How to make VB.NET application work as Multi-user? -

I am developing a VB.Net application. That application might be working on a LAN. MS Access as a back end will be used. I have developed many single user applications, but don't know of multi user , LAN, manage DB etc. How do I make the program as Multi user on LAN. Data will be accessed at the same time. How to manage such things.
Please give me some help and Guidance.

Your VB application does not care how many people run it.
Your database, with MS Access, has some serious issues with multiple users. Get away from it if you can. SQL Server has a free version called SQL Express. If you only plan on 2 people, you might be OK with Access for a while but be prepared to support it more.
That was all the easy stuff, now you have to think about how you are going to handle multiple users trying to access and update the same data (concurrency).
Imagine this, you are a user looking at employee record 1 and so is someone else. You change the birthday and save. The the other user changes thier suppervisor and saves. How do you know something changed? What do you do if something changed? These are questions I cannot answer for you, you must decide based on your situation.
There are 2 main types of concurrency, optimistic and pessimistic. See this link for a great explaination and discussion on them: optimistic-vs-pessimistic-locking
You can look at this on a table-by-table basis.
If a table is never updated, you dont have to worry about concurrency
If a table is rarely updated, like a table of states, you can decide if it is worth the extra effort to add concurrency.
Everything else, pretty much should have some type of concurrency.
Now, the million dollar question, how?
You will find as many ways to handle concurrency as you will find colors in the rainbow. Here are some of the ones I like:
Simple number that you increment with each save. Small and easy.
DateTime stamp - As long as you dont expect to ever have 2 people save the same record during the same second, this is easy. (I personally dont like it by it's self)
User Name - Pretty simple gives a little bit of an audit by knowing who last inserted/edited the record but doesn't handle an issue I have seen to often. Imagine the same senerio as above but you had 2 instances of record 1. Now you change the data again, maybe supervisor, and when you save, you overwrite the changes from your first save with those of the second save.
Guid - VB can create a guid, SQL Server can create a guid and so can Access. It is nice an unique and most important, you can create it on the client so you dont have to requery the database after you save the record to get a refreshed record.
Combination of these. I like 2 and 3 myself. Gives a mini audit and is unique to the user.
If you use a DataAdapter, by default, MS will assume concurrency checking means to compare EVERY field to make sure it did not change. This works, but is completely un-scaleable and should not be done.
All of this depends on the size of your application and how you see it being used. Definately do some more research before you settle on a decision.

There are a number of solutions here.
If I may suggest a drastic alternative, have you considered pairing the client running on the user's computer with a server component (through a web service)? A simpler alternative would be for the client to talk directly to a SQL Server (or other database) instance through the network?*
*I'm not a fan of having client side apps talk directly to the database. It will mean maintenance headaches in the future, but I
included it to give you options
I found this random example via Google so YMMV.


Which db should I choose for my transaction logging

I have a database question. I am developing an application where users sends some request and gets an answer from a vendor. I have a server receiving the request (through a rest call or a running web service, haven't decided which yet).
Whenever a new request comes in it should be logged in a database and when the vendor responds the record should be updated indicating whether it was accepted or not and stuff like that. The only reason for this storage of transactions is for reporting and logging purposes. So now that I have stated my requirement I need help from someone with more expertise in this.
What I've come up with so far is that it would be best to use a structured database since all records will have one type and the same information, so there's no need to waste space using a semi-structured database with each record containing both structure and information.
But I don't know if there are any databases that are particularly good for this kind of "create/update operations only" ?? As I said I only need to read the data perhaps once a month or so.
Any inputs are appreciated!
You can use any open source database like postgreSql as you are mostly going to do inserts and not much other features needed. My suggestion will try to put logging process in separate threads rather than the one you are using for processing to have better performance for your api calls.
I'm developing a application with a lot of create/update queries and currently using Neo4j.
It's fast and really good with j2E and php. NoSQL is really fast to learn with it, and the web interface is really user friendly :)

Should I create separate SQL Server database for each user?

