Hibernate findById or sql query - sql

I have many time scenarios that I only want to access only one/two/ or some no of columns and we are using hibernate so I want to know which is better for performance either
1) by fetching findById method of hibernate, which is very convenient for me because I have to just call it, but I think it will be not good in performance because it will fetch all column rather I require only some.
2) Or by creating my query each time that is tedious but it will be better in performance
So I want suggestion regarding what should I use?

To answer more specifically, it would be helpful if you included a code snippet. In general though, findById is a convenience method that will result in a query very similar to what you would write yourself. So writing the query yourself and returning only the columns you need (constructor expressions are useful) would be better in terms of performance. The question I would ask is, is that improved performance worth the more complicated code? You can always optimize your queries later.

It entirely depends on the entity which is being loaded. If the entity is one, with lots of relationships, and all you need is a couple of fields in the root entity, it is definitely worth writing your own query as Hibernate generates queries with JOINs to load the entity which can be very expensive. The other thing to consider here is that, you can always handle the fields that are being loaded using LAZY or EAGER loading but these settings are static and will be applied permanently to your entity.
On the other hand if the entity doesn't have many relationships, I believe the most expensive part is the conversation time between DB and your application, thus loading a number of extra fields can be ignored.


Should I be concerned that ORMs, by default, return all columns?

In my limited experience in working with ORMs (so far LLBL Gen Pro and Entity Framework 4), I've noticed that inherently, queries return data for all columns. I know NHibernate is another popular ORM, and I'm not sure that this applies with it or not, but I would assume it does.
Of course, I know there are workarounds:
Create a SQL view and create models and mappings on the view
Use a stored procedure and create models and mappings on the result set returned
I know that adhering to certain practices can help mitigate this:
Ensuring your row counts are reasonably limited when selecting data
Ensuring your tables aren't excessively wide (large number of columns and/or large data types)
So here are my questions:
Are the above practices sufficient, or should I still consider finding ways to limit the number of columns returned?
Are there other ways to limit returned columns other than the ones I listed above?
How do you typically approach this in your projects?
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: This sort of stems from the notion that SELECT * is thought of as a bad practice. See this discussion.
One of the reasons to use an ORM of nearly any kind is to delay a lot of those lower-level concerns and focus on the business logic. As long as you keep your joins reasonable and your table widths sane, ORMs are designed to make it easy to get data in and out, and that requires having the entire row available.
Personally, I consider issues like this premature optimization until encountering a specific case that bogs down because of table width.
First of : great question, and about time someone asked this! :-)
Yes, the fact an ORM typically returns all columns for a database table is something you need to take into consideration when designing your systems. But as you've mentioned - there are ways around this.
The main fact for me is to be aware that this is what happens - either a SELECT * FROM dbo.YourTable, or (better) a SELECT (list of all columns) FROM dbo.YourTable.
This is not a problem when you really want the whole object and all its properties, and as long as you load a few rows, that's fine, too - the convenience beats the raw performance.
You might need to think about changing your database structures a little bit - things like:
maybe put large columns like BLOBs into separate tables with a 1:1 link to your base table - that way, a select on the parent tables doesn't grab all those large blobs of data
maybe put groups of columns that are optional, that might only show up in certain situations, into separate tables and link them - again, just to keep the base tables lean'n'mean
Also: avoid trying to "arm-wrestle" your ORM into doing bulk operations - that's just not their strong point.
And: keep an eye on performance, and try to pick an ORM that allows you to change certain operations into e.g. stored procedures - Entity Framework 4 allows this. So if the deletes are killing you - maybe you just write a Delete stored proc for that table and handle that operation differently.
The question here covers your options fairly well. Basically you're limited to hand-crafting the HQL/SQL. It's something you want to do if you run into scalability problems, but if you do in my experience it can have a very large positive impact. In particular, it saves a lot of disk and network IO, so your scalability can take a big jump. Not something to do right away though: analyse then optimise.
Are there other ways to limit returned columns other than the ones I listed above?
NHibernate lets you add projections to your queries so you wouldn't need to use views or procs just to limit your columns.
For me this has only been an issue if the tables has LOTS of columns > 30 or if the column had alot of data for example a over 5000 character in a field.
The approach I have used is to just map another object to the existing table but with only the fields I need. So for a search that populates a table with 100 rows I would have a
MyObjectLite, but when I click to view the Details of that Row I would call a GetById and return a MyObject that has all the columns.
Another approach is to use custom SQL, Stroed procs but I only think you should go down this path if you REALLY need the performance gain and have users complaining. SO unless there is a performance problem do not waste your time trying to fix a problem that does not exist.
You can limit number of returned columns by using Projection and Transformers.AliasToBean and DTO here how it looks in Criteria API:
.Add(Projections.Property("Id"), "Id")
.Add(Projections.Property("PackageName"), "Caption"))
In LLBLGen Pro, you can return Typed Lists which not only allow you to define which fields are returned but also allow you to join data so you can pull a custom list of fields from multiple tables.
Overall, I agree that for most situations, this is premature optimization.
One of the big advantages of using LLBLGen and other ORMs as well (I just feel confident speaking about LLBLGen because I have used it since its inception) is that the performance of the data access has been optimized by folks who understand the issues better than your average bear.
Whenever they figure out a way to further speed up their code, you get those changes "for free" just by re-generating your data layer or by installing a new dll.
Unless you consider yourself an expert at writing data access code, ORMs probably improve most developers efficacy and accuracy.

