Excel VBA Macro - Looping through a column of a filtered table - vba

I have a spreadsheet with a whole bunch of data (A directory of weather stations) which calculates the closest weather stations to a user entered Latitude and Longitude. This worksheet achieves this by calculating distance from the entered point, ranking those distances using SMALL() and then an excel TABLE/List with formulas perform Index(Match()) type calculations using Rankings (1 is closest, 2 is 2nd closest etc).
The worksheet whilst slow, works fairly well - and the excel Tables allow for advanced sorting of the weather station directory by various criteria (Such as length of record in years etc).
I have a VBA Macro that I was writing which used to work, but stopped working when I tried to fix it (awesome).
The purpose of the VBA Macro is to write a Google Earth KML file with the lat/long/weather station name and then to launch that file into google earth so the user can visualise the proximate stations around a set site location (the one previously entered by the user).
Unfortunately the original method I used couldn't handle the Filtered Results of the List, such that if the user filtered the results (Such that the first 4 weather stations were filtered out as an example) the macro would still write the first four weather stations that were not Visible/Were Filtered.
The problem for me is made more difficult as I wish to have only one macro for four worksheets with filter-able tables - for different data types.
At this stage the data the macro needs are stored in the Tables in identically named Table Columns: {"STATION","LONGITUDE","LATITUDE"} in different worksheets. The majority of the KML strings required to write to the KML file are stored in another hidden worksheet "KML".
The macro is launched via a button on each of these pages.
I understand that there could be a solution using ".SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)" - and I've tried extensively to get it to work with my Tables - but have had no luck so far - probably due to my lack of formal training.
Any help appreciated, be it a solution or a suggestion! Apologies for my bad code, the problem loop & broken code area is about halfway down - after 'Find all table on active sheet:
Sub KML_writer()
Dim FileName As String
Dim StrA As String
Dim NumberOfKMLs
Dim MsgBoxResponse
Dim MsgBoxTitle
Dim MsgBoxPrompt
Dim WhileCounter
Dim oSh As Worksheet
Set oSh = ActiveSheet
'Prompt the Number of Stations to Write to the KML File
NumberOfKMLs = InputBox(Prompt:="Please Enter the number of Weather Stations to generate within the Google Earth KML file", _
Title:="Number of Weather Stations", Default:="10")
'Prompt a File Name
FileName = InputBox(Prompt:="Please Enter a name for your KML File.", _
Title:="Lat Long to KML Converter", Default:="ENTER FILE NAME")
'Will clean this up to not require Write to Cell and Write to KML duplication later
Sheets("kml").Range("B3").Value = FileName
Sheets("mrg").Range("C5").Value = "Exported from EXCEL by AJK's MRG Function"
saveDir = "H:\" 'Local Drive available for all users of macro
targetfile = saveDir & FileName & ".KML"
'Write Site Location to KML STRING - user entered values from SITE LOCATION worksheet
StrA = Sheets("kml").Range("B1").Value & Sheets("kml").Range("B2").Value & "SITE LOCATION" & Sheets("kml").Range("B4").Value & Sheets("INPUT COORDINATES").Range("E5").Value & Sheets("kml").Range("B6").Value & Sheets("INPUT COORDINATES").Range("E4").Value & Sheets("kml").Range("B8").Value
'Find all tables on active sheet
Dim oLo As ListObject
For Each oLo In oSh.ListObjects
Dim lo As Excel.ListObject
Dim lr As Excel.ListRow
Set lo = oSh.ListObjects(oLo.Name)
Dim cl As Range, rng As Range
Set rng = Range(lo.ListRows(1)) 'this is where it breaks currently
For Each cl In rng2 '.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'Stop looping when NumberofKMLs is written to KML
WhileCounter = 0
Do Until WhileCounter > (NumberOfKMLs - 1)
WhileCounter = WhileCounter + 1
Dim St
Dim La
Dim Lon
'Store the lr.Range'th station data to write to the KML
St = Intersect(lr.Range, lo.ListColumns("STATION").Range).Value
La = Intersect(lr.Range, lo.ListColumns("LATITUDE").Range).Value
Lon = Intersect(lr.Range, lo.ListColumns("LONGITUDE").Range).Value
'Write St La Long & KML Strings for Chosen Stations
StrA = StrA & Sheets("kml").Range("B2").Value & St & Sheets("kml").Range("B4").Value & Lon & Sheets("kml").Range("B6").Value & La & Sheets("kml").Range("B8").Value
'Write end of KML strings to KML File
StrA = StrA & Sheets("kml").Range("B9").Value
'Open, write, close KML file
Open targetfile For Output As #1
Print #1, StrA
Close #1
'Message Box for prompting the launch of the KML file
MsgBoxTitle = ("Launch KML?")
MsgBoxPrompt = "Would you like to launch the KML File saved at " & targetfile & "?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Selecting 'No' will not prevent the file from being written."
MsgBoxResponse = MsgBox(MsgBoxPrompt, vbYesNo, MsgBoxTitle)
If MsgBoxResponse = 6 Then ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink targetfile
End Sub

