Conversion from string "I" to type 'Boolean' is not valid -

I am getting this error when I insert several TextBox commands.
Conversion from string "I" to type 'Boolean' is not valid
The code for which I am getting this error is:
If TextBox1.Text = "I" Then TextBox20.Text = "I" And TextBox32.Text = "I" And TextBox44.Text = "I"
If TextBox2.Text = "I" Then TextBox19.Text = "I" And TextBox31.Text = "I" & TextBox43.Text = "I"
If TextBox3.Text = "I" Then TextBox17.Text = "I" And TextBox29.Text = "I" & TextBox42.Text = "I"
If TextBox4.Text = "I" Then TextBox18.Text = "I" And TextBox28.Text = "I" & TextBox41.Text = "I"
If TextBox8.Text = "I" Then TextBox16.Text = "I" And TextBox27.Text = "I" & TextBox40.Text = "I"
If TextBox7.Text = "I" Then TextBox15.Text = "I" And TextBox26.Text = "I" & TextBox39.Text = "I"
If TextBox6.Text = "I" Then TextBox14.Text = "I" And TextBox25.Text = "I" & TextBox38.Text = "I"
If TextBox5.Text = "I" Then TextBox13.Text = "I" And TextBox24.Text = "I" & TextBox37.Text = "I"
If TextBox30.Text = "I" Then TextBox11.Text = "I" And TextBox23.Text = "I"
If TextBox33.Text = "I" Then TextBox10.Text = "I" And TextBox22.Text = "I" & TextBox35.Text = "I"
If TextBox48.Text = "I" Then TextBox47.Text = "I" And TextBox21.Text = "I" & TextBox34.Text = "I"
If TextBox52.Text = "I" Then TextBox51.Text = "I" And TextBox46.Text = "I" & TextBox45.Text = "I"
If TextBox9.Text = "I" Then TextBox12.Text = "I" And TextBox50.Text = "I" & TextBox49.Text = "I"
Any suggestions? They all begin with If TextBox not just TextBox

I fix just one line as an example for the other lines.
If TextBox1.Text = "I" Then
TextBox20.Text = "I"
TextBox32.Text = "I"
TextBox44.Text = "I"
End If
The AND operator is used to execute a logical operation between two expression that result in a boolean TRUE/FALSE result not to repeat the execution of a command.


How to get default value of a row?

Actually i'm formatting data to insert in my MySQL DB and i'm at the point where i'm managing the NULL values.
So for manage it i've set a try catch inside the if where i look for datatype and now i have to put in the Catch exception the default value of certain type.
But how can i do it in VB.NET?
Here is my code, any suggestion for code improvment will be grateful
For Each row As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
righe = ""
For Each column As DataColumn In ds.Tables(0).Columns
If column.DataType = Type.GetType("System.DateTime") Then
righe &= "'" & Format(row.Item(column.ColumnName), "yyyy-MM-dd") & "', "
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
ElseIf column.DataType = Type.GetType("System.TimeSpan") Then
righe &= "'" & Format(row.Item(column.ColumnName).ToString, "HH\:mm\:ss") & "', "
ElseIf column.DataType = Type.GetType("System.Int32") Then
righe &= row.Item(column.ColumnName) & ", "
ElseIf column.DataType = Type.GetType("System.Single") Then
righe &= Replace(row.Item(column.ColumnName), ",", ".") & ", "
ElseIf column.DataType = Type.GetType("System.Byte") Then
righe &= row.Item(column.ColumnName) & ", "
ElseIf column.DataType = Type.GetType("System.Double") Then
righe &= Replace(row.Item(column.ColumnName), ",", ".") & ", "
ElseIf column.DataType = Type.GetType("System.String") Then
righe &= "'" & APICI(row.Item(column.ColumnName)) & "', "
End If
righe = Mid(righe, 1, Len(righe) - 2)

Copy ListBox Items to TextBoxes

I am attempting to use a CommandButton to populate TextBoxes in a Userform based on the entries in a ListBox and can't find a way to make it work.
