Optimize tempdb log files - optimization

Have a dedicated DB server with 16 cores and 200+ GB of memory.
Use tempdb a lot but it typically stays under 4 GB
Recently added a dedicated SSD stripe for tempdb
Based on this page should create multiple files
Optimizing tempdb Performance
Understand multiple row files.
Here is my question:
Should I also create multiple tempdb log files?
It does say "create one data file for each CPU".
So my thought is that data means row (not log) files.

No, as with all databases, SQL server can only use one log file at a time so there is no benefit at all in having multiple log files.
The best thing you can do with log files really is keep them on separate drives to the data files as they have different IO requirements, pre-size them so they don't have to auto grow and if they do have to autogrow, make sure they do so at a sensible level to manage the number of virtual log files that are created inside them.


Will doing fork multiple times affect performance?

I need to read log files (.CSV) using fastercsv and save the contents of it in a db (each cell value is a record). The thing is there are around 20-25 log files which has to be read daily and those log files are really large (each CSV file is more then 7Mb). I had forked the reading process so that user need not have to wait a long time but still reading 20-25 files of that size is taking time (more then 2hrs). Now I want to fork reading of each file i.e there will be around 20-25 child process getting created, my question is can I do that? If yes will it affect the performance and is fastercsv able to handle this?
for report in #reports
pid = fork {
PS:I'm using rails 3.0.7 and Its going to happen in server which is running in amazon's large instance(7.5 GB of memory, 4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual cores with 2 EC2 Compute Units each), 850 GB of local instance storage, 64-bit platform)
If the storage is all local (and I'm not sure you can really say that if you're in the cloud), then forking isn't likely to provide a speedup because the slowest part of the operation is going to be disc I/O (unless you're doing serious computation on your data). Hitting the disc via several processes isn't going to speed that up at once, though I suppose if the disc had a big cache it might help a bit.
Also, 7MB of CSV data isn't really that much - you might get a better speedup if you found a quicker way to insert the data. Some databases provide a bulk load function, where you can load in formatted data directly, or you could turn each row into an INSERT and file that straight into the database. I don't know how you're doing it at the moment so these are just guesses.
Of course, having said all that, the only way to be sure is to try it!

Is there any logic in just maxing tempdb and never having it change size?

The reason I ask it we have a dedicated RAID10 array with ~150GB for the tempdb (the "t" drive). It is only used for storing tempdb. The t drive isn't used by by SQL Server or any other process for anything else.
Our DBA has tempdb setup with 15GB initial size and autogrow 20% increments. Everytime the server starts it resized to 15GB and then over the course of the day grows to ~80GB (on average). Now IT is looking into making initial size larger say 30 or 40GB but given the drive is ONLY used for tempdb my thinking is why not "max it" right away.
Is the any negative effect to simply create 4 data files in the primary group for tempdb give them each an initial size of 30GB (120GB total), turn autogrow off and be done with it?
Are there any limits on SQL Server ability to span multiple tempdb data files in one query? i.e. will it cause problems if the tempdb has say 70GB total free but the file used by one process is full (30 of 30GB used)?
I would size them to about 100GB and leave autogrow on, this way you don't have to wait for it to grow every time, I would also add multiple files
Is the any negative effect to simply
create 4 data files in the primary
group for tempdb give them each an
initial size of 30GB, turn autogrow
off and be done with it?
Sounds like a good plan to me, however I would leave autogrow on just in case someone decides to do a sort operation on a big table which doesn't have an index on that column
See also here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc966534.aspx
It is recommended to have .25 to 1
data files (per filegroup) for each
CPU on the host server.
This is especially true for TEMPDB
where the recommendation is 1 data
file per CPU.
Dual core counts as 2 CPUs; logical
procs (hyperthreading) do not.
We have found it very useful to create large TempDB data and log files. Any actions that limit server OS activities such as resizing TempDB increase server efficiencies. We have a 16 processor machine with 113 GB dedicated to TempDB data space. This machine is dedicated to large SSIS ETL processes, thus resulting in mass data operations.
The bulk of our ETL operations spawn up to 4 SQL threads. After initially configuring a TempDB file for each processor (16), we quickly realized via performance monitoring that our configuration was forcing SQL\windows to unnecessarily span the multiple TempDB files. We settled on 5 larger TempDB data files and realized performance improvements. We have since moved on to a 24 processor box and are using 8 TempDB files.
Please note that this is a large data migration server; I’m sure transaction-oriented systems would still benefit from the recommended 1-1 processor to TempDB file configuration. It should also be noted that having a large increase % on a TempDB file may force a critical transaction to take the windows operation hit and thus may not be appropriate for your specific application.

