Cocos2dx performance issue on Windows Phone 8 - optimization

I'm trying to port an android/iOS game to windows phone 8(cocos2dx v 2.2). I'm using the exact same code base that I've used for android and iOS. The game functions just fine, but I facing some major FPS drop. The game runs flawlessly at 60FPS in android and iOS, but I'm getting roughly about 35FPS on wp8. Has this got to do anything with differences in OpenGL and directX?
I doubt its got to do with the game's logic and calculations because when the game starts in windows phone, it starts with 60FPS on the main menu, which has got like 5 sprites. But as I add more sprites on the screen, say about 30 of them(average number of sprites when I'm IN the game) the FPS rapidly drops to 35-40 range. Note that there are no schedulers or update functions running at this point. I did the same test on Android, but the FPS didn't drop. Does the win8 port of cocos2dx suck?
Any help,comments or redirection to useful articles would be appreciated.
Thank you.

In case anyone runs into similar issue, I reduced the number of children in the scene and deployed the build in release mode. Gave a major boost to the FPS. Also, I had a bunch of float to string and int to string conversions happening in every frame inside the update function. That was eating away on the processing speed too.

Actually, the Cocos2dx port for WP8 is ok, but outdated. Cocos2d-x is now at 3.0 beta, but the WP8 was left at 2.0 alpha.
Anyway... in Cocos there are some recursive drawing functions which are very heavy on the CPU, and also, keep in mind that even though WP8 is supposed tu support arrays, lists, maps etc. they are very slow on WP8.
And since you came to this subject, Please let me know if you managed to successfully put cocos2d-x on an XAML+D3D Interop project. I am getting tons of crashes.
EDIT: Indeed, the recursive calls which process (draw or update) child "CCNode"s are very heavy on the device. However, after putting Cocos2d-x ver. 2.0alpha for WP8 into a XAML+D3D interop project, I found a whole lot of memory related issues. Apparently, after doing this (or just because I don't know how to properly configure my VS project and allow loose addressing), a lot of uninitialized pointers and data cause some memory overlaps, leading to major crashes.
This proves only that it was truely an alpha release :) Too bad no newer version of Cocos2d-x for Wp8 is available.


Glitches when using simple screen recorder on Arch Linux box

So i had been making video tutorials for my friends on how to program. On my old computer i had been all ways running simple screen recorder and it recorded fine. But recently i got a new computer. And so when i got a fresh install of arch linux on the box. I set up the environment with every thing i needed to make another video. When i downloaded simple screen recorder using yaourt, and started recording. I had recorded up to a two hour session with out knowing that it was glitching out. When i look at my computer i do not see the same issue as when the final product is done rendering. I think it might be a rendering error or i do not have the right codecs. After a hour or two searching on the web i could find no forum posts on the codec. I took in multiple things that could be wrong with it fps was my first choice but when i had recorded with 25 and even 50 fps it was still glitching out. The next idea i had was that i had the wrong codec H.264. But with searching i could find no solution to that one. Then i thought that i might have been encoding at to high of a speed (23). But still that proved me wrong. so now i am confused with how to get my answer.
Settings Screen shot:
Video Link:
The glitches are often relate to the rendering backend of the window compositor you are using.
Solution 1 - Change the rendering backend of the window compositor
#thouliha reported having issues with compton. In my case I had glitches with openGL (2.0 & 3.1) and resolved the issue by switching to XRender for recording.
On KDE you easily change the rendering backend of the window compositor in the settings .
Solution 2 - Change the Tearing Prevention method
To keep using OpenGL, for example for better performance, you can also tweak the tearing prevention method.
In my case switching from Automatic to Never allowed me to record video with OpenGL compositor without glitches.
Solution 3 - Intel iGPU specific issues
Intel iGPU (Intel graphics) has some rendering issues with some CPUs.
You can check the Troubleshooting section of ArchLinux wiki to check those.
Example of features creating tearing or flickering related issues:
Panel Self Refresh (PSR)
Check also /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf if your system has put tweaks in here.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by glitching out, especially since the video is down now, but I've found that the video is choppy when using compton, so I had to turn that off.

Debugging methods for finding the location and error that's causing a game to freeze

I recently I came across an error that I cannot understand. The game I'm developing using Cocos2D just freezes at a certain random point -- it gets a SIGSTOP -- and I cannot find the reason. What tool can I use (and how do I use it) to find out where the error occurs and what's causing it?
Jeremy's suggestion to stop in the debugger is a good one.
There's a really quick way to investigate a freeze (or any performance issue), especially when it's not easy to reproduce. You have to have a terminal handy (so you'll need to be running in the iOS simulator or on Mac OS X, not on an iOS device).
When the hang occurs pop over to a terminal and run:
sample YourProgramName
(If there are spaces in your program name wrap that in quotes like sample "My Awesome Game".) The output of sample is a log showing where your program is spending time, and if your program is actually hung, it will be pretty obvious which functions are stuck.
I disagree with Aaron Golden's answer above as running on a device is extremely useful in order to have a real-case scenario of where the app freezes. The simulator has more memory and does not reproduce the hardware of the device in an accurate way (for example, the frame rate is in certain cases lower).
"Obviously", you need to connect your device (with a developer profile) on Xcode and look at the console terminal to look for traces that user #AaronGolden suggested.
If those are not enough you might want to enable a general exception breakpoint in Xcode to capture more of the stacktrace messages.
When I started learning Cocos2D my app often frooze. This is a list of common causes:
I wasn't using sprite sheets and hence the frame rate was dropping drammatically
I was using too much memory (too many high-definition sprites. Have a look at TexturePacker and use pvr.ccz or pvr.gz format; it cuts memory allocation in half)
Use instruments to profile your app for memory warnings (for example, look at allocation instruments and look for memory warnings).

