Algorithm For Finding Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time Having Problems - physics

I have currently gotten an algorithm to work for finding the Julian Day for my current location, but when using this value to proceed in finding the Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, I get some very funky numbers. Can anyone run this script and maybe determine where my calculations go wrong? Thanks.
import math
from time import gmtime, strftime
#Sidereal Time Program
#Julien Date Converter
seconds = (int(strftime("%S")) * .01)
JD1 = ((367 * (int(strftime("%Y")))) - ((7 * ((int(strftime("%Y")))
+ (((int(strftime("%m"))) + 9) / 12))) / 4)
+ ((275 * (int(strftime("%m")))) / 9) + (int(strftime("%d"))) + 1721013.5
+ ((int(strftime("%I")) + (seconds) + 4) / 24) - 0.5 + 0.5 + 1.46)
JD2 = ((367 * (int(strftime("%Y")))) - ((7 * ((int(strftime("%Y")))
+ (((int(strftime("%m"))) + 9) / 12))) / 4)
+ ((275 * (int(strftime("%m")))) / 9) + (int(strftime("%d"))) + 1721013.5
+ ((int(12) + 4) / 24) - 0.5 + 0.5 - 0.192361555)
H = JD1 - JD2
JD = JD2 + (H / 24)
D1 = JD1 - 2451545.0
D2 = JD2 - 2451545.0
T = D1 / 36525
GMST1 = 6.697374558 + (0.06570982441908 * D2) + (1.00273790935 * H) + (0.000026 * (T * T))
GMST2 = 18.697374558 + (24.06570982441908 * D1)
o = 125.04 - (0.052954 * D1)
L = 280.47 + (0.98565 * D1)
e = 23.4393 - (0.0000004 * D1)
x = 2 * L
sym = (-0.000319 * (math.sin (o))) - (0.000024 * (math.sin (x)))
eqeq = (sym * (math.cos (e)))
GAST1 = GMST1 + eqeq
GAST2 = GMST2 +eqeq
print (JD1)
print (T)
print (GAST1)
print (GAST2)
Edit: Here is the formula I am using:

It appears that this is a package that will do what you want. See, e.g., here.


Adding Hours to Date based on Working shift duration

I am creating a software which would find out the production complete date based on start date.
This will be working like it would find out the total hours required to complete the production and then add it to start date.
Now I want to add hours based on how the Production shift is working. These checkboxes tell that weather the shift is working or not. If checkbox is checked it means shift is working, otherwise not.
Based on shift working, it would add the hours to date, For example
Based on Calculation the time required is 900 hrs, now if Monday and Tuesday only one shift is working then while calculating end date it would consider only 12 hours from this 900 hrs for Monday and Tuesday.
Screenshot of WinForm
production24 = ((rpm * 24 * 60) / (pick * 39.37)) * (eff / 100)
production12 = ((rpm * addvalue * 60) / (pick * 39.37)) * (eff / 100)
production1 = ((rpm * 1 * 60) / (pick * 39.37)) * (eff / 100)
production24 = Math.Round(production24, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
production12 = Math.Round(production12, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
production1 = Math.Round(production1, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
pro_24.Text = Convert.ToString(production24)
Pro_12.Text = Convert.ToString(production12)
Pro_1.Text = Convert.ToString(production1)
If fl <> 0 And production1 <> 0 Then
timereqinhr = fl / production1
timereqinhr = 0
End If
getdate = DatePicker.Value + Time_Picker.Value.TimeOfDay
falldate = getdate.AddHours(timereqinhr + offshift)
fallingtime.Text = falldate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy | hh:mm tt")
Label9.Text = "Time required for " + fabric_Length.Text + " Meters"
Dim productiontime, productionhr, productionmin As String
productiontime = Math.Floor(timereqinhr / 24)
productionhr = Math.Floor(((timereqinhr / 24) - productiontime) * 24)
productionmin = Math.Floor(((((timereqinhr / 24) - productiontime) * 24) * 60) - (productionhr * 60))
Label8.Text = (productiontime + " Days, " + productionhr + " Hours " + productionmin + " Min ")