The below code works to populate the first TextBox (TextBox2), but everything below is coming in blank. You'll notice I added & "" after TextBox3-11 - that's because I was receiving an "Invalid Use of Null" error.
How do I get each item in the ListBox to populate in it's corresponding TextBox?
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Dim i As Long
i = ListBox1.ListIndex
With Me.ListBox1
TextBox2.Text = .List(i, 0)
TextBox3.Text = .List(i, 1) & ""
TextBox4.Text = .List(i, 2) & ""
TextBox5.Text = .List(i, 3) & ""
TextBox6.Text = .List(i, 4) & ""
TextBox7.Text = .List(i, 5) & ""
TextBox8.Text = .List(i, 6) & ""
TextBox9.Text = .List(i, 7) & ""
TextBox10.Text = .List(i, 8) & ""
TextBox11.Text = .List(i, 9) & ""
End With
End Sub

How to debug a Run-Time Error 13 in VBA?

Here's my entire code below. I keep getting a Run-Time Error 13, any help would be appreciated.
Private Sub Button_Clear_Click()
Input_Wager.Text = "0"
End Sub
The section below, I would like when the command button is pressed that if the Textbox Input_Wager is empty, it displays a message, otherwise it starts the computations in the elseif section
Private Sub Button_Submit_Click()
If Me.Input_Wager.Text = "" Then
MsgBox ("Display")
ElseIf Me.Input_Wager.Text <> "" Then
TextBox2.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 35)
TextBox3.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 17)
TextBox4.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 8)
TextBox5.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 11)
TextBox6.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 6)
TextBox7.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 5)
TextBox8.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 11)
TextBox9.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 17)
TextBox10.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 2)
TextBox11.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 2)
TextBox12.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 1)
TextBox13.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 1)
TextBox14.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 1)
TextBox15.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 1)
TextBox16.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 1)
TextBox17.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager * 1)
End If
End Sub
As #Andrew and #Raymond said, you are getting a type mismatch error because you are trying to multiply a control/object with an Integer.
First check to see if the value of Input_Wager is an Integer and not a string - do this by not letting it accept anything else than an integer -
Private Sub Input_Wager_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Input_Wager.KeyPress
If Not Char.IsNumber(e.KeyChar) AndAlso Not Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) Then
e.KeyChar = ""
End If
End Sub
Now that you know it has an integer value, change your multiplication lines to this -
TextBox2.Text = "$" & (Me.Input_Wager.Text * 35)

Multiple IF Statements looping using VBA

This is only a sample from the data I am using.
Please find the output below. "Output via Code" is the one we are getting when we run the code. "Expected Output" is the one we are looking for.
The first code and its modified versions which I have pasted earlier seems to be giving the result but the only problem is, it is leaving one or two similar values without joining them.
Original Message:
I have framed a "If Statement". This statement compares two rows and displays a comment in one of the columns. While the statement works perfectly in excel, the code recorded in VBE for the same do not. Please help.
=IF(D2=D3,(IF(G2+H2+G3+H3=0,CONCATENATE("Batch ","'",C2,"'"," has no earnings/hours"),(CONCATENATE(IF(G2=0,"",CONCATENATE("paying ","'",F2,"'"," earnings ",G2)),IF(H2=0,"",IF(H2<>0,IF(G2=0,CONCATENATE("paying ","'",F2,"'"," hours ",H2),CONCATENATE(" and hours ",H2)))),IF(G3=0,"",CONCATENATE(" , paying ","'",F3,"'"," earnings ",G3)),IF(H3=0,"",IF(H3<>0,IF(G3=0,CONCATENATE(" , paying ","'",F3,"'"," hours ",H3),CONCATENATE(" and hours ",H3)))))))),IF(D2<>D3,IF(G2+H2=0,CONCATENATE("Batch ","'",C2,"'"," has no earnings/hours"),CONCATENATE("Batch ","'",C2,"'",CONCATENATE(IF(G2=0,"",CONCATENATE(" paying ","'",F2,"'"," earnings ",G2)),IF(H2=0,"",IF(G2=0,CONCATENATE(" paying ","'",F2,"'"," hours ",H2),CONCATENATE(" and hours ",H2))))))))
I tried recording a macro for this statement, but I get a error when I execute the recorded code in my macro.
