Reading file of Airport codes and lat, long coordinates - file-io

I have been given a file of 1200 airports that lists airport code, latitude, longitude, city, and state.
EX: ANB 33.58 85.85 Anniston AL
Eventually I will be writing methods 'Distance' to return distance and information of two input airports, 'Closest' to return code and distance of closest airports to and input airport, and 'Shortest' to find shortest trip that begins and input airport and travels to n airports.
For now my question is, what is the best way to read in this data that will eventually make it easier for me to write/calculate distances later?
Such as would I read in the file then put in a HashMap, or TreeSet in one method, and how would this be done? or would I wait and use HashMap/TreeSet in the other methods?
Sorry I don't have any code yet but I'm stuck on this for now and you guys all ways help me out tremendously, so just looking for direction at this point.

It sounds like the simplest approach would be to create an object to store the information for one airport and then store all of those objects in one array. I say this because you're probably going to be doing a lot of iteration over the entire array in order to build your other methods, and since you only have 1200 objects, any fancy sorting isn't going to speed up your program that much.
I suppose you could also divide your set of airports into geographic regions and override hashcode() in order to group nearby airports together, but that doesn't buy you much speed, and it's not particularly helpful for airports near the edge of a region. Similarly, you could implement a GeoHash, but these also have issues with certain edge conditions that may or may not matter with your set of airports. (There are also open source Java implementations of GeoHashes out there if you do a search.)
Whatever you do, don't set up a group of HashMaps to map airport name to each of your other pieces of data. That is a common beginner approach, but it is also the slowest approach. Creating an object is much better.


Oracle String Conversion - Alpha String to Numeric Score, Fuzzy Match

I'm working with a lot of name data where the following events are happening:
In one stream the data is submitted as "Sung" and in the other stream "Snug" my initial thought to this was to convert Sung and Snug to where each character equals a number then the sums would be the same, so even if they transverse a character, I'd be able to bucket these appropriately.
The other is where in one stream it comes in as "Lillly" as opposed to "Lilly" in the other stream. I'd like to figure out how to fuzzy match these such that I can identify them. I'm not sure if this is possible in Oracle.
I'm working with many millions of data points and trying to figure out how to write these classification buckets such that I can stop having so much noise in my primary task of finding where people are truly different people as opposed to a clerical error.
Any thoughts would be very appreciated.
A common measure for such distance is called Levenshtein distance (Wikipedia here). This measures the "edit" distance between two strings -- number of edit operations needed to convert one into the other.
That's the good news. More good news is that Oracle even has an implementation in the UTL_MATCH library.
The bad news is that it is really, really expensive on millions of data points. Unfortunately, I cannot help you there so much. One idea is to determine which names are "close enough" because they already share a certain minimum number of characters.
Another method is to convert the strings to what they sound like. That is called soundex. You may be able to use the two together -- assuming your names are predominantly English (the soundex algorithm was invented by the US Census Bureau, so it would work best on names in America).

Data Science: Using Inferential Statistics to label train dataset

Lack of High Schools in remote areas is a problem for students in developing country. Students in some locations are better than that in other. So, I have to find those locations. Now, the main problem is defining "BETTER". I have made some rules that will define the profile of a location.
Right now, I am concerned with the good students.
So, what I have done is-
1. Used some inferential statistics to and made some rules to come up with the conclusion that Location A,B,C,etc are the most potential locations where you can put the high schools because according to my rules these locations contain quality students.
I did all of the things above to label the data because I required to define "BETTER" and label the data so that I can now use machine learning algorithm to learn the factors which makes a location a potential location so that if I give a data point from test data to the model, it will instantly tell if the location is better or not.
Overview of the method:
For each location, I have these 4 information:
ratio (calculated as B/A),
For the location whose ratio > 1
I applied the chi-squared significance test to come up with a statistic which would tell me if students are leaving that place in significant amount than staying. I used ANOVA and then Tukey test to compare means_grade points and then find combinations of pairs of locations whose means vary and whose is greater than the others.
I then wrote a python program with a custom comparator that first compares if mean_grade of those points vary and returns the one with greater mean. If the means don't vary, the comparator return the location with the one whose chi-squared value is greater.
This is how, the whole process comes up with few suggestions of location and I call those location "BETTER".
What I am concerned about is-
1. How do I verify if my rules are valid? Or do I even need to verify it?
2. Most importantly, is mingling statistics with machine learning as described above an appropriate approach?Is there any major leakage in the method?Can anyone suggest a more general method?

