Is it possible to subclass NSSavePanel? - objective-c

I am wondering if there is a way to subclass NSSavePanel. Or if you were to create a dummy object, how would you mimic the beginSheetModalForWindow:CompletionHandler function of NSSavePanel?
-(void)beginSheetModalForWindow:(NSWindow *)window completionHandler:(void (^)(NSInteger *))handler{
I am blanking out on how to implement the block handler when implementing the function in the .m class file.

Short Answer: No
Longer Answer: Here Be Dragons
It is possible but stuff will probably break. You can also add methods using a category and they might work, or they might not. The problems arise due to the way NSOpenPanel is implemented to support the App Sandbox - various chicanery is going on behind the scenes and even convenience category methods which just call existing methods on the class can result in errors being reported by OS X and dialogs not to appear. NSOpenPanel is a delicate creature that should be touched as little as possible and only ever with great care.
Wrapping an NSOpenPanel instance in another class is a different story and should not upset it at all. Go that route.
Addendum re: Comment
The declaration of beginSheetModalForWindow is:
- (void)beginSheetModalForWindow:(NSWindow *)window completionHandler:(void (^)(NSInteger result))handler
The completion handler gets passed a value indicating which button was pressed. To take action dependant on that you can use a standard if:
NSOpenPanel *openPanel;
NSWindow *hostWindow;
[openPanel beginSheetModalForWindow:hostWindow
completionHandler:^(NSInteger returnCode)
if (returnCode == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton)
// OK pressed
// Cancel pressed


Delegate gets called but the calling viewcontroller is released

Probably a noob question, but I cannot seem to get it right at the moment. I am working on an app where I have an Actionsheet for the confirmation of some basic things. However after the delegate is called for that Actionsheet my initial calling object is released (or not initiated).
In the delegate method I then want to call a method on that object but it just not do anything from that point.
The self.inviteSponsorsFromVC is not initiated anymore in this scenario and I want to call the saveSponsorWithEmail method from it. I cannot just reinitiate it, as the object had some objects in it, it has to use.
Everything works correctly if I just remove the actionsheet and call the saveSponsorWithEmail method directly without using a delegate.
This is my delegate method:
- (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
//Get the name of the current pressed button
NSString *buttonTitle = [actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex];
if ([buttonTitle isEqualToString:NSLocalizedString(#"Send invitation", nil)]) {
ContactFromAddressBook *contactFromAddressBook = [self.tableData objectAtIndex:selectedIndex.row];
[self.inviteSponsorsFromVC andName:contactFromAddressBook.fullName];
if ([buttonTitle isEqualToString:NSLocalizedString(#"Cancel", nil)]) {
NSLog(#"Cancel pressed --> Cancel ActionSheet");
My guess is that at in the delegate method the content of self.inviteSponsorsFromVC is nil. In Objective-C, when you send a message to nil the message is simply ignored (unlike C++, for instance, where you get a crash when you call a method on a NULL object).
As an experiment you can try either one of these:
If you use ARC, make the property self.inviteSponsorsFromVC a strong reference
If you don't use ARC, say [self.inviteSponsorsFromVC retain] at some point before you display the action sheet
Either way, what you need to do is to make sure that the object in self.inviteSponsorsFromVC is not deallocated before you invoke a method in it.
EDIT after your comment
The property declaration is good, it's got the strong attribute on it. In your InviteSponsorsFrom class, try to add a dealloc method and set a breakpoint there to see if the object is deallocated, and where the call comes from.
- (void) dealloc
[super dealloc];
Also make sure that an instance of InviteSponsorsFrom is created in the first place. I assume you have an initializer somewhere in that class where you can set a breakpoint and/or add an NSLog statement to make sure that the instance is created.

How do I handle a button tap according to Clean Code principles?

I have the following, seemingly simple piece of code handling button taps in an iOS application:
- (IBAction)tapKeypadButton:(UIButton *)sender {
NSString *buttonLabel = sender.titleLabel.text;
if ([buttonLabel isEqualToString:#"<"]) {
[self _tapBackButton];
} else {
[self _tapDigitButton:buttonLabel];
To completely follow the Clean Code principles by Robert C. Martin, would I need a ButtonTapFactory or something in the same line?
You have two types of buttons, with different behaviors (back button and digit button). To make this code clean, you should have two actions for each type. The type should not be determined by the contents of the text inside the button, but through a semantically meaningful way. (i.e. subclass).
Further, an action method should only contain a call to another method that does the actual logic. Everything else is not testable. In code:
- (IBAction) tapBackButton:(id) sender
[self _tapBackButton:sender];
- (IBAction) tapDigitButton:(id) sender
[self _tapDigitButton:sender];
This way you can have unit tests calling your methods without your UI code interfering. Please also note that I removed the label from the call to _tapDigitButton. The digit should not be parsed from the label, but be passed in a more semantically stable way, for example using the tag property.

