Do string literals in different files have the same memory address? - objective-c

I'm using objc_[sg]etAssociatedObject(), and this function uses a memory address as a key. If I pass the same string literal - e.g. "UIImageForTexture" - into the function from two different files, will the two string literals have:
the same memory address?
different memory addresses?
it depends on some other factors.
it's undefined.
I can do this more explicitly by sticking the literal in a file somewhere and referring to it via an extern but I'd like to know if I can avoid having to do that.

This is going to be an implementation defined behavior from the C99 draft standard section 6.4.5 String literals paragraph 6 says:
It is unspecified whether these arrays are distinct provided their elements have the
appropriate values. If the program attempts to modify such an array, the behavior is

It's whether two string literals with same content (e.g. char *p1="abc; char *p2="abc";) have the same address or different address is an implementation detail. p1 and p2 may be equal or may not be equal. C standard guarantees neither of them.
So the answer is (3) It depends on the implementation/optimization.
Instead of passing string literals directly, you can use pointers to them and pass them instead. That way, you can reliably handle them and not worry about (1) and (2).
This may be of interest: Addresses of two pointers are same?


Do repeated objective-c string literals use more run time memory

Putting aside good programming practises. Ill give context after.
With respect to Objective-C string literals #"foobar"
Does this structure...
NSString *kFoobar = #"foobar";
[thing1 setValue:xyz forKey:kFoobar];
[thing2 setValue:abc forKey:kFoobar];
[thing3 setValue:def forKey:kFoobar];
[thing4 setValue:ghi forKey:kFoobar];
Use more runtime memory than this structure...
[thing1 setValue:xyz forKey:#"foobar"];
[thing2 setValue:abc forKey:#"foobar"];
[thing3 setValue:def forKey:#"foobar"];
[thing4 setValue:ghi forKey:#"foobar"];
Or does the compiler sort things out and merge all instances of #"foobar" into a single reference in the TEXT section
I have inherited a large amount of source code in which most keys are expressed as string literals rather than string constants. Its not mine and the owner isn't going to pay for nice to have. Is there any point to spending time on constantifying the strings from a runtime view.
I did pass the exe through strings and it appears as if the compiler does the heavy lifting but I'm not sure.
The two are, for all intents and purposes, identical. Only one instance of a given literal string is created per compilation unit. (And, in fact, in some cases even less, since the system will attempt to combine them.)
The var kFoobar used in the first example would, if a local var, be a temporary which may never be more than a register. At most it would occupy 8 bytes in the stack frame that goes away on method exit. And the compiler would likely load a temp to point to the literal anyway, for the second case. So the code for the two examples could actually be identical.
If kFoobar were some sort of instance or global var then the pointer var itself it would of course occupy instance or global space, but it would have no other effect.
And the NSMutableDictionary does not need to make a local copy of the string (when it's used as a key) because NSString is immutable. The single copy is shared by all referencing objects.

Difference between values and literals

What's the difference between values and literals? Values apparently have dynamic type, and literals apparently have static type, according to slide four of the first page in Here. But isn't a literal a value?
Using the terms used in that slideshow - a literal is kind of container, so it'll be better to compare between values and containers.
A container "contains" a value. If you write int x=1;, then x is a container and the number one is a value. But 1 is also a container - more precisely, a literal. The slideshow stress that there is a difference between the value one and the literal 1.
When you code, you can't actually access values directly - you can only do it via containers. That's why you can write x and 1, but not the value that is the number one.
A literal is a container that can be translated directly to a value without looking at it's surrounding - for example 1 can be translated directly to the number one. x can not be translated to a value in such a way, since it's a variable and we don't know what it holds unless we look at the surrounding code.
As for the dynamic vs static types - a container has a static type, known at compile-time. If it's a variable, it's the declared type of the variable. If it's an expression, it's the inferred type of the expression. If it's a literal, it's the direct type of the literal. The compiler can tell the type of each container without running the program and without caring what values it'll hold once the program runs.
A value, on the other hand, is stored in memory as a series of bytes. The type data is also stored in memory near the value(unless it's a primitive value), that's why the types of values are dynamic - because if you want to discover what type a value has, you have to look in the memory during runtime.
Even though values' types are dynamic, Java is a static language since you usually don't look at the dynamic type. Since you can only refer a value via a container, the static type of the container is used when you do things with the value.

