Why can't LLDB evaluate this expression? - objective-c

Neither one of these statements can be processed by LLDB... why is it unable to come up with the NSString result and print it out
expr -o -- [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", #"Wow this doesnt work??"]
po [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", #"Wow this doesnt work??"]

It seems that the expression command in lldb can generally not evaluate functions with
variable argument lists. It fails even with a simple C function:
int foo(char *msg, ...)
return 17;
(lldb) expr foo("bar")
(int) $2 = 17
(lldb) expr foo("bar", 2)
error: no matching function for call to 'foo'
note: candidate function not viable: requires 1 argument, but 2 were provided
error: 1 errors parsing expression
So this looks like a bug (or non-feature) in lldb.

This is more of academic than practical interest, but the original question and Martin's answer actually have different causes. In both cases, lldb is actually correctly refusing to call a function with more arguments than it is declared to have, but getting the actual definition wrong for different reasons.
In the first case, lldb doesn't actually have debug information for the method call [NSString stringWithFormat:format, ...]. It turns out the compiler does not emit debug information for every function your program USES, only the ones it defines. This restriction is mostly to keep the size of the debug information manageable.
So the debugger has to consult the ObjC runtime for extra type information for these kit functions. But the runtime type information doesn't encode the variable argument-ness of variable argument functions.
In the second case, what you are seeing is actually a bug in clang's debug output. It fails to emit the bit of information that tells the debugger that the function is a variable argument function.
In any case, in lldb you can work around this sort of issue by introducing declarations of commonly used functions to lldb's expression parser using the "expr-prefix" file. For instance, in Martin's case, I make a file "/tmp/expr-prefix.lldb" containing the line:
extern "C" int foo (char *msg, ...);
Then in lldb, I do:
(lldb) settings set target.expr-prefix /tmp/expr-prefix.lldb
And then you can call the function in the expression parser. A couple of caveats with this feature. This "expression prefix" file gets included in all the expression you run with the "print" command, so don't put too much stuff in there or it will slow down general expression parsing. Don't try to do things like:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
that will be very slow and probably won't work anyway - since this depends on a whole set of #defines that the debugger doesn't know about.
But it can be very helpful if you have a few functions like this that you really need to call, but can't because we either don't know the signature or are somehow getting it wrong.
The extern "C" is required because lldb parses expressions as ObjC++.
If you want to prototype an ObjC method, you need to do it on an extension of the class you are prototyping the method for; we often have a rudimentary class def'n and the compiler doesn't like to add methods to a known class, only extensions.

I found a workaround in this article:
For example when I try to use this syntax to call method:
po [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", #"MyName"];
Debugger error is:
error: too many arguments to method call, expected 1, have 2
error: 1 errors parsing expression
But you can try this one:
po [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#", #"MyName"];
Debugger message is:
$4 = 0x0a6737f0 MyName

import UIKit in debugger this worked for me
expr #import UIKit


Can't find the source of this "Expected Identifier" error, any thoughts?

I'm very new to Objective-C and programming in general and I'm having some difficulty solving a strange error I'm getting in my code. I've rechecked my code line-by-line but no matter what I do I get an "Expected Identifier" error on this one line.
NSString *text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Your total is $%.2f", [self.cartTotal]];
I've retyped the line several times to make sure that I wasn't missing any typos, but a little red arrow is pointing to the first closing bracket.
Take [self.cartTotal] out of the brackets. They're unnecessary here.
Should be:
NSString *text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Your total is $%.2f", self.cartTotal];
To help understand the error (assuming you're coming from a language like Java or C++), what you've written is the equivalent to writing this in say Java:
Notice the hanging dot at the end? That's what you've done here basically. In Java, that dot suggests you're calling a method on whatever object cartTotal is, or access a public variable on that object. I'm not sure what a Java or C++ error message would say here, but this is the equivalent scenario.
Given #GregParker's excellent comment...
You created cartTotal by way of a #property.
#property double cartTotal; // or something like this
This creates three things:
A setter
A getter
An instance variable
The setter is accessed in two ways:
[self setCartTotal:value];
self.cartTotal = value;
These both do the same thing.
The getter is likewise accessed in two ways:
[self cartTotal];

