Get message inbound properties - mule

im having trouble getting message inbound properties, somehow its coming as null, here is the code:
<scripting:transformer name="noopLoggingTransformer">
<scripting:script engine="groovy"> "${message.getInboundProperty('user-agent')}"
muleContext.client.dispatch('vm://', message)
<pattern:web-service-proxy name="service" transformer-refs="noopLoggingTransformer" inboundAddress="${serverName}/services/Logradouros/LogradouroServico" outboundAddress="${targetServer}/servicos/v2/service.svc" wsdlFile="LogradouroServicos.wsdl">
<jdbc-ee:postgresql-data-source name="WSA" user="${database.user}" password="${database.pass}" url="${database.url}" transactionIsolation="UNSPECIFIED" doc:name="PostgreSQL Data Source">
<jdbc-ee:connector name="jdbcConnector" dataSource-ref="WSA" validateConnections="false" transactionPerMessage="true" queryTimeout="10" pollingFrequency="10000" doc:name="JDBC">
<jdbc-ee:query key="wsadb" value="insert into inbound_messages (payload, timestamp, agent, ip_from, endpoint, soap_operation) values ('', now(), #[groovy: return message.getInboundProperty('user-agent').toString()], #[groovy: return message.getInboundProperty('MULE_REMOTE_CLIENT_ADDRESS').toString()], #[groovy: return message.getInboundProperty('http.request').toString()], '');"></jdbc-ee:query>
<flow name="log-request" doc:name="log-request">
<vm:inbound-endpoint path="" />
<logger message="#[message.inboundProperties['user-agent']]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<jdbc-ee:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way" queryKey="wsadb" responseTimeout="10000" queryTimeout="-1" connector-ref="jdbcConnector" doc:name="Persist raw message" />
What it prints out is "null" and i dont know how to make it print the property from message...

No need to use Groovy:
<logger message="#[message.inboundProperties['user-agent']]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
But your bigger issue is that you are not propagating the inbound properties to the outbound scope prior to dispatching to vm://
You need to propagate the properties you want to carry forward:
<scripting:transformer name="noopLoggingTransformer">
<scripting:script engine="groovy">
def props = [:]
props['User-Agent'] = message.getProperty('User-Agent', org.mule.api.transport.PropertyScope.INBOUND)
muleContext.client.dispatch('vm://', payload, props)
Of course, you can iterate the inbound property names to copy them all.

Property name is User-Agent and as David pointed out, #message.inboundProperties['User-Agent']] is the MEL way to get it.
Did you make sure User-Agent property is set on the mule message when you're trying to access it. It's not always there
Remember inbound properties are not propagated unless you copy property manually like by
<copy-properties propertyName="*"/>


Dynamically setting values for twitter configuration Mulesoft

Using mulesoft twitter connector an dynamically setting values for the twitter config parameters as shown below,
<twitter:config name="Twitter__Configuration" accessKey="#[flowVars.accessToken]" consumerKey="#[flowVars.consumerKey]" consumerSecret="#[flowVars.consumerSecret]" doc:name="Twitter: Configuration" accessSecret="#[flowVars.accessTokenSecret]"/>
<flow name="twitterFlow1">
<db:select config-ref="MySQL_Configuration" doc:name="Database">
<db:parameterized-query><![CDATA[select * from twittercredentials;]]></db:parameterized-query>
<set-variable variableName="consumerKey" value="#[message.payload[0]['consumerkey']]" doc:name="Variable" />
<set-variable variableName="consumerSecret" value="#[message.payload[0]['consumersecret']]" doc:name="Variable" />
<set-variable variableName="accessToken" value="#[message.payload[0]['accesstoken']]" doc:name="Variable" />
<set-variable variableName="accessTokenSecret" value="#[message.payload[0]['accesstokensecret']]" doc:name="Variable" />
<flow name="twitterFlow">
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/twitterconnect" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<flow-ref name="twitterFlow1" />
<twitter:show-user config-ref="Twitter__Configuration" doc:name="Twitter"/>
<json:object-to-json-transformer doc:name="Object to JSON"/>
But I get an exception when invoking /twitterconnect,
Failed to connect/reconnect: Work Descriptor. Root Exception was: 401 response received, but no WWW-Authenticate header was p
resent. Type: class java.lang.IllegalStateException
Works fine with hard coded values in the twitter config. Any help please?
I think that won't work because you instance the twitter:config only one time and is empty.
You should find the way to create a new configuration and inject it to the twitter component.
Try This:
Create a properties file and write the AccessKey, AccessSecret, ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret values in the properties file with references, and enter the details in the twitter connector as ${} and place the references inside the braces.