Here is an example of iteration over a filtered table. This uses a ListObject table which are a little easier to work with than just a range of autofiltered cells arranged like a table, but the same general idea can be used (except you can't call on the DataBodyRange of a non-ListObject table).
Create a table:
Apply some filter(s) to it:
Notice that several rows have been hidden, and the visible rows are not necessarily contiguous, so we need to use the .Areas of the table's DataBodyRange which are visible.
As you've already surmised, you can use the .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) to do this.
Here's an example:
Sub TestFilteredTable()
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim rngTable As Range
Dim rngArea As Range
Dim rngRow As Range
Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1)
Set rngTable = tbl.DataBodyRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
' Here is the address of the table, filtered:
Debug.Print "Filtered table: " & rngTable.Address
'# Here is how you can iterate over all
' the areas in this filtered table:
For Each rngArea In rngTable.Areas
Debug.Print " Area: " & rngArea.Address
'# You will then have to iterate over the
' rows in every respective area
For Each rngRow In rngArea.Rows
Debug.Print " Row: " & rngRow.Address
End Sub
Sample output:
Filtered table: $A$2:$G$2,$A$4:$G$4,$A$6:$G$6,$A$9:$G$10
Area: $A$2:$G$2
Row: $A$2:$G$2
Area: $A$4:$G$4
Row: $A$4:$G$4
Area: $A$6:$G$6
Row: $A$6:$G$6
Area: $A$9:$G$10
Row: $A$9:$G$9
Row: $A$10:$G$10
Try and adapt this method to your problem, and if you have a specific error/issue with implementing it, let me know.
Just remember to update your original question to indicate a more specific problem :)

I had to find a record in a filtered data and change one value
Sample data
I wanted to change sales personcode to customer C00005.
First i filtered and found customer to modify.
codcliente = "C00005"
enter 'make sure that this customer exist in the checked range
Set test = CheckRng.Find(What:=codcliente, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If test Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Does not exist customer """ & codcliente & """ !")
DataSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
Else 'Customer Exists
With DataRng 'filter the customer
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=codcliente
End With
Set customer = DataRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) ´Get customer data. It is visible
customer.Cells(1, 6).Value = "NN" 'navigate to 6th column and change code
End If
enter image description here