NSTextField autocompletion delegate method not called

I implemented the following delegate method for NSTextField to add autocompletion support:
- (NSArray *)control:(NSControl *)control
textView:(NSTextView *)textView
completions:(NSArray *)words
indexOfSelectedItem:(NSInteger *)index
The issue is that this method never gets called. I can verify that the delegate of the NSTextField is set properly because the other delegate methods function as they should.
You'll need to get complete: called on the text field's field editor at some point. That's what triggers the completions menu, but it doesn't get called automatically. If you don't have F5 bound to anything, try typing in your field and hit that. Completion should trigger then; Option-Esc may also work.
If you want auto completion, it takes some work. You could start with something like this:
- (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)note {
if( amDoingAutoComplete ){
} else {
amDoingAutoComplete = YES;
[[[note userInfo] objectForKey:#"NSFieldEditor"] complete:nil];
Some kind of flag is necessary because triggering completion will make NSControlTextDidChangeNotification be posted again, which causes this to be called, triggering completion, which changes the control text, which...
Obviously, you'll need to unset the flag at some point. This will depend on how you want to handle the user's interaction with autocompletion -- is there likely to only be one completion for a given start string, or will the user need to keep typing to narrow down possibilities (in which case you'll need to trigger autocompletion again)?
A simple flag might not quite do it, either; it seems that although the notification is re-posted, the field editor's string won't have changed -- it will only change in response to direct keyboard input. In my implementation of autocomplete, I found that I had to keep a copy of the "last typed string" and compare that each time to the field editor's contents.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS invoking a block

UPDATE | I've uploaded a sample project using the panel and crashing here: (I know the "Choose..." button does nothing, I've not implemented it yet).
UPDATE 2 | Just discovered I don't even have to invoke anything on newFilePanel in order to cause a crash, I merely need to use it in a statement.
This also causes a crash:
[newFilePanel beginSheetModalForWindow:[windowController window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
newFilePanel; // Do nothing, just use the variable in an expression
It appears the last thing dumped to the console is sometimes this: "Unable to disassemble dyld_stub_objc_msgSend_stret.", and sometimes this: "Cannot access memory at address 0xa".
I've created my own sheet (an NSPanel subclass), that tries to provide an API similar to NSOpenPanel/NSSavePanel, in that it presents itself as a sheet and invokes a block when done.
Here's the interface:
// EDNewFilePanel.h
// MojiBaker
// Created by Chris Corbyn on 29/12/10.
// Copyright 2010 Chris Corbyn. All rights reserved.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#class EDNewFilePanel;
#interface EDNewFilePanel : NSPanel <NSTextFieldDelegate> {
BOOL allowsRelativePaths;
NSTextField *filenameInput;
NSButton *relativePathSwitch;
NSTextField *localPathLabel;
NSTextField *localPathInput;
NSButton *chooseButton;
NSButton *createButton;
NSButton *cancelButton;
#property (nonatomic) BOOL allowsRelativePaths;
+(EDNewFilePanel *)newFilePanel;
-(void)beginSheetModalForWindow:(NSWindow *)aWindow completionHandler:(void (^)(NSInteger result))handler;
-(void)setFileName:(NSString *)fileName;
-(NSString *)fileName;
-(void)setLocalPath:(NSString *)localPath;
-(NSString *)localPath;
And the key methods inside the implementation:
-(void)beginSheetModalForWindow:(NSWindow *)aWindow completionHandler:(void (^)(NSInteger result))handler {
[NSApp beginSheet:self
contextInfo:(void *)[handler retain]];
-(void)dismissSheet:(id)sender {
[NSApp endSheet:self returnCode:([sender tag] == 1) ? NSOKButton : NSCancelButton];
-(void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)aSheet returnCode:(NSInteger)result contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo {
((void (^)(NSUInteger result))contextInfo)(result);
[self orderOut:self];
[(void (^)(NSUInteger result))contextInfo release];
This all works provided my block is just a no-op with an empty body. My block in invoked when the sheet is dismissed.
EDNewFilePanel *newFilePanel = [EDNewFilePanel newFilePanel];
[newFilePanel setAllowsRelativePaths:[self hasSelectedItems]];
[newFilePanel setLocalPath:#"~/"];
[newFilePanel beginSheetModalForWindow:[windowController window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
NSLog(#"I got invoked!");
But as soon as I try to access the panel from inside the block, I crash with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. For example, this crashes:
EDNewFilePanel *newFilePanel = [EDNewFilePanel newFilePanel];
[newFilePanel setAllowsRelativePaths:[self hasSelectedItems]];
[newFilePanel setLocalPath:#"~/"];
[newFilePanel beginSheetModalForWindow:[windowController window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
NSLog(#"I got invoked and the panel is %#!", newFilePanel);
It's not clear from the debugger with the cause is. The first item (zero 0) on the stack just says "??" and there's nothing listed.
The next items (1 and 2) in the stack are the calls to -endSheet:returnCode: and -dismissSheet: respectively. Looking through the variables in the debugger, nothing seems amiss/out of scope.
I had thought that maybe the panel had been released (since it's autoreleased), yet even calling -retain on it right after creating it doesn't help.
Am I implementing this wrong?
It's a little odd for you to retain a parameter in one method and release it in another, when that object is not an instance variable.
I would recommend making the completionHandler bit of your beginSheet stuff an instance variable. It's not like you'd be able to display the sheet more than once at a time anyway, and it would be cleaner this way.
Also, your EXC_BAD_ACCESS is most likely coming from the [handler retain] call in your beginSheet: method. You're probably invoking this method with something like (for brevity):
[myObject doThingWithCompletionHandler:^{ NSLog(#"done!"); }];
If that's the case, you must -copy the block instead of retaining it. The block, as typed above, lives on the stack. However, if that stack frame is popped off the execution stack, then that block is gone. poof Any attempt to access the block later will result in a crash, because you're trying to execute code that no longer exists and has been replaced by garbage. As such, you must invoke copy on the block to move it to the heap, where it can live beyond the lifetime of the stack frame in which it was created.
Try defining your EDNewFilePanel with the __block modifier:
__block EDNewFilePanel *newFilePanel = [EDNewFilePanel newFilePanel];
This should retain the object when the block is called, which may be after the Panel object is released. As an unrelated side-effect, this will make also make it mutable within the block scope.