I would like to convert this statement into macro and run it as loop till end of last row.
I would like to compare a particular cell in Row 1 and Row 2, then execute above statement. Then compare values of two different cells in Row 1 and Row 2, paste the outcome in anther cell. Once these tasks are performed, delete the second row and run the loop for similar cell values, join the first comments with second comment. If next row value is different then not to delete the row and run the loop and so on till end of all rows.
Also, the second "if statement" isn't doing the job it is suppose to do.
Second If Statement:
VBE Code for If Statement 1:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(RC[-6]=R[1]C[-6],(IF(RC[-3]+RC[-2]+R[1]C[-3]+R[1]C[-2]=0,CONCATENATE(""Batch "",""'"",RC[-7],""'"","" has no earnings/hours""),(CONCATENATE(IF(RC[-3]=0,"""",CONCATENATE(""paying "",""'"",RC[-4],""'"","" earnings "",RC[-3])),IF(RC[-2]=0,"""",IF(RC[-2]<>0,IF(RC[-3]=0,CONCATENATE("" paying "",""'"",RC[-4],""'"",""hours"", RC[-2]),CONCATENATE("" and hours "",RC[-2]))" & _
"1]C[-3]=0,"""",CONCATENATE("" , paying "",""'"",R[1]C[-4],""'"","" earnings "",R[1]C[-3])),(IF(R[1]C[-2]=0,"""",IF(R[1]C[-2]<>0,IF(R[1]C[-3]=0,CONCATENATE("" paying "","""",R[1]C[-4],""'"","" hours "",R[1]C[-2]),CONCATENATE("" and hours "",R[1]C[-2]))))))))),IF(RC[-6]<>R[1]C[-6],IF(RC[-3]+RC[-2]=0,CONCATENATE(""Batch "",""'"",RC[-7],""'"","" has no earnings/hours"")" & _
"CONCATENATE(""Batch "",""'"",RC[-7],""'"",CONCATENATE(IF(RC[-3]=0,"""",CONCATENATE("" paying "",""'"",RC[-4],""'"",""earnings "",RC[-3])),IF(RC[-2]=0,"""",IF(RC[-3]=0,CONCATENATE("" paying "",""'"",RC[-4],""'"","" hours "",RC[-2]),CONCATENATE("" and hours "",RC[-2]))))))))"
Final Output
Code 1:
Sub CompareAndCompare()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet4")
Dim A As Range, B As Range, C As Range, D As Range, E As Range, F As Range
Dim compRange As Range: Set compRange = ws.Range("D2", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp))
Dim state1 As String
For Each A In compRange 'A = D2 on first iteration of the loop
Set B = A.Offset(1) 'B = D3
Set C = A.Offset(0, 3) 'C = G2
Set D = A.Offset(0, 4) 'D = H2
Set E = A.Offset(1, 3) 'E = G3
Set F = A.Offset(1, 4) 'F = H3
Set G = A.Offset(0, 5) 'G = I2
Set H = A.Offset(1, 5) 'H = I3
state1 = ""
If A.Value = B.Value Then
If G.Value = "N" And H.Value = "N" Then 'Statement 2
ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = "N"
If G.Value = "" And H.Value = "Y" Then
ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = "Y"
If G.Value = "Y" And H.Value = "" Then
ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = "Y"
If G.Value = "N" And H.Value = "" Then
ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = "N"
If G.Value = "" And H.Value = "N" Then
ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = "N"
If G.Value = "" And H.Value = "" Then
ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = ""
Else: ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = "Y"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If C.Value + D.Value + E.Value + F.Value = 0 Then
state1 = "'" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row).Value & "', " & "'" & ws.Range("F" & A.Offset(1).Row).Value & "' has no earnings/hours"
If C.Value <> 0 Then _
state1 = state1 & "paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row).Value & "' earnings " & C.Value