AutoFilter method of Range class failed in VB.NET

I am trying to use some Parsing i was able to tweak a little. If I use it in straight VBA in excel, it works fine. However, when I use the same code as a module in VB.NET I get the error in the title on the line of code
(duh!) I am not sure what is going wrong in the conversion, since I am not a hardcore VB.Net programmer, so I am doing a lot of googling, but not finding much that works. Any ideas on how this could be fixed or do I have to abandon the idea of using this snippet in VB.Net?
Here is the code I am using:
'turned strict off or autofilter per http://www.pcreview.co.uk/threads/autofilter-method-of-range-class-failed.3994483/
Option Strict Off
Imports xl = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Module ParseItems
Public Sub ParseItems(ByRef fileName As String)
'Jerry Beaucaire (4/22/2010)
'Based on selected column, data is filtered to individual workbooks are named for the value plus today's date
Dim wb As xl.Workbook
Dim xlApp As xl.Application
Dim LR As Long, Itm As Long, MyCount As Long, vCol As Long
Dim ws As xl.Worksheet, MyArr As Object, vTitles As String, SvPath As String
'Set new application and make wb visible
xlApp = New xl.Application
xlApp.Visible = True
'open workbook
wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(fileName)
'Sheet with data in it
ws = wb.Sheets("Original Data")
'Path to save files into, remember the final "\"
SvPath = "G:\MC VBA test\"
'Range where titles are across top of data, as string, data MUST have titles in this row, edit to suit your titles locale
vTitles = "A1:L1"
'Choose column to evaluate from, column A = 1, B = 2, etc.
vCol = xlApp.InputBox("What column to split data by? " & vbLf & vbLf & "(A=1, B=2, C=3, etc)", "Which column?", 1, Type:=1)
If vCol = 0 Then Exit Sub
'Spot bottom row of data
LR = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, vCol).End(xl.XlDirection.xlUp).Row
'Speed up macro execution
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Get a temporary list of unique values from key column
ws.Columns(vCol).AdvancedFilter(Action:=xl.XlFilterAction.xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=ws.Range("EE1"), Unique:=True)
'Sort the temporary list
ws.Columns("EE:EE").Sort(Key1:=ws.Range("EE2"), Order1:=xl.XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Header:=xl.XlYesNoGuess.xlYes, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xl.Constants.xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xl.XlSortDataOption.xlSortNormal)
'Put list into an array for looping (values cannot be the result of formulas, must be constants)
MyArr = xlApp.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ws.Range("EE2:EE" & ws.Rows.Count).SpecialCells(xl.XlCellType.xlCellTypeConstants))
'clear temporary worksheet list
'Turn on the autofilter, one column only is all that is needed
'Loop through list one value at a time
For Itm = 1 To UBound(MyArr)
ws.Range(vTitles).AutoFilter(Field:=vCol, Criteria1:=MyArr(Itm))
ws.Range("A1:A" & LR).EntireRow.Copy()
MyCount = MyCount + ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xl.XlDirection.xlUp).Row - 1
xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(SvPath & MyArr(Itm), xl.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal)
'ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs SvPath & MyArr(Itm) & Format(Date, " MM-DD-YY") & ".xlsx", 51 'use for Excel 2007+
Next Itm
ws.AutoFilterMode = False
MsgBox("Rows with data: " & (LR - 1) & vbLf & "Rows copied to other sheets: " & MyCount & vbLf & "Hope they match!!")
xlApp.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
End Module
Looks like you need to specify at least one optional parameter. Try this:
I realize this was closed years ago, but I recently ran into this problem and wanted to add to the solution.
This seems to only work when specifically using the first optional Field parameter. I attempted this fix using the optional VisibleDropDown parameter and still got this error.
ws.Range["A1"].AutoFilter(VisibleDropDown: true); Gives error
ws.Range["A1"].AutoFilter(Field: 1); No error

