Pandas HDF5 Select with Where on non natural-named columns - pandas

in my continuing spree of exotic pandas/HDF5 issues, I encountered the following:
I have a series of non-natural named columns (nb: because of a good reason, with negative numbers being "system" ids etc), which normally doesn't give an issue:'store_0_0', columns=['o', 'a-6', 'm-13'])
however, my select statement does fall over it:
>>>'store_0_0', columns=['o', 'a-6', 'm-13'], where=[('a-6', '=', [0, 25, 28])])
File "/srv/www/li/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/", line 1251, in _required_expr_vars
raise NameError("name ``%s`` is not defined" % var)
NameError: name ``a`` is not defined
Is there any way to work around it? I could rename my negative value from "a-1" to a "a_1" but that means reloading all of the data in my system. Which is rather much! :)
Suggestions are very welcome!

Here's a test table
In [1]: df = DataFrame({ 'a-6' : [1,2,3,np.nan] })
In [2]: df
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 NaN
In [3]: df.to_hdf('test.h5','df',mode='w',table=True)
In [5]: df.to_hdf('test.h5','df',mode='w',table=True,data_columns=True)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/ NaturalNameWarning: object name is not a valid Python identifier: 'a-6'; it does not match the pattern ``^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$``; you will not be able to use natural naming to access this object; using ``getattr()`` will still work, though
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/ NaturalNameWarning: object name is not a valid Python identifier: 'a-6_kind'; it does not match the pattern ``^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$``; you will not be able to use natural naming to access this object; using ``getattr()`` will still work, though
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/ NaturalNameWarning: object name is not a valid Python identifier: 'a-6_dtype'; it does not match the pattern ``^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$``; you will not be able to use natural naming to access this object; using ``getattr()`` will still work, though
There is a very way, but would to build this into the code itself. You can do a variable substitution on the column names as follows. Here is the existing routine (in master)
def select(self):
generate the selection
if self.condition is not None:
return self.table.table.readWhere(self.condition.format(), start=self.start, stop=self.stop)
elif self.coordinates is not None:
return self.table.table.readCoordinates(self.coordinates)
return, stop=self.stop)
If instead you do this
(Pdb) self.table.table.readWhere("(x>2.0)",
condvars={ 'x' : getattr(self.table.table.cols,'a-6')})
array([(2, 3.0)],
dtype=[('index', '<i8'), ('a-6', '<f8')])
e.g. by subsituting x with the column reference, you can get the data.
This could be done on detection of invalid column names, but is pretty tricky.
Unfortunately I would suggest renaming your columns.


How to split a column in many different columns?

I have a dataset and in one of it columns I have many values that I want to convert to new columns:
"{'availabilities': {'bikes': 4, 'stands': 28, 'mechanicalBikes': 4, 'electricalBikes': 0, 'electricalInternalBatteryBikes': 0, 'electricalRemovableBatteryBikes': 0}, 'capacity': 32}"
I tried to use str.split() and received the error because of the patterns.
'capacity']]= bikes_table_ready.totalStands.str.extract('{.}', expand=True)
ValueError: pattern contains no capture groups
Which patterns should I use to have it done?
IIUC, use ast.literal_eval with pandas.json_normalize.
With a dataframe df with two columns (id) and the column to be splitted (col), it gives this :
import ast
df["col"] = df["col"].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x.strip('"')))
out = df.join(pd.json_normalize(df.pop("col").str["availabilities"]))
# Output :
id bikes stands mechanicalBikes electricalBikes electricalInternalBatteryBikes electricalRemovableBatteryBikes
0 id001 4 28 4 0 0 0
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That being said, it seems that the data you are trying to use the method str.split() is not actually a string. Check this to find more about data types. It seems you are trying to retrieve the information from a Python List "[xxx] Or Dictionary "dicName{"Key":"value}". If that's the case, try checking this link which talks about how to use Python Lists or this which talks about dictionaries.

splitting columns with str.split() not changing the outcome

Will I have to use the str.split() for an exercise. I have a column called title and it looks like this:
and i need to split it into two columns Name and Season, the following code does not through an error but it doesn't seem to be doing anything as well when i'm testing it with df.head()
df[['Name', 'Season']] = df['title'].str.split(':',n=1, expand=True)
Any help as to why?
The code you have in your question is correct, and should be working. The issue could be coming from the execution order of your code though, if you're using Jupyter Notebook or some method that allows for unclear ordering of code execution.
I recommend starting a fresh kernel/terminal to clear all variables from the namespace, then executing those lines in order, e.g.:
# perform steps to load data in and clean
df[['Name', 'Season']] = df['title'].str.split(':',n=1, expand=True)
Alternatively you could add an assertion step in your code to ensure it's working as well:
df[['Name', 'Season']] = df['title'].str.split(':',n=1, expand=True)
assert {'Name', 'Season'}.issubset(set(df.columns)), "Columns were not added"

