Converting a string variable from Binary to Decimal in Objective C - objective-c

Im trying to create a Binary to Decimal calculator and I am having trouble doing any sort of conversion that will actually work. First off Id like to introduce myself as a complete novice to objective c and to programming in general. As a result many concepts will appear difficult to me, so I am mostly looking for the easiest way to understand and not the most efficient way of doing this.
I have at the moment a calculator that will accept input and display this in a label. This part is working fine and I have no issues with it. The variable that the input is stored on is _display = [[NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:20] retain];
this is working perfectly and I am able to modify the data accordingly. What I would like to do is to be able to display an NSString of the conversion in another label. At the moment I have tried a few solutions and have not had any decent results, this is the latest attempt
- (NSMutableString *)displayValue2:(long long)element
_str= [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:#""];
if(element > 0){
for(NSInteger numberCopy = element; numberCopy > 0; numberCopy >>= 1)
[_str insertString:((numberCopy & 1) ? #"1" : #"0") atIndex:0];
else if(element == 0)
[_str insertString:#"0" atIndex:0];
element = element * (-1);
_str = [self displayValue2:element];
[_str insertString:#"0" atIndex:0];
NSLog(#"Prima for: %#",_str);
for(int i=0; i<[_str length];i++)
_str = _display;
NSLog(#"Dopo for: %#",_str);
return _str;
Within my View Controller I have a convert button setup, when this is pressed I want to set the second display field to the decimal equivalent. This is working as if I set displayValue2 to return a string of my choosing it works. All I need is help getting this conversion to work. At the moment this bit of code has led to "incomplete implementation" being displayed at the to of my class. Please help, and cheers to those who take time out to help.

So basically all you are really looking for is a way to convert binary numbers into decimal numbers, correct? Another way to think of this problem is changing a number's base from base 2 to base 10. I have used functions like this before in my projects:
+ (NSNumber *)convertBinaryStringToDecimalNumber:(NSString *)binaryString {
NSUInteger totalValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < binaryString.length; i++) {
totalValue += (int)([binaryString characterAtIndex:(binaryString.length - 1 - i)] - 48) * pow(2, i);
return #(totalValue);
Obviously this is accessing the binary as a string representation. This works well since you can easily access each value over a number which is more difficult. You could also easily change the return type from an NSNumber to some string literal. This also works for your element == 0 scenario.
// original number wrapped as a string
NSString *stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", 11001];
// convert the value and get an NSNumber back
NSNumber *result = [self.class convertBinaryStringToDecinalNumber:stringValue];
// prints 25
NSLog(#"%#", result);
If I misunderstood something please clarify, if you do not understand the code let me know. Also, this may not be the most efficient but it is simple and clean.
I also strongly agree with Hot Licks comment. If you are truly interested in learning well and want to be an developed programmer there are a few basics you should be learning first (I learned with Java and am glad that I did).


Comparing string to a character of another string?