Rounding Non-LinearExpr with google or-tools SAT solver

Using CP-SAT of google or-tools I'm trying to write this constraint:
q >= (50x + 100y + 150z + 200k + 250p + 300v) / (x + y + z + k + p + v)
Where q is a simple integer.
The thing is I need to round the right side of the equation (let's call it expression) as follows:
if(expression < 75) {
expression = 50;
} else if(expression < 125) {
expression = 100;
} else if(expression < 175) {
expression = 150;
} else if(expression < 225) {
expression = 200;
} else if(expression < 275) {
expression = 250;
} else {
expression = 300;
So I need to round the expression
(50x + 100y + 150z + 200k + 250p + 300v) / (x + y + z + k + p + v)
So that it gets one of the following values:
{50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300}
Let's review 2 cases:
Case 1
q = 180 and expression = 176.
Although the condition 180 >= 176 is true, after rounding up 176 to 200 the tested condition should be 180 >= 200 which is false.
So for q = 180 and expression = 176 I would like the condition to return false.
Case 2
q = 210 and expression = 218.
Although the condition 210 >= 218 is false, after rounding down 218 to 200 the tested condition should be 210 >= 200 which is true.
So for q = 210 and expression = 218 I would like the condition to return true.
I got a great answer here for resolving this challenge over a linear expression but now I need to resolve it for a non-linear expression.
Any suggestions?
Let's rephrase
you have an integer variable e with a value between 0 and 300.
You want to round it to the nearest multiple of 50
if you do:
(e div 50) * 50
you will get the max multiple of 50 less or equal to e
(70 / 50) * 50 -> 50
(99 / 50) * 50 -> 50
(102 / 50) * 50 -> 100
To get a round to nearest, you need to add 25 to e before the division
((e + 25) div 50) * 50
Which will do the correct rounding
((70 + 25) / 50) * 50 -> 50
((99 + 25) / 50) * 50 -> 100
((102 + 25) / 50) * 50 -> 100
with the correct or-tools CP-SAT python code:
numerator = model.NewIntVar(...)
model.Add(numerator == 50x + 100y + 150z + 200k + 250p + 300v)
denom = model.NewIntVar(...)
model.Add(denom == 50x + 100y + 150z + 200k + 250p + 300v)
e = model.NewIntVar(0, 300, 'e')
model.AddDivisionEquality(e, numerator, denom)
shifted_e = model.NewIntVar(25, 325, 'shifted_e')
model.Add(shifted_e == e + 25)
multiple_of_fifty = model.NewIntVar(0, 6, 'multiple_of_fifty')
model.AddDivisionEquality(multiple_of_fifty, shifted_e, 50)
result = model.NewIntVar(0, 300, 'result')
model.Add(result = multiple_of_fifty * 50)
if a and b are positive then
a div b >= q
is equivalent to
a >= q * b
now, your example does not specify how to round (nearest or down)
if you want to round down
q * (x + y + z + k + p + v) <= (50x + 100y + 150z + 200k + 250p + 300v)
If you want to round to nearest, you need to add q / 2 in the right place
q * (x + y + z + k + p + v) <= (50x + 100y + 150z + 200k + 250p + 300v + q / 2)
Now, if you want the other direction
a div b <= q
is equivalent to
a <= q * b + q - 1
The rest of the transformation is the same.

For Statement in assigning random values to integers in VBA

NN1 = Int((500 - 100 + 1) * Rnd + 100)
NN2 = Int((500 - 100 + 1) * Rnd + 100)
NN3 = Int((500 - 100 + 1) * Rnd + 100)
NN4 = Int((500 - 100 + 1) * Rnd + 100)
I assume that we can reduce this into
For i = 1 to 4
"NN" & i = Int((500 - 100 + 1) * Rnd + 100)
Next i
However, I am getting a compilation error. How do I rectify this?
Dim NN() As Integer
For i = 1 To 4
NN(i) = Int((500 - 100 + 1) * Rnd + 100)
Next i
I would suggest using an Array instead of multiple Integers

