Misunderstanding of a sentence in "UML Reference Manual" book (Booch, Rumbaugh, Jacobson) - oop

Recently, i go back to read some parts of the "UML Reference Manual" book, second edition (obviously by: Booch, Rumbaugh, Jacobson).
(see: http://www.amazon.com/Unified-Modeling-Language-Reference-Manual/dp/020130998X)
Meanwhile, i have found these "strange" words in the first chapiter "UML overview" at "Complexity of UML" section:
There is far too much use of generalization at the expense of essential distinctions. The myth that inheritance is always good has been a curse of object orientation from earliest days.
I can't see how this sentence can be fully in line with Object Oriented Paradigm which states that inheritance is a fundamental principle.
Any idea/help please?

You seem to believe the two points are mutually exclusive. They are not. Inheritance is a fundamental and powerful principle of object-oriented programming, and it is overused.
It is overused typically by inexperienced developers who are so captivated with the idea of inheritance that they are more focused on the inheritance tree than solving the problem. They try to factor out as much code as possible to some parent base class so they can just reuse it throughout the tree, and as a result they have a brittle design.
One of the greatest evils of software engineering is tight coupling between classes. That's the sort of thing that causes you to have to work through the weekend after the customer asks for a simple change. Why? Because making a change in one class has an effect on another class, and fixing that class has an effect on another, and so on.
Well, there is no tighter coupling than inheritance.
When you factor too much out to the "top level," every derived class is coupled to it. And as you find more and more code you want to factor out to various levels, you eventually have these deep trees, and every change made at the top cascades throughout the tree. As a result, you start to have methods that return null or are empty. They're unnecessary for the class, but the inheritance contract demands they be there. This violates the Liskov Substitution Principle.
So use inheritance of course. But do it smartly. Favor delegation to inheritance if you have any doubt. And when you do use inheritance, make sure you aren't factoring commonalities to the top level (of the whole tree or a subtree) just to reuse common code, but rather do so because there is a commonality of behavior from top to bottom.
If your tree is more than two or three levels deep (and I think three is really pushing it), you are almost certainly setting yourself up for trouble.

Everything is good in moderation. Remember that the quote is not saying do not use it, or avoid, etc. Rather it is saying it is an overused principal when other OO abstractions or principals work better. Inheritance is powerful but it's coupling is tight.
Wisely or rather randomly the author of the UML book is saying pointing out this current truism that inheritance is often over-used and over-referenced. What about all the other principals and abstractions. I find that developers typically only hit the OO highlights (inheritance being one) and use that abstraction to excess.
For me in UML it is a good reminder that UML is OO generally, but it is not limited to Java or .Net OO features. Many languages only offer of the abstractions available across all languages. UML attempts to help you model and express many of them.
Remember the author only said 'too much use', not bad or incorrect. Also remember that maybe you are an expert developer who does not apply inheritance incorrectly.