Excel Transform Sub to Function

I am quite new in VBA and wrote a subroutine that copy-paste cells from one document into another one. Being more precise, I am working in document 1 where I have names of several product (all in column "A"). For these product, I need to look up certain variables (e.g. sales) in a second document.
The subroutine is doing the job quite nicely, but I want to use it as a funcion, i.e. I want to call the sub by typing in a cell "=functionname(productname)".
I am grateful for any helpful comments!
Best, Andreas
Sub copy_paste_data()
Dim strVerweis As String
Dim Spalte
Dim Zeile
Dim findezelle1 As Range
Dim findezelle2 As Range
Dim Variable
Dim Produkt
'Variable I need to copy from dokument 2
Variable = "frequency"
'Produkt I need to copy data from document 2
Produkt = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1)
'path, file and shhet of document 2
Const strPfad = "C:\Users\Desktop\test\"
Const strDatei = "Bezugsdok.xlsx"
Const strBlatt = "post_test"
'open ducument 2
Workbooks.Open strPfad & strDatei
Set findezelle = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(Variable)
Spalte = Split(findezelle.Address, "$")(1)
Set findezelle2 = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(Produkt)
Zeile = Split(findezelle2.Address, "$")(2)
'copy cell that I need
strZelle = Spalte & Zeile 'Zelladresse
strVerweis = "'" & strPfad & "[" & strDatei & "]" & strBlatt & "'!" & strZelle
'close document 2
Workbooks(strDatei).Close savechanges:=False
With ActiveCell
.Formula = "=IF(" & strVerweis & "="""",""""," & strVerweis & ")"
.Value = .Value
End With
End Sub
Here is an example to create a function that brings just the first 3 letters of a cell:
Public Function FirstThree(Cell As Range) As String
FirstThree = Left(Cell.Text, 3)
End Function
And using this in a Excel worksheet would be like:
If the sub works fine and you just want to make it easier to call you can add a hotkey to execute the Macro. In the developer tab click on Macros then Options. You can then add a shortcut key (Crtl + "the key you want" it can be a shortcut key already used like C, V, S, but you will lose those functions (Copy, Paste Save, Print)
enter image description here

formatting codes for footer not being applied and page orientation data mismatch

I have a worksheet(adHoc) where cell b28 contains
"&9 2014 YTD Financial Data for PP" & Chr(10) & " &D &T" & Chr(10) & " Version 1.0" & Chr(10) & " &F"
When I use the above to update the footer of another worksheet in a different workbook. I don't get the embedded formatting - it displays exactly what is contained in the cell b28.For example excel should see &9 and make the font 9 points.
I am also getting a datatype mismatch error with the page orientation. The contents of cell b36 is xlLandscape.
I posted a copy of this question last week on another board but did not get any answers. I hope someone here has answer.
This is the code I am using.
Sub page_setup()
Dim reportWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet
'open report workbook - name of workbook is in cell b4
Set reportWB = Workbooks.Open(Workbooks("macros.xlsm").Sheets("adHoc").Range("b4").Value)
Dim leftFooter
leftFooter = Workbooks("macros.xlsm").Sheets("adHoc").Range("b28").Value
For Each sheet In reportWB.Sheets
With sheet
.PageSetup.leftFooter = leftFooter
.PageSetup.Orientation = Workbooks("macros.xlsm").Sheets("adHoc").Range("b36").Value
End With
End Sub
Reading in your footer definitions like that they are treated as literal string, not code. You need to resolve the code to valid footer strings somehow.
For the LeftFooter string, you can use Evaluate to resolve it, but it will need to be written as if it's a Excel Formula, not VBA, so use
"&9 2014 YTD Financial Data for PP" & Char(10) & " &D &T" & Char(10) & " Version 1.0" & Char(10) & " &F"
Note the I use Char rather than Chr, the Excel formula equivalent.
For Orientation you are using a named constant, which won't work. Either put the value on your Excel sheet (2 in this case) or write your own code to resolve the name to its value
Working version (with corrected source data on sheet as descibed above)
Sub page_setup()
Dim reportWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
'open report workbook - name of workbook is in cell b4
Set wsSource = Workbooks("macros.xlsm").Sheets("adHoc")
Set reportWB = Workbooks.Open(wsSource.Range("b4").Value)
Dim leftFooter
leftFooter = wsSource.Range("b28").Value
For Each sheet In reportWB.Sheets
With sheet
.PageSetup.leftFooter = Evaluate(leftFooter)
.PageSetup.Orientation = wsSource.Range("b36").Value
End With
End Sub
To handle the constants you could add a UDF that resolves the string names to values and call that from your settings sheet
Function GetConst(s As String) As Variant
Select Case s
Case "xlLandscape"
GetConst = xlLandscape
Case "xlPortrait"
GetConst = xlPortrait
' etc
End Select
End Function
Put in cell B36 GetConst("xlLandscape") (as a string, not formula), and change your Orientation line of code to
.PageSetup.Orientation = Evaluate(wsSource.Range("b36").Value)
Add any other named constants you want to the Select Case statement.
AFAIK, there is no (straightforward) way to do what you're trying to do. When you put code in a cell, and then call that cell's value in place of actual code, what VBA is trying to run is not:
.PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape
but rather:
.PageSetup.Orientation = "xlLandscape"
which will produce the errors and behavior you're seeing.
As rule of thumb, if your VBA code needs a string (ie, something in ""), or a number, you can do that calculation on the sheet and have the code pull in the value.
For everything else (there's Mastercard) put it in the code. For example:
leftfooter = cell1.value & Chr(10) & cell2.value & Chr(10) & cell3.value
(As a side note, I'm not familiar with the formatting it seems you're trying to do in that string... Those are generally set up through things like
With sheet.PageSetup.leftFooter.
.Font.Size = 9

