Native mail composer has normal status bar in iPhone but mostly blank in iPad - ios7

I'm using a UIDocumentInteractionController in my universal app. On an iPhone, when a user is presented with the interaction controller and they select the "Mail" option, a native Mail composer window is presented that still shows the full status bar (carrier, the time and the battery life indicator). When the same code executes on the iPad version, the native Mail composer window slides up and then right when it reaches the top, the status bar goes completely black except for the green bar that is normally inside the battery.
Is there anything I can do to control the appearance of the status bar when the native mail composer window opens?

Here you can change your status bar style in you App info, Hope it will help for you.


iOS 8 hide the colored top bar alert when apps are actively using your location in the background

I want to hide the colored top bar alert when apps are actively using your location in the background, how can i do it?
use requestAlwaysAuthorization instead of requestWhenInUseAuthorization.

Modal View Controller Slides Underneath Status Bar in iOS 7

When I use a modal view controller in iOS7 it slides underneath the status bar. Is there a way to stop that from happening without having to adjust the view based on what os it's running on? You can see that the Close button is pushed up underneath the Carrier text on the status bar. Is there any way to get the modal view controller to recognize my status bar?
Have you seen this? UINavigationBar/Status Bar issue in IOS7
There are a couple of things you can try, but I think what you're looking for is here, in the iOS7 Transition Guide:

Red Recording Bar in-app [duplicate]

I am developing a recording app, and I'd like to show a pulsing red double-height status bar on top of my app while the app is recording, and while the user is still in the app - just like Voice Memos. How do I do that?
I can get it so that the double-height red status bar appears when I am outside the app, but not while inside the app. Any hints? Is it actually possible at all?
to answer the last question first: it is possible, though i don't know whether the mechanism for causing to happen in other apps can be applied to your own.
to answer your next to questions "how do i do that? any hints?": one hint would be to simply hide the [UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBar inside of your app conditionally based up whether you are in record mode or not, and create your own pulsing status bar to simulate the one that is being presented in other apps. i hide the status bar conditionally in one of my apps, and you can then present whatever you want in the status bar area.

iOS: Pulsing red double-height status bar

I am developing a recording app, and I'd like to show a pulsing red double-height status bar on top of my app while the app is recording, and while the user is still in the app - just like Voice Memos. How do I do that?
I can get it so that the double-height red status bar appears when I am outside the app, but not while inside the app. Any hints? Is it actually possible at all?
to answer the last question first: it is possible, though i don't know whether the mechanism for causing to happen in other apps can be applied to your own.
to answer your next to questions "how do i do that? any hints?": one hint would be to simply hide the [UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBar inside of your app conditionally based up whether you are in record mode or not, and create your own pulsing status bar to simulate the one that is being presented in other apps. i hide the status bar conditionally in one of my apps, and you can then present whatever you want in the status bar area.

Customizing iPhone app taskbar

I thought that it was not allowed to customize the taskbar on the iPhone. However, I noticed this app called iHandy Tip Calculator which replaces the battery icon with a fast switch icon, that pops up a view as shown. How is this allowed, and if so how can I be doing something different?
If you run the app on an iPad, you'll see, how they do it: they are overlaying the normal status bar. Also note, that the screenshots in the app store don't show this feature. I assume, they were fearing to get rejected and disabled the overlay for the screenshots.
Apps from this developer iHandy incorporate this into the status bar, but I've never seen another company do this. I am surprised that the status bar is able to be modified in this way in any event.
My question on apple.stackexchange is posted over here:
It is possible to create your own statusbar and "simulate" the network status and battery life etc in a 'full-screen' app. But apple doesn't allow it, but this might be one that 'slipped through' just like Gaz_Edge said.
You are correct. You are not suppose to be able to modify the 'springboard'. Apple normally refuse apps that do anything that modifies it. Maybe this one slipped through the net?
I just downloaded the latest version of iHandy Level (version 1.62.0) on an iPhone 5 running iOS 6 but don't see the icon (it's within the app rather than in the status bar). (And the status bar is hidden.)
I was curious to see if they actually hid the status bar and created their own custom status bar. If that was the case, you'd be able to tell because when you swipe down from the top for notification center, it would first show a little tab and then you'd have to swipe again to pull down the menu.
Guessing maybe they removed this functionality at Apple's request.
If anyone still has a version that shows it, please let us know if it shows the tab when you swipe for notification center. If not, they likely found some private api to allow them to replace the battery icon (which would be interesting).