"Many functions operating upon few abstractions" principle vs OOP

The creator of the Clojure language claims that "open, and large, set of functions operate upon an open, and small, set of extensible abstractions is the key to algorithmic reuse and library interoperability". Obviously it contradicts the typical OOP approach where you create a lot of abstractions (classes) and a relatively small set of functions operating on them. Please suggest a book, a chapter in a book, an article, or your personal experience that elaborate on the topics:
motivating examples of problems that appear in OOP and how using "many functions upon few abstractions" would address them
how to effectively do MFUFA* design
how to refactor OOP code towards MFUFA
how OOP languages' syntax gets in the way of MFUFA
*MFUFA: "many functions upon few abstractions"
There are two main notions of "abstraction" in programming:
parameterisation ("polymorphism", genericity).
encapsulation (data hiding),
[Edit: These two are duals. The first is client-side abstraction, the second implementer-side abstraction (and in case you care about these things: in terms of formal logic or type theory, they correspond to universal and existential quantification, respectively).]
In OO, the class is the kitchen sink feature for achieving both kinds of abstraction.
Ad (1), for almost every "pattern" you need to define a custom class (or several). In functional programming on the other hand, you often have more lightweight and direct methods to achieve the same goals, in particular, functions and tuples. It is often pointed out that most of the "design patterns" from the GoF are redundant in FP, for example.
Ad (2), encapsulation is needed a little bit less often if you don't have mutable state lingering around everywhere that you need to keep in check. You still build ADTs in FP, but they tend to be simpler and more generic, and hence you need fewer of them.
When you write program in object-oriented style, you make emphasis on expressing domain area in terms of data types. And at first glance this looks like a good idea - if we work with users, why not to have a class User? And if users sell and buy cars, why not to have class Car? This way we can easily maintain data and control flow - it just reflects order of events in the real world. While this is quite convenient for domain objects, for many internal objects (i.e. objects that do not reflect anything from real world, but occur only in program logic) it is not so good. Maybe the best example is a number of collection types in Java. In Java (and many other OOP languages) there are both arrays, Lists. In JDBC there's ResultSet which is also kind of collection, but doesn't implement Collection interface. For input you will often use InputStream that provides interface for sequential access to the data - just like linked list! However it doesn't implement any kind of collection interface as well. Thus, if your code works with database and uses ResultSet it will be harder to refactor it for text files and InputStream.
MFUFA principle teaches us to pay less attention to type definition and more to common abstractions. For this reason Clojure introduces single abstraction for all mentioned types - sequence. Any iterable is automatically coerced to sequence, streams are just lazy lists and result set may be transformed to one of previous types easily.
Another example is using PersistentMap interface for structs and records. With such common interfaces it becomes very easy to create resusable subroutines and do not spend lots of time to refactoring.
To summarize and answer your questions:
One simple example of an issue that appears in OOP frequently: reading data from many different sources (e.g. DB, file, network, etc.) and processing it in the same way.
To make good MFUFA design try to make abstractions as common as possible and avoid ad-hoc implementations. E.g. avoid types a-la UserList - List<User> is good enough in most cases.
Follow suggestions from point 2. In addition, try to add as much interfaces to your data types (classes) as it possible. For example, if you really need to have UserList (e.g. when it should have a lot of additional functionality), add both List and Iterable interfaces to its definition.
OOP (at least in Java and C#) is not very well suited for this principle, because they try to encapsulate the whole object's behavior during initial design, so it becomes hard add more functions to them. In most cases you can extend class in question and put methods you need into new object, but 1) if somebody else implements their own derived class, it will not be compatible with yours; 2) sometimes classes are final or all fields are made private, so derived classes don't have access to them (e.g. to add new functions to class String one should implement additional classStringUtils). Nevertheless, rules I described above make it much easier to use MFUFA in OOP-code. And best example here is Clojure itself, which is gracefully implemented in OO-style but still follows MFUFA principle.
UPD. I remember another description of difference between object oriented and functional styles, that maybe summarizes better all I said above: designing program in OO style is thinking in terms of data types (nouns), while designing in functional style is thinking in terms of operations (verbs). You may forget that some nouns are similar (e.g. forget about inheritance), but you should always remember that many verbs in practice do the same thing (e.g. have same or similar interfaces).
A much earlier version of the quote:
"The simple structure and natural applicability of lists are reflected in functions that are amazingly nonidiosyncratic. In Pascal the plethora of declarable data structures induces a specialization within functions that inhibits and penalizes casual cooperation. It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than to have 10 functions operate on 10 data structures."
...comes from the foreword to the famous SICP book. I believe this book has a lot of applicable material on this topic.
I think you're not getting that there's a difference between libraries and programmes.
OO libraries which work well usually generate a small number of abstractions, which programmes use to build the abstractions for their domain. Larger OO libraries (and programmes) use inheritance to create different versions of methods and introduce new methods.
So, yes, the same principle applies to OO libraries.

Could override be deprecated?