If D.Value <> 0 Then
If C.Value = 0 Then
state1 = state1 & "paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row).Value & "' earnings " & D.Value
state1 = state1 & " and hours " & D.Value
End If
End If
If E.Value <> 0 Then _
state1 = state1 & " paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Offset(1).Row).Value & "' earnings " & E.Value
If F.Value <> 0 Then
If E.Value = 0 Then
state1 = state1 & " paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Offset(1).Row).Value & "' hours " & F.Value
state1 = state1 & " and hours " & F.Value
End If
End If
End If
Else 'D2 <> D3
ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = G.Value 'Statement 2
If C.Value + D.Value = 0 Then
state1 = "'" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row).Value & "' has no earnings/hours"
'state1 = "'" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row).Value & "'"
If C.Value <> 0 Then _
state1 = " paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row) & "' earnings " & C.Value
If D.Value <> 0 Then
If C.Value = 0 Then
state1 = " paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row) & "' hours " & D.Value
state1 = " and hours " & D.Value
End If
End If
End If
End If
ws.Range("J" & A.Row).Value = state1
Next A
End Sub
Code 2:
Sub CompareAndCompare1()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet4")
Dim A As Range, B As Range
Dim compRange As Range: Set compRange = ws.Range("D2", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp))
Dim state1 As String
For Each A In compRange 'A = D2 on first iteration of the loop
Set B = A.Offset(1) 'B = D3
Set C = A.Offset(0, 7) 'C =K2
Set D = A.Offset(1, 7) 'D = K3
state1 = ""
If A.Value = B.Value Then
If C.Value = "N" And D.Value = "N" Then 'Statement 2
ws.Range("L" & A.Row).Value = "N"
If C.Value = "" And D.Value = "Y" Then
ws.Range("L" & A.Row).Value = "Y"
If C.Value = "Y" And D.Value = "" Then
ws.Range("L" & A.Row).Value = "Y"
If C.Value = "N" And D.Value = "" Then
ws.Range("L" & A.Row).Value = "N"
If C.Value = "" And D.Value = "N" Then
ws.Range("L" & A.Row).Value = "N"
If C.Value = "" And D.Value = "" Then
ws.Range("L" & A.Row).Value = ""
Else: ws.Range("L" & A.Row).Value = "Y"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
state1 = "Batch " & ws.Range("C" & A.Row).Value & ": " & ws.Range("J" & A.Row).Value & ", " & ws.Range("J" & A.Offset(1).Row).Value
Else 'D2<>D3
ws.Range("L" & A.Row).Value = C.Value
state1 = "Batch " & ws.Range("C" & A.Row).Value & ": " & ws.Range("J" & A.Row).Value
End If
ws.Range("M" & A.Row).Value = state1
Next A
End Sub
Code 3:
Sub CompareAndCompare2()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet4")
Dim A As Range, B As Range
Dim compRange As Range: Set compRange = ws.Range("A2", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
Dim state1 As String
For Each A In compRange 'A = A2 on first iteration of the loop
Set B = A.Offset(1) 'B = A3
Set C = A.Offset(0, 11) 'C =L2
Set D = A.Offset(1, 11) 'D = L3
state1 = ""
If A.Value = B.Value Then
If C.Value = "N" And D.Value = "N" Then 'Statement 2
ws.Range("N" & A.Row).Value = "N"
Else: ws.Range("N" & A.Row).Value = "Y"
End If
state1 = "For file# " & ws.Range("A" & A.Row).Value & ", " & ws.Range("M" & A.Row).Value & ", " & ws.Range("M" & A.Offset(1).Row).Value
Else 'A2<>A3
ws.Range("N" & A.Row).Value = C.Value