I am working on Asp.Net MVC web application, back-end is SQL Server 2012.
This application will provide billing, accounting, and inventory management. The user will create an account by signup. just like Each user will create some masters and various transactions. There is no limit, user can make unlimited records in the database.
I want to keep stable database performance, after heavy data load. I am maintaining proper indexing and primary keys in it, but there would be a heavy load on the database, per user.
So, should I create a separate database for each user, or should maintain one database with UserID. Add UserID in each table and making a partition based on UserID?
I am not an expert in SQL Server, so please provide suggestions with clear specifications.
Please inform me if there is any lack of information.
A DB per user is what happens when customers need to be able pack up and leave taking the actual database with them. Think of a self hosted wordpress website. Or if there are incredible risks to one user accidentally seeing another user's data, so it's safer to rely on the servers security model than to rely on remembering to add the UserId filter to all your queries. I can't imagine a scenario like that, but who knows-- maybe if the privacy laws allowed for jail time, I would rather data partitioned by security rules rather than carefully writing WHERE clauses.
If you did do user-per-database, creating a new user will be 10x more effort. While INSERT, UPDATE and so on stay the same from version to version, with each upgrade the syntax for database, user creation, permission granting and so on will evolve enough to break those scripts each SQL version upgrade.
Also, this will multiply your migration headaches by the number of users. Let's say you have 5000 users and you need to add some new columns, change a columns data type, update a trigger, and so on. Instead of needing to run that change script 1x, you need to run it 5000 times.
Per user Dbs also probably wastes disk space. Each of those databases is going to have a transaction log, sitting idle taking up the minimum log space.
As for load, if collectively your 5000 users are doing 1 billion inserts, updates and so on per day, my intuition tells me that it's going to be faster on one database, unless there is some sort of contension issue (everyone reading and writing to the same table at the same time and the same pages of the same table). Each database has machine resources (probably threads and memory) per database doing housekeeping, so these extra DBs can't be free.
Anyhow, the best thing to do is to simulate the two architectures and use a random data generator to simulate load and see how they perform.
It's not an easy answer to give.
First, there is logical design to be considered. Then you have integrity, security, management and performance (in this very order).
A database is a logical unit of data, self contained. Ideally, you should be able to take a database, move it to another instance, probably change the connection strings and be running again.
All the constraints are database-level. No foreign keys can exist referencing some object outside the database.
So, try thinking in these terms first.
How would you reliably prevent one user messing up the other user's data? Keep in mind that it's just a matter of time before someone opens an excel sheet and fire up queries on the database bypassing your application. Row level security in SQL Server is something you don't want to deal with.
Multiple databases mean that all management tasks should be scripted out and executed on all databases. Yes, there is some overhead to it, but once you set it up it's just the matter of monitoring. If a database goes suspect, it's a single customer down, not all of them. You can even have different versions for different customes if each customer have it's own database. Additionally, if you roll an upgrade, you can do it per customer, so the inpact will be much less.
Performance is the least relevant factor here. Of course, it really depends on how many customers and how much data, but proper indexing will solve these issues. Scale-out is much easier with multiple databases.
BTW, partitioning, as you mentioned it, is never a performance booster, it's simply a management feature, allowing for faster loading and evicting of data from a table.
I'd probably put each customer in separate database, but it's up to you eventually to make a decision for yourself. Hope I've helped some with this.

How should data be provided to a web server using a data warehouse?