Python append entry KeyError problem because of missing data from the API

So, i'm trying to collect data from an API to make a dataframe. The problems is that that when i get the response in JSON some of the values are missing for some rows. That means that one row has all 10 out of 10 values and some only have 8 out of 10.
For e.g. I have such code to fill in the data from the API to then form a DataFrame:
response = r.json()
cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
l = []
for entry in response:
I get this error because in one of the rows the API didn't give a value in response:
KeyError: 'ppvz_inn'
So i'm tryng to fix it so that the cell of the DataFrame is filled with 0 or Nan if the API doesn't have a value for this specific row
l = []
for entry in response:
except KeyError:
And now i get this error:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
How to actually make it work and fill those cells with no data?
You cannot have a try-except statement in the middle of your append statement.
You could either work with if statements or first try to fix your JSON data by filling in empty values. You could also maybe use setdefault, see here some info about it.
Use collections.defaultdict. It's a subclass of dict which does not return KeyError, creating a called key instead.
You can cast your existing dict to defaultdict using unpacking.
for entry in response:
entry_defaultdict = defaultdict(list, **entry)
In this case, every call to non-existing object will create an empty list as a value of the key.

Spark Dataframe sql in java - How to escape single quote

I'm using spark-core, spark-sql, Spark-hive 2.10(1.6.1), scala-reflect 2.11.2. I'm trying to filter a dataframe created through hive context...
df = hiveCtx.createDataFrame(someRDDRow,
One of the column that I'm trying to filter has multiple single quotes in it. My filter query will be something similar to
df = df.filter("not (someOtherColumn= 'someOtherValue' and comment= 'That's Dany's Reply'"));
In my java class where this filter occurs, I tried to replace the String variable for e.g commentValueToFilterOut, which contains the value "That's Dany's Reply" with
commentValueToFilterOut= commentValueToFilterOut.replaceAll("'","\\\\'");
But when apply the filter to the dataframe I'm getting the below error...
java.lang.RuntimeException: [1.103] failure: ``)'' expected but identifier
s found
not (someOtherColumn= 'someOtherValue' and comment= 'That\'s Dany\'s Reply'' )
Please advise...
We implemented a workaround to overcome this issue.
Create a new column in the dataframe and copy the values from the actual column (which contains special characters in it, that may cause issues (like singe quote)), to the new column without any special characters.
df = df.withColumn("comment_new", functions.regexp_replace(df.col("comment"),"'",""));
Trim out the special characters from the condition and apply the filter.
commentToFilter = "That's Dany's Reply'"
commentToFilter = commentToFilter.replaceAll("'","");
df = df.filter("(someOtherColumn= 'someOtherValue' and comment_new= '"+commentToFilter+"')");
Now, the filter has been applied, you can drop the new column that you created for the sole purpose of filtering and restore it to the original dataframe.
df = df.drop("comment_new");
If you dont wnat to create a new column in the dataframe, you can also replace the special character with some "never-happen" string literal in the same column, for e.g
df = df.withColumn("comment", functions.regexp_replace(df.col("comment"),"'","^^^^"));
and do the same with the string literal that you want to apply against
comment_new commentToFilter = "That's Dany's Reply'"
commentToFilter = commentToFilter.replaceAll("'","^^^^");
df = df.filter("(someOtherColumn= 'someOtherValue' and comment_new= '"+commentToFilter+"')");
Once filtering is done restore the actual value by reverse-applying the string litteral
df = df.withColumn("comment", functions.regexp_replace(df.col("comment"),"^^^^", "'"));
Though It's not answer the actual issue, but someone having the same issue, can try this out as a workaround.
The actual solution could be, use sqlContext (instead of hiveContext) and / or Dataset (instead of dataframe) and / or upgrade to spark hive 2.12.
experts to debate & answer
PS: Thanks to KP, my lead

How to stop Jupyter outputting truncated results when using pd.Series.value_counts()?

I have a DataFrame and I want to display the frequencies for certain values in a certain Series using pd.Series.value_counts().
The problem is that I only see truncated results in the output. I'm coding in Jupyter Notebook.
I have tried unsuccessfully a couple of methods:
df = pd.DataFrame(...) # assume df is a DataFrame with many columns and rows
# 1st method
# 2nd method
# 3rd method
vals = df.col1.value_counts()
vals # neither print(vals) doesn't work
# All output something like this
value1 100000
value2 10000
value1000 1
Currently this is what I'm using, but it's quite cumbersome:
# etc.
Also, I have read this related Stack Overflow question, but haven't found it helpful.
So how to stop outputting truncated results?
If you want to print all rows:
pd.options.display.max_rows = 1000
If you want to print all rows only once:
with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", 1000):
Relevant documentation here.
I think you need option_context and set to some large number, e.g. 999. Advatage of solution is:
option_context context manager has been exposed through the top-level API, allowing you to execute code with given option values. Option values are restored automatically when you exit the with block.
#temporaly display 999 rows
with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 999):
print (df.col1.value_counts())