clickonce update, avoid change to installed program config file - sql

I store connection string and other settings in application.setting(config)
also deployed c# app with click once and published it on the web server to be accesible for my clients easily.
but the problem is when the user install app from web server and set its customized settings on application then, each time I publish new version of my app ,when client update the app from web server then its current application setting will be replaced by file that I published on server so connection string of application on my system will set for the client in consequence client app could not connect to his db because of connection string changes pls let me know if there is a solution to avoid updating setting by click once?

It's not safe to store your data in the ClickOnce cache. Check out this article, which explains how to move it to LocalApplicationData so it is unchanged by updates.


Host .net core app with iis give a database access error

I have a .Net Core 2.0 application that I host in IIS 7.
With IIS Express the application works fine and I'm able to connect to the database successfully. With IIS I get this error:
Cannot open database "Books" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'DOMAINNAME\PCNAME$'.
My connectionString in appsettings.production.json file looks like this :
"ConnectionStrings": {
"BooksDatabase": "Server=PCNAME\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=Books;user id=iisAccess;password=iisPassword;Trusted_Connection=True;ConnectRetryCount=0;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
What am I doing wrong and why does it say that the "login failed for 'DOMAINNAME\PCNAME$'" when I put the credentials user id=iisAccess;password=iisPassword; in my JSON file?
You are asking for Windows Authentication:
Remove this part of the connection string and give it another try.
The reason for the error goes along these lines:
IISExpress runs as a normal process in your logon session. So it runs with your Windows Credentials. When your app is running inside IISExpress it is actually running under your credential, and when you connect to the database using Windows Authentication, is your login that SQL Server will receive.
The full IIS on the other hand runs as a service under a different session and a different user account. There are the application pools that also play a part and run under yet another account. But the main thing is that those default IIS accounts are local accounts, so they have no "visibility" to another computers. Hence when your app tries to connect to SQL Server, SQL "sees" the machine account, which goes by the name DOMAIN\MACHINE$.
Most likely, ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT is not set correctly on the server (i.e. either not set at all or not set to Production).
On your server, edit the system environment variables and add one (if it doesn't already exist) with the name ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT and the value Production. Also, edit the advanced settings of your app pool in IIS for the application and ensure that the key Load User Profile is set to True.

Azure SQL and my ASP.NET C#

I have made application ASP.NET C# and my connection string is as follows:
<add name="ASPNETDB" connectionString=",1433;Database=MYDATA;User ID=MYDATA;Password=MYDATA;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Now it doesn't work at all, I mean I can't connect to my SQL server on Azure at all. When I want to login nothing happens, when I want to register nothing happens too. I get exception when I press to update DB, ie Publish->Settings-> Check box "Update database" Configure database updates . It seems to me that it doesn't work at all. The exception is of following type:
Error 22 Web deployment task failed. (Could not deploy package.
Unable to connect to target server.
Learn more at: 0 0
What should I do? Please help?
I would recommend logging into the azure management portal and re downloading the publish profile for the application. If you are not working using a publish profile , then at least re download the connection string that is setup for the app and the DB. while in there check that the application (web site or VM) is up and running, and that the database it is connected to is also up and running.
I had to set firewall rule to Even though my firewall rule was set for my address, somehow it didn't register, because communication was relying to my website-DB and ip address of my website wasn't included there too. So I put rule as said before and now it works like a charm. :-)

Unable to connect to the configuration database in SP2010

I am using SP 2010.
I created a new site collection from central admin.
and it gave me "site created successfully"
when I visit the new site collection, I get below error:
Cannot connect to the configuration database
What are my options?
Go to services (Start --> Run --> Type services.msc) and start the service SQL Server(SHAREPOINT)
Its probably the app pool you are running your site collection under, have you got any other site collections in the same web application?
If not take a look at the permissions on the app pool for that web app
This problem came to me after a password expired in the AD and had to be updated.
When i changed the password i had to sync in to the ad and used this site:
Then i found out that the problem was that SharePoint Timer Service wasnt running och the Front end server. So I had to do an iisreset on the front end server to get the Service to start, since the account using the service was the account with a new password. And then everything was back on track again!
in my case the problem was secondary replica of Always on Was Empty and does not have Config database
i have configured an always Solution and at start i connect sharepoint to alias via cliconfig.exe and alias was connecting to AG listener
fail over back to instance where Config db exists solved my problem

SQLExpress connection fails in IIS 7 w/ user instance error - "Failed to generate a user instance