Why does Clang not warn when assigning a non-matching block to "void(^)()" (in contrast to "void(^)(void)")? [duplicate]

I'm working with a block-based API and stumbled across a scenario where I was passing in a block parameter that had a signature that didn't match the typedef'd parameter the method was expecting. To my surprise, the compiler didn't seem to care about this, and the app didn't crash. Is this expected behavior? Example:
typedef void(^MyBlock)();
typedef void(^MyBlockWithParam)(id param);
- (void)doWork {
MyBlockWithParam block1 = ^(id param) {
NSLog(#"block1: %#", param);
MyBlock block2 = ^{
[self loadData:block1];
[self loadData:block2];
- (void)loadData:(MyBlockWithParam)block {
Providing an empty arguments specification as in
typedef void(^MyBlock)();
means "unspecified" arguments. So the two types are compatible as written. Changing the first declaration to
typedef void(^MyBlock)(void);
specifies that the block takes no arguments and you'll get an error.
K&R C specifies that an empty argument list means "unspecified". The C blocks spec says this is not true for block type declarations (cf. http://clang.llvm.org/docs/BlockLanguageSpec.html#block-variable-declarations) but: both GCC and Clang implement the K&R behavior as a language extension.
From the Clang Blocks specification:
Variadic ... arguments are supported. [variadic.c] A Block that takes no arguments must specify void in the argument list [voidarg.c]. An empty parameter list does not represent, as K&R provide, an unspecified argument list. Note: both gcc and clang support K&R style as a convenience.
Basically, this is an ancient quirk of C syntax. In olden times, C function declaration syntax was rather different, and empty parentheses indicated that the function could be passed any number of arguments. For backwards compatibility, compilers have generally allowed the old-style function declaration syntax. And for some reason, Apple decided to simultaneously reject this syntax in the block standard while actually allowing it to be used with blocks in both GCC and Clang.
So, long story short: To declare that a block takes no arguments, you need to explicitly type it as void(^MyBlock)(void)
This is a C thing. A function or block prototype with an empty argument list means "the function (or block) takes any arguments you like". If you want to convey that the block should have no arguments, you need to explicitly say so like this:
typedef void(^MyBlock)(void)
This is largely historical from the days before ANSI when there weren't function prototypes and all function declarations (as opposed to definitions) looked like this:
some_type function();

Objective-C's "obj performSelector" vs objc_msgSend( )?

Going through Apache Cordova's source code, I ran into two lines of code that I'm puzzled about:
//[obj performSelector:normalSelector withObject:command];
From Apple's documentation, there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference between these two methods.
id objc_msgSend(id theReceiver, SEL theSelector, ...)
Sends a message with a simple return value to an instance of a class.
- (id)performSelector:(SEL)aSelectorwithObject:(id)anObject
Sends a message to the receiver with an object as the argument. (required)
What exactly is the difference between these two methods? In the case above, both are sending messages with an object as an argument to a receiving object.
You're asking the difference between two "methods" but only one of them is actually a method. The objc_msgSend function is, well, a function. Not a method.
The objc_msgSend function is the function that you actually call when you invoke any method on any object in Objective C. For example, the following two are basically equivalent:
// This is what the compiler generates
objc_msgSend(obj, #selector(sel:), param);
// This is what you write
[obj sel:param];
// You can check the assembly output, they are *almost* identical!
The major difference here is that objc_msgSend does not get type checked by the compiler -- or at least, its arguments don't get type checked against the selector's parameter types. So the following are roughly equivalent:
[obj performSelector:normalSelector withObject:command];
objc_msgSend(obj, #selector(performSelector:withObject:),
normalSelector, command);
But, that's a bit of a waste, since all performSelector:withObject: does is call objc_msgSend.
HOWEVER: You should stay away from obc_msgSend because it is not type-safe, as mentioned above. All the apache devs are doing is removing a single method call, which will only give you very slight performance benefits in most cases.
The commented out line is correct, the objc_msgSend() line is incorrect in that it needs to be explicitly typed (varargs are not compatible with non-varargs function calls on some platforms sometimes).
Effectively they do the same thing. Really, the method call version is just a wrapper around objc_msgSend().

