T-sql using values from one table and displaying them in different columns - sql

My database Table looks like:
ID | INDEX | Value |
1 | 0 | 3 |
1 | 1 | 5 |
1 | 2 | 7 |
2 | 0 | 4 |
2 | 1 | 6 |
2 | 2 | 2 |
What I want my output to look like is the difference of the values column based on their index
i.e. value(id=2,index = i) - value(id = 1, index = i) so the output table will look like
INDEX | Delta Value |
0 | 1 |
1 | 1 |
2 | -5 |
My attempt at solving this problem is as follows:
col1.value column1,
col2.value column2,
col2.value - col1.value
FROM My_Table col1
INNER JOIN My_Table col2
ON col1.index = col2.index
WHERE col1.id = 1
OR col2.id = 2
I know there are problems with this query. But I just haven't been able to produce the output that I want. Any help is appreciated.

You can do this by join
t1.ind, t1.value - t2.value as delta
from My_Table as t1
inner join My_Table as t2 on t2.id = 2 and t2.ind = t1.ind
where t1.id = 1
Or by simple aggregate:
ind, sum(case id when 1 then 1 when 2 then -1 end * value) as delta
from My_Table
group by ind

Do you want something like this?
col1.value column1,
col2.value column2,
col2.value - col1.value AS delta
From My_Table col1
INNER JOIN My_Table col2
ON col1.index = col2.index
AND col2.id = 2
where col1.id = 1

have a look at mine
select t1.[index],
from my_table t1 inner join my_table t2
on t1.[index] = t2.[index]
where t1.id = 1 and t2.id = 2
order by t1.[index]


Find all records that share specific comment

I have an existing table1:
User Comment Group
1 foo a
2 bar a
3 baz b
4 123 a
5 bar c
6 foo d
7 654 a
Assume that I need to select all Users with Comment foo
select * from [table1] t1 where t1.[Comment] = 'foo';
User Comment Group
1 foo a
6 foo d
Now I want to find all the users in the same Groups:
User Comment Group
1 foo a
2 bar a
4 123 a
6 foo d
How can I do this? I thought like this:
select t1.*
from [table1] t1
left join [table1] t2 on t1.[User] = t2.[User]
and t1.[Comment] = 'foo'
But this is returning all records in [table1]. What am I doing wrong?
You could use exists:
select t.*
from mytable t
where exists (
select 1 from mytable t1 where t1.comment = 'foo' and t1.group = t.group
For performance with this query, you want an index on (comment, group).
With the operator IN:
select * from tablename
where [Group] in (
select [Group] from tablename
where [Comment] = 'foo'
See the demo.
> User | Comment | Group
> ---: | :------ | :----
> 1 | foo | a
> 2 | bar | a
> 4 | 123 | a
> 6 | foo | d
> 7 | 654 | a

How to do an outer join with full result between two tables

I have two tables:
id | id_attr | val
10 | 1 | A
10 | 2 | B
As a result I want a table that show:
id | id_attr | val
10 | 1 | A
10 | 2 | B
10 | 3 | NULL
So I want the row with id=10 and id_attr=3 also when id_Attr=3 is missing in TABLE2 (and I know that because I have a NULL value (or something else) in the val column of RESULT.
NB: I could have others ids in table2. For example, after insert this row on table2: {11,1,A}, as RESULT I want:
id | id_attr | val
10 | 1 | A
10 | 2 | B
10 | 3 | NULL
11 | 1 | A
11 | 2 | NULL
11 | 3 | NULL
So, for every id, I want always the match with all id_attr.
Your specific example only has one id, so you can use the following:
select t2.id, t2.id_attr, t2.val
from table2 t2
union all
select 10, t1.id_attr, NULL
from table1 t1
where not exists (select 1 from table2 t2 where t2.id_attr = t1.id_attr);
You can get all combinations of attributes and ids in the following way. Use a cross join to create all the rows you want and then a left join to bring in the data you want:
select i.id, t1.id_attr, t2.val
from (select distinct id from table2) i cross join
table1 t1 left join
table2 t2
on t2.id = i.id and t2.id_attr = t1.id_attr;
It sounds like you want to do just an outer join on id_attr instead of id.
select * from table2 t2
left outer join table1 t1 on t2.id_attr = t1.id_attr;