What is the recommendation on using NHibernate CreateSQLQuery?

My gut tells me that advanced NHibernate users would be against it and I have been looking for actual analysis on this and have found nothing, I'd like for the answer to address these questions:
What are the pros/cons of using it?
Are there any performance implications, both good or bad (e.g. use it to call stored procedures?)
In which scenarios should we use/avoid it?
Who should use/avoid it?
basically, what are the reasons to use/avoid it and why?
CreateSQLQuery exists for a reason, which is executing queries that are either:
Not supported
Hard to write
using any of the other methods.
Of course it's usually the last choice, because:
It's not object oriented (i.e. you're back to thinking of tables and columns instead of entities, properties and relationships)
It ties you to the physical model
It ties you to a specific RDBMS
It usually forces you to do more work in order to retrieve entities
It doesn't automatically support features like paging
But if you think it's needed for a particular query, go ahead. Make sure to learn all the other methods first (HQL, Linq, QueryOver, Criteria and Get) to avoid doing unnecessary work.
One of the main reasons to avoid SQL and use HQL is to avoid making the code base dependent on the RDBMS type (e.g. MySQL, Oracle). Another reason is that you have to make your code dependent on the table and column names rather than the entity names and properties.
If you are comparing raw SQL to using the NHibernate LINQ provider there are other compelling reasons to go for LINQ queries (when it works), such as type safety and being able to use VS reference search to determine in what queries a certain table or column is referenced.
My opinion is that CreateSQLQuery() is a "last way out" option. It is there because there are things you cannot do with the other NHibernate APIs but it should be avoided since it more or less goes against the whole idea of using NHibernate in the first place.