Here's my program so far. My intention is to have it so the if statement compares the letter in the string letterGuessed to a character in the string userInputPhraseString. Here's what I have. While coding in xCode, I get an "expected '['"error. I have no idea why.
NSString *letterGuessed = userInputGuessedLetter.text;
NSString *userInputPhraseString = userInputPhraseString.text;
int loopCounter = 0;
int stringLength = userInputPhraseString.length;
while (loopCounter < stringLength){
if (guessedLetter isEqualToString:[userInputPhraseString characterAtIndex:loopIndexTwo])
//if statement true
You are missing enclosing square brackets on this line:
if (guessedLetter isEqualToString:[userInputPhraseString characterAtIndex:loopIndexTwo])
It should be:
if ([guessedLetter isEqualToString:[userInputPhraseString characterAtIndex:loopIndexTwo]])
Edit that won’t fix your problem, though, because characterAtIndex: returns a unichar, not an NSString.
It's not clear what you are trying to do.. But I suppose that letterGuessed has one character... And that userInputPhraseString has many characters. So you want to know if letterGuessed is inside userInputPhraseString correct?
This is one solution without loops involved.. I replaced the input with fixed values for testing and tested the code.. It works.
NSString *letterGuessed = #"A"; //Change to your inputs
NSString *userInputPhraseString = #"BBBA"; //Since it has A it will be true in the test
NSCharacterSet *cset = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:letterGuessed];
NSRange range = [userInputPhraseString rangeOfCharacterFromSet:cset];
if (range.location != NSNotFound) { //Does letterGuessed is in UserInputPhraseString?
NSLog(#"YES"); //userInput Does contain A...
} else {
In regards to your code... I fixed a couple of errors, first you are trying to get a UniChar (Integer) value for the character and want to compare it to a NSString which is an Object. Also fixed a couple of issues with syntax you had and used the right approach which is to return a range of characters. Again for doing what you want to accomplish the example above is the best approach I know, but for the sake of learning, here is your code fixed.
NSString *letterGuessed = #"A"; //Change to your inputs
NSString *userInputPhraseString = #"BBBA"; //Since it has A it will be true in the test
NSInteger loopCounter = 0; //Use NSInteger instead of int.
NSInteger stringLength = userInputPhraseString.length;
BOOL foundChar = NO; //Just for the sake of returning NOT FOUND in NSLOG
while (loopCounter < stringLength){
//Here we will get a letter for each iteration.
NSString *scannedLetter = [userInputPhraseString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(loopCounter, 1)]; // Removed loopCounterTwo
if ([scannedLetter isEqualToString:letterGuessed])
foundChar = YES;
if (!foundChar) NSLog(#"NOT FOUND");
NSRange holds the position, length.. So we move to a new position on every iteration and then get 1 character.
Also if this approach is what you want, I would strongly suggest a for-loop.

Comparing a string in a NSMutableArray to a NSString

I'm very new to objective-c and this question may seem very simple so I am sorry if it is. I think I know how to get a user to input a string in C and comparing that to a string in an array by using strcmp. For instance (not sure if code is right as I'm not very good at c either)
char *arr[2];
arr[0] = "hello";
arr[1] = "goodbye";
char myString[10];
printf("enter greeting\n");
if(strcmp(myString,arr[0]) == 0 )
printf("hello to you to");
if(strcmp(myString,arr[1]) == 0 )
printf("goodbye then");
But I'm trying to do the same thing with NSMutableArrays and NSStrings. So far it goes:
NSMutableArray *myStringArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[myStringArray addObject:#"hello"];
[myStringArray addObject:#"goodbye"];
char greetingStr[40];
printf("enter greeting\n");
scanf("%s", greetingStr);
NSString *greeting = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:greetingStr];
//Some method to compare the strings
I was wondering what the code is the compare NSString with objects in NSMutableArrays. Sorry if it was badly explained but I am very new to programming and please keep any answers quite simple as I'm still very new to this. Thank you in advance.
"Some method to compare the strings" is:
isEqualToString:, if you're only interested in equality of strings;
compare:, if you also want to get information about their lexicographical ordering.

NSString comparing

I am searching for an algorithm where I can compare two strings and read out the failers.
I know the normal code to compare two strings but this isn't enough.
NSString *userinput = #"xaplseiPhonr";// (Input from the user)
NSString *correct =#"apple iphone";
In the next step i would check this strings and put out the failers for this example: x,l,s, ,r = 5 failers
I tested many things, saved the two strings in an array with two for-loops and compared it but something is wrong, the hardest thing is if the word has 2 letters that are the same. Or if you have no dynamic index search then are the whole letters after the "l" or the missing space in the userinput false, and so on.
So, It would be nice if anyone has fine code for me
edit: code to compare, but this doesn't work if you missed a letter or space.
for (int i = 0; i < [originalWordLetters count]; i++)
NSString *originalLetter = [originalWordLetters objectAtIndex:i];
//NSLog(#"%i: %#", d, originalLetter);
BOOL letterFound = FALSE;
while (letterFound == FALSE && d < [userWordLetters count])
if ([originalLetter caseInsensitiveCompare:[userWordLetters objectAtIndex:d]] == NSOrderedSame)
//NSLog(#"letter %i correct", d+1);
letterFound = TRUE;
//NSLog(#"letter %i false", d+1);
I have a working algorithm where you can compare two strings. And put out the mistakes
I've uploaded the sample project to GitHub:
NSString compareTwoStrings: algorithm outputs the mistakes
What you want to do is compute the Damerau-Levenshtein distance between two strings. Here is an open source implementation for NSString: GitHub JanX2/NSString-DamerauLevenshtein
You can use NSScanner to do this.

