Forward horizontal swipe events on UITableView to parent view - objective-c

I have a UITableView that I want to have respond to taps and vertical swipes, but still have something like userInteractionEnabled = NO for horizontal swipes. By that I mean, it would not handle touches and pass the touch event back to its superview.
Things I've tried that didn't work:
returning NO in - (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView canEditRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
Overriding touchesBegan/touchesMoved/touchesEnded and passing the event to the next responder
Adding gesture recognizers for horizontal swipes and setting cancelsTouchesInView to YES
I've been trying to fix this on and off for several weeks, so any help is greatly appreciated!

better you can subview empty view for tableview.view color should be
empty and add gesture to that view.if gesture direction is
vertical.scroll tableview

Did you try just adding a horizontal swipe gesture recognizer to your table view's parent view? Also turn off horizontal scrolling on your table view. (set alwaysBounceHorizontal=NO)

Disabling user's interaction for each table view cell should help.
I suggest doing it in cellForRowAtIndexPath method.

The answer to this question is not simple, because UITableView manages a lot of touches, and this touches are managed by different components.
So, to give you a correct and working answer, you have to explain:
what kind of swipes you want to disable (left-to-right, right-to-left)
where (on the empty table view, on the cell)
what happens now when you do this swipe (the cell goes in edit mode, a navigation controller goes to the previous page ecc....)
For example: the swipe-to-delete on a UITableViewCell can't be avoided by overriding touchesBegan:withEvent, because the touch is received by the internal content view (UITableViewCellContentView private class, so you can't subclass and override touchesBegan:withEvent).
But this is not necessary, because you can disable this behavior adding this method to UITableViewController:
-(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone;
When you disable the editing (for example) the cell and the table view are no more capable of managing the touch, so the touch is forwarded to the next responder in the chain.
This is only one example, you must explain all the cases that are giving you undesider behavior to let us help you more.
Last suggestions:
At this Page you will find a very good and interesting explanation on how the hit test end event handling process works.
I'll update the answer with more specific information when you'll add more details.


Custom UIScrollView Gesture

I have a collection view cell which contains an UIScrollview in which all of the content sits. I want to have a gesture that allows users to swipe down when the cell is at 0,0 and then that fades away into the list view of the collection view.
However, I still want the users to be able to scroll down into the rest of the cell content.
Should this be contained in the same gesture? If so, how do I override a scrollview's gesture?
Yea just try implement this method from UIScrollViewDelegate:
- (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
Get scrollView and calculate gestures and make behaviour. And look other methods for make best visual effect :)

Pull to reveal hidden navBar-like menu in iOS? as seen in GetPocket App

I've been driving myself mad over this one. It might be one of those things where I need to take a step back and figure out the simplest way to implement this. Can't find anything on this either. I google-fu'd the heck out of this one.
In the Pocket App when you pull down a menu reveals itself just like the searchBar does. In this instance the faux bar when you pull it past its halfway point if you release it shows springs into place. If it is release before the halfway point the bar will snap back and hide. As shown here
In my case I've been trying to replicate this with no luck. In my case I have a UITextView inside of a UIViewController view. I think I have it all wrong.
I can get it to work with a UIScrollView hidden by initiating with it offscreen and then when I press a button the UIScrollView reveals itself. The problem is that this method covers everything so I'll have to resize and relayout a bunch of views. Is this in a UITableView possibly? I want it to be a pull action though and just want to put some TextStrings/Labels in this bar.
Thank you in advance.
Feels like you need a UIScrollView (or UITableView) and to put the menu you want to reveal at the top (in the table view header, for example) and then get the delegate callbacks for scrolling.
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
You might also need to watch for some of the dragging delegate callbacks
- (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate
You can initially hide the menu by setting the content offset to the height of the menu, then catch the delegate callbacks for scrolling and, if the scrolling has reached beyond half the size of the menu set the content offset with animation.
- (void)setContentOffset:(CGPoint)contentOffset animated:(BOOL)animated
If I understand your goal correctly you don't need the scroll view.
What I would do is have an simple UIView containing all the stuff you need and place it outside of the visible area. This will be your pull-down view. Then add an UIPanGestureRecognizer to the view in your UIViewController and use it to track the movement of your finger and update the frame of the pull-down view accordingly. Then in this update method you simply check if the position has passed some threshold and if so you let the pull-down view snap to its final position (using animations of course).
If you are unfamiliar with the UIPanGestureRecognizer there is a really good tutorial here:

UITableView in a UIScrollView - How to make the view scroll, but not the TableView in itself?