We have data stored in a data warehouse as follows:
Product Name (varchar(25))
We currently only have four products. That changes very infrequently (on average once every 10 years). Once every business day, four new data points are added representing the day's price for each product.
On the website, a user can request this information by entering a date range and selecting one or more products names. Analytics shows that the feature is not heavily used (about 10 users requests per week).
It was suggested that the data warehouse should daily push (SFTP) a CSV file containing all data (currently 6718 rows of this data and growing by four each day) to the web server. Then, the web server would read data from the file and display that data whenever a user made a request.
Usually, the push would only be once a day, but more than one push could be possible to communicate (infrequent) price corrections. Even in the price correction scenario, all data would be delivered in the file. What are problems with this approach?
Would it be better to have the web server make a request to the data warehouse per user request? Or does this have issues such as a greater chance for network errors or performance issues?
Would it be better to have the web server make a request to the data warehouse per user request?
Yes it would. You have very little data, so there is no need to try and 'cache' this in some way. (Apart from the fact that CSV might not be the best way to do this).
There is nothing stopping you from doing these requests from the webserver to the database server. With as little information as this you will not find performance an issue, but even if it would be when everything grows, there is a lot to be gained on the database-side (indexes etc) that will help you survive the next 100 years in this fashion.
The amount of requests from your users (also extremely small) does not need any special treatment, so again, direct query would be the best.
Or does this have issues such as a greater chance for network errors or performance issues?
Well, it might, but that would not justify your CSV method. Examples and why you need not worry, could be
the connection with the databaseserver is down.
This is an issue for both methods, but with only one connection per day the change of a 1-in-10000 failures might seem to be better for once-a-day methods. But these issues should not come up very often, and if they do, you should be able to handle them. (retry request, give a message to user). This is what enourmous amounts of websites do, so trust me if I say that this will not be an issue. Also, think of what it would mean if your daily update failed? That would present a bigger problem!
Performance issues
as said, this is due to the amount of data and requests, not a problem. And even if it becomes one, this is a problem you should be able to catch at a different level. Use a caching system (non CSV) on the database server. Use a caching system on the webserver. Fix your indexes to stop performance from being a problem.
It is far from strange to want your data-warehouse separated from your web system. If this is a requirement, and it surely could be, the best thing you can do is re-create your warehouse-database (the one I just defended as being good enough to query directly) on another machine. You might get good results by doing a master-slave system
your datawarehouse is a master-database: it sends all changes to the slave but is inexcessible otherwise
your 2nd database (on your webserver even) gets all updates from the master, and is read-only. you can only query it for data
your webserver cannot connect to the datawarehouse, but can connect to your slave to read information. Even if there was an injection hack, it doesn't matter, as it is read-only.
Now you don't have a single moment where you update the queried database (the master-slave replication will keep it updated always), but no chance that the queries from the webserver put your warehouse in danger. profit!
I don't really see how SQL injection could be a real concern. I assume you have some calendar type field that the user fills in to get data out. If this is the only form just ensure that the only field that is in it is a date then something like DROP TABLE isn't possible. As for getting access to the database, that is another issue. However, a separate file with just the connection function should do fine in most cases so that a user can't, say open your webpage in an HTML viewer and see your database connection string.
As for the CSV, I would have to say querying a database per user, especially if it's only used ~10 times weekly would be much more efficient than the CSV. I just equate the CSV as overkill because again you only have ~10 users attempting to get some information, to export an updated CSV every day would be too much for such little pay off.
Also if an attack is a big concern, which that really depends on the nature of the business, the data being stored, and the visitors you receive, you could always create a backup as another option. I don't really see a reason for this as your question is currently stated, but it is a possibility that even with the best security an attack could happen. That mainly just depends on if the attackers want the information you have.

How to elegantly poll/pull information from a database?

