How can I sum two rows from two different tables? - sql

I am facing a problem in sql query. I am attaching the Schema.
The thing i want is. I want to generate a query that will produce result like below.
showroom_id | total_salary | total_expense | total_sold | balance
| 1 | 2000 | 8000 | 30000 | 20000
| 2 | 1000 | 4000 | 25000 | 20000
| 3 | 3000 | 7000 | 30000 | 20000
I want to group by showroom id and sum the expense amount , staff salary, item's price and show them in each individual row. Then another column balance will show total_sold -( total_expanse + total_salary). How can I do the query?

select as showroom_id,
sal.amount as total_salary,
exp.amount as total_expense
-- not sure where to get total_sold amount?
from showroom as s
left outer join (
select sum(t.amount) as salary, t.showroom_id
from staff_salary as t
group by t.showroom_id
) as sal on sal.showroom_id =
left outer join (
select sum(t.amount) as salary, t.showroom_id
from expense as t
group by t.showroom_id
) as exp on exp.showroom_id =


Oracle - Count condition case

I am facing a problem with a query. My goal is to get all product names, unit of mass, quantity and number of pallets they are located in. The problem is with number of pallets of item.
SELECT "Product_Name"
, "Unit_of_Mass"
, SUM("Quantity_Per_UOM")
, Count(*) as "Number_Of_Pallet"
(select p.prod_desc as "Product_Name"
, s.quantity as "Quantity_Per_UOM"
, u.description as "Unit_of_Mass"
, s.container_id
, s.product_id
from wms_stock s
join wms_product p on p.product_id = s.product_id
join wms_uom u on p.uom_base_id = u.uom_id
group by "Product_Name", "Unit_of_Mass"
It almost works. The problem is I need to do some condition in Count(*) (that's what I think should be done). In table wms_stock I got product_id and container_id, and when in some row they are same it should count the number of pallets as 1 but still add the quantities.
So from first select:
Product_Name | Quantity | UnitOfMass | ContainerId | ProductId
A | 2 | kg | 10 | 11
A | 1 | kg | 10 | 11
B | 2 | kg | 11 | 12
I should get result
Product_Name | Quantity_Per_UOM | UnitOfMass | Number_Of_Pallet
A | 3 | kg | 1
B | 2 | kg | 1
You can try below condition in your select list -
COUNT(DISTINCT ContainerId || ProductId)
Just for your information, || is not an operator rather it is concatenation operator in Oracle. So i have just concat both the columns and picked up the distinct from them.

SQL Group By Issue with same item ID

I am trying to track the total number of sales a rep has along with the amount of time he was clocked into work.
I have the following two tables:
employeeID | item | price | timeID
1 | 1 | 12.92 | 123
1 | 2 | 10.00 | 123
1 | 2 | 10.00 | 456
ID | minutes_in_shift
123 | 45
456 | 15
I would join these two queries with the following SQL:
t1.employeeID, t1.item, t1.price, t1.shiftID, t2.minutes_in_shift
FROM table1 t1
JOIN table 2 t2 ON (t2.ID = t1.timeID)
Which would return the following table:
employeeID | item | price | timeID | minutes_in_shift
1 | 1 | 12.92 | 123 | 45
1 | 2 | 10.00 | 123 | 45
1 | 2 | 10.00 | 456 | 15
I would like for the consolidate results, however, to have this outcome:
employeeID | itemsSold | priceTotals | totaltimeworked
1 | 3 | 32.92 | 60
I could use COUNT and SUM for the items and price but I cannot figure out how to properly show the total time worked in the manner it appears above.
Note: I am only having trouble with calculating the time worked. In shift 123 - employee 1 was working 45 minutes, regardless of how many items he sold.
Any suggestions?
If you wish to use the sample data as they are you will need to extract the shifts and sum the minutes, like this:
with a as (
select employeeID, count(*) itemsSold, sum(price) priceTotals
from Sampletable1
group by employeeID),
b as (
select employeeID, shiftID, max(minutes_in_shift) minutes_in_shift
from Sampletable1
group by employeeID, shiftID),
c as (
select employeeID, sum(minutes_in_shift) totaltimeworked
from b
group by employeeID)
select a.employeeID, a.itemsSold, a.priceTotals, c.totaltimeworked
from a inner join c on a.employeeID = c.employeeID
However, with your existing tables the select statement will be much easier:
with a as (
select employeeID, timeID, count(*) itemsSold, sum(price) priceTotals
from table1
group by employeeID, timeID)
select a.employeeID, sum(a.itemsSold), sum(a.priceTotals), sum(table2.minutes_in_shift) totaltimeworked
from a inner join table2 on a.timeID = table2.ID
group by a.employeeID
I think this query should do what you want:
SELECT t1.employeeID,
count(t1.item) AS itemsSold,
sum(t1.price) AS priceTotals,
sum(DISTINCT t2.minutes_in_shift) AS totaltimeworked
FROM table1 t1
JOIN table2 t2 ON (t2.ID = t1.timeID)
GROUP BY t1.employeeID;
Check on SQL Fiddle

