Oracle SQL : table Joining - sql

For Oracle Database, suppose I have two tables here (Similar structure, but much larger amount of data) Definition below:
create table payments(
record_no INTEGER;
cust_no INTEGER;
amount NUMBER;
date_entered DATE;
insert into payments values(1,3,34.5,sysdate-1);
insert into payments values(2,2,34.5,sysdate-2);
insert into payments values(3,3,34.5,sysdate-18/1440);
insert into payments values(4,1,34.5,sysdate-1);
insert into payments values(5,2,34.5,sysdate-2/24);
insert into payments values(6,3,34.5,sysdate-56/1440);
insert into payments values(7,4,34.5,sysdate-2);
insert into payments values(8,2,34.5,sysdate-1);
create table customer(
cust_no INTEGER;
name VARCHAR2;
insert into customer values(1,'Tom',90001);
insert into customer values(2,'Bob',90001);
insert into customer values(3,'Jack',90001);
insert into customer values(4,'Jay',90001);
Now I want to generate a report with those columns (Get the first two payment amount and date for each customer order by paydate) :
Cust_no | pay_amount1 | pay_date1 |pay_amount2 | pay_date2
Sample report I want
1 34.5 October, 09 2013 0 null
2 34.5 October, 08 2013 34.5 October, 09 2013
3 34.5 October, 09 2013 34.5 October, 10 2013
4 34.5 October, 08 2013 0 null
Can anybody make a correct and efficient Query ? Thanks ahead.

First you need to get your creation script right. The ; terminates a statement not a line inside a statement. Secondly the varchar2 data types needs a length specification: name VARCHAR2(20) instead of name VARCHAR2. Also character literals need to be enclosed in single quotes. '90001' is a character literal, 90001 is a number. Those are two different things.
So this results in the following script:
create table payments(
record_no INTEGER,
cust_no INTEGER,
amount NUMBER,
date_entered DATE
insert into payments values(1,3,34.5,sysdate-1);
insert into payments values(2,2,34.5,sysdate-2);
insert into payments values(3,3,34.5,sysdate-18/1440);
insert into payments values(4,1,34.5,sysdate-1);
insert into payments values(5,2,34.5,sysdate-2/24);
insert into payments values(6,3,34.5,sysdate-56/1440);
insert into payments values(7,4,34.5,sysdate-2);
insert into payments values(8,2,34.5,sysdate-1);
create table customer(
cust_no INTEGER,
name VARCHAR2(20),
zip VARCHAR2(20)
insert into customer values(1,'Tom','90001');
insert into customer values(2,'Bob','90001');
insert into customer values(3,'Jack','90001');
insert into customer values(4,'Jay','90001');
Note that it's bad coding practice to not specify the columns in an INSERT statement. It should be insert into customer (cust_no, name, zip) values(1,'Tom','90001'); instead of insert into customer values(1,'Tom','90001');
Now for your query, the following should do you wnat you need:
with numbered_payments as (
select cust_no,
row_number() over (partition by cust_no order by date_entered) as rn
from payments
select c.cust_no,,
p1.amount as pay_amount1,
p1.date_entered as pay_date1,
p2.amount as pay_amount2,
p2.date_entered as pay_date2
from customer c
left join numbered_payments p1
on p1.cust_no = c.cust_no
and p1.rn = 1
left join numbered_payments p2
on p2.cust_no = c.cust_no
and p2.rn = 2;
Note that I used an outer join to ensure that every customer is returned even if there is no or only a single payment for it.
Here is an SQLFiddle with all corrections and the query:!4/74349/3