GUI Update Synch Issues

I am writing a program that displays to a console-like UITextView different events generated by my AudioSession and AudioQueues. For instance, when I detect that my audio route has changed, I just want a quickie message displayed on the screen on my iPhone that this happened. Unfortunately, I believe I am getting into some race condition nastiness, and I'm not sure what the best solution to solve this is.
When I run my program, my debug console spits this out:
bool _WebTryThreadLock(bool), 0x1349a0: Tried to obtain the web lock from a thread other than the main thread or the web thread. This may be a result of calling to UIKit from a secondary thread. Crashing now...
This happens on a line of code:
textView.text = string;
I tried this:
[textView performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(setText:) withObject:string waitForDone:YES];
And this seemed to have fixed it, but I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be doing something like this to get it to work. Unfortunately, this doesn't work with [UITextView scrollVisibleWithRange:] since this takes an NSRange, which isn't a descendant of NSObject. I think what I am doing is fundamentally wrong.
This code is called from an interruption listener, which runs from the audio queue's thread. Is there something that I should be doing that will make my updates to my textview blocking so I'm not getting this problem?
You are allowed to do anything about the view only from main thread, you did the right thing.
If it requires more parameters or primitive you may need a proxy function.
This is how I make a proxy function
// the caller should be like this
UTMainThreadOperationTextViewScroll *opr = [[UTMainThreadOperationTextViewScroll alloc] init];
opr.textView = textView;
opr.range = NSMakeRange(5, 10);
[UTMainThread performOperationInMainThread:opr];
[opr release];
// the Utility classes goes below
#interface UTMainThreadOperation : NSObject
- (void)executeOperation;
#implementation UTMainThread
+ (void)performOperationInMainThread:(UTMainThreadOperation *)operaion
[operaion performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(executeOperation) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
#implementation UTMainThreadOperationTextViewScroll
#synthesize textView;
#synthesize range;
- (void)dealloc { /* I'm too lazy to post it here */ }
- (void)executeOperation
[textView scrollVisibleWithRange:range];
PS. some declarations omitted