Imagine, there is a UIViewController with a UIScrollView in it. At the top of the view there is an UIImageView, some UILabels and other things. Furthermore, there is a UITableView which content is Dynamic Prototypes. I attach a picture to make it clear:
I haven't got a static amount of cells in the UITableView so it could be scrollable. My problem is the following: the UITableView scrolls in itself but I want to scroll the whole View. What is the best possibility to do that?
Possible solutions I've founded today
1) The first thing is: I create a UITableViewController and declare a header section in which I include all my labels, images etc. programmatically (I would love to use the interface builder for that...)
2) Another solution is to calculate the height of the view. I tried the best to do it like this way - but: without success. If this is the best way to do that: Can anybody give an example?
I would ditch the UIScrollView and just use a UITableView. You can add a UIView object as the tableHeaderView of the UITableView just by dragging it in in Interface Builder. Now since everything is part of the UITableView hierarchy, everything will scroll together as expected.
You could also try setting delaysContentTouches to NO on your scrollView. Depending on your setup, this may make the scroll view respond to the touch first instead of the table view.
From Apples UIScrollView Docs:
A Boolean value that determines whether the scroll view delays the
handling of touch-down gestures.
#property(nonatomic) BOOL delaysContentTouches
If the value of this property is YES, the scroll view delays handling
the touch-down gesture until it can determine if scrolling is the
intent. If the value is NO , the scroll view immediately calls
touchesShouldBegin:withEvent:inContentView:. The default
value is YES.
You'll have to (as you've mentioned) add the UIView containing the image and buttons to the actual UITableView. Embedding it in the scroll view will produce the undesired behavior that you're seeing.
I would recommend returning the UIView as the header view for the first section of your table view. You can do this by implementing the UITableViewDelegate method:
- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section;
If you maintain an IBOutlet to the view containing your image/labels, you can return it here.
this is same demo i hope its helps you from iphone sorce code library
thank you

Scrolling a UITableView inside a UIScrollView

I have a UITableView which is a subview of a UIView, then that UIView is a subview of a UIScrollView. How do I detect the touches that should scroll the UITableView?
The UITableView can get item selection events (a cell in the table is selected/tapped) just fine, except that you have to hold down on the cell before it fires. But I can't get the UITableView to scroll, its always the UIScrollView that reacts to the pan gesture.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Solved, though I asked the wrong question. It does work by default as Roman K pointed out. I think the problem was related to having a part of the UITableView outside the bounds of the UIScrollView (the UITableView went over the bottom bounds of the UIScrollView). Setting it to correctly fit inside the UIScrollView fixed it.
Please, make sure that UIScrollView's properties delaysContentTouches and canCancelContentTouches are set appropriately. They control how UIScrollView instance passes touch information to its subviews. By default delaysContentTouches is set to YES. Also, make sure that, if you extended UIScrollView, touchesShouldBegin:withEvent:inContentView: allow touches in the subview.
Otherwise, UITableView scrolling should work by default in your scenario. If you create a test project with just the view hierarchy as described you will see that it is the case. So, compare the two and see what difference affects the scrolling.

swipe to delete when already in edit mode

I have an iphone app using a uitableview where I'd like the "reorder" controls to always be displayed, and have the user swipe to delete rows.
The approach I'm currently taking is to put the tableview in edit mode and allow selection in edit mode
self.tableView.editing = YES;
self.tableView.allowsSelectionDuringEditing = YES;
I then hide the red delete circles using
- (UITableViewCellEditingStyle)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone;
- (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
return NO;
I cant figure out how to get the swipe gesture to bring up the "delete" on the right side when the tableview is already in edit mode, can somebody point me in the right direction?
alternatively, if someone knows how to get the cell reordering controls to show when NOT in edit mode, that would also be a workable solution
When the user swipes on a given row, you need to store a reference somewhere so that you can change the value returned by editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath and shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath. Your best bet is likely to use indexPathForCell on the cell that is swiped and store that. Then in the two display methods above you need to check if the NSIndexPath is the same or not (I'm not sure if they will be the same pointer or if you'll need to compare the section/row values - testing required). If they match, display the delete button.
Note that you may need to call reloadData on your tableView to have the effect appear without scrolling away and back again.
I'm wondering if the way you're headed now would break the Human Interface guidelines, which would result in the app not getting approved.
I can't see why you can't capture the swipe gesture and then use that to 'unhide' the red delete (stop sign) icons for the delete confirmation?