Button to Save Excel range of cells (not manually selected, but automatically detected) as ".csv" with same name as original ".xls" file

Here you have some information regarding my Excel file so you know better my worksheet layout:
it is a normal excel sheet (.xlsx) which starts at row 5 and has many different entries for a table.
Some of this entries are automatically calculated from a function which uses values from cells from the same row.
The document goal is to be a template, so the number of rows containing information may vary depending who is using the template.
Even though the number of rows containing information may vary the functions have to be present at all cells in a column, so whenever someone places a new entry to the table it is automatically calculated.
The formulas are all of them like this: " = if ( #cellvalue <> ""# ; #dosomething# ; #""#) ", which mainly places an empty string if no value is present in a cell, and does someting else if a value is entered.
The template will be cell protected, so only some cells would be able to be modified.
During the last days I've been trying to implement a Button for excel which does the following things on click:
Detect which rows contain table entries, but discarting the rows which contain no manually entered values and may only contain the function stated on the previous paragraph. The table always start at raw 5 but might end at row 50 or 60 or whenever the person who uses it stops to manually enter new entries to the table. It is possible that only the row 5 contains information, but it can never happen that any entry is present in the table.
Create a new ".csv" file, containing only the previously selected rows, on the same folder as the ".xlsx" file which is being used as a template. The ".csv" file name must be the same as the ".xlsx" file, but appending some information present in some specific cells (for example information present in cell A1, B1, A3, C3). The information to be appended will always be string text which will never come from a function output but from manually entered by the keypad. It could be that some of this cells contain no information (empty strings such as: "").
The button action should directly save the file in the same directory where the template is without opening a dialog to save the file. The button should also prompt a dialog in case the name being used for the ".csv" file already exists as a "filename.csv" file in the same folder. This prompted dialog should ask if you would like to overwrite the existing file with the same name with the new one.
Written without Excel on my current PC so you'll need to tinker a bit but something like this:
' Rows that contain entries:
' assuming data is in column A (i.e. col 1)
Dim rowHolderArray() as long
Dim lastRow as long
lastRow = range("A65000").End(xlUp).Row
Redim rowHolderArray(lastRow)
For x = 1 to lastRow
If cells(x,1) <> "" then rowHolderArray(x) = x
next x
2) to populate the csv, create it using the AddWorkbook method then do something like:
Dim rowCounter as long
rowCounter = 1
For x = 0 to UBound(rowHolderArray) - 1
If rowHolderArray(x) <> "" then
cells(rowCounter, 1) = rowHolderArray(x)
rowCounter = rowCounter + 1
End if
Next x
3) To save the book use Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "/" & yourWorkBook.name & ".xlsx"
Thanks to everyone, finally I could implement what I wanted. Here you have my example code so you can check it:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Boolean
Dim j As Integer
Dim currentworkbook As String
Dim currentpath As String
Dim csvfilename As String
Dim contentrange As Range
Dim researchername As String
Dim projectname As String
Dim aditional_info As String
Dim year As String
Dim month As String
Dim day As String
Dim hour As String
Dim minute As String
Dim WB As Workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' Calculate which was the last row with information
i = True
j = 12
While i
j = j + 1
If (Application.Cells(j, 2) = "") Then
i = False
j = j - 1
End If
' Copy the information I wanted to save in a .csv file
Application.Range(Application.Cells(12, 1), Application.Cells(j, 16)).Copy
' Create some variables to manage the path ant some filenames
currentworkbook = Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 5)
currentpath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
csvfilename = currentworkbook & "_"
researchername = Application.Cells(1, 2)
projectname = Application.Cells(3, 2)
aditional_info = Application.Cells(5, 2)
year = Format(Now(), "yy")
month = Format(Now(), "MM")
day = Format(Now(), "dd")
hour = Format(Now(), "Hh")
minute = Format(Now(), "Nn")
' Create a new workbook which will be filled with the information copied and then saved as a .csv file.
Set WB = Workbooks.Add
With WB
.Title = "mytitle"
.Subject = "Mysubject"
.SaveAs currentpath & "\" & csvfilename & "_" & year & "-" & month & "-" & day & "_" & hour & "h" & minute & "m_" & projectname & "_" & researchername & "_" & aditional_info, xlCSV
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

