Checking off checkbox when record gets focus - vba

I'm guessing this has been answered before but I cant seem to word it right to find help.
Anyways, I'm using a barcode scanner in access to find records (it just enters the number in a textbox then hits enter). What I need is to make it so that when a record is found (using rs.FindFirst), the check box field (Named "Audit Check") gets checked off.
Here is my code for the search, I have a feeling that it can be incorporated into this event.
Private Sub BarcodeBox_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
If Not IsNull(Me![Barcodebox]) Then
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
rs.FindFirst "[Barcode] = '" & Me![Barcodebox] & "'"
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Thanks so much guys!

Try changing
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
If Not rs.EOF Then
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
Me.MyCheckbox = True
End If


MSAccess Form Search-Button conflicts with Edit-Button

I'm new to this forum and quite new to Access. I have the following problem. I've created an Form/Subform to edit the Data of a Query. Two Controls seem to be in conflict in my code.
"Search_Order" is an unbound text field. If text is entered and enter is pressed the corresponding fields of a query are shown. The code looks like the following:
Set rs_Search = Me.RecordsetClone
rs_Search.FindFirst "[OrderNumber]=""" & Search_Order & """"
If rs_Search.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Sorry, no such record '" & Search_Order & "' was found.", _
vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Me.Recordset.Bookmark = rs_Search.Bookmark
End If
Search_Order = Null
Set rs_Search = Nothing
End Sub
The second command "ButtonSetOrderDetails10" should create a RecordsetClone of the Subform "sfrmChangeOrderDetails" and change the Value of the Field "OrderStatus" to the Vlaue of "10".
It has this code:
Private Sub ButtonSetOrderDetails10_Click()
Dim rs_Status_Change As DAO.Recordset
Set rs_Status_Change = Me.sfrmChangeOrderDetails.Form.RecordsetClone
With rs_Status_Change
Do While Not .EOF
.Fields("OrderStatus") = 10
End With
Set rs_Status_Change = Nothing
End Sub
I've looked both codes here up and modified them to the needs of my database. Both codes work fine so far, but unfortunately only once.
My problem is that as soon as I hit the Button "ButtonSetOrderDetails10" I can't do the same trick with a different order. I can search for the other order, it is displayed but the Button "ButtonSetOrderDetails10" does not work anymore. If I close the Form and reopen it, it works again.
It would be great if someone can give me a hint what I'm doing wrong here.
Best regards, Ferdi
I am surprised even works one time. With DAO recordset need to read dataset into memory before it will be able see records for edit otherwise just sees EOF and the loop doesn't run. Try:
With rs_Status_Change
Don't even need to declare/set/close a recordset object.
Private Sub Search_Order_AfterUpdate()
With Me.RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "[OrderNumber]='" & Me.Search_Order & "'"
If .NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Sorry, no such record '" & Me.Search_Order & "' was found.", _
vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With
Me.Search_Order = Null
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonSetOrderDetails10_Click()
With Me.sfrmChangeOrderDetails.Form.RecordsetClone
Do While Not .EOF
.Fields("OrderStatus") = 10
End With
End Sub
Could really simplify code by running an UPDATE action SQL.
Private Sub ButtonSetOrderDetails10_Click()
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE ChangeOrderDetails SET OrderStatus=10 WHERE OrderNumber='" & Me.OrderNumber & "'"
End Sub

Runtime Error 15 - Type Mismatch for code to change a password in MS Access database

I get a Runtime Error 15 on the following line:
MyuserID = Me.txtfirstname.Value from the code below:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdchange_Click()
On Error Resume Next
If Trim(Me.txtnewpass & "") <> Trim(Me.txtconfirmpass & "") Then
MsgBox "Passwords do not match", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, ""
Me.cmdchange.Enabled = False
Me.cmdchange.Enabled = True
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select' From[User Registration Details] where [UserID]=" & MyuserID)
If Not rs.EOF And Not rs.BOF Then
rs("Password") = txtconfirmpass
Set rs = Nothing
MsgBox "Your Password has been successfully changed", vbInformation, "Electporl"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmnewpassword", acSaveNo
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmlogin"
End If
End If
Given that I placed the code below on the button that takes the user to the changing password form.
Private Sub cmdproceed_Click()
If IsNull(Me.txtfirstname) Or Me.txtfirstname = "" Then
Me.mand1.Visible = True
End If
If IsNull(Me.txtemail) Or Me.txtemail = "" Then
Me.mand2.Visible = True
End If
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("User Registration Details", dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly)
rs.FindFirst ("Firstname='" & Nz(Me.txtfirstname, "") & "'")
If rs.NoMatch = True Then
Me.lbl1.Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If
If rs!Username <> Nz(Me.txtemail, "") Then
Me.lbl2.Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If
'MyuserID is publicly declared as Long in a module
MyuserID = Me.txtfirstname.Value
DoCmd.OpenForm " frmnewpassword"
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Sub
the second code is assigned to the button that redirects the user to the form that will enable him or her change the password after verifying his or her first name and email.
The second one now is assigned to the button that will help the user change the password by overwriting the old password.
Please pass the UserID value in your procedure.
In your cmdproceed_Click() procedure update the following section:
'MyuserID is publicly declared as Long in a module
MyuserID = rs("UserID")
In your cmdchange_Click() procedure update the following line:
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * From [User Registration Details] where [UserID]=" & MyuserID)
From a logical point of view, you can have others with the same firstname, so doing the filter on the firstname only will introduce unexpected behaviors later in the life cycle of your application.
If you have two or more users with the first name 'Joshua' then your code will always select the first user with that first name. You need to update this logic to select a unique user.