How to use Mule Expression in JMS:selector

I checked several previous discussions but couldnt find the answer.
I am trying to achieve synchronous communicaiton using JMS back-channel ( Apart from the things mentioned in that site, I need to filter out the message from the inbound queue based on a dynamic Id.
Following are my mule flows:
<flow name="serverFlow" >
<jms:inbound-endpoint doc:name="REQUEST" queue="REQUEST.QUEUE" connector-ref="jmsConnector">
<jms:selector expression="MULE_CORRELATION_ID='#[sessionVars.myCorrelationId]'"/>
<set-payload value="#[payload] + Hello World from Receiver" doc:name="Set Payload" />
<jms:outbound-endpoint doc:name="REPLY" queue="REPLY.QUEUE" connector-ref="jmsConnector" />
<flow name="mainFlow" >
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/jms" allowedMethods="GET" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<set-session-variable variableName="myCorrelationId" value="#[System.currentTimeMillis().toString()]" doc:name="Set Correlation ID"/>
<set-payload value="New message sent from Mule - mainFlow at #[new Date()]" doc:name="Set Message"/>
<set-property propertyName="MULE_CORRELATION_ID" value="#[sessionVars.myCorrelationId]" doc:name="Property"/>
<request-reply doc:name="Request-Reply">
<jms:outbound-endpoint doc:name="REQUEST" connector-ref="jmsConnector" queue="REQUEST.QUEUE"/>
<jms:inbound-endpoint doc:name="REPLY" connector-ref="jmsConnector" queue="REPLY.QUEUE"/>
<logger message="Reply to sender: #[message]" level="WARN" doc:name="Logger" />
If I try a static value like "<jms:selector expression="MULE_CORRELATION_ID='12345'"/>", it works. But if I try a dynamic ID using MEL, its not working. The MEL inside the jms selector expression is not working. The message stays at the queue as Unread. I used logs to see what the MULE_CORRELATION_ID is while being set at mainFlow and found the same value is set in the message that is UNREAD in the queue. So, I guess nothing is wrong in the way the MULE_CORRELATION_ID is set. The only problem is that MEL is not working within jms:selector.
Could you please help how to get MEL working within JMS selector?
Thank you very much.
MEL is working fine in the selector but its usage is very limited. When the JMS selector is created, there's no in-flight event available to Mule so none of the event-bound data (including session) is available.
To select a very particular message, you need to use a JMS message requester, constructed with the desired selector, like:
Here is the working solution based on David's suggestion. I am using wmq here (not jms).
<mulerequester:config name="Mule_Requester" doc:name="Mule Requester"/>
<flow name="mainFlow">
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/test" allowedMethods="GET" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<set-payload value="My Message" doc:name="Set Message"/>
<set-property propertyName="JMSCorrelationID" value="12345" doc:name="Property"/>
<set-session-variable variableName="myCorrelationId" value="ID:313233343500000000000000000000000000000000000000" doc:name="Set Correlation ID"/>
<!--313233343500000000000000000000000000000000000000 is the MQMD CorrelationId for 12345. This is set by IBM MQ -->
<logger message="The Message to REQUEST QUEUE: #[message]" level="WARN" doc:name="Logger"/>
<wmq:outbound-endpoint queue="REQUEST.QUEUE" connector-ref="wmqConnector" doc:name="OUT"/>
<mulerequester:request config-ref="Mule_Requester" resource="wmq://REPLY.QUEUE?selector=JMSCorrelationID%3D'#[sessionVars.myCorrelationId]'" doc:name="Mule Requester" timeout="120000"/>
<logger message="Final Response: #[message]" level="WARN" doc:name="Logger"/>
Please note, I manually moved the message from Request queue to Reply queue using MQVE for my testing. In real time, it will be done by another program.

JAXB with HTTP inbounds throws exception An invalid return type "class [B" was specified for transformer "JAXBMarshallerTransformer"