How to group nearby latitude and longitude locations stored in SQL

Im trying to analyse data from cycle accidents in the UK to find statistical black spots. Here is the example of the data from another website.
I am currently using SQLite to ~100k store lat / lon locations. I want to group nearby locations together. This task is called cluster analysis.
I would like simplify the dataset by ignoring isolated incidents and instead only showing the origin of clusters where more than one accident have taken place in a small area.
There are 3 problems I need to overcome.
Performance - How do I ensure finding nearby points is quick. Should I use SQLite's implementation of an R-Tree for example?
Chains - How do I avoid picking up chains of nearby points?
Density - How to take cycle population density into account? There is a far greater population density of cyclist in london then say Bristol, therefore there appears to be a greater number of backstops in London.
I would like to avoid 'chain' scenarios like this:
Instead I would like to find clusters:
London screenshot (I hand drew some clusters)...
Bristol screenshot - Much lower density - the same program ran over this area might not find any blackspots if relative density was not taken into account.
Any pointers would be great!
Well, your problem description reads exactly like the DBSCAN clustering algorithm (Wikipedia). It avoids chain effects in the sense that it requires them to be at least minPts objects.
As for the differences in densities across, that is what OPTICS (Wikipedia) is supposed do solve. You may need to use a different way of extracting clusters though.
Well, ok, maybe not 100% - you maybe want to have single hotspots, not areas that are "density connected". When thinking of an OPTICS plot, I figure you are only interested in small but deep valleys, not in large valleys. You could probably use the OPTICS plot an scan for local minima of "at least 10 accidents".
Update: Thanks for the pointer to the data set. It's really interesting. So I did not filter it down to cyclists, but right now I'm using all 1.2 million records with coordinates. I've fed them into ELKI for analysis, because it's really fast, and it actually can use the geodetic distance (i.e. on latitude and longitude) instead of Euclidean distance, to avoid bias. I've enabled the R*-tree index with STR bulk loading, because that is supposed to help to get the runtime down a lot. I'm running OPTICS with Xi=.1, epsilon=1 (km) and minPts=100 (looking for large clusters only). Runtime was around 11 Minutes, not too bad. The OPTICS plot of course would be 1.2 million pixels wide, so it's not really good for full visualization anymore. Given the huge threshold, it identified 18 clusters with 100-200 instances each. I'll try to visualize these clusters next. But definitely try a lower minPts for your experiments.
So here are the major clusters found:
51.690713 -0.045545 a crossing on A10 north of London just past M25
51.477804 -0.404462 "Waggoners Roundabout"
51.690713 -0.045545 "Halton Cross Roundabout" or the crossing south of it
51.436707 -0.499702 Fork of A30 and A308 Staines By-Pass
53.556186 -2.489059 M61 exit to A58, North-West of Manchester
55.170139 -1.532917 A189, North Seaton Roundabout
55.067229 -1.577334 A189 and A19, just south of this, a four lane roundabout.
51.570594 -0.096159 Manour House, Picadilly Line
53.477601 -1.152863 M18 and A1(M)
53.091369 -0.789684 A1, A17 and A46, a complex construct with roundabouts on both sides of A1.
52.949281 -0.97896 A52 and A46
50.659544 -1.15251 Isle of Wight, Sandown.
Note, these are just random points taken from the clusters. It may be sensible to compute e.g. cluster center and radius instead, but I didn't do that. I just wanted to get a glimpse of that data set, and it looks interesting.
Here are some screenshots, with minPts=50, epsilon=0.1, xi=0.02:
Notice that with OPTICS, clusters can be hierarchical. Here is a detail:
First, your example is quite misleading. You have two different sets of data, and you don't control the data. If it appears in a chain, then you will get a chain out.
This problem is not exactly suitable for a database. You'll have to write code or find a package that implements this algorithm on your platform.
There are many different clustering algorithms. One, k-means, is an iterative algorithm where you look for a fixed number of clusters. k-means requires a few complete scans of the data, and voila, you have your clusters. Indexes are not particularly helpful.
Another, which is usually appropriate on slightly smaller data sets, is hierarchical clustering -- you put the two closest things together, and then build the clusters. An index might be helpful here.
I recommend though that you peruse a site such as kdnuggets in order to see what software -- free and otherwise -- is available.

