Sencha Locationupdate event working even if gps is turned off - sencha-touch-2

I am using Ext.util.Geolocation library in Senchatouch.There are two listeners namely locationupdate which fires when the users co-ordinates are obtained and locationerror which is fired when there is a error in fetching the user co-ordinates. Now even when I turn the gps off on my android device the locationupdate event is fired.I would like to know if the locationupdate listener is a measure to check if the gps is active or not or I need to try a different way.Experts Please suggest.

You might want to check carefully your device location settings, this would happen to me on Android if I switch off the geolocation service but leave the google wifi location active.. hth.


Take pictures using camera shutter when receiving live view data

I am developing using EDSDK.
However, if I press the shutter of the camera (physical button) while receiving live view data(EVF Mode), the picture won't be taken. Is this normal?
My camera model is 200D II.
What I'm trying to do is as follows, and it's very simple.
My software activates the camera through EDSDK and receives live view data.
The person behind the camera takes a picture by pressing the camera shutter, and my software shows the picture on the screen.
The questions are as follows.
How to take pictures using physical camera shutter buttons when receiving live view data(EVF).
HDMI connections are not considered because there are features that need to be controlled directly through EDSDK.
Thank you.
Below is what I added after Johannes Bildstein's answer.
As Johannes Bildstein answered, the following code was inserted to unlock the UI.
But it still hasn't been solved.
if (!MainCamera.IsLiveViewOn) {
Error message occurs when I try to unlock UI and get EVF data. (Shutter still doesn't work)
If I unlock UI after receiving EVF data,
When dial is in photo mode: EVF data is coming in, but the shutter still does not work.
When dial is in video mode: EVF data does not come in due to BUSY error. Is it a conflict due to UI unlocking? We check your answers and SDK documents and try in many ways, but they are still unresolved. We are currently testing the more recent model, 200D II.
"| EvfOutputDevice.Camera " should be added like below!
public void StartLiveView()
if (!IsLiveViewOn) SetSetting(PropertyID.Evf_OutputDevice, (int)(EvfOutputDevice.PC | EvfOutputDevice.Camera ));
The camera "UI" is probably locked. The EDSDK does that automatically when connecting and before doing certain commands. You can unlock it with EdsSendStatusCommand using kEdsCameraStatusCommand_UIUnLock.

When having a p2p webtrc connection, how to use different resolutions for the video call and the photo capture?

I'm working on a p2p webtrc video call between HoloLens2 and PC. I also need to support the capturing of photos(and send photos to the server). Now the video and photo can be supported with a resolution of 2272x1278, but I need the photo resolution of 3904x2196(the highest value that HoloLens2 provides).
The problem is when I am trying to change the resolutions, I found I had no limit when the call continues.
I use MediaCapture to take a photo. And the WebcamSource based on MixedReality-WebRTC running on the SharedReadOnly mode. I thought of one way to solve this: shut the call down when taking a photo, and restart it after capturing finished. But the problem is
How can I set the mode to exclusive WebcamSource when just capturing the photo?
Can I make sure when the call had been shut down, the WebcamSource is released?
Or if there is another way to use different resolutions for the video call and the photo capture? Thanks a lot.
How can I set the mode to exclusive WebcamSource when just capturing the photo?
No, SharingMode has hardcoded in the UwpUtils and does not expose any API to access.
Can I make sure when the call had been shut down, the WebcamSource is released?
To make sure dispose of audio and video tracks and media sources last, please reference the following code:

How to determine which cameras are front and back facing when using HTML5 getUserMedia and enumerateDevices APIs?

When accessing the camera using HTML5 getUserMedia APIs, you can either:
Request an unspecified "user" facing camera
Request an unspecified "environment" facing camera (optionally left or right)
Request a list of cameras available
Originally we used the "facing" constraint to choose the camera. If the camera faces the "user" we show it mirror image as is the convention.
We run into problems, however, when a user does not have exactly 1 user-facing and 1 environment-facing camera. They might be missing one of these, or have multiple. This can result in the wrong camera being used, or the camera not being mirrored appropriately.
So we are looking at enumerating the devices. However, I have not found a way to determine whether a video device is "user facing" and should be mirrored.
Is there any API available to determine whether a video input is "user" facing the in these APIs?
When you enumerate devices, devices that are an input may have a method called getCapabilities(). If this method is available you may call it to get a MediaTrackCapabilities object. This object has a field called facingMode which lists the valid facingMode options for that device.
For me this was empty on the PC but on my Android device it populated correctly.
Here's a jsfiddle you can use to check this on your own devices:
Thanks to the comment from O. Jones for setting me in the right direction.

How do I send notifications on an AndroidTV?

I have been reading the documentation pages for Notifications for Android devices but I want to build and display notifications on an Android-TV. I have used several apps in the AndroidTV and none of them shows notifications, instead sometimes they appear in the recommendations bar,which leads me to believe that it may not be possible to display notifications on this family of devices.
My end goal is to dispatch a Heads-up notification (priority flag set to MAX) so it can be shown regardless of what the user is doing.
Can someone help me to achieve this, maybe pointing me to some more specific docs?
UPDATE I have found this application that displays notifications, but I cannot understand how it works. Is it possible that it is mimicking notifications without working with Android's API?
I also think notification will appear as "recommendation" and not appear as "notification".
For the Notifications for Android TV app, I guess it is using custom designed Toast instead of Notification.

ToastNotification during Quiet Time

I have developed a desktop application which displays ToastNotifications while the user is in Metro Mode. When clicked it will bring the user back to the desktop mode where a standard desktop notification is presented.
This all works fine except when Windows is in QUNS_QUIET_TIME. The desktop notifications do not get displayed as expected, but the ToastNotfications still get displayed. My client wishes for the ToastNotifications to not display during Quiet Time.
The code calls SHQueryUserNotificationState which returns a QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE enumeration. The provided link says the following:
Note that during quiet time, if the user is in one of the other blocked modes (QUNS_NOT_PRESENT, QUNS_BUSY, QUNS_PRESENTATION_MODE, or QUNS_RUNNING_D3D_FULL_SCREEN) SHQueryUserNotificationState returns only that value, and does not report QUNS_QUIET_TIME.
This is what I am experiencing. The call to SHQueryUserNotificationState is returning QUNS_APP (A Windows Store app is running.) and not QUNS_QUIET_TIME.
Does anyone know of another way to determine if QUNS_QUIET_TIME is in effect or a way to force the toast to respect quiet time?
Desktop notifications use different settings than toast notifications. You can find toast notification settings here. When a user sets notifications to one hour from Windows 8 Settings | Notifications, the app will not be able set toast notification. Try the example "sending toast notifications from a desktop" here (either C++ code or C# code).