state1 = "For file# " & ws.Range("A" & A.Row).Value & ", " & ws.Range("M" & A.Row).Value
End If
ws.Range("O" & A.Row).Value = state1
Next A
End Sub
Converting Formula to Macro
I recreated a raw version of the last picture you added:
Using the heavily modified code below
Sub CompareAndCompare()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Dim A As Range, B As Range, C As Range, D As Range, E As Range, F As Range, finalR As Range
Dim compRange As Range: Set compRange = ws.Range("D2", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp))
Dim state1 As String, stateTypeA As String, yn As String, myCell As Variant
Dim myRow As Long, STATEMENT As String, tempString() As String
Dim passOne As Boolean, firstTime As Boolean: firstTime = True
Dim st1 As String, st2 As String, output1 As Range, output2 As Range
Dim idNo As Range, batchNo1 As Range, batchNo2 As Range
For myRow = 2 To compRange.Count + 1 'This loop puts statements in "J"
stateType = ""
Set A = ws.Range("D" & myRow) 'A = D2
Set C = ws.Range("G" & myRow) 'C = G2
Set D = ws.Range("H" & myRow) 'D = H2
Set output1 = ws.Range("J" & myRow)
If A.Value = "" Then Exit For
If C.Value = 0 Then STATEMENT = STATEMENT & "1"
If D.Value = 0 Then STATEMENT = STATEMENT & "2"
If C.Value <> 0 Then STATEMENT = STATEMENT & "3"
If D.Value <> 0 Then STATEMENT = STATEMENT & "4"
stateType = "(" & ws.Range("F" & myRow).Value & ") "
Case "12" 'C = 0, D = 0
state1 = "*"
Case "34" 'C <> 0, D <> 0
state1 = stateType & "has earnings of " & C.Value & " and " & D.Value & " hours"
Case "14" 'C = 0, D <> 0
state1 = stateType & "has " & D.Value & " hours"
Case "23" 'D = 0, C <> 0
state1 = stateType & "has earnings of " & C.Value
Case Else: MsgBox STATEMENT 'If a case isn't defined, show STATEMENT so code can be added
End Select
output1.Value = state1
Next myRow
For myRow = 2 To compRange.Count + 1 'This Loop concatenates "J" when same "D"
Set A = ws.Range("D" & myRow) 'A = D2 on first iteration of the loop
Set B = A.Offset(1) 'B = D3
If A.Value = "" Then Exit For
If A.Value = B.Value Then
Set G = A.Offset(0, 5) 'G = I2
Set H = A.Offset(1, 5) 'H = I3
If (G.Value = "N" And H.Value = "N") Or ((G.Value = "" Or H.Value = "") And (G.Value = "N" Or H.Value = "N")) Then 'Statement 2
yn = "N"
Else: yn = "Y"
End If
ws.Range("K" & myRow).Value = yn
Set B = A.Offset(1)
st1 = "(" & ws.Range("F" & myRow).Value & ")"
st2 = "(" & ws.Range("F" & myRow + 1).Value & ")"
Set output1 = ws.Range("J" & myRow)
Set output2 = ws.Range("J" & myRow + 1)
If firstTime = True Then
If output1.Value = "*" Then
firstTime = False
stateType = st1
End If
End If
If output2.Value = "*" And A.Value = B.Value Then
If stateType = "" Then
stateType = st2
Else: stateType = stateType & ", " & st2
End If
GoTo CheckForMore
ElseIf output1.Value = "*" And firstTime = False And A.Value = B.Value Then
output1.Value = "* have no earnings/hours, " & output2.Value
GoTo Reiterate
ElseIf output1.Value <> "*" And firstTime = False And A.Value = B.Value Then
output1.Value = output1.Value & ", " & output2.Value
GoTo Reiterate
ElseIf output1.Value <> "*" And stateType <> "" And A.Value = B.Value Then
output1.Value = output1.Value & ", * have no earnings/hours, " & output2.Value
GoTo Reiterate '''''''''''''''''''''''
ElseIf output1.Value = "*" And A.Value <> B.Value Then
output1.Value = "* have no earnings/hours "
ElseIf output1.Value <> "*" And stateType <> "" Then