p.amount as payment,
p.date_entered as paydate,
FROM customer c
JOIN payments p ON p.cust_no = c.cust_no
) t
rn <= 2
ORDER BY cust_no, rn;
Will show the 2 records per client you need, in 2 separate lines. If you prefer having it in the same line, then use this query:
CASE WHEN nextcli <> cust_no THEN 0 ELSE payment2 END AS payment2,
CASE WHEN nextcli <> cust_no THEN SYSDATE ELSE paydate2 END AS paydate2
p.amount as payment1,
p.date_entered as paydate1,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY c.cust_no ORDER BY p.record_no ASC) AS rn,
LEAD(c.cust_no, 1, -1) OVER (ORDER BY c.cust_no ASC) as nextcli,
LEAD(p.amount, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY c.cust_no ASC) as payment2,
LEAD(p.date_entered, 1, NULL) OVER (ORDER BY c.cust_no ASC) as paydate2
FROM customer c
JOIN payments p ON p.cust_no = c.cust_no
) t
rn <= 1
ORDER BY cust_no, rn;

The analytic function ROW_NUMBER can help you give a number to each payment :
select cust_no, amount, date_entered,
row_number() over(partition by cust_no order by date_entered ) rn
from payments ;
Using this I think we can get what you're looking for, something like :
With ordered_payments as (
select cust_no, amount, date_entered,
row_number() over(partition by cust_no order by date_entered ) rn
from payments)
select customer.cust_no, p1.amount, p1.date_entered, p2.amount, p2.date_entered
from customer left join ordered_payments p1
on customer.cust_no = p1.cust_no and p1.rn = 1
left join ordered_payments p2
on customer.cust_no = p2.cust_no and p2.rn = 2 ;


How to return the cheapest price?

I have a table named sales and it has 2 columns: Sales_Id and Price. I need to retrieve the cheapest price from the table. The cheapest price is 100. However, it shows only for one Sales_ID whereas I want it to return all 3 entries with the cheapest price.
Create table sales
Sales_Id int Primary Key,
Price number(4)
insert into sales values( 1,100);
insert into sales values( 2,400);
insert into sales values( 3,100);
insert into sales values( 4,100);
select sales_id
from sales
where price = (select min(price) from sales)
One method uses rank()/dense_rank():
select s.*
from (select s.*, rank() over (order by price) as seqnum
from sales s
) s
where seqnum = 1;
select * from sales
order by price
fetch first row with ties;
(Requires Oracle 12.1 or later.)

Finding customers that only bought items no one else bought

Below is a list of orders, is there a way to find the person_id of the customers, that has only bought products no one else has bought?
SELECT product_id, person_id
( 1 , 1 ),
( 2 , 1 ),
( 2 , 2 ),
( 3 , 3 ),
( 12, 6 ),
( 10, 3 )
) AS t(product_id, person_id);
The result would be the following table:
| person_id |
| 3 |
| 6 |
Do i have to find all the people who did buy items no one else bought and create a table that doesn't include those people?
You want all the products purchased by the person to be unique.
select person_id
from (select t.*,
min(person_id) over (partition by product_id) as minp,
max(person_id) over (partition by product_id) as maxp
from t
) t
group by person_id
having sum(case when minp <> maxp then 1 else 0 end) = 0;
You are probably thinking "Huh? What does this do?".
The subquery calculates the minimum person and maximum person on each product. If these are the same, than that one person is the only purchaser.
The having then checks that there are no non-single-purchaser products for a given person.
Perhaps a more intuitive phrasing of the logic would be:
select person_id
from (select t.*,
count(distinct person_id) over (partition by product_id) as numpersons
from t
) t
group by person_id
having max(numperson) = 1;
Alas, Postgres doesn't support COUNT(DISTINCT) as a window function.
The traditional self join with boolean aggregation
select o0.person_id
orders o0
left join
orders o1 on o0.product_id = o1.product_id and o0.person_id <> o1.person_id
group by o0.person_id
having bool_and(o1.product_id is null)
The inline view which is being joined gets all the product_ids which have only one person_id. Once all product_ids are found they will be joined to the original customers table to get the person_ids. This should solve your problem!!
SELECT person_id
FROM customers c1
SELECT product_id
FROM customers
GROUP BY product_id
HAVING COUNT(person_id ) = 1
) c2
ON c1.product_id = c2.product_id;
This is Gordon's logic using aggregates only:
SELECT person_id
SELECT product_id,
-- if count = 1 it's the only customer who bought this product
min(person_id) as person_id,
-- if the combination(person_id,product_id) is unique DISTINCT can be removed
count(distinct person_id) as cnt
FROM customers
GROUP BY product_id
) AS dt
GROUP BY person_id
HAVING max(cnt) = 1 -- only unique products
Here is another solution:
with unique_products as
(select product_id
from orders
group by product_id
having count(*) = 1)
select person_id
from orders
select person_id
from orders
where not exists
(select * from unique_products where unique_products.product_id = orders.product_id)
First all the identifier of products that appear in a single order are found. Then we subtract from all the persons (in the orders) those which do not have a order with a single product (i.e. all the persons that have at least ordered a product ordered by somebody else).

