Can one have a Variable Length Chromosome for Particle Swarm Optimization? - optimization

Can the particles have different lengths. For instance some have 10 genes and others have 20?
And if so, how would one go about updating the velocity since the global beast, local best and current could all be of different length?

It seems like you are looking for a solution with multiple swarms.
You can run a few optimizations for each number of "genes" you want to use.
Another option would be to add a variable holding the number of additional "genes" to the decision vector,and communicate only between particles that have that number equal.
Then one needs a way to communicate between the swarms, and possibly ability for particles to join other of the swarms.
I refer to a paper by Niu et al. 2006 - "MCPSO: A multi-swarm cooperative particle swarm optimizer".
Hope that helps.


Is it possible to model the Universe in an object oriented manner from the subatomic level upwards?

While I'm certain this must have been tried before, I cant seem to find any examples of this concept being done myself.
What I'm describing goes off of the idea that effectively you could model all "things" which are as objects. From their you can make objects which use other objects. An example would be starting at the fundamental particles in physics combine them to get certain particles like protons neutrons and electrons - then atoms - work your way up to the rest of chemistry etc....
Has this been attempted before and is it possible? How would I even go about it?
If what you mean by "the Universe," is the entire actual universe, the answer to "Is it possible?" is a resounding "Hell no!!!"
Consider a single mole of H2O, good old water. By definition a mole contains ~6*1023 atoms, and knowing the atomic weights involved yields the mass. The density of water is well known. Pulling all the pieces together, we end up with 1 mole is about 18 mL of water. To put that in perspective, the cough syrup dose cup in my medicine cabinet is 20mL. If you could represent the state of each atom using a single byte—I doubt it!—you'd require 1011 terabytes of storage just to represent a snapshot of that mass, and you'd need to update that volume of data every delta-t for the duration you wish to simulate. Additionally, the number of 2-way interactions between N entities grows as O(N2), i.e., on the order of 1046 calculations would be involved, again at every delta-t. To put that into perspective, if you had access to the world's fastest current distributed computer with exaflop capability, it would take you O(1028) seconds (on the order of 1020 years) to perform the calculations for a single simulated delta-t update! You might be able to improve that by playing games with locality, but given the speed of light and the small distances involved you'd have to make a convincing case that heat transfer via thermal radiation couldn't cause state-altering interactions between any pair of atoms within the volume. To sum it up, the storage and calculation requirements are both infeasible for as little as a single mole of mass.
I know from a conversation at a conference a couple of years ago that there are some advanced physics labs that have worked on this approach to get an idea of what happens with a few thousand atoms. However, I can't give specific references since I haven't seen the papers and only heard about it over a beer.

Simulating a series of rotating vertices with various masses and coupling functions

I continue to run into this problem: wanting to run a complex simulation of interconnected nodes, and aside from some time looking into Rigs of Rods, I don't have any experience in this area.
In this case I'm trying to simulate a series of rotating devices. If I were trying to do CFD or using more vertices, I assume I would need to try and arrive at something for use with an ODE Solver. ...but in this case I have 7 vertices with 6 edges, all in-line; I think brute force is an option. There are various functions that are used to define how force is transmitted along this line of vertices, and at any point in the chain energy/force can applied arbitrarily based on the result of 1 or more functions for a given edge.
I'm guessing that this can't be done in a single iteration without an equation that accounted for everything.
I suppose, I'll take any input. I don't know what I don't know and I wouldn't be shocked to learn that there are some great write-ups if I knew what to search for.

Optaplanner CVRPTW example clarification

I am trying to understand the Optaplanner CVRPTW example and have the below questions:
Does every node require both distance and travel time to every other node? Or it just requires any one of them? Example data set does not contain both of them. I think it uses euclidean formula to calculate the distance, but how does it automatically calculate travel time?
Is it possible to use real time data (precalculated road distance data)?
Depends if the dataset is using AirLocation or RoadLocation. See docs on vehicle routing, chapter 3.
Yes, if you can hold all the data in memory. At 10k+ locations this becomes a problem because (10k)² ints require almost 2GB RAM. The goal of SegmentedRoadLocation is to scale up to 100k locations without using a lot of RAM, but generating good segmented road location has proven to be difficult.