interacting with UIViews stored inside a NSMutableArray

a big noob needs help understanding things.
I have three UIViews stored inside a NSMutableArray
lanes = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:3] retain];
- (void)registerLane:(Lane*)lane {
NSLog (#"registering lane:%i",lane);
[lanes addObject:lane];
in the NSLog I see: registering lane:89183264
The value displayed in the NSLog (89183264) is what I am after.
I'd like to be able to save that number in a variable to be able to reuse it elsewhere in the code.
The closest I could come up with was this:
NSString *lane0 = [lanes objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *description0 = [lane0 description];
NSLog (#"description0:%#",description0);
The problem is that description0 gets the whole UIView object, not just the single number (dec 89183264 is hex 0x550d420)
description0's content:
description0:<Lane: 0x550d420; frame = (127 0; 66 460); alpha = 0.5; opaque = NO; autoresize = RM+BM; tag = 2; layer = <CALayer: 0x550d350>>
what I don't get is why I get the correct decimal value with with NSLog so easily, but seem to be unable to get it out of the NSMutableArray any other way. I am sure I am missing some "basic knowledge" here, and I would appreciate if someone could take the time and explain what's going on here so I can finally move on. it's been a long day studying.
why can't I save the 89183264 number easily with something like:
NSInteger * mylane =;
NSInteger * mylane = lane;
thank you all
I'm really confused as to why you want to save the memory location of the view? Because that's what your '89183264' number is. It's the location of the pointer. When you are calling:
NSLog (#"registering lane:%i",lane); you get what's actually being printed out there? What the number that's being printed means?
It seems like a really bad idea, especially when if you're subclassing UIView you've already got a lovely .tag property which you can assign an int of your choosing.
You're making life infinitely more complex than it needs to be. Just use a pointer. Say I have an array containing lots of UIViews:
UIView *viewToCompare = [myArray objectAtIndex:3];
for (id object in myArray) {
if (object == viewToCompare) {
NSLog(#"Found it!");
That does what you're trying to do - it compares two pointers - and doesn't need any faffing around with ints, etc.

Weird cocoa bug?

Hey folks, beneath is a piece of code i used for a school assignment.
Whenever I enter a word, with an O in it (which is a capital o), it fails!
Whenever there is one or more capital O's in this program, it returns false and logs : sentence not a palindrome.
A palindrome, for the people that dont know what a palindrome is, is a word that is the same read left from right, and backwards. (e.g. lol, kayak, reviver etc)
I found this bug when trying to check the 'oldest' palindrome ever found: SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS.
When I change all the capital o's to lowercase o's, it works, and returns true.
Let me state clearly, with this piece of code ALL sentences/words with capital O's return false. A single capital o is enough to fail this program.
-(BOOL)testForPalindrome:(NSString *)s position:(NSInteger)pos {
NSString *string = s;
NSInteger position = pos;
NSInteger stringLength = [string length];
NSString *charOne = [string substringFromIndex:position];
charOne = [charOne substringToIndex:1];
NSString *charTwo = [string substringFromIndex:(stringLength - 1 - position)];
charTwo = [charTwo substringToIndex:1];
if(position > (stringLength / 2)) {
NSString *printableString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"De following word or sentence is a palindrome: \n\n%#", string];
NSLog(#"%# is a palindrome.", string);
[textField setStringValue:printableString];
return YES;
if(charOne != charTwo) {
NSLog(#"%#, %#", charOne, charTwo);
NSLog(#"%i", position);
NSLog(#"%# is not a palindrome.", string);
return NO;
return [self testForPalindrome:string position:position+1];
So, is this some weird bug in Cocoa?
Or am I missing something?
This of course is not a bug in Cocoa, as you probably knew deep down inside.
Your compare method is causing this 'bug in Cocoa', you're comparing the addresses of charOne and charTwo. Instead you should compare the contents of the string with the isEqualToString message.
if(![charOne isEqualToString:charTwo]) {
Instead of:
if(charOne != charTwo) {
Edit: tested it in a test project and can confirm this is the problem.
Don't use charOne != charTwo
Instead use one of the NSString Compare Methods.
if ([charOne caseInsensitiveCompare:charTwo] != NSOrderedSame)
It may also have to do with localization (but I doubt it).