can you either change your SCHEDULES.time field to be a TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE field, or (at query time) combine the time from the field with a date to create a timestamp without time zone?
EDIT: If you're happy with the "current date" it looks like you can just change your query to:
SELECT (current_date + SCHEDULES.time) AT TIME ZONE
Of course, the current system date may not be the same as the current date in the local time zone. I think this will fix that part...
SELECT ((current_timestamp AT TIME ZONE + schedules.time)
In other words:
Take the current instant
Work out the local date/time in the user's time zone
Take the date of that
Add the schedule time to that date to get a TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE
Use AT TIME ZONE to apply the time zone to that local date/time
I'm sure there's a better way, but I think it makes sense.
You should be aware that in some cases this could fail though:
What do you want the result to be for a time of 01:30 on a day when the clock skips from 01:00 to 02:00, so 01:30 doesn't occur at all?
What do you want the result to be for a time of 01:30 on a day when the clock goes back from 02:00 to 01:00, so 01:30 occurs twice?
Here is a demo how to calculate the times without casting to text:
CREATE TEMP TABLE schedule(t time, tz text);
INSERT INTO schedule values
('12:00:00', 'America/Vancouver')
,('12:00:00', 'US/Mountain')
,('12:00:00', 'America/Regina');
- p.utc_offset
+ EXTRACT (timezone from now()) * interval '1s'
FROM schedule s
JOIN pg_timezone_names p ON =;
Basically you have to subtract the UTC offset and add the offset of your local time zone to arrive at the given time zone.
You can speed up the calculation by hardcoding your local offset. In your case (America/Regina) that should be:
- p.utc_offset
- interval '6h'
FROM schedule s
JOIN pg_timezone_names p ON =;
As pg_timezone_names is a view and not actually a system table, it is rather slow - just like the demonstrated variant with casting to text representation and back.
I would store the time zone abbreviations and take the double cast via text without joining in pg_timezone_names for optimum performance.
FAST solution
The culprit that's slowing you down is pg_timezone_names. After some testing I found that pg_timezone_abbrevs is far superior. Of course, you have to save correct time zone abbreviations instead of time zone names to achieve this. Time zone names take DST into consideration automatically, time zone abbreviations are basically just codes for a time offset. The documentation:
A time zone abbreviation, for example PST. Such a specification merely
defines a particular offset from UTC, in contrast to full time zone names
which can imply a set of daylight savings transition-date rules as well.
Have a look at these test results or try yourself:
SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names;
Total runtime: 541.007 ms
SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_abbrevs;
Total runtime: 0.523 ms
Factor 1000. Whether you go with your idea to cast to text and back to timetz or with my method to compute the time is not important. Both methods are very fast. Just don't use pg_timezone_names.
Actually, as soon as you save time zone abbreviations, you can take the casting route without any additional joins. Use the abbreviation instead of the utc_offset. Results are accurate as per your definition.
CREATE TEMP TABLE schedule(t time, abbrev text);
INSERT INTO schedule values
('12:00:00', 'PST') -- 'America/Vancouver'
,('12:00:00', 'MST') -- 'US/Mountain'
,('12:00:00', 'CST'); -- 'America/Regina'
-- calculating
SELECT s.t AT TIME ZONE s.abbrev
- a.utc_offset
+ EXTRACT (timezone from now()) * interval '1s'
FROM schedule s
JOIN pg_timezone_abbrevs a USING (abbrev);
-- casting (even faster!)
SELECT (t::text || abbrev)::timetz
FROM schedule s;

How to format "time with time zone" in Postgres?

I have a database field of type time with time zone. How can I query this field in EST5EDT time zone with the output format hh:mm:ss?
All I can find is using multiple calls to EXTRACT:
To be clear, this query:
Returns "22:38:40.001" but I just want "22:38:40" as the output.
Use the TO_CHAR() function:
SELECT TO_CHAR(date '2001-09-28' +time, 'HH24:MI:SS')
Seeing that TO_CHAR only accepts the timestamp datatype, you need to concatentate an arbitrary date value to your time value.
"time with time zone" is basically a bogus datatype, and as such isn't really supported in a lot of cases.
How do you define "time with time zone"? Time zones are dependent on dates, which aren't included in the datatype, and thus it's not fully defined. (yes, it's mandatory by the SQL standard, but that doesn't make it sane)
You're probably best off first fixing what datatype you're using. Either use timestamp with time zone, or use time (without time zone).
You can simply use CAST and CAST to the time type:
(Of course, the result will have a different data type)