Mainly looking to answer my question #1 below, but more knowledge would be appreciated.
I tried to use these resources during my investigation, but was unsuccessful: (For this error: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.) (For this error: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database master. An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ? failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.)
1.) Why does this error occur while running the Telerik Rad Controls for ASP.NET AJAX "Live Demos" project with IIS 7 (Running Telerik Live Demos works fine using ASP.NET Development Server with this connection string)
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.
2.) How is creating a SQL Server Express instances different in IIS 7, from ASP.NET Development Server & SSMSE
3.) Are there certain attributes of a SQL connection string not allowed when running a website on different contexts (based on #2).
I'm not running the "Live Demos" .NET 3.5 ASP.NET web application via the ASP.NET Development Server (feature that pops up in your system tray and picks a port for you after clicking play in Visual Studio). That works just fine! I'm running the website on IIS 7. SQL Server Express is using the NETWORK SERVICE user in Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > SQL Server (SQLExpress).
Using this connection string provided with the installed "Live Demos" web application demo project:
<add name="NorthwindConnectionString"
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Northwind.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
I've tried setting "User Instance=False", but that just throws another error:
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database master. An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ? failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
(where "?" is the path of the *.mdf file - C:\Users\\MyDocuments\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\TelerikDemos\Telerik\RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q2 2011\Live Demos\App_Data\Northwind.mdf .. Stack Overflow italics is broken with some of those characters, so I had to remove that path)
Someone answered me on a previous question to set this "User Instance=False", but it appears User instances have nothing to do with whether or not you use SQL Express. User Instances are simply a feature of SQL Express that allows a very unprivileged user to host a database instance in it's own user context.
Note, this Northwind database is stored in an *.mdf file in the App_Data folder (under the "Live Demos" root application directory) along with the *.ldf (log file). I did previously try attaching the *.mdf files as actual databases under the "Databases" folder (in the SSMSE Object Explorer tree), but later removed them.
Web application "Live Demos" root folder (and nested folders/files) have the following users assigned with ALL privileges:
- IIS APPPOOL\Telerik ("Telerik" is the name of my application pool in IIS 7 for this site)
Making a note for myself about this SQLExpress master database query:
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_child_instances
Also tried different combinations of *.mdf & *.ldf permissions while also changing the user on the SQL Server (SQLExpress) Windows 7 service (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) .. and also restarted the service after making those changes.
To reproduce:
download the Telerik Rad Controls for ASP.NET AJAX. Set the permimssions I mentioned in the "Live Demos" folder under Program Files\Telerik, change the .NET version of the web application to .NET 3.5, switch out their 3.5 web.config file with the normal web.config file in that folder. You have to use Visual Studio 2010, but I am running this in Visual Studio 2008 (with a little grunt work I did because our company is not yet on VS2010). Also switch out the proper Bin35 assemblies into the "Live Demos" folder Bin folder. Compile the solution. Create an IIS 7 website. Add Windows authentication. Enabled anonymous and Windows authentication.. all others are disabled. Set application pool to use Classic and 32 bit.
Then navigating to this URL and clicking the "First Look" image.
More evidence will be provided if requested.
You are using a connection string with trusted authentication = true. This means that the connection uses the security context of the calling process.
When you run with the development server you are running in the security context of the logged in user, so every thing works fine.
When you run in IIS you are in the security context of the application pool process, which is NETWORK SERVICE, which does not have a user profile, therefore it crashes.
You can fix it by either:
Change the identity of the application pool to a normal user with access to the database
Use a connection string with user name and password
IIS doesn't load the Windows user profile, but certain applications might take advantage of it anyway to store temporary data. SQL Express is an example of an application that does this. However, a user profile has to be created to store temporary data in either the profile directory or in the registry hive. The user profile for the Network Service account was created by the system and was always available. However, with the switch to unique Application Pool identities, no user profile is created by the system. Only the standard application pools (DefaultAppPool and Classic .NET AppPool) have user profiles on disk. No user profile is created if the Administrator creates a new application pool.
However, if you want, you can configure IIS application pools to load the user profile by setting the LoadUserProfile attribute to "true".

Permissions issues with SQL 2008, Report Builder 2.0

So here's a bit of context for the horror story:
Win 2003 SP2 64bit running on a VM exposed to outside world for web access.
SQL Server 2008 Std SP2 64bit with Reporting Services (RS) installed for native mode (i.e. not sharepoint mode).
IIS 6 .NET 3.5 web site app written to use the web services from RS. The site has been set to use Windows Authentication and nothing else.
To save writting custom authentication since I don't need it for this demo I have set-up a local account in Win 2003, i.e. servername\myDemoUser, effectively allow fake Windows Authentication.
Default.aspx lists folders on RS and the reports from each folder. It also has a link to the Report Builder 2 on the server.
The rsreportserver.config has been changed so that the only <AuthenticationType> is <RSWindowsNTLM> since <RSWindowsNegoiate> can't work since it's across the internet and users will not be on the same network (hence the local account myDemoUser).
The web site app has url of the form: and the link on it to the Report Builder is of the form:, in this case RS has been configured so the Web services virtual directory is "services".
The web.config for the website app has been set to <identity impersonate="true /> for <locations> for the ASPX pages that access the RS webservice. I even added a <location path="services/reportbuilder"> with the same thing and also to allow anonymous users.
So after all the above I go to the site from a machine that isn't on the network, I get prompted by IE8 for username/password and I enter servername\myDemoUser and the correct password. The homepage is displayed and correctly shows the list of folders and reports from RS. HOWEVER if I click the RS report builder link I get the pop window saying it's doing it's clickonce verfication stuff but after a couple of seconds it shows simple message box saying there was an authentication error. The details button then shows a text file with a bunch of stacktrace stuff in which eventually says that the server returned 401 while accessing the .application file mentioned above.
I turned on failure auditing for logins on the Win 2003 VM and I can see that when the clickonce fails it is trying to use the local machine account I logged into on the external (to my network) machine instead of the credentials I entered into the browser on that machine when testing it.
Much Googling and granting of permissions to Network service, everyone etc... on various folders involved later nothing the Report Builder bit just won't install via clickonce due to permissions or the incorrect use there of.
I'm looking into maybe changing something in the RS to try and grant permissions to the report builder to anonymous but at this point I'm pretty pessimistic that I'll actually find anything. The annoying thing about this is that this a test that doesn't represent the final thing (we'll be using custom authentication in RS) but unfortunately I have to do it, 8(.
Any ideas would be most appreciated.
It turns out that when using fake Windows authentication in this way when the machine you are accessing the site from a machine where you have not logged into the domain then clickOnce won't work because it won't pass the details you enter into the browser as found.
So the solution is to:
1) Log into a (any) domain on the machine that is going to access the clickonce link on your site.
2) In Control Panel go to User Accounts (XP)/Store Users and Passwords (Win 2003), and manage the network passwords for a user (XP) and add in the URL, username and password.
Whenever clickonce fires up for this URL it will pass the username/password specified as opposed to the local machine account.
Either of the above will solve this problem.