Postal code (ZIP) worldwide (not just US) optimized data structure (not SQL, CSV or Google API) for long and lat retrieval

Does any one know of database structure such as this that is optimized for super fast retrieval of long and lat based on either ZIP or (City, State, Country) parameters?
Maxmind's database does not support any other retrieval than IP retrieval, at least not to mine knowledge. So if you know how to do it preferably in Java, I'm all ears.
This should not be SQL type database or CSV file or Google API solution. Thous are just to slow. Especially if you want to offer search results sorted by distance.
Paid solutions are also option. The data structure doesn't have to be free.
I don't believe there is such a thing as a "fast" way to do this. I've built a geocoding API for Canadian postal codes and the way we search is to have two indexes of postal codes - one sorted by lattitude and one sorted by longitude. You can do some spherical geometry and develop a bounding "box" that fits everything in a given radius but you still have to go back and do a point to point distance measurement using Vincenty or Haversine or your algorithm of choice for the distance between your origin and each postal code you find.
With a world-wide database, your math gets complicated by the fact that you can cross meridians and the equator.
You'll want some kind of encoding scheme that lets you work in radians, since that is what most distance calculation hueristics require.
this can be done very quickly with any database engine that supports two dimensional indexes... and mysql supports unlimited dimensions as well as I know... it's simple.. you use a 2-d index to limit your result set to a reasonable size extremely quickly... then you examine your result set with a high precision calculation algorithm if you need to.. not hard.. except you may need to or two lists together if they cross the 180/-180 longitude line
making a 2d index is simple.... index (latitude,longitude) ... that index only works on latitude or latitude,longitude pairs... it won't work on longitude alone... if you want an additional index for longitude index (longitude) .... I select out a rough estimate square and round the corners if I care about them. ...
if you have a zip or city to start with... zip codes are just a 1-d index... no problem making that happen fast.. just use an index index(zip) ... and if your hard drive is too slow, get a solid state drive to eliminate the seek times.. or use a huge ram and cache the whole table... this is not a hard problem either way you want to go
if that's not fast enough for you, using someones service won't help because you have network overhead... you will have to hold your data directly in ram/ssd and build your own 2-d /1-d indexing system if you need it (not hard)... that route could probably beat sql by a factor of 10 or so because the sql engine has a lot of overhead.... I suppose someone might offer a service that runs on your own machine, but realistically, that wouldn't beat sql by very far because you still have to go through a bunch of hoopdiloops to make the request to their service. sql and 2-d indexes with a solid state drive will be damned fast you shouldn't need to process the data yourself unless you are the post office, sorting 10,000 pieces of mail per second with one machine serving the data. then you'll have to write your own data management routines.

