Function returning 2 different results - T-SQL - sql

I have used this site before for help with various things in the past, and in this instance, I couldn't find anything in the search box, so apologies if this exists elsewhere.
In sql server 2005, I have several stored procedures that change various bits of code, and recently we have created a function that adds spaces into a defined string. So in theory, I pass a string into it, and I get a result as blocks of 4. When I run this manually, and define the actual text, it splits fine (I get #### 0000 012 returned) but when I execute the function within the SP, I get #### 0012 0012. Is there any reason why?
I have set a print command to the string before it gets passed into my function, and it prints "####0000012 " and the print after is "#### 0012 0012"
Below is the function code, with no declares:
ALTER function [dbo].[udf_addspaces](#string varchar(255),#lengthbetween int)
returns varchar(100)
declare #i int, #stringlen float, #output varchar(255), #outputofloop varchar(4)
set #stringlen = LEN(#string)/#lengthbetween
set #output =''
set #i = 0
while #i <= #stringlen
set #outputofloop = left(#string,#lengthbetween)
if #lengthbetween < LEN(#string)
set #string = right(#string,LEN(#string)-#lengthbetween)
set #output = #output + #outputofloop +' '
set #i = #i+1
return #output
Here is the bit of the SP that executes this:
set #Consignment2 = (#Consignment) + rtrim(#Check14)
print #Consignment2
set #Consignment2 = dbo.udf_addspaces(#Consignment2,4)
print #Consignment2
Here are the lines it prints: (Note: #### replaces a 4 digit number, removed for security reasons)
#### 0012 0012
Luke M

Even though you've defined stringlen as a float, it will be an integer value, because the two values you're dividing are ints.
There's a difference between a char(14) mentioned in your comments, to a varchar(14). The char(14) is guaranteed to be 14 characters long. The varchar may not be.
I think the body of your function could be more succinctly expressed as this...
declare #result varchar(500)
select #result = ''
#result = #result
+ substring(#string, number*#lengthBetween+1, #lengthBetween)
+ ' '
from master..spt_values
where type='p'
and number <= (len(#string)/#lengthBetween)
return rtrim(#result)


How to order by postcode?

I have a small report that needs to be ordered by postcode. How do I do this?
Using ORDER BY Postcode returns
How can I return
I should really have added more to the question, I am working with postcodes for the whole of the UK, not just ones starting with SK. So some of these postcodes will start with only 1 letter, some with 2. Also, the second part of the postcode is in the column.
Assuming MSSQL, and that your Postcode field follows a consistent pattern of Char(2) + Number, then you could add a computed query column:
postcode_num = convert(int,substring(postcode,3,len(postcode)))
And then use it instead of Postcode for sorting:
order by postcode_num
Results as desired:
Create 2 columns:
1. a VARCHAR for the first part;
2. a TINYINT for the last (numeric) part.
ORDER BY postcode_prefix, postcode_suffix
The problem you are facing is that the column you are trying to ORDER BY is of type text and not numeric, therefore SQL will perform the ordering you're seeing. Instead, if you want SQL to order it as if it was a number then you would need to substring the "SK" part of the column, cast the number characters to numeric type and then order by that.
This is what #LONG replied to you in the first comment.
The way I would approach it is to create a couple of generic functions that will strip the alpha or numeric portions from the string before you sort.
In my example the functions are in the fn schema so change this as you require.
ORDER BY fn.StripToAlpha(PostCode), fn.StripToNumeric(PostCode)
There are plenty of examples of these types of functions around, probably more efficient than the ones I wrote but below is the code to produce the ones I use.
CREATE FUNCTION [fn].[StripToAlpha]
#inputString nvarchar(4000)
RETURNS varchar(4000)
DECLARE #Counter as int
DECLARE #strReturnVal varchar(4000)
DECLARE #Len as int
SET #Counter=0
SET #Len=LEN(#inputString)
SET #strReturnVal = ''
WHILE #Counter<=#Len
SET #Counter = #Counter +1
SET #ascii= ASCII(SUBSTRING(#inputString,#counter,1))
IF(#ascii BETWEEN 65 AND 90) OR (#ascii BETWEEN 97 AND 122)
SET #strReturnVal = #strReturnVal + (SUBSTRING(#inputString,#counter,1))
RETURN #strReturnVal
CREATE FUNCTION [fn].[StripToNumeric]
#inputString nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE #Counter as int
DECLARE #strReturnVal varchar(4000)
DECLARE #ReturnVal Float
DECLARE #Len as int
SET #Counter=0
SET #Len=LEN(#inputString)
SET #strReturnVal = ''
IF #inputString IS NULL
Return NULL
-- swap out comma for decimal
SET #inputString = REPLACE(#inputString, ',', '.')
IF #Len = 0 OR LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(#inputString))) = 0
SET #ReturnVal=0
WHILE #Counter<=#Len
SET #Counter = #Counter +1
SET #ascii= ASCII(SUBSTRING(#inputString,#counter,1))
IF(#ascii BETWEEN 48 AND 57) OR (#ascii IN (46,37))
SET #strReturnVal = #strReturnVal + (SUBSTRING(#inputString,#counter,1))
if RIGHT(#strReturnVal,1)='%'
SET #strReturnVal = LEFT(#strReturnVal,len(#strReturnVal)-1)
SET #strReturnVal = CAST((CAST(#strReturnVal AS FLOAT)/100) AS nvarchar(4000))
SET #ReturnVal = ISNULL(#strReturnVal,0)
RETURN #ReturnVal
This will not affect your current use but the StripToNumeric checks is a percentage sign is present and converts to a decimal so it you pass it 25% it will return 0.25.
This will not work if you use full postcodes such as SK1 1AB as it would sort by SKAB and then 11
It will work on postcodes with shorter prefixes such M34 (That's Denton if I remember correctly ! :) )
You didn't specify database you use; this is an Oracle example. Hopefully, you'll be able to "convert" it to something else.
The idea is: using regular expressions (which seem to be quite handy in such cases), split postcode to two parts: letters and numbers. As REGEXP_SUBSTR returns a string, I applied the TO_NUMBER function to a "numeric" part of the postcode in order to properly sort it.
SQL> with test (postcode) as
2 (select 'sk1' from dual union
3 select 'sk11' from dual union
4 select 'sk13' from dual union
5 select 'sk2' from dual
6 )
7 select postcode
8 from test
9 order by regexp_substr(postcode, '^[[:alpha:]]+'), --> letters
10 to_number(regexp_substr(postcode, '[[:digit:]]+$')); --> numbers

