saving data from an online table/CSV to sql database - sql

I am looking into creating an sql database that extracts data from a web page. The webpage displays the data in either a table or CSV list.
The address of the page is
Online table/CSV
I am not entirely sure how to do this. I thought maybe to save the page as a text file then import it but I cannot save it. Am I missing something is there an easy way of doing this?
Apologies I should say that I will use the data in a application using VB in Visual Studio 2010. The SQL will will be SQL Server 2012.
EDIT - ok so I was informed to run the page in compatibility mode and the CSV will save which I have confirmed. I therefore need to be able to open the page using a vb console app and perform a save as. I have tried using the webclient control and I can create a file but it downloads the html of the page as well. How do I save the contents of the webpage as a csv or text file?


what format is most reliable for saving a history file from an application?

Good Afternoon,
I am in the process of developing in a simple “cheque printing” application which will allow users to fill in a few text boxes with the values that will be printed on a cheque.
When they hit the print button, the values will be sent to the printer, but I also want the values they input in the text boxes saved to a file, so like a history file of all the cheques that were created.
I am thinking to use either an access database or an excel spreadsheet as my history file, but I am not quite sure on which would be best.
Please note that in my environment storing this information in a SQL database is not an option and also this file will most likely be stored/accessed from the network.
The history file needs to be:
1.Stable (cannot corrupt easy)
3.Easily exportable in case we need to export the information to one of our in-house systems.
4.editable from the application I am developing
Kindly advise,
XML. Save the data to DataTable object and then use the .WriteXML method to save it as an xml file. I'd advise creating a strongly-typed DataTable class for this, so that the XML can be exported with a reliable schema and imported easily.
If you are using different fonts, you could use a .rtf (rich text format) which will save the format of the text that you send to print... it is a universal file format, you can open it with open office, ms office, or any office suite you have...
Access will be best choice,
it's relational database and can make a form from this file to do what are you looking for without VB or any code.
Also you can access this file from network.
for more detail about setting for this file go to this link
and you will find more options complete your work.
I would use a MySQL server. It's free.
XML is also good, but I hate sharing folders...

How do I upload an Excel sheet to a SQL table in a Lightswitch web client?

I have a lightswitch project in visual studio 2013, using I would like the user to be able to click a button and have lightswitch find an excel file, and upload that file to a sql table according to a pre-determined column mapping.
My preference was to use the Office Integration extension for visual studio, which I got working with VS 2013 by downloading it from this link:
However, the documentation and examples for office integration seem to be very heavy on getting an excel spreadsheet into a display in the lightswitch web client, rather than into the sql data table, which is where I need it. Here are the examples I've been following:
Alternatively, I have an existing stored procedure, and I can request that the server call this stored proc by sending a web API extension from the client to the server. I have this working already for other stored procs, according to examples from Beth Masi and Paul van Bladel. (Stackoverflow won't let me post the links...)
The undesirable part of this approach is that the stored proc is old, and messy.
I've searched and searched, but have yet to find anyone approach this problem for VS 2013 with lightswitch. Any useful advice?
I've used the method detailed by Matt Sampson to store word files and it works very well. Since it just stores the raw binary it should handle Excel files just as well.
If you're creating the table in LightSwitch, use the Binary Type. If you use SQL create scripts use varbinary(MAX).
You need to create a custom Silverlight dialog box to gain access to the OpenFileDialog object. Then open the file in as a FileStream.
Finally, you need to add a handler for the closed method of the control and then show the control to the user. Most likely done in a button. This needs to be done on the main dispatcher.
The code examples are in C# but I just used one of the many available translators out on the web and copy/pasted the VB.NET code.
Another option might be to consider shelling out to the DTSEXEC run-time to execute an SSIS package to perform the upload - especially if the target Excel spreadsheets have predefined layouts and content data types.
Even simpler, you might be able to use the SQL Server BULK INSERT command to get the job done - although that would require a SQL Client connection to your database.

How to edit a Word Document (.docx) stored in a SQL Server Table?

How to edit a Word Document (.docx) stored in a SQL Server Table?
Here is the tentative work flow:
Read BLOB from SQL Table through Ideablade
Write BLOB to disk as .docx
Open .docx using Word
User makes changes
Save .docx using Word
Read .docx into BLOB
Write BLOB back to SQL Table through Ideablade
All sample code is welcomed?
I am sure there are a lot of people doing this already.
Any other ideas on how to simplify this process?
I am using VB.NET, .NET 3.5 SP1, WinForm and SQL Server 2008.
Well, as to the how, here is how to read a blob and write a blob to SQL. Although frankly, unless you have very good reasons such as an existing backup system, you would probably be best served storing the file to the file system and the path and metadata in the database. Either way, abstract it in your BLL, so you can change your mind down the road.
Retrieving and updating the BLOB from the db shouldn't be a problem, you'll find lots of sample code to do that on the net.
A simple approach to your problem would be to create a "temp" or "working" directory somewhere and monitor it with System.IO.FileSystemWatcher (sample code). When the user wants to edit a file, fetch it from the db and store it the directory. Whenever the user saves the file, you'll get a notification from your FileSystemWatcher, so you can save it to the database. Don't forget to empty the directory from time to time.
The method I've seen for this that I think works best is to build this as an add-on for MS Word itself. Examples include the Save to Sharepoint, Save to Moodle, and other similar add-ins.

Can MS report data be redirected?

Can MS report data be redirected?
I have a MS report control and I want to be able to take the data that would go to the (MS report control) UI in some cases to instead of being viewed, go to a file.
I don't see where that can be done but want to ask if anyone knew a way.
I tried look at the datasource from the report but I don't see where you can get the data back.
As the comment is suggesting you can programmatically render the report directly out to one of reporting services export format using the web service. There's an example here which renders out a pdf stream.

Method to generate pdf from access+vb6 or just sql 2005?

The setup:
Multiple computers using an adp file to access a sql 2005 database. Most don't have a pdf distiller. An access form (plain form, not crystal) is created that needs to be saved as a pdf.
The only way I can think of is send a request from access to the sql server for a web page. Something like:
I'm trying to avoid the web page 'middle man'. Is there a way to generate the pdf in T-SQL? Anyone have any other ideas. I'm not looking for code, just methdology ideas.
Thank you
Save the form as a report, then use Access MVP Stephen Lebans free A2000ReportToPDF utility to convert it to a pdf file.
If they have Access 2007 they can download and install the free Microsoft Office 2007 Add-in to save documents as PDF or XPS.
Microsoft's ReportViewer client can generate pdfs natively.
It works inside of web pages and windows forms/wpf apps. You can programmatically trigger the export as well. The only downside is that you'll need to basically redo your form as a report.
I must admit that I did not get it: you want to export an Access form and its data into a PDF file? Your form is basically graphics, not text, nor report. Do you mean that you want this form to be included as (for example) a .png file inside a PDF file or do you want it to be a full PDF file inheriting objects from the original form and allowing things such as text search and so on?