VBA calling a variable by name inside a loop

Ok here's the deal: I need to do a comprehensive check in a .csv file (comparing the one in my current sheet to an external one). I decided to divide the list into 10 equal sections (deciles). In each decile I choose a random value belonging to that section and use that row number to compare the two sets of data.
Where things fall apart is inside the FOR function. I am looking for a way to go through each decile (starting from rand0) and have VBA check whether the values of the .csv and the Data sheet in this workbook are equal. If they are not - a function (called get_param) is to be executed.
I dont quite understand how to have VBA go through the FOR function from Dec = 0 to 9 - so in essence from row number rand0 to row number rand9 and perform the inequality check (in the second IF function). The rand & Dec part does not work. I am looking for clues on how to fix this or on a new implementation to do the same thing.
A few more details:
n is the number of rows in the .csv file (equal to a couple of thousand).
np is the number of rows in this file (should be equal to n - if not, execute function). ParamLocation is designated automatically - it should be located in a specific location.
Sub check_changes_param()
Dim Dec As Integer
Call public_dims
Call deciles
Set ParamBook = Workbooks.Open(ParamLocation)
If ParamLocation = "" Then
MsgBox "The Parameters.xlsm file does not exist or is in the incorrect location. Please ensure it is located in " & ParamLocation
For Dec = 0 To Dec = 9
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Cells(rand & Dec, 11) <> ParamBook.Sheets("Data").Cells(rand & Dec, 11) Or n <> np Then
Call get_param
Exit For
End If
Next Dec
End If
End Sub
Public Sub deciles()
rand0 = Int((n / 10) * 1) * Rnd + 1
rand1 = Int((n / 10) * 2 - (n / 10) * 1 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 1
rand2 = Int((n / 10) * 3 - (n / 10) * 2 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 2
rand3 = Int((n / 10) * 4 - (n / 10) * 3 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 3
rand4 = Int((n / 10) * 5 - (n / 10) * 4 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 4
rand5 = Int((n / 10) * 6 - (n / 10) * 5 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 5
rand6 = Int((n / 10) * 7 - (n / 10) * 6 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 6
rand7 = Int((n / 10) * 8 - (n / 10) * 7 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 7
rand8 = Int((n / 10) * 9 - (n / 10) * 8 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 8
rand9 = Int(n - (n / 10) * 9 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 9
End Sub
Try this instead:
Sub check_changes_param()
Dim Dec As Integer
Call public_dims
Dim deciles As Variant
deciles = decilesArray()
Set ParamBook = Workbooks.Open(ParamLocation)
If ParamLocation = "" Then
MsgBox "The Parameters.xlsm file does not exist or is in the incorrect location. Please ensure it is located in " & ParamLocation
For Dec = 0 To UBound(deciles)
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Cells(deciles(Dec), 11) <> ParamBook.Sheets("Data").Cells(deciles(Dec), , 11) Or n <> np Then
Call get_param
Exit For
End If
Next Dec
End If
End Sub
Public Function decilesArray() As Variant
rand0 = Int((n / 10) * 1) * Rnd + 1
rand1 = Int((n / 10) * 2 - (n / 10) * 1 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 1
rand2 = Int((n / 10) * 3 - (n / 10) * 2 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 2
rand3 = Int((n / 10) * 4 - (n / 10) * 3 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 3
rand4 = Int((n / 10) * 5 - (n / 10) * 4 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 4
rand5 = Int((n / 10) * 6 - (n / 10) * 5 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 5
rand6 = Int((n / 10) * 7 - (n / 10) * 6 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 6
rand7 = Int((n / 10) * 8 - (n / 10) * 7 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 7
rand8 = Int((n / 10) * 9 - (n / 10) * 8 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 8
rand9 = Int(n - (n / 10) * 9 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 9
decilesArray= Array(rand0,rand1,rand2,rand3,rand4,rand5,rand6,rand7,rand8,rand9)
End Sub
I propose this correction,
public dim statements should be defined outside sub or functions.
use an array instead of concatenation to refer to a variable, rand & dec is not a correct VBA syntax to address rand0, ... rand9 variables.
Dim rand(9)
Sub check_changes_param()
Dim Dec As Integer, n
' Call public_dims ' put dim instructions as first instructions of this module
n = 10 'modify 10 to reflect correct value
Call deciles(n)
Set ParamBook = Workbooks.Open(ParamLocation)
If ParamLocation = "" Then
MsgBox "The Parameters.xlsm file does not exist or is in the incorrect location. Please ensure it is located in " & ParamLocation
For Dec = 0 To 9
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Cells(rand(Dec), 11) <> ParamBook.Sheets("Data").Cells(rand(Dec), 11) Or n <> np Then
Call get_param
Exit For
End If
Next Dec
End If
End Sub
Public Sub deciles(n)
rand(0) = Int((n / 10) * 1) * Rnd + 1
For i = 1 To 8
rand(i) = Int((n / 10) * (i + 1) - (n / 10) * (i + 1) + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * i
rand(9) = Int(n - (n / 10) * 9 + 1) * Rnd + (n / 10) * 9
End Sub