Kindly help to write SQL queries

I need your help to write two SQL queries (DB Oracle) to fetch data. Both table has huge data so need to take care of the performance also. Below is the scenario -
There are two tables Department (DEPT) and Employee (EMP). They have a 1 (DEPT) : M (EMP) relationship.
Department table has columns
Row_id, DeptNm, Created_date
Employee table has columns
Row_id, EMPName, Emp_num, Par_row_id (FK to DEPT.row_Id), Salary
For a specific Department, sort data per employee's decreasing salary and rank it. Data should be shown like this:
DeptNm | EmpNm | Salary | Rank
Finance | Vikram | 200000 | 1
Finance | Uttaam | 150000 | 2
Finance | Rajeev | 100000 | 3
ITDPPT | Balaajii | 150000 | 1
ITDEPT | Harsha | 120000 | 2
ITDEPT | Weeniji | 100000 | 3
Query that to show the data highest salary for a department. Data should be as -
Dept_Nm | EMP_NM | Salary
Finance | Vikramadit | 2000000
ITDEPT | Balaji | 1500000
select *
from (
select dp.deptname,
dense_rank() over (partition by dp.deptname order by emp.salary desc) as rnk
from employee emp
join department dp on dp.row_id = emp.par_row_id
) t
where rnk = 1
Try this will help you please put Rank as I didn't get what process you want if you want dynamic Rank than try any "temp" variable.
select D.DeptName,E.EmpName,E.Salary from Employee E
lefe join Department as D on D.Par_Row_Id=E.Row_Id order by E.Salaray DESC
select D.DeptName,E.EmpName,E.Salary from Employee E
left join Department as D on D.Par_Row_Id=E.Row_Id order by E.Salaray DESC

Select row that has max total value SQL Server

I have the following scheme (2 tables):
Customer (Id, Name) and
Sale (Id, CustomerId, Date, Sum)
How to select the following data ?
1) Best customer of all time (Customer, which has Max Total value in the Sum column)
For example, I have 2 tables (Customers and Sales respectively):
id CustomerName
1 | First
2 | Second
3 | Third
id CustomerId datetime Sum
1 | 1 | 04/06/2013 | 50
2 | 2 | 04/06/2013 | 60
3 | 3 | 04/07/2013 | 30
4 | 1 | 03/07/2013 | 50
5 | 1 | 03/08/2013 | 50
6 | 2 | 03/08/2013 | 30
7 | 3 | 24/09/2013 | 20
Desired result:
CustomerName TotalSum
First | 150
2) Best customer of each month in the current year (the same as previous but for each month in the current year)
Try this for the best customer of all times
SELECT Top 1 WITH TIES c.CustomerName, SUM(s.SUM) AS TotalSum
FROM Customer c JOIN Sales s ON s.CustomerId = c.CustomerId
GROUP BY c.CustomerId, c.CustomerName
One option is to use RANK() combined with the SUM aggregate. This will get you the overall values.
select customername, sumtotal
from (
select c.customername,
sum(s.sum) sumtotal,
rank() over (order by sum(s.sum) desc) rnk
from customer c
join sales s on = s.customerid
group by, c.customername
) t
where rnk = 1
SQL Fiddle Demo
Grouping this by month and year should be trivial at that point.

Return name of the employee who having top salary with join

here is the situation. I have two tables, one is table Tbl_employ, second is tbl_details.
id | name
1 | Ravi
2 | ram
3 | sham
4 | john
id | salary | emp_id
1 | 500 | 1
2 | 200 | 2
3 | 400 | 3
4 | 501 | 4
I want to return the name of the employee who has top salary in tbl_detail.
What will be the join query for this condition?
Please suggest. Thanks in advance.
SELECT TOP(1) name
FROM Tbl_employ e INNER JOIN Tbl_details d ON = d.emp_id
ORDER BY d.salary DESC;
Essentially, this joins the two tables on the key fields (id and emp_id), returning only a single result (TOP(1)) that is the maximum salary row (ORDER BY d.salary DESC).
I appreciate the answer of #Max Vernon.
You can also do it by another way. Please try this
select from (
select Distinct top 1 salary ,name
from Tbl_employ as E
left outer join Tbl_details as D on
order by salary desc
) as t
you can check it here SQL Fiddle