Return only unique rows from a Table

I have a table with 4 columns and 7 rows.
This table contains 1 customer with the same ID same LNAME and FNAME.
Also the table has 2 customers with the same ID, but different LNAME or FNAME.
That is the sales reps input error. Ideally my table should have only 2 rows (Row with ID_pk 3 and 7)
I need to have the following result-sets from the above table:
All unique rows by all the four columns (Row with ID_pk 3 and 7). (excluding case # 3 listed below)
All duplicates by all the four columns (Row with ID_pk 3 and 8).
All duplicates by Customer_ID but with not matching LNAME and/or FNAME (Row with ID_pk 1, 2, 4 and 5) (these rows have to be sent back to sales reps for validation.)
Doing stuff this like relies heavily on nested queries, the GROUP BY clause, and the COUNT function.
Part 1 - Unique rows
This query will show you all the rows where the customer ID has matching data.
SELECT Customer_ID, Customer_FNAME, Customer_LNAME FROM dbo.customers WHERE Customer_ID IN (
SELECT DISTINCT Customer_ID, Customer_FNAME, Customer_LNAME FROM dbo.customers
GROUP BY Customer_ID, Customer_FNAME, Customer_LNAME
) Customers
GROUP BY Customer_ID
HAVING COUNT(Customer_ID) = 1
GROUP BY Customer_ID, Customer_FNAME, Customer_LNAME
Part 2 - Duplicates
This query will show you all the rows that have the same data entered more than once.
SELECT Customer_ID, Customer_FNAME, Customer_LNAME
FROM dbo.customers
GROUP BY Customer_ID, Customer_FNAME, Customer_LNAME
HAVING COUNT(Customer_ID) > 1
Part 3 - Mismatched Data
This query is basically the same as the first, just looking for a different COUNT value.
SELECT Customer_ID, Customer_FNAME, Customer_LNAME FROM dbo.customers WHERE Customer_ID IN (
SELECT DISTINCT Customer_ID, Customer_FNAME, Customer_LNAME FROM dbo.customers
GROUP BY Customer_ID, Customer_FNAME, Customer_LNAME
) Customers
GROUP BY Customer_ID
HAVING COUNT(Customer_ID) > 1
GROUP BY Customer_ID, Customer_FNAME, Customer_LNAME
You may use a CTE (Common Table expression):
;WITH checkDup AS (
FROM Table)
SELECT Customer_ID FROM checkDup
Will give you your example output.
You may manipulate the CTE to get the other results you seek.

display latest bill month

I have t_cust table and I want to display customer's latest bill month and bill amount.
I have written query but for large data it will take much time.Is there any simple
logic to find latest bill month?
create table t_cust
cust_id varchar2(3),
b_year varchar2(4),
b_month varchar2(2),
b_amount number
insert into t_cust values('ABC','2015','11',100);
insert into t_cust values('ABC','2015','12',200);
insert into t_cust values('ABC','2016','01',300);
insert into t_cust values('XYZ','2016','01',1000);
insert into t_cust values('XYZ','2016','02',2000);
insert into t_cust values('XYZ','2016','03',3000);
select cust_id,substr(to_date(b_year*100+b_month,'YYYYMM'),4)latest_bill_mth,b_amount bill_amount
from t_cust
where (cust_id,b_year*100+b_month) in (
select cust_id,max(b_year*100+b_month)
from t_cust
group by cust_id
Looks like Oracle, so simply use a ROW_NUMBER/RANK:
select ...
select ...
over (partition by t_cust
order by year desc, month desc) as rn
) dt
where rn = 1

