I know you can define your own DSL in Drools to be used in DRL.
Is it also possible to define the DSL in a Drools spreadsheet, so I can use it in the spreadsheet? If not, how can I use/integrate a DSL in my Drools spreadsheet?
C YA - Nekro
As I understand, a Kotlin compiler plugin will have access to the source code (being compiled) after it is converted to a Kotlin AST (Abstract Syntax Tree). That limits the syntax a plugin can use to code that can be represented as a Kotlin AST. Is that correct? If it is, can you point me to documentation about the Kotlin AST format?
I couldn't find much documentation about Kotlin compiler plugins. I could only find plugins examples using annotations. Is there a project/tutorial showing how to add new constructs/operators to the language?
I love Jetbrain's Idea IDE and its ergonomics. One of my favorite tools is idea's rearrange code 'action'(you can bring it up by hitting ctrl+shift+a). It rearranges the code in the java file to put methods in alphabetical order and order the fields in an organized fashion that the user defines. For whatever reason, it doesn't work with Jetbrain's own language, kotlin :(. This sucks even more with the fact that kotlin quickfixes the fields right above the method instead of the beginning of the file like most java files. When is Idea going to support rearrange code for kotlin files?
The reason why the feature does not work is simple: because it has not been implemented. IntelliJ's current Java support feature set has been developed over more than 15 years, and replicating all of Java support features in a new language plugin takes time. We're prioritizing features in the Kotlin plugin for IntelliJ IDEA based on user feedback and language evolution requirements, and so far we haven't seen an indication that code rearranging is in high demand.
Specifically the issue of placing properties by the Create from Usage fix can be fixed with relatively little effort, and doesn't require a full rearrange implementation. I've filed an issue for it.
I want to generate Doxygen document for my DSL(Domain Specific Language). As my DSL language is totally different from C,C++,Java languages.
Basically mine is eclipse plugin project and we are developing IDE for DSL language in that i want to generate Doxygen out of DSL project.
I am very new to Doxygen topic. Please let me know some ideas to proceed.
Note: I have added dependencies so i could generate Doxygen document for Java. The thing i don't know how to do it for my DSL language.
The answer is that it is not possible without hacks. You have three options
Either you add support for your DSL to doxygen and recompile it
Use the INPUT_FILTER option. This will probably fail if your DSL is not an imperative OOP language like Java and C++, because trouble in concept translation.
Do not use doxygen, but another tool which is easier to extend.
If I knew about another tool I would have recommended the third option.
I am looking for static code anaylyzer for some SQL scripts written. I was interested in having a tool that can be extended with my own set of rules.
For static code analysis I see lot of tools for java like checkstyle, PMD etc. which can be extended with custom rules.
Based on some inputs in Static code analysis for new language. Where to start? I decided to use ANTLR. With ANTLR it looks like I have to create lot of code to achieve what I am looking for. So took a look at tools that use ANTLR(Checkstyle is one of them)
I am trying to see if the code already created by Checkstyle can be extended to parse my new grammar file and use all the Check rules that it allows to add
Please let me know if there are other better tools to achieve the same
I'm working on a project that requires me to create a series of editors for languages that are quite different. The syntaxes are defined by us.
I'm looking for a solution for this.
Is there a shortcut to take in this problem?
You could use XText:
a framework for development of textual domain specific languages (DSLs).
Just describe your very own DSL using Xtext's simple EBNF grammar language and the generator will create a parser, an AST-meta model (implemented in EMF) as well as a full-featured Eclipse text editor from that.
Alternatives to XText are Rascal or Spoofax, both less popular than XText but interesting for they support more general context-free grammars, among other things. Nice to check out.
If you are looking for a more low level, programmable solution, then Eclipse's IDE Meta-tooling platform is a good choice (IMP).
What IMP gives you is API to connect your existing parsers to Eclipse without much hassle. You need to implement an IParseController interface, to call your parser and ITokenIterator to produce tokens and some other interface to assign fonts to each kind of token.
The aforementioned Rascal and Spoofax are both build on top of IMP.
Not mentioned is DLTK (proposed also in Tutorial regarding the development of a custom Eclipse editor)
There are Ruby, bash that are implemented with it.