Missing "messages" window after compilation in IntelliJ - intellij-idea

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 12. When I run "make project", "debug" or "run" task it does some compiling, shows little bubble that there are warnings, shows grayed-out tool window "message" and after few seconds it hides the nameplate of messages window.
Why is compile log missing? What to do to fix this? I'd like to see (in IDE) what causes those warnings...
PS: I'm not sure, but it might started doing this when I started using Scala (it's now a mixed Scala-Java project).

If you've previously selected "Hide Warnings" then the Messages window is unavailable if there are no compilation errors. It is not even possible to show the empty window using View->Tool Windows-> Message or Alt-0.
introduce a compilation error
build, the Messages window should reappear to show your error (or at least be accessible via the View menu)
go to the Messages window and deselect Hide Warnings
fix the compilation error
Rebuild Project and all your warnings will be visible
(I had the same symptoms on 13.0.2 and this worked for me)

For me, it pops up on "Rebuild Project". Maybe that helps.

The window should be there any time IDEA compiles the code. (If there is a not a code change, and you rerun something there is no compiling done and the message window will not show). It is accessible (by default) via Alt+0 (Zero, not the letter 'Oh') or via View > Tools Windows > Messages
You may have a combination of some tool window settings causing this.
If all the tool window buttons are hidden, the messages tool window will be as well. You can toggle this setting via View > Tool Button or the icon in the very bottom left corner of the IDE. To temporarily show the buttons when hidden, hit the Alt twice, holding it down on the second hit.
If the messages tool window is not set to "Docked Mode" and "Pinned Mode" it will close after the compile.
If the above is not the issue, make sure you are using the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA, v12.1.6, and the latest version of the scala plug-in, v0.22.302 (Go to Settings > [IDE Settings] > Plugins and look for the scala plug-in). Those versions work as expected for me.

Looks like u do not have any errors and warnings! In this case in Idea "Messages" tool window auto disappears. I hade the same issue and passes half an hour to understand the reason!


Intellij-IDE randomly switches Project-Windows

Intellij-IDE can open multiple projects at once.
Those projects can be switched within the IDE with "Window"->"Next Project Window" and "Window"->"Previous Project Window".
Me and two other colleagues now have the problem that the IDE randomly switches the active project-window while we work. It is not clear, what actions are causing the random switch of the project window.
Is this a bug in intellij? does someone know how to prevent Intellij from this unnerving behavior?
Environment is:
Intellij-IDE Ultimate: 2020.2.2
Windows 10
The default keyboard shortcuts for these actions are Ctrl+Alt+] and Ctrl+Alt+[ on Windows.
It could be that you hit them accidently while coding/navigating which switches the project windows. It may help if you either remove these shortcuts or change them to something different and harder to press by accident.

SQL Developer compiler log disappeared

I've recently been trying to compile several procedures and it all worked great, the compiler showed errors, I fixed them. All was working perfectly.
Except I accidentally clicked "x" instead of minimizing the compiler log tab and now it just won't show up again. I've tried Ctrl shift L, View > Log and nothing. So I'm not entirely sure what happened to it and I really need a fix for it to show messages/errors
We fixed it. Go into C:\Users\your user\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\system[version]\o.ide.[numbers]. There you will find a file called windowinglayoutdefauld.xml, you can delete that, restart SQL Developer and all settings will go back to default, with your compiler log!
A visual manual how to close and restore the compiler log window in Oracle SQL-Developer.
Click View/Log
And compiler window appears again
Next time try the menu item "Window > Reset Windows To Factory Settings"

unable to set breakpoint in intellij

I am trying to set breakpoints, nothing happens for couple of classes that I compiled recently with "mvn install". I am able to set breakpoints to classes which were already built by someone else.
Please let me know if anyone knows how to solve it.
Had the same issue while using IDEA CE 15:
Removing the Python CE plugin fixed the issue... but no Python parsing! :(
File -> Invalidate Caches and Restart helped solve the problem. Thanks Tomasz Nurkiewicz for the directions
In my case, the issue was caused by PHP Plugin (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/?id=6610). Even after "Invalidate Caches and Restart", the issue persisted.
Uninstalling that PHP plugin, solved my problem.
By nothing happens do you mean that breakpoint isn't hit? Take a closer look at breakpoint icon. Especially see the difference between
icons. The latter indicates the code you run while debugging doesn't have any meaningful instruction on that line.
One of the reasons for such behaviour is when code you run is not the code you see. It can happen when application server can is still running old JAR or something similar. This seems to be the case since you say that breakpoints work in older code.
The solution to fixing breakpoints was adding the wildcard file extension "*.py" to the Python File Types in Python (it must have the wildcard symbol prefix, not just ".py") through taking these steps:
Go to:
IntelliJ IDE > Preferences (CMD+,) > Editor > File Types > Recognized
File Types
Under "Recognized File Types" heading:
Scroll down; Select "Python"
(associated Registered Patterns will be shown below)
Under "Registered Patterns" heading:
Click "+" icon; Enter "*.py", Click OK
(do whatever is necessary to achieve this, including removing/renaming others without the wildcard if necessary)
Add breakpoints by:
Select line(s) of code (not an empty line or comment); Going to: Run >
Toggle Line Breakpoint (CMD+F8)
Configure debugging with breakpoints by going to:
Run > Edit Configurations...; Click "+"; Select "Python"; Add a value
for the "Name" property; Select location of the ".py" file to debug
(in the "Script" property); Click OK
Debug using the breakpoints by going to:
Run > Debug... (Fn+CMD+F9); Wait until it stops at a breakpoint;
Inspect variable values shown in the file itself by hovering over
variable; Click variables and view the Frame and Variable details in
the Debug window by going to: View > Tool Windows > Debug (CMD+5)
Important Note: Initially I tried doing the following but after each one I was still unable to use breakpoints afterward:
Removing and reinstalling the Python plugin:
Entering CMD+,; In the dialog window going to Plugins > Install
Jetbrains Plugin.. > "Python" > Install
Updating IntelliJ Ultimate edition to the latest version v2016.3.4
Going to:
File > Invalidate Caches and Restart
Right click on the gutter (where you normally click to set breakpoint)
select "Configure Gutter Icons..." then enable the checkbox at the top that says
"Show gutter icons"
That fixed it for me
Simply closing and reopening file worked in setting gutter breakpoints
This is embarrassing but posting here in case this solution will help somebody else: A breakpoint will not show up if you attempt to place it between executable lines of code. The breakpoint must be located on an executable line of code to work. Make sure you click on the gutter next to an executable line or place your cursor on an executable line when you use the shortcut. Once I did this, the breakpoints worked.
"Click the gutter at the executable line of code where you want to set the breakpoint." https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/using-breakpoints.html#set-breakpoints