I am currently beginning a new personal project. I have a database that keeps track of users as they log in to my webpage. It shows when they log on and log off. It uses SQL Server 2008.
What I would like to do is, whenever a user logs in, a scrolling bar along the top of my webpage alerts me to this. I have created a dashboard to keep track of a lot of my website statistics and this is something I think would be really cool. Useless, ultimately - but it would produce a "heheh" from me every so often, so why not ?
Now, I have never attempted to build something like this (which is the reason I am building it!) so I am torn between a few different design approaches. It seems like I could poll the database server repeatedly using, just writing a query to find the set of currently logged in users and display any additions to that pool. If this is the right path to go down, then I would appreciate some more in-depth commentary on how this could be used.
From a high level perspective it seems like, rather than repeatedly polling the database, it would be more efficient to have the DB push the message out to my web server when there is a change. Would this be possible? If so, how ?
For the sake of argument, and to give this discussion a bit more specificity, let's assume our SQL Server tables are structured as follows (but feel free to make any improvements or changes as you see fit!):
Users {
ID Primary Key
Username(Varchar 100)
LogInOrOutLogs {
SessionID Primary Key
UserID (Foreign Key)
TimeLoggedIn (DateTime)
TimeLoggedOut (DateTime)
Open to all technologies, all database structures, all design ideas. Go crazy! Only requirements : You have a DB of users which updates as they log in and out. Display the information on a web server as meaningfully, elegantly and simply as you can.
Thanks a lot, looking forward to reading peoples solutions for this problem.
Do you have look at Hibernate ? This is an elegante object layer over SQL database.
Then you can push triggers on your database to push the event. When you have a event to your data you send it to your web application via long query (it is an ajax query with very very very long timeout, the query is re-send after a event is receive).
A crazy design should also use a two way messaging system, one for message incoming into the DB one for other outputing from DB.
If you really like crazy thing you could thing of cache using a DB4O database (a cache for your SQL Server) embedded into a servicemix - redhatfuse. There easy way with servicemix because of the predeployed broker(activemq) and fuse with it's nice fabric system.

question about frequency of updating access

i have a table in an access database
this access database is used on a regular basis, basically from 9-5
someone else has a copy of this exact table. sometimes records are added, sometimes deleted, and sometimes data within the records is updated.
i need to update the access database table with the offsite table every hour or so. what is the best algorithm of updating the data? there are about 5000 records.
would it severely lock up the table for a few seconds every hour?
i would like to publicly apologize for my rude comment to david fenton
My impression is that this question ties together pieces you've been exploring with your previous questions:
a file "listener" to detect the presence of a new file and do something with it when found
list files with some extension in a folder
DoCmd.TransferText to pull file data into your database
Insert, Update, Delete records in a table based on an imported set of records
Maybe it's time to give us a more detailed picture of what you're dealing with.
Tony asked if both sites are on the same WAN (Wide Area Network). You replied they are on Windows. Elsewhere you said you're using a network. Please tell us about the network.
I'm still unsure whether you need a one-way or two-way data exchange. You've talked about importing changes from the remote table into the local master table. Do you need to do the same type of operation at the remote site: import changes made to the table at the master site?
Tell us what needs to happen regarding the issue James raised. Can local and remote users ever edit the same record? If they can, how will you resolve the conflict? Similarly, what should happen if a remote user updates a record and a local user deletes their copy of that record?
Based on what you've told us so far, this sounds like a real challenge for Access, made more challenging by the rate of record changes (5,000 per hour). I like the outline Kevin suggested. However your challenge will be more complicated since you also need to account for record deletions at both sites.
It seems like you may have to create something which duplicates Access' Replication feature. Maybe you should look at the Jet Replication Wiki to see if you can modify your design to take advantage of Replication. I can't help you there, and unfortunately you appear to have frustrated David Fenton who is a leading authority on Jet Replication.
If a few seconds performance is critical, you'd rather move to a better database engine (like Sqlite, MySQL, MS SQL server). If you want a single file, then Sqlite is the best for you. All these use by-single-record locks, so you can read and write simultaneously.
If you stay with access, you will probably have to implement a timer to update only a few records at a time.
Before you do anything else you need to establish the "rules" as far as collisions go.
If a row in the local copy is updated and the same row in the remote copy is updated which one is the "correct" version? Ditto for deletions, inserts are even more of a pain as you can have the "same" set of values but perhaps a different key.
After you have worked out how to handle each of these cases you can then go on to thinking about the implementation.
As other posters have suggested the way to completely avoid these issues is switch to SQLServer or any other "proper" database which can be updated over the network by all users and where concurrency issues are handled by the DBMS when the updates are applied.
Other users have already suggested switching to a server based database i.e. SQL server etc. I would echo this and say it is the best way to go however if you are stuck with access and have no choice then I would suggest you add a field (with an index) along the lines of “Last Updated”. You could then export all records that have been modified within a particular time frame. Export this file as a CSV, ship it over to the remote site and import it into the “master” access database. With a bit of scripting you could automate this process.