Script loses colour coding after very long string + string issue

So, I have the following script:
declare #v varchar(max) = '', #x int = 0
WHILE #x<=100000
set #x += 1
set #v += cast(#x as varchar(9))
select len(#v), #x, #v,
len('{Insert #v result}')
select 1
Please replace {Insert #v result} with #v's result. Could not copy-paste because of character length.
My intention was to get an idea as to how long a list of IDs could get.
I have the following issues:
Query Editor loses colour coding from the line where you copy paste #v. This includes keywords, strings, comments, etc. is this normal?
When copy-pasting the result for #v I only get up to 10957, is this a flaw in my script or a clipboard limitation?

Trim Only the comma separated Numbers without trimming the character appended Numbers

I have a column '<InstructorID>' which may contain data like "79,instr1,inst2,13" and so on.
The following code gives me result like this "791213"
declare #InstructorID varchar(100)
set #InstructorID= (select InstructorID from CourseSession where CourseSessionNum=262)
WHILE PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #InstructorID) > 0
SET #InstructorID = STUFF(#InstructorID, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #InstructorID), 1, '')
select #InstructorID
I need the output ti be like this "79,13"
i.e those numbers attached to characters shoud not appear in output.
P.S: I need to achieve this using sql only. Unfortunately i'm unable to use Regex which would have made this task much easier.
I agree with others that your problem would seem to be indicative of a mistake in your data design.
However, accepting that you cannot change the design, the following would allow you to achieve what you are looking for:
DECLARE #InstructorID VARCHAR(100)
SET #InstructorID = '79,instr1,inst2,13'
SET #Return = ''
-- Continue until InstructorID is empty
WHILE (LEN(#InstructorID) > 0)
-- Get the position of the next comma, and set to the end of InstructorID if there are no more
SET #Pos = CHARINDEX(',', #InstructorID)
IF (#Pos = 0)
SET #Pos = LEN(#InstructorID)
-- Get the next part of the text and shorted InstructorID
SET #Part = SUBSTRING(#InstructorID, 1, #Pos)
SET #InstructorID = RIGHT(#InstructorID, LEN(#InstructorID) - #Pos)
-- Check that the part is numeric
IF (ISNUMERIC(#Part) = 1)
SET #Return = #Return + #Part
-- Trim trailing comma (if any)
IF (RIGHT(#Return, 1) = ',')
SET #Return = LEFT(#Return, LEN(#Return) - 1)
PRINT #Return
Essentially, this loops through the #InstructorID, extracting parts of text between commas.
If the part is numeric then it adds it to the output text. I am PRINTing the text but you could SELECT it or use it however you wish.
Obviously, where I have SET #InstructorID = xyz, you should change this to your SELECT statement.
This code can be placed into a UDF if preferred, although as I say, your data format seems less than ideal.