IntelliJ - show where errors are

Is there a way to make IntelliJ mark error locations continuously for the files you are working on in the similar manner as Eclipse does? At the moment I need to make the project which lists all the errors in the message panel, but even then I cannot navigate to them using the editor panel. I would like to have simple dots/markers which would point to error/warning locations.
IntelliJ IDEA detects errors and warnings in the current file on the fly (unless Power Save Mode is activated in the File menu).
Errors in other files and in the project view will be shown after Build | Make and listed in the Messages tool window.
For Bazel users: Project errors will show on Bazel Problems tool window after running Compile Project (Ctrl/Cmd+F9)
To navigate between errors use Navigate | Next Highlighted Error (F2) / Previous Highlighted Error (Shift+F2).
Error Stripe Mark color can be changed here:
For those who even yet have the problem, try enabling "Build project automatically" in the Java compiler settings and see if that makes a difference as it worked for me.
I ran into the problem of not having set my sources root folder (project window--right click folder, mark directory as > sources root). If you don't set this IDEA doesn't parse the file.
For IntelliJ 2017:
Use "Problem" tool window to see all errors.
This window appears in bottom/side tabs when you enable "automatic" build/make as mentioned by #pavan above (https://stackoverflow.com/a/45556424/828062).
To access this Problems panel, you must set your project to build automatically. Check the box for Preferences/Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Build project automatically.
Frankly the errors are really hard to see, especially if only one character is "underwaved" in a sea of Java code. I used the instructions above to make the background an orangey-red color and things are much more obvious.
In IntelliJ Idea 2019 you can find scope "Problems" under the "Project" view. Default scope is "Project".
Besides, you can choose going to next error only (ignore warning) by:
Right click the Validation Side Bar.
On the context menu, choose the Go to high priority problems only
it works for Intellij Idea 12
In my case, I unknowingly unchecked 'Error Stripe Mark' option (Idea 2018.2: Settings > Editor > Color Scheme > General and expand `Error and Warnings' & click 'Error').
Fix is to check 'Error Stripe Mark' option of 'Error' (as highlighted in the below image). Now you will see the error marks in scrollbar area.
In my case, IntelliJ was simply in power safe mode
Do you have a yellow icon like this [_] at the bottom of the main window?
It is a "type-aware highlighting" switch which could be disabled accidentally.
You should re-enable it by clicking on the icon.
In the intellij hit ctrl+alt+shift+s and go to global libraries and click on plus icon to add the java libraries this will solve your problem. now you will see the errors coming up
enter image description here
This is the solution I found:
Open IntelliJ Setting (Crtl + Shift + A);
Click in "Editor";
Click in "Color Scheme" + the Programming Language (inside "Color Scheme");
Select "Analysis Error";
Select "Error stripe mark" + Add the Color desired

How to open files in Intellij-IDEA with double click?

My first day using this IDE...
is there a way to configure the IDE to open files in the project by double click? It is rather painful having to drag files from the project overview into the editor window.
You can change the KeyMap.
Go to File->Settings and find the keymap section.
You will have to create a new KeyMap by clicking copy, and then look in the View section for "Jump to Source" and change/add the keymap you want.
However, as Bozhidar Batsov noted, double clicking may not always work so well. Whether it works may vary by OS and/or windowing system. I have no trouble with it in Mac OS X, but it doesn't seem to work well in openSUSE.
There are also other predefined keymaps that you can select from this settings screen. They're set up to resemble other IDEs, so you might find them helpful if you're transitioning from something else.
It is easy way to do in windows.
I found a great solution to this problem by Jelmer Kuperus over at Orange11.
Create an .Xresources file in your home directory. Add the following line:
*multiClickTime: 400
Jelmer explains that this setting changes the default double-click speed from 200ms to 400ms, effectively slowing it down. Save the file and then run:
xrdb ~/.Xresources
The effect is immediate, no need to logout or reboot. Double-click in Intellij works as expected. I did try changing the mouse double-click speed in System Settings first before trying this out to see if that made a difference but it did not.
I am using Ubuntu 11.04, Intellij 10.5.2, and Sun JDK 1.6.0_26. YMMV
Use F4 to open quickly the selected files. Btw double clicking on files should work as well(at least in theory). Swing's buggy handling of such events, however, causes the double click to not always work in IDEA, so I eventually stopped double clicking and switched to using F4. You can also use "Autoscroll to source" from the projects menu - this will open the source files as soon as you select them in the project browser.