Algorithm for almost similar values search

I have Persons table in SQL Server 2008.
My goal is to find Persons who have almost similar addresses.
The address is described with columns state, town, street, house, apartment, postcode and phone.
Due to some specific differences in some states (not US) and human factor (mistakes in addresses etc.), address is not filled in the same pattern.
Most common mistakes in addresses
Case sensitivity
Someone wrote "apt.", another one "apartment" or "ap." (although addresses aren't written in English)
Spaces, dots, commas
Differences in writing street names, like 'Dr. Jones str." or "Doctor Jones street" or "D. Jon. st." or "Dr Jones st" etc.
The main problem is that data isn't in the same pattern, so it's really difficult to find similar addresses.
Is there any algorithm for this kind of issue?
Thanks in advance.
As I mentioned address is separated into different columns. Should I generate a string concatenating columns or do your steps for each column?
I assume I shouldn't concatenate columns, but if I'll compare columns separately how should I organize it? Should I find similarities for each column an union them or intersect or anything else?
Should I have some statistics collecting or some kind of educating algorithm?
Suggest approaching it thus:
Create word-level n-grams (a trigram/4-gram might do it) from the various entries
Do a many x many comparison for string comparison and cluster them by string distance. Someone suggested Levenshtein; there are better ones for this kind of task, Jaro-Winkler Distance and Smith-Waterman work better. A libraryt such as SimMetrics would make life a lot easier
Once you have clusters of n-grams, you can resolve the whole string using the constituent subgrams i.e. D.Jones St => Davy Jones St. => DJones St.
Should not be too hard, this is an all-too-common problem.
Update: Based on your update above, here are the suggested steps
Catenate your columns into a single string, perhaps create a db "view" . For example,
create view vwAddress
select top 10000
state town, street, house, apartment, postcode,
state+ town+ street+ house+ apartment+ postcode as Address
from ...
Write a separate application (say in Java or C#/VB.NET) and Use an algorithm like JaroWinkler to estimate the string distance for the combined address, to create a many x many comparison. and write into a separate table
address1 | address n | similarity
You can use Simmetrics to get the similarity thus:
JaroWinnkler objJw = new JaroWinkler()
double sim = objJw.GetSimilarity (address1, addres n);
You could also trigram it so that an address such as "1 Jones Street, Sometown, SomeCountry" becomes "1 Jones Street", "Jones Street Sometown", and so on....
and compare the trigrams. (or even 4-grams) for higher accuracy.
Finally you can order by similarity to get a cluster of most similar addresses and decide an approprite threshold. Not sure why you are stuck
I would try to do the following:
split up the address in multiple words, get rid of punctuation at the same time
check all the words for patterns that are typically written differently and replace them with a common name (e.g. replace apartment, ap., ... by apt, replace Doctor by Dr., ...)
put all the words back in one string alphabetically sorted
compare all the addresses using a fuzzy string comparison algorithm, e.g. Levenshtein
tweak the parameters of the Levenshtein algorithm (e.g. you want to allow more differences on longer strings)
finally do a manual check of the strings
Of course, the solution to keep your data 'in shape' is to have explicit fields for each of your characteristics in your database. Otherwise, you will end up doing this exercise every few months.
The main problem I see here is to exactly define equality.
Even if someone writes Jon. and another Jone. - you will never be able to say if they are the same. (Jon-Jonethan,Joneson,Jonedoe whatever ;)
I work in a firm where we have to handle exact this problem - I'm afraid I have to tell you this kind of checking the adress lists for navigation systems is done "by hand" most of the time. Abbrevations are sometimes context dependend, and there are other things that make this difficult. Ofc replacing string etc is done with python - but telling you the MEANING of such an abbr. can only done by script in a few cases. ("St." -> Can be "Saint" and "Street". How to decide? impossible...this is human work.).
Another big problem is as you said "Is there a street "DJones" or a person? Or both? Which one is ment here? Is this DJones the same as Dr Jones or the same as Don Jones? Its impossible to decide!
You can do some work with lists as presented by another answer here - but it will give you enough "false positives" or so.
You have a postcode field!!!
So, why don't you just buy a postcode table for your country
and use that to clean up your street/town/region/province information?
I did a project like this in the last centuary. Basicly it was a consolidation of two customer files after a merger, and, involved names and addresses from three different sources.
Firstly as many posters have suggested, convert all the common words and abbreveations and spelling mistakes to a common form "Apt." "Apatment" etc. to "Apt".
Then look through the name and identifiy the first letter of the first name, plus the first surname. (Not that easy consider "Dr. Med. Sir Henry de Baskerville Smythe") but dont worry where there are amiguities just take both! So if you lucky you get HBASKERVILLE and HSMYTHE. Now get rid of all the vowels as thats where most spelling variations occur so now you have HBSKRVLL HSMTH.
You would also get these strings from "H. Baskerville","Sir Henry Baskerville Smith" and unfortunately "Harold Smith" but we are talking fuzzy matching here!
Perform a similar exercise on the street, and apartment and postcode fields. But do not throw away the original data!
You now come to the interesting bit first you compare each of the original strings and give say 50 points for each string that matches exactly. Then go through you "normalised" strings and give say 20 points for each one that matches exactly. Then go through all the strings and give say 5 points for each four character or more substring they have in common. For each pair compared you will end up with some with scores > 150 which you can consider as a certain match, some with scores less than 50 which you can consider not matched and some inbetween which have some probability of matching.