VBA Textbox value loop vlookup for number of times value is found

I am creating a table in my spreadsheet that contains categories, questions and answers for a quiz.
The user is presented with a form, allowing them to navigate around the workbook easily, this also includes a textbox option, allowing them to search for a phrase if they are unsure what category the question/answer may fall into.
I have generated a vlook up to pull from the table of categories/questions and answers to the user on a different worksheet.
I have also generated a count, so I am able to identify how many times this work appears across the quiz table.
My problem is I am struggling to develop a loop so that if the key phrase is found 6 times for example, i want 6 questions and answers to be listed to the user. Currently it is only pulling the final time it is found.
My current code includes the following:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If Len(search_text) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please enter a key word to search for!", vbCritical
End If
Dim wordCount As Integer
wordCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheet1.Range("A2:c600"), "*" & search_text.Value & "*")
'Else: wordCount = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheet1.Range("A2:c600"), search_text.Value)
If wordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No match found"
Sheet2.Range("a7").Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup("*" & search_text.Value & "*", Sheet1.Range("A2:c600"), 3, False)
Sheet2.Range("b7") = wordCount
End If
End Sub
Any advice on implementing a loop and to allow the question/answer to be printed one after another would be very much appreciated.
I have read many other question pages about this and none seem to match what I am trying to do.
Many thanks in advance
I use a combination of Find and FindNext to search through a range of cells for the term entered in the search_text input field. I added comments to my code to better help you understand what exactly is going on.
I don't know exactly what you need to do with the results when you find them, for now I just display a message box showing the match. We can work on what to actually do with the results if you want to clarify in the comments what exactly you want.
This code assumes you have a worksheet named Results
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim rngResult As Range
Dim strFirstAddress As String
Dim i As Long
If Len(search_text.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please enter a key word to search for!", _
'Stop code exeuction if no search
'term is entered
Exit Sub
End If
'Clear the previous results range
'Set i to row 2 of the results worksheet
i = 2
'Look in range A2:C600 of Sheet1
With Sheet1.Range("A2:C600")
'Perform the initial find
Set rngResult = .Find(What:=search_text.Text, LookAt:=xlPart)
'Check to ensure that the term is found
If Not rngResult Is Nothing Then
'Grab the cell address of the first match
'This will help to avoid an infinite loop
strFirstAddress = rngResult.Address
'Continue Searching
'Display the output to you
'MsgBox "Matched '" & search_text.Text & "' to " & rngResult.Value & " in cell " & rngResult.Address
'Put the result on the results page
Sheets("Results").Range("A" & i & ":C" & i).Value = Range("A" & rngResult.Row & ":C" & rngResult.Row).Value
i = i + 1
'Move on to the next result
Set rngResult = .FindNext(rngResult)
'Break out of the loop when we return to the starting point of the search
Loop While Not rngResult Is Nothing And rngResult.Address <> strFirstAddress
End If
End With
'Clean up variables
Set rngResult = Nothing
End Sub