goto keyword in matlab [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
I have this function in vb which I want to write in matlab. Does anyone know how this could be written using for loops instead of the goto keyword?
FOR i = 1 TO 101
X(i) = (i - 1) * .5 / 50:
X(i) = X(i) / 2 / PI / F:
j = 6
870 FOR i = 1 TO 100
IF X(i) <= j * .005 AND X(i + 1) >= j * .005 THEN GOTO 890 ELSE GOTO 1000
890 AZ4(j) = AY4(i) + (AY4(i + 1) - AY4(i)) / (X(i + 1) - X(i)) * (j * .005 - X(i))
BZ4(j) = BY4(i) + (BY4(i + 1) - BY4(i)) / (X(i + 1) - X(i)) * (j * .005 - X(i))
CZ4(j) = CY4(i) + (CY4(i + 1) - CY4(i)) / (X(i + 1) - X(i)) * (j * .005 - X(i))
DZ4(j) = DY4(i) + (DY4(i + 1) - DY4(i)) / (X(i + 1) - X(i)) * (j * .005 - X(i))
EZ4(j) = EY4(i) + (EY4(i + 1) - EY4(i)) / (X(i + 1) - X(i)) * (j * .005 - X(i))
AZT(j) = AYT(i) + (AYT(i + 1) - AYT(i)) / (X(i + 1) - X(i)) * (j * .005 - X(i))
BZT(j) = BYT(i) + (BYT(i + 1) - BYT(i)) / (X(i + 1) - X(i)) * (j * .005 - X(i))
CZT(j) = CYT(i) + (CYT(i + 1) - CYT(i)) / (X(i + 1) - X(i)) * (j * .005 - X(i))
DZT(j) = DYT(i) + (DYT(i + 1) - DYT(i)) / (X(i + 1) - X(i)) * (j * .005 - X(i))
EZT(j) = EYT(i) + (EYT(i + 1) - EYT(i)) / (X(i + 1) - X(i)) * (j * .005 - X(i))
i = 101
1000 NEXT i
j = j + 1
IF j * .005 > X(101) THEN GOTO 1040
GOTO 870
1040 FOR i = 1 TO 126
AY4(i) = AZ4(i): BY4(i) = BZ4(i): CY4(i) = CZ4(i): DY4(i) = DZ4(i): EY4(i) = EZ4(i)
AYT(i) = AZT(i): BYT(i) = BZT(i): CYT(i) = CZT(i): DYT(i) = DZT(i): EYT(i) = EZT(i)
FOR i = 1 TO 126
X(i) = i * .005
I will write just the skeleton of the code, the rest of the statements must be completed by you. I will use ii and jj instead of i and j because these have special meaning in MATLAB (complex square root of -1).
for ii = 1:101
% statements
jj = 6;
while true
for ii = 1:100
if (cond1) && (cond2) % replace with actual conditions
% statements from label 890
ii = 101; % useless, but...
jj = jj+1;
if cond3 % replace with actual condition
for ii = 1:126
% statements
for ii = 1:126
% statements