Other approach for handling this TSQL text manipulation

I have this following data:
0297144600-4799 0297485500-5599
The 0297485500-5599 based on observation always on position 31 char from the left which this is an easy approach.
But I would like to do is to anticipate just in case the data is like this below which means the position is no longer valid:
0297144600-4799 0297485500-5599 0297485600-5699
As you can see, I guess the first approach will the split by 1 blank space (" ") but due to number of space is unknown (varies) how do I take this approach then? Is there any method to find the space in between and shrink into 1 blank space (" ").
BTW ... it needs to be done in TSQL (Ms SQL 2005) unfortunately cause it's for SSIS :(
I am open with your idea/suggestion.
I have updated my answer a bit, now that I know the number pattern will not always match. This code assumes the sequences will begin and end with a number and be separated by any number of spaces.
DECLARE #input nvarchar -- max in parens
DECLARE #pattern nvarchar -- max in parens
DECLARE #answer nvarchar -- max in parens
DECLARE #pos int
SET #input = ' 0297144623423400-4799 5615618131201561561 0297485600-5699 '
-- Make sure our search string has whitespace at the end for our pattern to match
SET #input = #input + ' '
-- Find anything that starts and ends with a number
WHILE PATINDEX('%[0-9]%[0-9] %', #input) > 0
-- Trim off the leading whitespace
SET #input = LTRIM(#input)
-- Find the end of the sequence by finding a space
SET #pos = PATINDEX('% %', #input)
-- Get the result out now that we know where it is
SET #answer = SUBSTRING(#input, 0, #pos)
SELECT [Result] = #answer
-- Remove the result off the front of the string so we can continue parsing
SET #input = SUBSTRING(#input, LEN(#answer) + 1, 8096)
Assuming you're processing one line at a time, you can also try this:
DECLARE #InputString nvarchar(max)
SET #InputString = '0297144600-4799 0297485500-5599 0297485600-5699'
WHILE CHARINDEX(' ',#InputString) > 0 -- Checking for double spaces
SET #InputString =
REPLACE(#InputString,' ',' ') -- Replace 2 spaces with 1 space
PRINT #InputString
(taken directly from SQLUSA, fnRemoveMultipleSpaces1)

Generate Random values from SQL

It appear that SQL Server like most other products Random Function really is not that random. So we have this nice little function to generate a 10 char value. Is there a better way to accomplish what the following does. I am betting there is.
SELECT #SaltCount = COUNT(*) FROM tmp_NewLogin;
PRINT 'Set Salt values for all records' + CAST(#SaltCount AS VARCHAR(10))
DECLARE #CharPool CHAR(83);
SET #CharPool = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?#';
SET #Salt = ''
SELECT #Salt = #Salt + SUBSTRING(#CharPool, number, 1) FROM
SELECT TOP 10 number FROM MASTER..[spt_values] WHERE TYPE = 'p' AND Number BETWEEN 1 AND 83
) AS t
UPDATE TOP(1) [table] SET [Salt] = #Salt WHERE [Salt] IS NULL
GOTO updateSaltValue
PRINT 'Completed setting salts for all records';
Most programmers make a mistake of reinventing the randomization functionality and end up with something that is not random at all. I'd recommend you to stick with built-in RAND() function. Seed it once then fetch as many values as you need.
Reinventing RAND is a recipe for disaster. Where have you ever noticed it behaving incorrectly? I don't think you even need to seed it. SQL Server should seed it on its own just fine. Seeding should just be necessary when you need to produce the same "random" sequence several times when testing algorithms or some such.
According to books-on-line for rand() function: If seed is not specified, the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Engine assigns a seed value at random. For a specified seed value, the result returned is always the same.
You can avoid this with quick & dirty trick:
Create view like this:
create view [dbo].[wrapped_rand_view]
select rand( ) as random_value
Next create function that reads from the view:
create function [dbo].[wrapped_rand]()
returns float
declare #f float
set #f = (select random_value from wrapped_rand_view)
return #f
In this way you have random seed each time when you call your wrapped_rand() function and distinct random value between 0 and 1.
Use the Rand() function.... and seed it with something else random like the number of millesconds in the current sysDate or current timestamp... Or a call to NewId() function...
Not the full-alphabet-randomness you have but kind of random:
select substring(replace(newid(),'-',''),0,10)
Edit: I learned from the comments that newid() isn't very good for randomness, especially in combination with substring.
Sometimes there is a need to reset a password using a temporary password or generate a random password for a new user.
The following stored procedure creates strings of random characters based on four parameters that configure the result.
> create proc [dbo].uspRandChars
> #len int,
> #min tinyint = 48,
> #range tinyint = 74,
> #exclude varchar(50) = '0:;<=>?#O[]`^\/',
> #output varchar(50) output as
> declare #char char
> set #output = ''
> while #len > 0 begin
> select #char = char(round(rand() * #range + #min, 0))
> if charindex(#char, #exclude) = 0 begin
> set #output += #char
> set #len = #len - 1
> end
> end