Coldfusion ORM Large Tables

Say if I have a large dataset, the table has well over a million records and the database is normalized so theres foreign keys and stuff. Ive set up the relations properly and i get a list of the first object applications = EntityLoad("entityName") but because of the relations and stuff the page takes like 24 seconds to load, even when i limit the number of records to show to like 5 it takes an awful long time to load.
My solution to this was create another object that just gets the list, and then when the user wants to , use the object with all the relations and show it to the user. Is this the right way to approach it, or am i missing a big ORM concept?
Are you counting just the time to get the data, or are you perhaps doing a CFDUMP on it or something else visually that could be slow. In other words, have you wrapped the EntityLoad by itself in a cftimer tag to be sure that it is the culprit?
The first thing I would do is enable SQL logging in your Application.cfc. Add logSQL=true to This.ormSettings.
That should allow you to grab the SQL that ORM generates. Run it in an analyzer. See if the ORM SQL is doing somethign crazy. See if it is an index that you missed or something.
Also are you doing paging as Ray talks about here: http://www.coldfusionjedi.com/index.cfm/2009/8/14/Simple-ColdFusion-9-ORM-Paging-Demo?
If not have you tried using ORMExecuteQuery and HQL to enable paging.
Those are my thoughts.
When defining complex domain models with Hibernate - you will sometimes need to tweak the mapping to improve performance. This is especially true if you are dealing with inheritance (not sure how much inheritance is in your model). The ultimate goal is to have your query pulling from as few tables as possible while still preserving your domain model. This might require using the advanced inheritance mappings (more on that in a sec).
As Terry mentioned, you will want to be sure you can log the actual SQL that is being passed to your database (yeah, you don't totally get away from SQL with ORM). Here is a great article on setting up logging for Hibernate in CF9 from Rupesh:
Anytime you want to do something beyond the basic, you want to be sure that you are looking at the actual Hibernate mapping files that are generated for your CFC's. Be sure to set the following with all of your hibernate options in Application.cfc:
savemapping = true
While the cfproperty properties allow you to define many aspects of the mapping, there are actually some things that can only be done in the Hibernate mapping files (and there are tons of community resources on this.
As I mentioned earlier, Hibernate provides different inheritance strategies for mapping. They are Table per Hierarchy, Table per subclass, Table per concrete class, and implicit polymorphism. You can read more about these types in the CF9 docs under Advanced Mapping > Inheritance Mapping or in the Hibernate documentation (as it would take forever to explain each of these).
Knowing how your tables are mapped is very important with inheritance (and it is also where Hibernate can generate some HUGE queries if you don't tweak your setup).
Those are the things I can think of - if you can give some additional information about your domain model - we can look to see what other things might be done to tweak it.
There is a good chance Hibernate is doing it's caching thing. A fair comparison in my mind (everyone please feel free to add) is doing an:
EntityLoad("entity_name") is the same as doing a select * from TABLE
So, in this case, what Hibernate might be doing in instantiating the memory, and caching it a certain way, your database server might do this similarly when you sent such a broad SQL instruction.
I have been extremely interested in ORM the past few weeks and it looks to be a very rewarding undertaking.
For this reason, is there a tiem you would ever load all 500,000 records as a result? I assume not.
I have one large logging table that I will be attacking, I am finding that the SQL good stuff must be there. For example, mark the fields that are indexes as such, this will speed it up incredibly when searching. I am sure the ORM can handle this.
Beyond this:
Find some excellent Hibernate forums, resources, and tutorials so you can learn Hibernate. This isn't really as much a Coldfusion --> ORM issue as what Hibernate might do on it's own. I have ordered a few Hibernate books that I'm waiting on to see how they are.
Likewise there seems to be an incredible amount of Hibernate resources out there where you can bring the Performance enhancement solutions of Hibernate into the Coldfusion sphere. I might be making it too simple, but I see the CF-ORM implementation as a wrapper with some code generation to save us time.
Take a look at implementing filters to cut down your data in the EntityLoad() call.
As recommended in other threads, turn on sql logging and see what sql is being generated. Chances are it might not be what you need. Check out HQL to see if you can form a better statement.
Most importantly, share what you find. I'll volunteer to do the same on this as you've tempted me to go try this out in my spare time a bit sooner than planned.
Faisal, we ran into this with Linq (c# orm).
Our solution was to create simple objects not holding the relational data. For instance, along with Users we had a SimpleUsers object which held little or no relation to any other object and had a limited set of columns.
There could be other ways of handling this but this approach helped tremendously with the query speed.

entity framework entity sql vs linq to entities

what's the purpose of entity sql, i mean if you have linq to entities why would you need to write queries in string, are there any performance reasons or something ?
LINQ to Entities does not allow you access to every feature of your database. Being able to "reach into" the database is sometimes necessary for advanced queries, either to pull them off in the first place or to improve the sometimes horrible choices that the LINQ to Entities system will make about your query.
That said, I believe that LINQ to Entities should be the first tool reached for. If the performance becomes a problem, or you have something more complex I would then encapsulate that problem piece in a stored procedure and call that. There is no reason for strings being used as the basis of queries these days.
ESQL does allow you to choose a collation on a where clause, something which isn't supported in LINQ-to-Anything. This can be genuinely useful. ESQL also allows you to specify the precise type you want returned when types inherit from each other (as opposed to LINQ's OfType, which returns instances of a certain type and any subtype). Beyond that, I can't think of a great reason to use it. It's occasionally nice to be able to build queries in strings, but DynamicQuery/Dynamic LINQ is generally good enough in the very rare cases where this is necessary.
I think (perhaps cynically) that the "real" purpose of ESQL is "it predates LINQ."
Regarding Godeke's point of fixing non-optimal queries, I have yet to see one I couldn't fix by changing the LINQ expression. Both ESQL and L2E end up as CCTs, so the SQL generation pipeline is the same.