Computational complexity and shape nesting

I have SVG abirtrary paths which i need to pack as efficiently as possible within a given rectangle(as less waste of space as possible). After some research i found the bin packing algorithms which seems to be dealing with boxes and not curved random shapes(my SVG shapes are quite complex and include beziers etc.).
AFAIK, there is no deterministic algorithm for actually packing abstract shapes.
I wish to be proven wrong here which would be ideal(having a mathematical deterministic method for packing them). In case I am right however and there is not, what would be the best approach to this problem
The subject name is Shape Nesting, Nesting Problem or Nesting Process.
In Shape Nesting there is no single/uniform algorithm or mathematical method for nesting shapes and getting the least space waste possible.
The 1st method is the packing algorithm(creates an imaginary bounding
box for each shape and uses a rectangular 2D algorithm to pack the
bounding boxes).
This method is fast but the least efficient in regards to space
The 2nd method is some kind of incremental rotation. The algorithm
rotates the shape at incremental steps and checks if it fits in the
space. This is better than the packing method in regards to space
waste but it is painstakingly slow,
What are some other classroom examples for achieving a solution to this problem?
[Edit1] new answer
as mentioned before bin-packing is NP complete (hard) so forget about algebraic solution
known approaches are:
generate and test
either you test all possibility of the problem and remember the best solution or incrementally add items (not all at once) one by one with the same way. It is basically what you are doing now without proper heuristic is unusably slow. But has the best space efficiency (the first one is much better but much slower) O(N!)
take advantage of sorting items by size
something like this it is much faster almost O(N.log(N)) (according to used sorting algorithm). Space efficiency strongly depends on the items size range and count. For rectangular shapes is this the best approach (fastest and usable even for N>1000). For complex shapes is this not a good way but look at it anyway maybe you get some idea ...
use of Neural network
This is extremly vague approach without any warrant of solution but possible best space efficiency/runtime ratio
I think there could be some field approach out there
I sow a few for generating graph layouts. All items create fields (booth attractive and repulsive) so they are moving to semi-stable state.
At first all items are at random locations
When the movement stop remember best solution and shake all items a little or randomize their position again.
Cycle this few times
This approach is much faster then genere and test and can provide very close solution to it but it can hang in local min/max or oscillate if the fields are not optimally choosed. For example all items can have constant attractive force to each other and repulsive force getting stronger only when the items are very close. You have to prevent overlapping of items (either by stronger repulsion or by collision tests). You have also to create some rotation moment for example with that repulsive force. It differs on any vertex so it creates a rotation moment (that can automatically align similar sides closer together). Also you can have semi-stable state with big distances between items and after finding best solution just turn off repulsion fields so they stick together. Sometimes it can have better results some times not ... here is nice example for graph layout computation
Logic to strategically place items in a container with minimum overlapping connections
Demo from the same QA
And here solver for placing sliders in 2D:
How to implement a constraint solver for 2-D geometry?
[Edit0] old answer before reformulating the question
I am not clear what you want to achieve.
have SVG picture and want to separate its parts to rectangular regions
as filled as can be
least empty space in them
no shape change in picture
have svg picture and want to change its shapes according to some purpose
if this is the case some additional info is needed
[solution for 1]
create a list of points for whole SVG in global SVG space (all points are transformed)
for line you need add 2 points
for rectangles 4 points
circle/elipse/bezier/eliptic arc 8 points
find local centres of mass
use classical approach
or can speed things up by computing the average density of points per x,y axis separately and after that just check all combinations of found positions of local max of densities if they really are sub cluster center or not.
all sub cluster center is the center of your region
now find the most far points which are still part of your cluster (the are close enough to neighbour points)
create rectangular area that cover all points from sub cluster.
you also can remove all used points from list
repeat fro all valid sub clusters
until all points are used
another not precise but simpler approach is:
find SVG size
create planar map of svg with some precision for example int map[256][256].
size of map can be constant or with the same aspect as SVG
clear map with 0
for any point of SVG set related map point to 1 (or inc or whatever)
now just segmentate map and you will have find your objects
after segmentation you have position and size of all objects
so finding of bounding boxes should be easy
You can start with a variant of the rectangle bin-packing algorithm and add rotation. There is a method "Guillotine bin packer" and you can download a paper and a library at github.

Optimize pattern of rotating holes for all combinations

Sort of a programming question, sort of a general logic question. Imagine a circular base with a pattern of circles:
And another circle, mounted above and able to rotate, with holes that expose the colored circles below:
There must be an optimal pattern of either the colored circles or the openings (or both) that will allow for all N possible combinations of colors... but I have no idea how to attack the problem! At this point, combinations of 2 seem probably the easiest and would be fine as a starting point (red/blue, red/green, red/white, etc).
I would imagine there will need to be gaps in the colors, unlike the example above. Any suggestions welcome!
Edit: clarified the question (hopefully!) thanks to feedback from Robert Harvey
For two holes, you could look for a perfect matching in a bipartite graph, each permutation described by two nodes, one in each partition. Nodes would be connected if they share one element, i.e. the (blue,red) node from the first partition connected to the (red,green) node of the second. The circles arranged in the same distance would allow for both of these patterns. A perfect matching in that graph would correspond to chains or cycles of permutations where two of them always share a single color. A bit like dominoes. If you had a set of cycles of the same length, you could interleave them to form the pattern on the lower disk. I'm not sure how easy it will be to obtain these same length cycles, though, and I also don't know how to generalize this to more than two elements in each permutation.