SQL 2005 Partitioning

I have a database with 200 million records and I need to support 200 write tps. How many partitions do you recommend to use?
One. Don't bother. Partitions will slow you down for writes
It's far more important for writes to have a dedicated, fast volume for your transaction log file (the LDF file) for that database alone. Don't add log files either: one LDF on one volume only.
This is because of write ahead logging: One and Two. Simply, a data page may not be written to disk immediately, but your associated log entry must be confirmed as written for any given transaction

Moving 1 million image files to Amazon S3

I run an image sharing website that has over 1 million images (~150GB). I'm currently storing these on a hard drive in my dedicated server, but I'm quickly running out of space, so I'd like to move them to Amazon S3.
I've tried doing an RSYNC and it took RSYNC over a day just to scan and create the list of image files. After another day of transferring, it was only 7% complete and had slowed my server down to a crawl, so I had to cancel.
Is there a better way to do this, such as GZIP them to another local hard drive and then transfer / unzip that single file?
I'm also wondering whether it makes sense to store these files in multiple subdirectories or is it fine to have all million+ files in the same directory?
One option might be to perform the migration in a lazy fashion.
All new images go to Amazon S3.
Any requests for images not yet on Amazon trigger a migration of that one image to Amazon S3. (queue it up)
This should fairly quickly get all recent or commonly fetched images moved over to Amazon and will thus reduce the load on your server. You can then add another task that migrates the others over slowly whenever the server is least busy.
Given that the files do not exist (yet) on S3, sending them as an archive file should be quicker than using a synchronization protocol.
However, compressing the archive won't help much (if at all) for image files, assuming that the image files are already stored in a compressed format such as JPEG.
Transmitting ~150 Gbytes of data is going to consume a lot of network bandwidth for a long time. This will be the same if you try to use HTTP or FTP instead of RSYNC to do the transfer. An offline transfer would be better if possible; e.g. sending a hard disc, or a set of tapes or DVDs.
Putting a million files into one flat directory is a bad idea from a performance perspective. while some file systems would cope with this fairly well with O(logN) filename lookup times, others do not with O(N) filename lookup. Multiply that by N to access all files in a directory. An additional problem is that utilities that need to access files in order of file names may slow down significantly if they need to sort a million file names. (This may partly explain why rsync took 1 day to do the indexing.)
Putting all of your image files in one directory is a bad idea from a management perspective; e.g. for doing backups, archiving stuff, moving stuff around, expanding to multiple discs or file systems, etc.
One option you could use instead of transferring the files over the network is to put them on a harddrive and ship it to amazon's import/export service. You don't have to worry about saturating your server's network connection etc.

Is having multiple data/log files a good thing even on the same LUN?

I have read that it is a good idea to have one file per CPU/CPU Core so that SQL can more efficiently stream data to and from the disks. Ok, I can see the benefit if they are on different spindles, but what if I only have one spindle (4 drives in Raid 10) for my data files (.mdf and .ndf), will I still benefit from splitting the data files (from just the .mdf file to a .mdf and several .ndf files)? Same goes for the log file, although I see no benefit to it as the data has to be written serially and you're limited by the spindle's sequential write speed...
FYI, this is in regards to SQL Server 2005/2008...
The recommendation for multiple tempdb data files is definitely not about IOPS. It is about contention on the allocation pages (GAM, SGAM, PFS) in tempdb. SQL 2005+ doesn't require as big of a load on these pages, but contention still occurs. Not all system require a 1 file to 1 core mapping. Most sytems will perform well with 1 file to 2 or 4 cores. Having too many files adds overhead for managing the files. A good recommendation is to start with 1:4 or 1:2 and increasing if contention continues. Don't go above 1:1.
For other databases, this is not recommended.
And yes, only 1 log file ... always.
8 Steps to better Transaction Log throughput:
Create only ONE transaction log file.
Even though you can create multiple
transaction log files, you only need
one... SQL Server DOES not "stripe"
across multiple transaction log files.
Instead, SQL Server uses the
transaction log files sequentially.
Misconceptions around TF 1118:
Why is the trace flag not required so
much in 2005 and 2008? In SQL Server
2005, my team changed the allocation
system for tempdb to reduce the
possibility of contention. There is
now a cache of temp tables. When a new
temp table is created on a cold system
(just after startup) it uses the same
mechanism as for SQL 2000. When it is
dropped though, instead of all the
pages being deallocated completely,
one IAM page and one data page are
left allocated, and the temp table is
put into a special cache. Subsequent
temp table creations will look in the
cache to see if they can just grab a
pre-created temp table 'off the
shelf'. If so, this avoids accessing
the allocation bitmaps completely. The
temp table cache isn't huge (I think
it's 32 tables), but this can still
lead to a big drop in latch
contention in tempdb.
So the answer is NO to both questions. Log striping was never an issue, and one-NDF-per-CPU is largely a myth, one that will take a very long time to die out. Multiple files IMHO make sense only if you can stripe IO (separate LUNs). Multiple filegroups though make sense, but not for IO reasons, for administrative purposes: piecemeal restores and archive read-only filegroups.
Still good. This is not about IOPS - it is about SQL Server BLOCKING a file for certain operations. mostly when file extends are allocated to a table / index. If you do a lot of inserts / updates, multiple files basically mean another thread will block another file, not wait on the first one.
So, this is not really about IOPS loads, it is about a blocking behavior.