BASIC Object-Relation Mapping question asked by a noob

I understand that, in the interest of efficiency, when you query the database you should only return the columns that are needed and no more.
But given that I like to use objects to store the query result, this leaves me in a dilemma:
If I only retrieve the column values that I need in a particular situation, I can only partially populate the object. This, I feel, leaves my object in a non-ideal state where only some of the properties and methods are available. Later, if a situation arises where I would like to the reuse the object but find that the new situation requires a different but overlapping set of columns to be returned, I am faced with a choice.
Should I reuse the existing SQL and add to the list of selected columns the additional fields that are required by the new situation so that the same query and object mapping logic can be reused for both? Or should I create another method that results in the execution of a slightly different SQL which results in the populating of only those object properties that were returned by the 2nd query?
I strongly suspect that there is no magic answer and that the answer really "depends" on the situation but I guess I am looking for general advice. In general, my approach has been to either return all columns from the queried table or to add to the query the additional columns as they are needed but to reuse the same SQL (and mapping code) that is, until performance becomes a concern. In general, I find that unless you are retrieving a large number of row - and I usually am not - that the cost of adding additional columns to the output does not have a noticable effect on performance and that the savings in development time and the simplified API that result are a good trade off.
But how do you deal with this situation when performance does become a factor? Do you create methods like
etc, etc etc
Or do you somehow end up creating an API where the user of your API has to specify which columns/properties he wants populated/returned, thereby adding complexity and making your API less friendly/easy to use?
Let's say you want to get Employee info. How many objects would typically be involved?
1) an Employee object
2) An Employees collection object containing one Employee object for each Employee row returned
3) An object, such as EmployeeQueries that returns contains methods such as "GetHiredThisWeek" which returns an Employees collection of 0 or more records.
I realize all of this is very subjective, but I am looking for suggestions on what you have found works best for you.
I would say make your application correct first, then worry about performance in this case.
You could be optimizing away your queries only to realize you won't use that query anyway. Create the most generalized queries that your entire app can use, and then as you are confident things are working properly, look for problem areas if needed.
It is likely that you won't have a great need for huge performance up front. Some people say the lazy programmers are the best programmers. Don't over-complicate things up front, make a single Employee object.
If you find a need to optimize, you'll create a method/class, or however your ORM library does it. This should be an exception to the rule; only do it if you have reason to do so.
...the cost of adding additional columns to the output does not have a noticable effect on performance...
Right. I don't quite understand what "new situation" could arise, but either way, it would be a much better idea (IMO) to get all the columns rather than run multiple queries. There isn't much of a performance penalty at all for getting more columns than you need (although the queries will take more RAM, but that shouldn't be a big issue; besides, hardware is cheap). Also, you'd save yourself quite a bit of development time.
As for the second part of your question, it's really up to you. As an example, Rails takes more of a "usability first, performance last" approach, but that may not be what you want. It just depends on your needs. If you're willing to sacrifice a little usability for performance, by all means, go for it. I would.
If you are using your Objects in a "row at a time" CRUD type application, then, by all means copy all the columns into your object, the extra overhead is minimal, and you object becomes truly re-usable for any program wanting row access to the table.
However if your SQL is doing a complex join or returning a large set of rows, then request precisely and only what you want. You get two performance penalties here, one handling each column each time will eat up cpu for no benefit, and, two most DBMS systems have a bag of tricks for optimising queries (such as index only access) which can only be used if you specify precisely which columns you want.
There is no reuse issue in most of these cases as scan/search processes tend to very specific to a particular use case.