PostgreSQL SELECT the last order per customer per date range

In PostgreSQL:
I have a Table that has 3 columns:
CustomerNum, OrderNum, OrderDate.
There may(or may not) be many orders for each customer per date range. What I am needing is the last OrderNum for each Customer that lies in the date range that is supplied.
What I have been doing is getting a ResultSet of the customers and querying each one separately, but this is taking too much time.
Is there any way of using a sub-select to select out the customers, then get the last OrderNum for each Customer?
On postgres you can also use the non-standard DISTINCT ON clause:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (CustomerNum) CustomerNum, OrderNum, OrderDate
FROM Orders
WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN 'yesterday' AND 'today'
ORDER BY CustomerNum, OrderDate DESC;
select customernum, max(ordernum)
from table
where orderdate between '...' and '...'
group by customernum
that's all.
SELECT t1.CustomerNum, t1.OrderNum As LastOrderNum, t1.LastOrderDate
FROM table1 As t1
WHERE t1.OrderDate = (SELECT MAX(t2.OrderDate)
FROM table1 t2
WHERE t1.CustomerNum = t2.CustomerNum
AND t2.OrderDate BETWEEN date1 AND date2)
AND t1.OrderDate BETWEEN date1 AND date2
Not sure about your Customer table's structure or relationships, but this should work:
SELECT Customer.Num, (
SELECT OrderNum FROM Orders WHERE CustomerNum = Customer.Num AND OrderDate BETWEEN :start AND :end ORDER BY OrderNum DESC LIMIT 1
) AS LastOrderNum
FROM Customer
If by last order number you mean the largest order number then you can just use your select as the predicate for customer num, group the results and select the maximum:
SELECT CustomerNum, MAX(OrderNum) AS LastOrderNum
FROM Orders
CustomerNum IN (SELECT CustomerNum FROM ...)
OrderDate BETWEEN :first_date AND :last_date
GROUP BY CustomerNum
If the last order number isn't necessarily the largest order number then you'll need to either find the largest order date for each customer and join it together with the rest of the orders to find the corresponding number(s):
SELECT O.CustomerNum, O.OrderNum AS LastOrderNum
(SELECT CustomerNum, MAX(OrderDate) AS OrderDate
FROM Orders
OrderDate BETWEEN :first_date AND :last_date
CustomerNum IN (SELECT CustomerNum FROM ...)
GROUP BY CustomerNum
) AS CustLatest
Orders AS O USING (CustomerNum, OrderDate);
-- generate some data
DROP TABLE tmp.orders;
CREATE TABLE tmp.orders
, payload VARCHAR
ALTER TABLE tmp.orders ADD PRIMARY KEY (id,odate);
INSERT INTO tmp.orders(id,odate,payload) VALUES
(1, '2011-10-04' , 'one' )
, (1, '2011-10-24' , 'two' )
, (1, '2011-10-25' , 'three' )
, (1, '2011-10-26' , 'four' )
, (2, '2011-10-23' , 'five' )
, (2, '2011-10-24' , 'six' )
-- CTE to the rescue ...
WITH sel AS (
SELECT * FROM tmp.orders
WHERE odate BETWEEN '2011-10-23' AND '2011-10-24'
SELECT * FROM sel s0
SELECT * FROM sel sx
AND sx.odate > s0.odate
NOTICE: ALTER TABLE / ADD PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "orders_pkey" for table "orders"
id | odate | payload
1 | 2011-10-24 | two
2 | 2011-10-24 | six
(2 rows)