What would setting a getter do?

First, some context: while answering questions on SO, I came across a post wherein the author had been trying to set a getter with syntax similar to [self.propertyGetter:newValue];. For some reason, this compiles, and I thought to myself, "this would constitute a call to nil, wouldn't it?". So, my question is, why in the heck does this 'work'? (to be perfectly clear, the poster was complaining that this had no effect, so by 'work', I mean compile).
The code you quoted is [self.propertyGetter:newValue]. Here's how the Objective-C compiler parses this.
The first thing after the left bracket has to be the receiver of the message. In that code, the receiver is the value of self.propertyGetter. The compiler transforms self.propertyGetter into [self propertyGetter]. So we can rewrite the code you quoted as [[self propertyGetter]:newValue].
Now the compiler needs to figure out the selector of the message. You usually see a keyword selector like setStatusBarHidden:animated:, which is a series of keywords followed by colons. But it turns out a keyword can be zero-length. So a colon by itself is a valid keyword selector. So the compiler sees it like this: [[self propertyGetter] :newValue]. (Using a zero-length keyword is almost always very bad style.)
You can declare an instance method using that selector. For example:
- (void):(NSObject *)newValue;
If [self propertyGetter] returns an object of a class that has that method, the code will compile and run.
If the compiler has seen any class with a method named like that, and [self propertyGetter] returns type id, then the code will compile (because id is a wildcard type and the compiler will not complain if you try to send it any known message selector). However, the app will crash at runtime if [self propertyGetter] doesn't actually understand the : message.
This compiles because all objective-C objects are dynamic entities by default. It would compile, but would crash at runtime.

Why do I need to cast before a method of an item of a NSArray can be called?

I am fairly new to Objective-C. Currently porting my own library from C#/Java to objective C.
I now run into a very strange problem for me.
I have a NSArray with several Note objects. I want to transpose on of these notes:
- (Note *) transpose: (int) semitones;
NSArray *notes = [get it from somewhere];
Note *transposedNote = [[notes objectAtIndex:0]transpose:1]; //Doesn't compile
Note *transposedNote = [(Note*)[notes objectAtIndex:0]transpose:1]//Does compile
Is this happening because there is already a transpose method available in the general libraries?
I thought due to the dynamic nature of objective-C at runtime it would be checked which class objectAtIndex returns and then sends the message to it?
It is my understanding that there is no runtime type checking for the assignment operator in Objective C. Since an array can contain a mixture of types, there is no way for the system to know what objectAtIndex returns.
How about
Note *transposedNote = [notes objectAtIndex:0]; // first line
[transposedNote transpose:1]; // second line
? Notice in the reference that objectAtIndex: returns an id, you will see it is pretty obvious:
In the code above, because id can fit into any object, the first line doesn't need to cast it into Note. In the second line I'm just calling a method on a Note so the compiler is happy.
In your code you are calling methods on the returned id object, so the compiler doesn't understand what you are trying to do. Just assign it to a Note reference and it will be fine.
Yes, the error is because there's already a transpose: method in AppKit. And you're also right that it normally doesn't cause an error when you have two unrelated classes implementing methods with the same name. The reason you get an error is because the two methods either return incompatible types or take incompatible types as arguments. In your particular case, you're seeing both problems:
-[NSResponder transpose:] takes an id and returns void
-[Note transpose:] takes an int and returns an id
These are totally incompatible types, and the compiler does need to know the types involved even if it doesn't know what exact method is going to be called.
It does compile unless you have -Werror set to treat warnings as errors.
It might produce a warning if the compiler doesn't already know about the selector or if the selector is declared in more than one class. In the former case, it should be necessary only to import the interface containing the selector. In the latter case, you'll need to do the cast to suppress the error.