You need some more tweaking to improve this by adding various rules like "subtract 20 points for a surname of 'smith'". You really have to keep running and tweaking until you get happy with the resulting matches, but, once you look at the results you get a pretty good feel which score to consider a "match" and which are the false positives you need to get rid of.
I think the amount of data could affect what approach works best for you.
I had a similar problem when indexing music from compilation albums with various artists. Sometimes the artist came first, sometimes the song name, with various separator styles.
What I did was to count the number of occurrences on other entries with the same value to make an educated guess wether it was the song name or an artist.
Perhaps you can use soundex or similar algorithm to find stuff that are similar.
EDIT: (maybe I should clarify that I assumed that artist names were more likely to be more frequently reoccurring than song names.)
One important thing that you mention in the comments is that you are going to do this interactively.
This allows to parse user input and also at the same time validate guesses on any abbreviations and to correct a lot of mistakes (the way for example phone number entry works some contact management systems - the system does the best effort to parse and correct the country code, area code and the number, but ultimately the user is presented with the guess and has the chance to correct the input)
If you want to do it really good then keeping database/dictionaries of postcodes, towns, streets, abbreviations and their variations can improve data validation and pre-processing.
So, at least you would have fully qualified address. If you can do this for all the input you will have all the data categorized and matches can then be strict on certain field and less strict on others, with matching score calculated according weights you assign.
After you have consistently pre-processed the input then n-grams should be able to find similar addresses.
Have you looked at SQL Server Integration Services for this? The Fuzzy Lookup component allows you to find 'Near matches':
For new input, you could call the package from .Net code, passing the value row to be checked as a set of parameters, you'd probably need to persist the token index for this to be fast enough for user interaction though.
There's an example of address matching here:
I'm assuming that response time is not critical and that the problem is finding an existing address in a database, not merging duplicates. I'm also assuming the database contains a large number of addresses (say 3 million), rather than a number that could be cleaned up economically by hand or by Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
Pre-computation - Identify address fragments with high information content.
Identify all the unique words used in each database field and count their occurrences.
Eliminate very common words and abbreviations. (Street, st., appt, apt, etc.)
When presented with an input address,
Identify the most unique word and search (Street LIKE '%Jones%') for existing addresses containing those words.
Use the pre-computed statistics to estimate how many addresses will be in the results set
If the estimated results set is too large, select the second-most unique word and combine it in the search (Street LIKE '%Jones%' AND Town LIKE '%Anytown%')
If the estimated results set is too small, select the second-most unique word and combine it in the search (Street LIKE '%Aardvark%' OR Town LIKE '%Anytown')
if the actual results set is too large/small, repeat the query adding further terms as before.
The idea is to find enough fragments with high information content in the address which can be searched for to give a reasonable number of alternatives, rather than to find the most optimal match. For more tolerance to misspelling, trigrams, tetra-grams or soundex codes could be used instead of words.
Obviously if you have lists of actual states / towns / streets then some data clean-up could take place both in the database and in the search address. (I'm very surprised the Armenian postal service does not make such a list available, but I know that some postal services charge excessive amounts for this information. )
As a practical matter, most systems I see in use try to look up people's accounts by their phone number if possible: obviously whether that is a practical solution depends upon the nature of the data and its accuracy.
(Also consider the lateral-thinking approach: could you find a mail-order mail-list broker company which will clean up your database for you? They might even be willing to pay you for use of the addresses.)
I've found a great article.
Adding some dlls as sql user-defined functions we can use string comparison algorithms using SimMetrics library.
Check it
the possibilities of such variations are countless and even if such an algorithm exists, it can never be fool-proof. u can't have a spell checker for nouns after all.
what you can do is provide a drop-down list of previously entered field values, so that they can select one, if a particular name already exists.
its better to have separate fields for each value like apartments and so on.
You could throw all addresses at a web service like Google Maps (I don't know whether this one is suitable, though) and see whether they come up with identical GPS coordinates.
One method could be to apply the Levenshtein distance algorithm to the address fields. This will allow you to compare the strings for similarity.
After looking at the kinds of address differences you are dealing with, this may not be helpful after all.
Another idea is to use learning. For example you could learn, for each abbreviation and its place in the sentence, what the abbreviation means.
3 Jane Dr. -> Dr (in 3rd position (or last)) means Drive
Dr. Jones St -> Dr (in 1st position) means Doctor
You could, for example, use decision trees and have a user train the system. Probably few examples of each use would be enough. You wouldn't classify single-letter abbreviations like D.Jones that could be David Jones, or Dr. Jones as likely. But after a first level of translation you could look up a street index of the town and see if you can expand the D. into a street name.
Again, you would run each address through the decision tree before storing it.
It feels like there should be some commercial products doing this out there.
A possibility is to have a dictionary table in the database that maps all the variants to the 'proper' version of the word:
*Value* | *Meaning*
Apt. | Apartment
Ap. | Apartment
St. | Street
Then you run each word through the dictionary before you compare.
Edit: this alone is too naive to be practical (see comment).