There is a Design Principle that says Favor composition over inheritance and its advertised benefit is that it simplifies design. Let's agree on that as background for this question.
So, could override be deprecated? Could we, in theory, get rid of it for good?
Let's be a bit over zealous on the above mentioned Design Principle and take it to the extreme: composition all the way. One reason should be enough for now, override abuse.
One question arises: are we, programmers, going to loose something? Is any power lost trying to prevent some possible abuse?
So, what applications are there for override and can they be achieved otherwise? Should they?
Not only is this a completely radical and impractical proposal, it's not a particularly compelling one. Just because a feature gets abused doesn't mean that it should be removed entirely. People have been abusing all sorts of things for a very long time, but that hardly implies that they don't serve a useful purpose when used correctly.
Design patterns are one thing; designing an intentionally limited language to conform with your ideal notion of a good design pattern is quite another. To my mind, it's an exercise in futility. Programmers will still find something to abuse.
And I take issue with the central assumption that any use of override is inappropriate or abusive. There are lots of cases where you want to take advantage of inheritance implying an is-a relationship. Sure, this model doesn't fit the real world 100% of the time, but there are plenty of times that it does.
The Animal and Shape class examples that you read about in textbooks might be a bit contrived, but I frequently use inheritance in real-world applications.
That's not to imply that I disagree with the sentiment that one should generally or when in doubt, favor composition over inheritance. But that's not saying that inheritance is bad and should never be used.
If you remove inheritance altogether you remove a significant feature of OOP design.
Using inheritance allows you to use a "is a" design, which has a strong meaning in OOP design, and of course saves code redundancy.
If you'd use only encapsulation you'd have to either expose the members (which isn't always what you want (raises design complexity because of the amount of stuff the programmer needs to know about).
Or, make wrapper methods that will call the member's methods (which is redundant).
Besides that, lets assume you know the difference between overriding and hiding, you can see that most OOP languages will choose to use strictly overriding when given the choice.
This is because overriding is usually more intuitive than hiding.
So, if you remove overriding, and still allow inheritance, you are left with hiding. That usually leads to many runtime errors and un-expected results with type conflicts.
Farther more you won't be able to have things like an array or list of base class pointers that point a lot of different derived classes. Because if you don't have overrides it won't be able to call the specified derived class method, it will only call the same base class method for all of them.
I've added a response on behalf of astander extracting from his link (hope you don't mind)
For example, one advantage with inheritance is that it is easier to
use than composition. However, that ease of use comes at the cost that
it is harder to reuse because the subclass is tied to the parent
One advantage of composition is that it is more flexible because
behavior can be swapped at runtime. One disadvantage of composition is
that the behavior of the system may be harder to understand just by
looking at the source. These are all factors one should think about
when applying composition over inheritance.
I'm always using polymorphism. I always seem to have a bunch of objects with some common concept behind them and a lot of code that is interested in that concept--that is, they care about Animals, not Lions and Tigers and Bears or even Carnivores. Interfaces often work better for this than superclasses, so I suppose I could get by without subclassing. (Are interfaces okay when subclassing is not?) However, I have often found that a lot of classes using an interface have identical code for the interface methods. Changing the interface to a superclass can let me get rid of a lot of duplicate code. The other situation I find myself in is where a large, complex class does what I need except for one teeny, tiny little thing. With subclassing, I can create a new class that does exactly what I need in just a few lines.
There may be a language component to this debate. When I'm writing in Java I subclass at a furious rate. When I'm writing in C# I think long and hard before overriding anything or even using interfaces. I'm not sure why and it may have more to do with the type of work I do in those languages than the languages themselves. But working in C#, I am quite sympathetic to this idea, while when working in Java...well, I'd have to toss almost all my Java code if I couldn't override.

OOP, class/objects overkill

What is a good gauge for knowing when a class is poorly designed or even necessary. In other words when to write a class and when no to.
SOLID might help if a class is poorly designed, but it won't help answer a question like "Is object-oriented programming the best approach for this problem?"
People have done a lot of very good work in programming for mathematics and science before object-oriented programming came into vogue. If your problem falls into those categories, perhaps object-oriented programming isn't for you.
Objects are state and behavior together; they tend to map onto problem domain objects one-to-one. If that's not true for your problem, perhaps object-oriented programming isn't for you.
If you don't know an object-oriented language well, perhaps object-oriented programming isn't for you.
If your organization doesn't know and can't support object-oriented solutions, perhaps object-oriented programming isn't for you.
A lot of people will say the "SOLID Principles" are a good guideline for class design.
There are a lot of articles/podcasts concerning the SOLID Principles, just do a quick search. Here's a good start:
rather than list a bunch of don't-do-this rules for recognizing a poorly-designed class, it is easier - and more efficient - to list the few rules governing a good class design:
a class is a collection of related state and behavior
the behavior should use only the state and method parameters
if you think about the state as a relation (i.e. as the columns in a relational database table), the object ID (pointer) is the primary (synthetic) key and the state comprises the non-key attributes. Is the object in third normal form? If not, split it into two or more objects.
is the lifecycle of the object complete? In other words, do you have enough methods to take the object from creation through use and finally to destruction/disposal? If not, what methods (or states/transitions) are missing?
is all of the state used by at least one method? If not, does it provide descriptive information useful to a user of the object? If the answer to both of these is no, then get rid of the extraneous state.
if the problem you're trying to solve requires no state, you don't need an object.
On top of the SOLID principles, have a look at Code Smells. They were mentioned first (IIRC) in Martin Fowler's "Refactoring" book, which is an excellent read.
Code smells generally apply to OO and also procedural development to some degree, including things like "Shotgun Surgery" where edits are required all over the codebase to change one small thing, or "Switch Case Smell" where giant switch cases control the flow of your app.
The best thing about Refactoring (book) is that it recommends ways to fix code smells and takes a pragmatic view about them - they are just like real smells - you can live with some of them, but not with others.