When I have XML payload from JMS inbound, XML to JAXB works as expected. But when I have same XML payload from HTTP inbound it throws an exception
An invalid return type "class [B" was specified for transformer "JAXBMarshallerTransformer" (org.mule.api.transformer.TransformerException)
Is it not a fair expectation from "XML to JAXB" component to have a XML payload from HTTP inbound? Please let me know what I am missing here.
Flow xml with with JMS and HTTP inbound. Only JMS inbound works as expected,
<flow name="productdemoFlow">
<jms:inbound-endpoint queue="my.test" connector-ref="Active_MQ" doc:name="JMS">
<jms:transaction action="NOT_SUPPORTED"/>
<logger message="#[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<mulexml:jaxb-xml-to-object-transformer returnClass="com.chc.model.Product" jaxbContext-ref="JAXB_Context" doc:name="XML to JAXB Object"/>
<logger message="#[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<flow name="productdemoFlow1">
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/test" allowedMethods="POST" doc:name="HTTP" />
<logger message="#["Payload ---------->" + payload.getClass().getName()]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<byte-array-to-string-transformer doc:name="Byte Array to String"/>
<logger message="#["Payload ---------->" + payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<mulexml:jaxb-xml-to-object-transformer encoding="windows-1252" mimeType="application/xml" jaxbContext-ref="JAXB_Context" doc:name="XML to JAXB Object"/>
If I am not wrong, what you see is what you would expect.
The JMS inbound endpoint follows (by default, as in your case) a "one way" pattern, there is no response message to the client so there is no special requirement for the payload at the end of the flow.
The HTTP inbound endpoint follows (by default, as in your case) a "request-response" pattern so the payload, before sending the response to the client, should be of a type managed by the endpoint. In your case it is a java object instance of a not managed type, it must be converted to a correct type (String, InputStream, byte[], ...). For example:
<mulexml:jaxb-object-to-xml-transformer />

How to capture an exception using the regex-filter filter in Mule ESB

Currently I have a flow that exposes a REST service with a string as input parameter . I am using a regex -filter to ensure the format parameter as follows :
<http:inbound-endpoint doc:name="HTTP"
connector-ref="ciuServiceHTTPConnector" ref="ciuServiceHTTPEndpoint"
exchange-pattern="request-response" />
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message="epale1 #[payload]"/>
<regex-filter pattern="^/api/person/(V|E)[0-9]{8}$"
doc:name="Regex" />
<logger message="epale2 #[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<jersey:resources doc:name="REST" >
<component class="...resource.CiudadanoResource"/>
I need to send the customer a message "Invalid or missing parameter" . For this I use a choice-exception-strategy and catch-exception-strategy and then call a Subflow and perform http:response-builder.
How can I throw an exception(type) when the regex-filter do not match?. It is possible to incorporate this behavior or should I change my flow?
Thanks for your help;
Wrap it in a message-filter, like this:
<message-filter throwOnUnaccepted="true">
<regex-filter pattern="^/api/person/(V|E)[0-9]{8}$"
doc:name="Regex" />
See the official documentation for further details:
Check the Throw On Unaccepted box to throw an exception if a message
or event is not handled. The default when not checked is to not throw
an exception.

How to implement deadLetterQueue for JDBC Connector Using Until Successful

I am trying implement deadLetterQueue on UntilSuccessful for JDBC Connector. I would like to send the payload to a queue(DeadLetterQueue) when UntilSuccessful fails after trying no of times as configured. I referred following links
Where in the application would you define the vm:endpoint for a dlqEndpoint-ref defined in an until-successful scope?
Below is my code snippet
<vm:endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way" path="dlqChannel" name="VM" doc:name="VM"/>
Above line is my global element
<flow...> .... <until-successful objectStore-ref="objectStore" deadLetterQueue-ref="dlqChannel" maxRetries="5" secondsBetweenRetries="60" doc:name="Until Successful" failureExpression="exception-type:java.sql.SQLException">
<jdbc-ee:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" queryKey="Insert Query" queryTimeout="-1" connector-ref="Database" doc:name="Database"/>
<flow name="Flow2" doc:name="Flow2">
<endpoint ref="dlqChannel" />
<logger message="DEAD DEAD DEAD LETTER LETTER LETTER #[message]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
At this line <endpoint ref="dlqChannel" /> I am getting compile error says "Reference to unknown global element:dlqChannel"
Can any one suggest a best way to achieve this scenario.
Your endpoint is called 'VM' not 'dlqChannel'. Change either the name to dlqChannel or point it to VM.
This issue is resolved.
Below is my code snippet.
<vm:endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way" path="dlq" name="dlqChannel" doc:name="VM"/>
Above line is vm global element
<flow...> ... <until-successful objectStore-ref="objectStore" deadLetterQueue-ref="dlqChannel" maxRetries="2" secondsBetweenRetries="10" doc:name="Until Successful" failureExpression="exception-type:java.sql.SQLException">
<jdbc-ee:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" queryKey="Insert Query" queryTimeout="-1" connector-ref="Database" doc:name="Database"/>
<flow name="Flow2" doc:name="Flow2">
<vm:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way" path="dlq" doc:name="VM"/>
<logger message="DEAD DEAD DEAD LETTER LETTER LETTER #[message.payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
Based on "deadLetterQueue-ref" in UntilSuccessful, payload goes to vm:inbound-endpoint(vm://dlq) as defined in the vm global endpoint.
As Seba correctly points out, your error is due to a wrong name/ref. As for how to implement the deadLetterQueue, you need an inbound endpoint. So in Flow2, change the endpoint to <inbound-endpoint ref="dlqChannel" />.