Getting started with image processing on Mac OS X

I recently moved from a PC to a MacBook Pro. I'm starting to go through tutorials on Objective-C and developing in Cocoa. I do a lot of image processing algorithm development work (pixel by pixel manipulation) in my day job so I'd like to get create a test image processing app or two for OS X. I'm struggling to figure out where to start - let's say I want to create a simple application (that I could reuse) like the following:
load an image from an open file option within a file menu
display this within the GUI.
Click a button to apply pixel by pixel processing
Update the displayed image
Save the processed image from the save option within the file menu
Any pointers or links would be most appreciated.
Other info:
I'm pretty familiar with OpenCV within Linux - haven't looked at using it within Objective-C/Cocoa/Xcode environment yet though - not even sure if this would be a good idea?
I guess it would be nice to use GPU acceleration as well, but I'm not familiar with OpenGL/OpenCL - so I might have to put that one on the long finger for the moment.
As you are looking at the Apple platform, you should look into the CoreImage framework - it will provide you most of pre-baked cookies ready to be consumed in your application.
For more advanced purposes, you can start off with openCV.
Best of luck!!
As samfisher suggests, OpenCV is not that hard to get working on the Mac, and Core Image is a great Cocoa framework for doing GPU-accelerated image processing. I'm working on porting my GPUImage framework from iOS to the Mac, and it's entirely geared around making accelerated image processing easy to work with, but unfortunately that isn't working right now.
If you're just getting started on the Mac, one tool that I can point out which you might overlook is Quartz Composer. You have to download the separate Graphics Tools package from Apple's developer site to install Quartz Composer, because it's no longer shipped with Xcode.
Quartz Composer is a graphical development tool that lets you drag and drop modules, connect inputs and outputs, and do rapid development of some fairly interesting things. One task it's great for is doing rapid prototyping of image processing, either using Core Image or OpenGL shaders. I've even heard of people using OpenCV with this using custom patches. You can easily connect an image or camera source into a filter chain, then edit the filters and see live updates as you work on them, without requiring a compile-run cycle.
If you want some sample QC projects to play with, I have a couple of them linked from this article I wrote a couple of years ago. They both do the same color-based object tracking, with one using Core Image and the other OpenGL shaders. You can dig into that and play around to see how that works, without having to get too far into writing any code.

Cocoa IOSurfaces and synchronization with background task pulling frames via Quicktime

I've a question regarding IOSurface on Cocoa.
After an extensive research required to switch my OPENGL realtime application to 64 bit, I've taken the only path to support Quicktime playback spawning a background thread that pulls the frames installing a frame-ready callback and then with QTVisualContextCopyImageForTime , and pass the IOSurfaceRef through RPC to the parent process.
Everything works fine but there's one main issue. In my 32 bit application I was able to serialize any call to the GL subsystem by rendering a frame, pull the QT frames for the next pass and then wait for the next V-sync. This produced a very smooth and stable result.
Using the IOSurface technique gives me no way to synchronize when my app draws a frame and when the background process pulls the IOSurface from the quicktime movie. The result is that, on a random basis, I experience performances SPYKES. Indeed using the OPENGL driver monitor raises the CPU WAIT cycles up to 10% in my 64 bit app, while I have 0% CPU Wait graph under 32 bit.
Anyone here used IOSurface in a real world application and faced issues like this one ? I've though about an interprocess mutex/lock , but considering I need to lock/unlock about 120 times x second, I was not able to find a valid solution, it doesn't seems that darwin has something like the NAMED SIGNALS available in Win32...
Any suggestion, or I should take a totally different approach to the problem ?
Thanks !

OSX Lion and Movist: playback freezes at specific instant

I'm a newbie developer who worked on Movist media player over the last months.
The project seems to be dead so I started to look at the code and try to understand how it behaves.
I have been able to add hardware decoding (with VDADecoder), fix all deprecated functions, plus other minor things and everything seems to work nicely on Snow Leopard.
When testing the app on OSX Lion, instead, I encounter a very annoying issue and I'm short of idea because I tried quite everything..
The video playback freezes for about 0.1 - 0.2 seconds always at the same instant during the playback. It seems to freeze just when the decoder reaches the end of file and when the remaining (already) decoded frames get displayed.
The issue appears with both hardware and software decoding and it's not related to the part of code that I have added.
Obviously, the same movie file plays smoothly on Snow Leopard (with both software and hardware decoding) and on Leopard (with software decoding) (hardware decoding isn't supported).
I tried to use Instruments to debug this issue but I don't know how to catch that instant. Sometimes Instruments records a lot of "sys enter trap" around that this a hint?
I tried to rebuild the project with Xcode 4 and SDK 10.7 and to fix all the warnings but the issue still persists.
Is there a way to debug this issue?
I don't know how to discover the bug...if there is any..
I hope you can help me.
Just to let everyone know, I found what was causing the issue.
It was given by the Restorable feature of the movie window which was causing that periodical stuttering.