Are there any rules for OOP?

Recently I heard that there are 9 rules for OOP(Java). I know only four as Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance and Encapsulation. Are there any more rules for OOP?
Seems like what you're looking for are the Principles of Object-Oriented Design.
Summarized from Agile Software Development Principles, Patterns, and Practices. These principles are the hard-won product of decades of experience in software engineering. They are not the product of a single mind, but they represent the integration and writings of a large number of software developers and researchers. Although they are presented here as principles of object-oriented design, they are really special cases of long-standing principles of software engineering.
SRP The Single Responsibility Principle A class should have only one reason to change.
OCP The Open-Closed Principle Software entities (classes, packages, methods, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification.
LSP The Liskov Substition Principle Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types.
DIP The Dependency Inversion Principle Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upons abstractions.
ISP The Interface Segregation Principle
Clients shold not be forced to depend upon methods that they do not use. Interfaces belong to clients, not to hierarchies.
REP The Release-Reuse Equivalency Principle
The granule of reuse is the granule of release.
CCP The Common Closure Principle
The classes in a package should be closed together against the same kinds of changes. A change that affects a closed package affects all the classes in that package and no other packages.
CRP The Common Reuse Principle
The classes in a package are reused together. If you reuse one of the classes in a package, you reuse them all.
ADP The Acylcic Dependencies Principle
Allow no cycles in the dependency graph.
SDP The Stable Dependencies Principle
Depend in the direction of stability.
SAP The Stable Abstractions Principle
A package should be as abstract as it is stable.
Not sure about any rules. All these mentioned things are more like OO paradigms to me. There are few advices we follow like,
Separation of Concern
Single Responsibility per Class
Prefer Composition over Inheritance
Programming to Interface
Plus all mentioned by Billybob, already
These OO principles are straight from Head First Design Patterns:
Encapsulate what Varies
Program to an Interface, rather than an Implementation
Favour Composition over Inheritance
A Class should have only one reason to Change (Single Responsibility Principle)
Sub-Types must be substitutable for their Base (Liskov Substitition Principle)
Classes shoule be Open for extension, but Closed for Modification (Open-Closed Principle)
These are concepts, not rules. There are no rules really, just decisions to make, some designs are better than others, some much better than others :-)
There are plenty of guidelines though :-) Some are language specific (C++ is riddled with them) others are OO specific. Too many to list though :-)
Off the top of my head, important ones are:
Loose coupling, high cohesion
Write testable classes, which you test
Use inheritence sparingly and only where it makes sense (prefer composition)
Try stick to the open/close principle.
(most important) KISS
Plenty to expand upon and add :-)
EDIT: I should add, the rules which you listed are not unique to OO
According to the Pragmatic Programmers - the rules are:
Keep it DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
Keep it SHY (Ensure that your classes have high cohesion and low coupling)
and tell the other GUY (Separation of concerns)
There are no "Rules" to OOP.
There are 4 language properties that make a language object-oriented or not (these are the things you listed in your question).
The rest of the material out there are guidelines. The best/most helpful guidelines I've read are GRASP
Many of the suggestions are not readily understandable by laymen (non-CS majors). I thought GRASP was pragmatic and approachable.
I think GRASP is nice because it suggests the most critical part of OO in its name - Assignment of Responsibility (to objects not programmers).
The two most critical GRASP concepts from which everything else derives are coupling and cohesion. These two concepts/principals drive all other patterns and approaches.
BTW - did I just interview you? You transcribed the question incorrectly...