select all rows by distinct values with limit on distinct values

Let's say we have 2 tables:
Table1: Table2:
id | t2id id | col
---------- ----------
1 | 1 1 | a
2 | 2 2 | b
3 | 2 3 | c
4 | 1 4 | d
5 | 3 5 | e
6 | 3 6 | f
7 | 4 7 | g
8 | 5 8 | h
9 | 1 9 | i
10 | 4 10 | j
My question is:
Is there any short way to put limit for distinct results of Table1.t2id column?
For example: if limit = 2 then all rows with t2id from 1 to 2 (or any other values) are selected.
Expected result (with limit = 2):
id | t2id
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 2
4 | 1
9 | 1
Any information or suggestion are accepted
You could use just the where clause
Select id,t2id
from table1
where t2id<=2
Or you can use where .. between
Select id,t2id
from table1
where t2id between 1 and 2
I believe you want to:
Create a subquery with all the columns you need + this one: DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Table1.t2id) AS MyRank
outside of the sub-query, add a where on MyRank
Complete solution:
SELECT id, tb2id
SELECT id, tb2id, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Table1.t2id) AS MyRank
FROM table1
) MySubQuery
WHERE MyRank <= 2
This will adapt to JOINs with table2 (with potential multiplicity increase) and non-consecutive values in tb2id.
You can also use in:
select t1.*
from table1 t1
where t1.t2_id in (select t2.id from table2 t2 limit 2);
The advantage of this approach is that it is easy to make it random:
select t1.*
from table1 t1
where t1.t2_id in (select t2.id from table2 t2 order by random() limit 2);

Count missing values

I have a following table called Test:
Id | SomeId | Value
019D9E52-41D1-45DF-81B6-C7CC484115A7 | 1 | 1
262640CA-65C2-4E30-8654-E187ACA1EEF4 | 1 | 1
53710AFC-4E19-4B1C-B68B-CDB713EC3D62 | 1 | 2
8FF7E77C-D04C-4961-82D9-87C2E5A1A096 | 1 | 2
119D9E52-41D1-45DF-81B6-C7CC484115A7 | 2 | 1
762640CA-65C2-4E30-8654-E187ACA1EEF4 | 2 | 1
93710AFC-4E19-4B1C-B68B-CDB713EC3D62 | 2 | 2
4FF7E77C-D04C-4961-82D9-87C2E5A1A096 | 2 | 2
And there is a view called TestView:
SomeId | Value | Description
1 | 1 | 'One'
1 | 2 | 'Two'
1 | 3 | 'Three'
2 | 1 | 'One'
2 | 2 | 'Two'
These are just pseudo code examples.
I want to count all the values from the Test table (for a specific [SomeId]), and if value from the TestView (with a specific [SomeId]) is not in the Test table I just want to display 0 as count.
If I wanted to count values WHERE [Test].[SomeId] = 1, here's the expected result:
Value | Count
One | 2
Two | 2
Three | 0
This is my query so far:
tv.[Description] AS [Value],
COUNT(t.[Id]) - COUNT(tv.[Value]) AS [Count]
FROM [TestView] AS tv
t.[SomeId] = tv.[SomeId]
AND t.[Value] = tv.[Value]
t.[SomeId] = 1
But this gives me bad result... Anyways, here's the SQL Fiddle
This is just an addition to a Test table. What is Test table has one more foreign key Id, let's call it OtherId. Now when I use the query from the answer I won't get the result I wanted. Here's the modified query:
t1.Description AS Value,
COUNT(t2.Value) AS Count
FROM TestView t1
LEFT JOIN test t2
ON t1.Value = t2.Value AND t1.SomeId = t2.SomeId
WHERE t1.SomeId = 1
AND t2.[OtherId] = *something* -- this is the addition
GROUP BY t1.Value, t1.Description
ORDER BY t1.Value;
Try this:
t1.Description AS Value,
COUNT(t2.Value) AS Count
FROM TestView t1
LEFT JOIN test t2
ON t1.Value = t2.Value AND t1.SomeId = t2.SomeId
WHERE t1.SomeId = 1
GROUP BY t1.Value, t1.Description
ORDER BY t1.Value;
Below is your Solution
tv.[Description] AS [Value],
COUNT(t.[Id]) AS [Count]
FROM [TestView] AS tv
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Test] AS t ON tv.SomeId = t.SomeId
AND t.Value = tv.value
AND t.[SomeId] = 1

SELECT query with cross rows WHERE statement

I'll try to explain the type of the query that I want:
Assume I have a table like this:
| ID | someID | Number |
| 1 | 1 | 10 |
| 2 | 1 | 11 |
| 3 | 1 | 14 |
| 4 | 2 | 10 |
| 5 | 2 | 13 |
Now, I want to find the someID that have a specific numbers (For example query for numbers 10, 11, 14 will return someID 1 and query for numbers 10, 13 will return 2). But, if someID contains all the query numbers but also more numbers, it will not return by the query. (For example query for 10, 11 will return nothing).
Is it possible?
SELECT t1.someId
FROM yourTable t1
WHERE t1.number IN (10,14,11)
GROUP BY t1.someID
Example Fiddle
select someID
from yourtable
where number in (10,11,14)
and not exists (select * from yourtable t2 where number not in(10,11,14)
and t2.someid=yourtable.someid)
group by someID
having count(distinct ID) = 3
Where 3 is the number of items you are querying for
Yes, once you get the query numbers into a table variable (say it's called #QNums, with one column named QNum)) try
Select distinct someId
From table t
Where exists (Select * from #QNums
where QNum = t.Number)
And not Exists (Select * From table t2
Where someId = t.someId
And not exists(Select * From #QNums
where QNum = t3.Number))