How can I prevent IntelliJ IDEA from autocolapsing folders - intellij-idea

I use intellIJ. Sometimes I have two packages, A and B, that are nested such that A contains B and nothing else. When this happens then the folder structure on the left displays them like this:
I don't like how it groups A.B together into a single tree node. Is there a setting to prevent IntelliJ from doing this?
(I've googled around a bit and dug through the settings menu and I'm not seeing anything but may'be I've missed it.)

Click on the gear icon on top of the project panel and look for "Compact empty middle packages"


Intellij IDEA hide empty middle folders

In the project view in Intellij IDEA, there is an option to "hide empty middle packages".
Is there an equivalent for folders? I don't want a sole "src/main/java" to take up 3 lines...
No, there isn't.
But if your folders are getting so long, you can always scroll the project pane to the right :)
It's also possible to use a different view (e.g. Packages) or define bookmarks and favourites to navigate around quickly, plus enable Auto-scroll from source.

What does it mean when a directory is red in IntelliJ WebStorm?

So I pressed something by mistake (was in a flyout menu so not sure what it was) and now one of my folders is red.
This is what a regular directory looks like:
It means Excluded Root and is explained in IntelliJ IDEA Docs as:
Excluded roots are ones that IntelliJ IDEA "partially ignores".
Very limited coding assistance is provided for files in excluded
folders. Classes contained in excluded folders don't appear in code
completion suggestion lists, references to such classes are shown in
the editor as unresolved. When searching, IntelliJ IDEA doesn't look
in excluded folders, etc.
Here is a complete list of IntelliJ symbols and icons for future reference.
You can cancel the exclusion by right clicking the directory in project view and selecting Mark Directory As/Cancel Exclusion.
As a side note, if the folder itself is "grey" but the directory name is "red" apparently that means "a git root" or some odd. update: it's actually brown and means "unversioned - File exists locally, but is not in the repository, and is not scheduled for adding." see the key here. If you're using the "night" theme then it shows up as looking way closer to red than brown.

Collapse all Folders on directories tab in SmartSVN Foundation

Is there any way to Collapse all folder on the Directories Tab in SmartSVN Foundation 8.0.1?
I Accidentally pressed Ctrl+A (Select All) and ALL THE FOLDERS COLLAPSED!
Now if i want to add a specific folder i need to collapse some or all... or most, but there's no easy way to do it, right now i'm doing it one by one, but the vendor folder (all composer packages) is enormous.
Any ideas?
Seems odd. I've tried to replicate this and have been unable (I'm assuming you're on Windows?) even if I select all and then click the collapse icon on one folder it just collapses that folder.
More than happy to raise a feature request for you if you could give me a bit more detail about what you're after? For example, adding a 'collapse/expand all' and/or a 'collapse/expand selected' option to the View menu that you could set a custom shortcut for in the Edit -> Customize -> Accelerators options?

IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.2 javadoc and tabs

I hate to ask such simple questions, but nothing I found so far helped me...
So, I've recently started using IntelliJ instead of Eclipse and there are 2 things that really bothers me...
1.) size of javadoc popup window - ok, so I finally get this little guy to pop-up whenever I need it, but it's so small I have to use scroll every single time... and that's pretty anoying when I'm working with unknown libraries...
2.) tabs == spaces - maybe some of you like this, but I don't... Eclipse was treating tabs as tabs and not spaces... I tried to change settings but with no result... or is that maybe connected with project I'm working on? (meaning, if, at the start of a project, setting were such that tabs == spaces and now changes are not applied to it)
Sorry for stupid question but, as I said, nothing I found so far helped me...
1) Just resize the window with your mouse. It will retain the size the next time it opens. You can also click on the gear icon in the upper right corner and adjust the font size. Again, it will retain the size on subsequent use.
2) I'm assuming you make the change to the "Use Tab Character" option on the "Tabs and Indents" tab for all file types and saved the Code Style. After that, you need to run the Reformat Code action (Ctrl+Alt+L or Code > Reformat Code from the menu or Reformat Code from the context menu (i.e. right-click) in The Project Tool window or Navigation Bar). IDEA retains the previous formatting (so spaces in this case) until you run a reformat on the project (or a part of it).
If you have multiple projects already created, for each one, you will need to go into File > Settings > [Project Settings] > Code Style and set the Scheme (and then do a reformat). While the Scheme definition is saved IDE wide, the scheme to use is set per project (which makes sense since an Apache Open Source project you are working on may have different code style requirements than the projects you do at work vs the ones you do for fun).
Finally, you will also want to go into File > Other Settings > Default Settings > [Template Project Settings] > Code Style and make sure your saved code style scheme (with the use tab option) is set so that new projects use that scheme when they are created.

How to delete projects in IntelliJ 12?

I created some dummy projects. Now I don't see any way to delete the projects that I don't want. Per this suggestion I can delete files, the project is going away but there is traces of it still available. For example, on the Recent Projects you can still see the name of the project you just deleted. So I am thinking there should be another (and really easy way) to delete a project.
Press the Del (or fn and delete) key to delete a project from the Recent Projects list.
Vote for this issue to make it more obvious and user friendly.
close project first, or until this dialog appear, then hover your mouse on project you want to delete from history, then press Del
you'll be asked for confirmation
On occasion, even with deletion of the project, some tidbits are left behind in the following Windows paths:
This has been proven to be problematic - for example, if a new project is created using a previously deleted project name, it will create the project with data stored in the above paths, at least, this has been my experience.
The only way to TRULY delete the project is to get rid of all the garbage left behind in the aforementioned folders. I would suggest using Search Everything to find more tidbits left in the users temp folders.
In case your project is imported as a module, you can also go to File --> Project Structure and click 'Modules' in the left section. Now you can hit the minus button to remote the module from the project.
You can also click File -> Open project ...
When a file menu appears, you can right click the unwanted project folder and select Delete.
Just figured, I am using Idea Community edition 13.1.1 and the cleanest and easiest way is to go to File > Reopen project > Clear List. I just stumbled upon this menu today. I always thought that is just to clear the latest projects from the view inside the IDE and just realized it is clearing the projects from the main Dialog too.
Also, in IDEA 13.x.x you can go File-> Close Project and you'll land in the window with Recent Projects tab. There pressing Del of Fn + Del on selected project helps .
On OSX Mountain Lion and IDEA 14, with the project open and focused, you can go to file -> close project, then delete the project from your filesystem. This removed all references to the project.
Note that if the project you are deleting is the only project open, closing it will show the welcome dialog, which will still show the project. Deleting the project manually from within your operating system is the next step, and the project will still appear in the welcome dialog until it is closed and shown again, usually by opening another project from the list, or quitting and restarting IDEA.
In my case, I had to delete home/.IntelliJIdea2017.2/config/options/recentProjects.xml
. In my file system (Ubuntu) this file appeared for some weird reason not writable and hold a list of projects I couldn't get rid of. Deleting this file and restarting will force Intellij IDEA to create a new one with an empty list of projects.
All you have to do is go to file - close project - to avoid seeing them again in the menu list and then you delete them from the projects directory.