Coupling, Cohesion and the Law of Demeter

The Law of Demeter indicates that you should only speak to objects that you know about directly. That is, do not perform method chaining to talk to other objects. When you do so, you are establishing improper linkages with the intermediary objects, inappropriately coupling your code to other code.
That's bad.
The solution would be for the class you do know about to essentially expose simple wrappers that delegate the responsibility to the object it has the relationship with.
That's good.
But, that seems to result in the class having low cohesion. No longer is it simply responsible for precisely what it does, but it also has the delegates that in a sense, making the code less cohesive by duplicating portions of the interface of its related object.
That's bad.
Does it really result in lowering cohesion? Is it the lesser of two evils?
Is this one of those gray areas of development, where you can debate where the line is, or are there strong, principled ways of making a decision of where to draw the line and what criteria you can use to make that decision?
Grady Booch in "Object Oriented Analysis and Design":
"The idea of cohesion also comes from structured design. Simply stated, cohesion
measures the degree of connectivity among the elements of a single module (and
for object-oriented design, a single class or object). The least desirable form of
cohesion is coincidental cohesion, in which entirely unrelated abstractions are
thrown into the same class or module. For example, consider a class comprising
the abstractions of dogs and spacecraft, whose behaviors are quite unrelated. The
most desirable form of cohesion is functional cohesion, in which the elements of
a class or module all work together to provide some well-bounded behavior.
Thus, the class Dog is functionally cohesive if its semantics embrace the behavior
of a dog, the whole dog, and nothing but the dog."
Subsitute Dog with Customer in the above and it might be a bit clearer. So the goal is really just to aim for functional cohesion and to move away from coincidental cohesion as much as possible. Depending on your abstractions, this may be simple or could require some refactoring.
Note cohesion applies just as much to a "module" than to a single class, ie a group of classes working together. So in this case the Customer and Order classes still have decent cohesion because they have this strong relationshhip, customers create orders, orders belong to customers.
Martin Fowler says he'd be more comfortable calling it the "Suggestion of Demeter" (see the article Mocks aren't stubs):
"Mockist testers do talk more about avoiding 'train wrecks' - method chains of style of getThis().getThat().getTheOther(). Avoiding method chains is also known as following the Law of Demeter. While method chains are a smell, the opposite problem of middle men objects bloated with forwarding methods is also a smell. (I've always felt I'd be more comfortable with the Law of Demeter if it were called the Suggestion of Demeter .)"
That sums up nicely where I'm coming from: it is perfectly acceptable and often necessary to have a lower level of cohesion than the strict adherence to the "law" might require. Avoid coincidental cohesion and aim for functional cohesion, but don't get hung up on tweaking where needed to fit in more naturally with your design abstraction.
If you are violating the Law of Demeter by having
int price = customer.getOrder().getPrice();
the solution is not to create a getOrderPrice() and transform the code into
int price = customer.getOrderPrice();
but instead to note that this is a code smell and make the relevant changes that hopefully both increase cohesion and lower coupling. Unfortunately there is no simple refactoring here that always applies, but you should probably apply tell don't ask
I think you may have misunderstood what cohesion means. A class that is implemented in terms of several other classes does not necessarily have low cohesion, as long as it represents a clear concept, and has a clear purpose. For example, you may have a class Person, which is implemented in terms of classes Date (for date of birth), Address, and Education (a list of schools the person went to). You may provide wrappers in Person for getting the year of birth, the last school the person went to, or the state where he lives, to avoid exposing the fact that Person is implemented in terms of those other classes. This would reduce coupling, but it would make Person no less cohesive.
It’s a grey area.
These principals are meant to help you in your work, if you find you’re working for them (i.e. they’re getting in your way and/or you find it over complicates your code) then you’re conforming too hard and you need to back off.
Make it work for you, don’t work for it.
I don't know if this actually lowers cohesion.
Aggregation/composition are all about a class utilising other classes to meet the contract it exposes through its public methods.
The class does not need to duplicate the interface of it's related objects. It's actually hiding any knwowledge about these aggregated classes from the method caller.
To obey the law of Demeter in the case of multiple levels of class dependency, you just need to apply aggregation/composition and good encapsulation at each level.
In other words each class has one or more dependencies on other classes, however these are only ever dependencies on the referenced class and not on any objects returned from properies/methods.
In the situations where there seems to be a tradeoff between coupling and cohesion, I'd probably ask myself "if somebody else had already written this logic, and I were looking for a bug in it, where would I look first?", and write the code that way.