output1.Value = output1.Value & ", * have no earnings/hours "
End If
output1.Value = Replace(output1.Value, "*", stateType)
firstTime = True
stateType = ""
output1.Value = Replace(output1.Value, "*", stateType)
firstTime = True
stateType = ""
End If
Next myRow
Set finalR = ws.Range("A2", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
passOne = False
For Each myCell In finalR 'This loop finalizes and removes duplicates
myRow = myCell.Row
Set output1 = ws.Range("J" & myRow)
Set output2 = ws.Range("J" & myRow + 1)
Set idNo = ws.Range("A" & myRow)
Set batchNo1 = ws.Range("C" & myRow)
Set batchNo2 = ws.Range("C" & myRow + 1)
If myCell.Value = myCell.Offset(1).Value Then
If passOne = False Then
output1.Value = "FOR " & idNo.Value & ", FROM BATCH " & batchNo1.Value & ": " & output1.Value _
& Chr(10) & "FROM BATCH " & batchNo2.Value & ": " & output2.Value
Else: output1.Value = output1.Value & Chr(10) & "FROM BATCH " & batchNo2.Value & ": " & output2.Value
End If
passOne = True
GoTo finalAgain
Else: If passOne = False Then output1.Value = "FOR " & idNo.Value & ", FROM BATCH " & batchNo1.Value & ": " & output1.Value
End If
passOne = False
Next myCell
End Sub
Will yield the following result:
Which looks similar to what you were wanting. I made some edit to the formatting to make it easier to read. Let me know what you think and if this works for you :)
Original Answer Below (May be useful in seeing how to convert EXCEL Formula into VBA Code)
I'm not sure I understand the scope of your question but this is the direct conversion as best as I could make sense of it. Let me know if it functions how you imagine it should.
I recreated your sheet:
The first thing you want to do when doing a conversion like this is to break your formula up into a proper code format. I included Else and End if/conc lines to make your end parentheses easier to follow:
----------------------------STATEMENT 1-----------------------------
CONCATENATE("Batch ","'",C2,"'"," has no earnings/hours"),
CONCATENATE("paying ","'",F2,"'"," earnings ",G2)
end if),
CONCATENATE("paying ","'",F2,"'"," hours ",H2),
CONCATENATE(" and hours ",H2)
end if)
end if)
end if),
CONCATENATE(" , paying ","'",F3,"'"," earnings ",G3)
end if),
CONCATENATE(" , paying ","'",F3,"'"," hours ",H3),
CONCATENATE(" and hours ",H3)
end if)
end if)
end if)
end concatenate))
end if))
CONCATENATE("Batch ","'",C2,"'"," has no earnings/hours"),
CONCATENATE("Batch ","'",C2,"'",
CONCATENATE(" paying ","'",F2,"'"," earnings ",G2)
end if),
CONCATENATE(" paying ","'",F2,"'"," hours ",H2),
CONCATENATE(" and hours ",H2)
end if)
end if)
end concatenate)
end concatenate)
end if)
end if)
end if)
----------------------------STATEMENT 2-----------------------------
end if)
end if)
end if)
end if)
end if)
end if)
With this easy to read format, it's just a matter of using proper VBA vocabulary and a little clean up
Sub CompareAndCompare()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Dim A As Range, B As Range, C As Range, D As Range, E As Range, F As Range
Dim compRange As Range: Set compRange = ws.Range("D2", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp))
Dim state1 As String
For Each A In compRange 'A = D2 on first iteration of the loop
Set B = A.Offset(1) 'B = D3
Set C = A.Offset(0, 3) 'C = G2
Set D = A.Offset(0, 4) 'D = H2
Set E = A.Offset(1, 3) 'E = G3
Set F = A.Offset(1, 4) 'F = H3