Type encoding string for protocol method

I'm trying to get a signature -- either an NSMethodSignature object or at least the type encoding string -- for a method declared in a protocol.
Asking the Protocol object itself isn't possible, since a) it doesn't implement methodSignatureForSelector:, and b) (as noted by Kevin below) it's deprecated.
The runtime function protocol_getMethodDescription returns a struct objc_method_description, which isn't described anywhere in the docs. It's in a public header, though -- <objc/runtime.h>:
struct objc_method_description {
SEL name;
char *types;
It seems reasonable to assume that the types string in there is going to be the same kind of signature encoding string used elsewhere, such as that expected by +[NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:], and indeed, it looks correct.
What I can't track down is an actual, verifiable connection between that string and the type encoding process.
I can't think what else it would be, but still, do I have any justification for relying on this types string to be valid for interaction with other objects/functions on the same runtime? Note that I'm not writing encoding strings myself or expecting them to have a given format or value -- I only want to pass them from one part of the runtime/framework to another, i.e., retrieve an encoding string from a protocol and a) use it to generate an NSMethodSignature object if one isn't otherwise available, and possibly b) compare it to that of a runtime-generated NSInvocation (i.e., in -forwardInvocation:).
Using Protocol as an object is deprecated. If you check the header <objc/Protocol.h> you'll see that pretty much everything on it is either not available in OBJC-2 or is deprecated as of OS X 10.5. What you can do is use protocol_getMethodDescription(), as you suggested, and pull out the types field. I'm not sure if it's actually officially documented that this is the type encoding of the method, but that is indeed what it is.

Common name for variable and constant

In programming (and math) there are variables and constants. Is there a name to describe both of them?
I was thinking value, but that's not it. A value is what variables/constants contain, not what they are.
I would call it a symbol. From google:
1. A thing that represents or stands for something else,
esp. a material object representing something abstract.
From what I know Its called a field
How about:
maths and logic: term
programming: l-value and r-value.
There are a few different terms I use, depending on context. I'll give you a list of the terms I (might) use - sometimes I'll just default to calling everything 'variables'.
Field - a variable or constant that's declared as part of the class definition.
Parameter - one of the inputs specified when defining a method in a class.
Argument - the actual value that you provide for a parameter when calling a method.
Method variable - a variable declared inside a method.
Method constant - a constant declared inside a method.
In OOP, the attribute can be both a variable and a constant.
In computer languages, identifiers are tokens (also called symbols) which name language entities. Some of the kinds of entities an identifier might denote include variables, types, labels, subroutines, and packages.
Symbols are super set of Identifiers
How about "data item"?
One definition:
Example showing it can be used for local variables/constants as well (unlike "field" or "attribute"):

CLI/C++ Converting "this" pointer to an integer

I am trying to trace managed object creation/disposing in a CLI/C++ prog:
"Created {0} #{1:X8}",
Which fails with
error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'MyType ^const ' to 'unsigned __int64'
Is there a way to keep track of the unique object IDs this way?
First of all, why this doesn't work. Managed handle types ^ aren't pointers. They aren't just addresses. An instance of a managed type can and will be moved around in memory by GC, so addresses aren't stable; hence why it wouldn't let you do such a cast (as GC can execute at any moment, and you do not know when, any attempt to use such an address as a raw value is inherently a race condition).
Another thing that is often recommended, but doesn't actually work, is Object.GetHashCode(). For one thing, it returns an int, obviously not enough to be unique on x64. Furthermore, the documentation doesn't guarantee that values are unique, and they actually aren't in 2.0+.
The only working solution is to create a an instance of System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle for your object, and then cast it to IntPtr - that is guaranteed to be both unique, and stable.
Check out the GCHandle type: Looks like it would do what you want, though it looks it would be a bit of a pain to use for your purposes...
Even if you could cast this to some integral value for display, it probably wouldn't be a useful unique identifier. This is because unlike C++, in C++/CLI the location of a (managed) object (and by extension the value of this) can potentially change during that object's lifetime. The (logically) same object could print two different strings at different points in the program.
MyType ^const is a reference type. Hence it's in the managed memory space, and you can't get direct memory pointers to these types, as they can change at any time.
Is there a way to keep track of the unique object IDs this way? Thanks!
You could use MyType.GetHashCode();