changing sql string based on active userform

I have a SQL query that I'm calling from a couple of different forms using the ctrl as object method. It works fine, but when I run it from a click event it will also open whichever form isn't currently loaded. The query returns the results I want, it just does it to both forms at the same time regardless of which is loaded.
Only one form is loaded at a time. A drop down list called Team exists on both forms. The query passes the currently selected item from that drop down list to return a list of agents assigned to that team.
I know that part of the issue is my query using an or statement that refers to values on both forms, but I'm not sure how to change it to reference the active form.
Attendance and reporting are the names of the two UserForms currently calling this query. Both of them have combobox controls named Team. I've tried activeform, etc. But I can't seem to find a way to make it work.
Sub agents(ctrl As Object)
Dim SQLStr As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim Counter As Long
SQLStr="select distinct[Agentname] from dbo.[Attendance] Where [Team]='" & _
attendance.Team.Value & "' or [Team] ='" & Reporting.Team.Value & "'"
If appconn.State = 0 Then
Call database_connect
End If
rs.Open SQLStr, appconn, adOpenStatic
With ctrl
.AddItem rs![Agentname]
Loop Until rs.EOF
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
1) Well first off to refer to controls you have to have the form loaded.
2) Youre referring to controls in the oddest way. Review AND save this URL
3) If one form is closed your query might always return nothing. Is this a desired output?
For anyone who may find this looking for something similar, this is the solution I used.
I used a Function to test if a userform is loaded or not.
Public Function IsLoaded(formName As String) As Boolean
Dim frm As Object
For Each frm In VBA.UserForms
If frm.Name = formName Then
IsLoaded = True
Exit Function
End If
Next frm
IsLoaded = False
End Function
Then adjusted my above code like so
Dim SQLStr As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim Counter As Long
If IsLoaded("Attendance") Then
SQLStr = "select distinct[Agentname] from dbo.[Attendance] Where [Team] ='" & attendance.Team.value & "'"
ElseIf IsLoaded("Reporting") Then
SQLStr = "select distinct[Agentname] from dbo.[Attendance] Where [Team] ='" & Reporting.Team.value & "'"
End If
If appconn.State = 0 Then
Call database_connect
End If
rs.Open SQLStr, appconn, adOpenStatic
With ctrl
.AddItem rs![Agentname]
Loop Until rs.EOF
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Exit Sub
now it works like a charm!

Access, VBA: Find First not working correctly

I hope this is a simple question for someone. I have this method that uses two form fields to check if a record exists in my table and either adds a record or does nothing. So if patient_id is 100, and visit_number is 1, then I will only add a new record if it doesn't already exist.
So, if rst.NoMatch is true - add a new record. However, I can't get it to recognize a duplicate. Here is the code:
Private Sub add_record_button_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb
If IsNull(Form.patient_id) Or IsNull(Form.visit_number) = True Then
MsgBox "Please fill in both fields."
rst.FindFirst "[patient_id] = " & Form.patient_id & " And [visit_number] = " & Form.visit_number
If rst.NoMatch Then
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Visits")
rst!patient_id = Form.patient_id
rst!visit_number = Form.visit_number
MsgBox "New patient visit has been added to the database."
MsgBox "That visit already exists."
End If
End If
End Sub
I believe that my FindFirst line isn't correct. In the database, the variables are named patient_id and visit_number. On the form they are named the same.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
From the comments below, I was able to get my logic working but using a different compare feature, Dlookup.
IsNull(DLookup("[patient_id]", "MyTable", "[patient_id] = " & Forms("MyForm").patient_id & " AND [visit_number] = " & Forms("MyForm").visit_number)
The above line made everything work if I used the form directly, however if I put the form into a navigation form - it stopped working. The string that ultimately got it working from within a navigation form looks like this:
If IsNull(DLookup("[patient_id]", "Visits", "[patient_id] = " & Me!patient_id.Value & " AND [visit_number] = " & Me!visit_number.Value)) = True Then
Thank you all for your help.
I've never seen Form used this way, and you should be able to add the record directly in the form, so try:
Private Sub add_record_button_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
Dim PatientId As Variant
Dim VisitNumber As Variant
PatientId = Me!patient_id.Value
VisitNumber = Me!visit_number.Value
If IsNull(PatientId) Or IsNull(VisitNumber) Then
MsgBox "Please fill in both fields."
rst.FindFirst "[patient_id] = " & PatientId & " And [visit_number] = " & VisitNumber & ""
If rst.NoMatch Then
rst!patient_id.Value = PatientId
rst!visit_number.Value = VisitNumber
MsgBox "New patient visit has been added to the database."
MsgBox "That visit already exists."
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
End If
End Sub

Access VBA: Before_Update Triggers Itself

I have an MS Access database where I'm using the Before_Update() command to ensure prevent a user from pasting in data that doesn't match a specific validation list. Using Before_Update() I check against the list and cancel the entry if the value doesn't match, as well as popping up an error message. However, this cancellation re-triggers the Before_Update() which causes the message to come up again, which is very annoying. I'm stumped on a reliable way to remove the duplicate
Private Sub ProductClass_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strSQL As String
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
strSQL = "select * from pGroupList where (ProductClass) = '" & Me.ProductClass & "';"
Set RS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If RS.EOF Then
MsgBox "Invalid Entry - Product Group", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry"
Cancel = True
End If
Set RS = Nothing
End Sub