Set G = A.Offset(0, 5) 'G = I2
Set H = A.Offset(1, 5) 'H = I3
state1 = ""
If A.Value = B.Value Then
If G.Value = "N" And H.Value = "N" Then 'Statement 2
ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = "N"
Else: ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = "Y"
End If
If C.Value + D.Value + E.Value + F.Value = 0 Then
state1 = "Batch '" & ws.Range("C" & A.Row).Value & "' has no earnings/hours"
If C.Value <> 0 Then _
state1 = state1 & "paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row).Value & "' earnings " & C.Value
If D.Value <> 0 Then
If C.Value = 0 Then
state1 = state1 & "paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row).Value & "' earnings " & D.Value
state1 = state1 & " and hours " & D.Value
End If
End If
If E.Value <> 0 Then _
state1 = state1 & " , paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Offset(1).Row).Value & "' earnings " & E.Value
If F.Value <> 0 Then
If E.Value = 0 Then
state1 = state1 & " , paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Offset(1).Row).Value & "' hours " & F.Value
state1 = state1 & " and hours " & F.Value
End If
End If
End If
Else 'D2 <> D3
ws.Range("K" & A.Row).Value = G.Value 'Statement 2
If C.Value + D.Value = 0 Then
state1 = "Batch '" & ws.Range("C" & A.Row).Value & "' has no earnings/hours"
state1 = "Batch '" & ws.Range("C" & A.Row).Value & "'"
If C.Value <> 0 Then _
state1 = state1 & " paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row) & "' earnings " & C.Value
If D.Value <> 0 Then
If C.Value = 0 Then
state1 = state1 & " paying '" & ws.Range("F" & A.Row) & "' hours " & D.Value
state1 = state1 & " and hours " & D.Value
End If
End If
End If
End If
ws.Range("J" & A.Row).Value = state1
Next A
End Sub
When I run this code on the sheet, this is the resulting output:
It deleted the rows when D2:D3 are the same, and continues through the rest of the items in that range (which is dynamic). I didn't change the statements you wanted on the output. Let me know what you think.

Why is my .NET SQL command with parameters not updating all the fields?

Is there something wrong with my sql statement? because only the Client_Name is being updated and the rest stays the same.
I already checked if all the textbox and combobox are not null and is different from the original data
sql = "UPDATE Client_Info SET Client_Name= #a, Gender= #b, Age= #c, Birthdate= #d, Address= #e, Email_Address= #f, Contact_Number= #h WHERE Client_Name='" & TextBox8.Text & "'"
sqlCom.Parameters.Add("#a", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox18.Text
sqlCom.Parameters.Add("#b", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar).Value = ComboBox8.Text
sqlCom.Parameters.Add("#c", OleDb.OleDbType.BigInt).Value = TextBox17.Text
sqlCom.Parameters.Add("#d", OleDb.OleDbType.Date).Value = ComboBox7.Text & " " & ComboBox6.Text & ", " & ComboBox5.Text
sqlCom.Parameters.Add("#e", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox16.Text
sqlCom.Parameters.Add("#f", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox15.Text
sqlCom.Parameters.Add("#h", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox14.Text
Try like this
sqlCom.Parameters.Add("#c", OleDb.OleDbType.BigInt).Value = Convert.Int64(TextBox17.Text)
sqlCom.Parameters.Add("#d", OleDb.OleDbType.Date).Value = Convert.DateTime(ComboBox7.Text & "/" & ComboBox6.Text & "/" & ComboBox5.Text)