Default server name for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012 - sql

I wanted to use Microsoft SQL Server and thereby installed a fresh copy of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012. It was an automatic installation and did not ask me for a server name. Right now, I'm stuck at the login screen and not sure what to put as the server name.
I happened to refer few previously posted questions and tried using ".\SQLExpress" as the Server Name, but the following error was displayed
What could be the possible Server Name ?
PS: The system name is "CBEUG".

SQL Management Studio is just that - the management studio tools. It is not the SQL Server itself. For that, you will need to install the SQL Server package.
If you can't see a SQL Server services in Services, it is not installed.

In the Server Name field (where you type the server name) you also have a scroll box with "Browse database..." (or something like that according to the version). That's where all of your databases are so you don't have to remember their names.
Good luck!

Well I was facing same issue and when i have done something like this
Server name : "your computer user name"\SQLExpress
and use your user name and password that you have given while installing the SQL studio.
it will work.

By default it takes the name of the computer
say if the computer name is B,then enter B as server's name with windows authentication


Can't save database default locations in SQL Server

I'm trying to change the default directories for data and logs using SQL Server Management Studio. I change the path then click ok but it always reverts back to the old directory in Program Files. Anyone else seen this bug? I'm using SQL Server 2012 Standard.
I do see that the correct values are saved in the registry, but they aren't being obeyed by the studio or other connecting applications that would create new databases.
According to Microsoft, you must restart the SQL Server service for this to take effect.
You can do this easily via the Configuration Manager, or via the services.msc snap-in if you prefer that.

Connect LINQPad to remote SQL Server

Disclaimer: I understand the question is very basic, but I could not find the answer in Google or here, and can not do it myself with guessed configuration.
I want to get started with LINQPad and I have a SQL Server 2005 installed on different machine in the same domain. But I can not connect to that server from LINQPad.
Here is the screenshot:
What do I put as a Server string?
Many thanks in advance!
Update 1: SERVERNAME\MSSQLSERVER does make a difference. Instead of Error
26 (Can not find server instance)
I get error
25 (Connection string is not correct)
I have tried 2 different SQL Servers: SQL 2005 on production server and Sql Server 2008 R2 on local machine, I have tried windows authentication and SQL authentication. And it makes no difference.
But I can connect to both server (2005 and 2008) with MS SQL Server Management Studio with Windows and SQL server authentication. And it's not SQL Server permission issue - I have tried SA user to connect. It works with sqlservermanagementstudio, but not with LINQPad.
Any advice? Is there a setting on SQL Server I need to change?
Update 2: I found the solution to the problem.
Into Server field I had to put SERVERNAME\ without specifying SQLEXPRESS or MSSQLSERVER.
Not very intuitive =(
I found the solution to the problem.
Into Server field I had to put "SERVERNAME\" without any SQLEXPRESS or MSSQLSERVER.
Also as pointed out by #sgmoore, I could just type "LOCALHOST" or "SERVERNAME" and it connected.
Apparently this is SQL Server feature/bug, nothing to do with LINQPad.
UPD You can also use "." to denote "localhost"
You have to know the name of the computer you want and the name of the SQL-Server instance. For example, I have a computer named REB602, and, to use SQLEXPRESS on it (the SQL-Server instance that comes pre-installed with many versions of Visual Studio), then the string I type in is either REB602\SQLEXPRESS or .\SQLEXPRESS. The format is basically <computer-name> \ <instance-name>
I think the default instance-name for the full SQL-Server product is MSSQLSERVER, so if you don't know the name of the instance on the target computer, you can try that.
NOTE: it can take several tries to get a connection, because of the timeouts. I don't know if LinqPad lets you change the timeout -- I didn't see a way. When testing out my answer for you on computer REB602 this morning, I did "Test Connection" at the bottom of the LinqPad dialog box, got success, but the connection still timed out. I had to bring up SSMS (SQL-Server Management Studio, the IDE for SQL Server) to "warm up" my instance of SQLEXPRESS. After that, LinqPad worked like a dream. Don't give up on the first try :)

SQL Server 2008 R2 First Time Login

I've just started work on a new computer in which I had to download all the software fresh.
I've just download a copy of SQL Server 2008 R2, and I'm trying to connect to SQL Server Management Studio without success. I vaguely remember last time I installed this, it asked me to choose between windows, or sql server authentication, however this didn't happen for this installation.
If I try to login via Windows Authentication (where the username and password fields are greyed out, localhost as server name) it gives the following error:
"A Network-related or instance
specific error occured while
establishing a connection to SQL
Server. The server was not found or
was not accessible. Verify that the
instance name is correct and that SQL
Server is configured to allow remote
connections. (provider: Named Pipes
Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a
connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft
SQL Server, Error: 2)"
I have checked everything in SQL Server Configuration Manager, and everything bar VIA is enabled.
If I try SQL Server Authentication, It asks me for a username and password which I definiately have not set yet. Also, under SQL Server Services in configuration manager, there is nothing there.
Any help would be appreciated :)
PS: I don't know if it's worth mentioning but I am running Windows 7 as a virtual machine on a Mac.
Are you sure you have the correct instance name? If it was SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition then the default instance name is .\SQLEXPRESS.
Also if your using sql authentication to connect try running sql management studio as admin, if you are a limited user your identity might not be mapped to an account in sql server yet but i believe the Administrators user group is.
You need to check if your services are running.
Please type
net start mssqlserver
in your command prompt. Then try to login.
Ended up reinstalling completely and doing a fresh install from a fresh download. When I did this I was brought through the steps of selecting the default instance, and selecting authentication modes.
Working fine now :)
After checking tons of sites looking for an answer to this question, I think I have a simple solution.
Open the sql Server Configuration
Click on the sql server services node
Right Click on Sql server
Click Start.
I have been screwing around with this forever, and this simple method actually worked.

How do you set up a Report Server instance?

I'm trying to set up Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. I open the Reporting Services Configuration Manager, and it asks for a Server name. Thing is, I don't know the server name, because as far as I know haven't set a report server up yet. So, how do you set one up for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2? There seems to be plenty of documentation out there how to configure one, but not how to install a new instance.
Server name is the name of the database server. You first have to install SQL server on the server you want to use and then install Reporting Services. When installing SSRS you specify the name of the SQL Server.
It does not have to be on the same machine of course.

SQL Server / Link Server SOTAMAS90?

Can anyone tell me how to create a link server in SQL Server 2005 with SOTAMAS90?
I assume that SOTAMAS90 is the Netbios name of the server.
I'd open up SQL Server Management Studio, expand server objects, linked servers, and then right-click NEW.
try to figure out if the machine name is still supposed to be SOTAMAS90.
Btw, MAS90 is a ERP program, right?
What's SOTA stand for?