What is meaning of different fields returned by get login form call? - yodlee

I am looking for specific meaning of following fields
and in most cases we are getting numerical value for helpText. How do we identify whether helpText is present or not?

A lot of the stuff like FieldInfoMultiFixed/Variable is discussed in the Yodlee SDK Developer guide. Search for either one. They're just basically silly combos where people breakup a single value into multiple fields (like phone number or ssn into 3 textboxes)
As for the helpText, every time i've seen a Yodlee tech respond they say no. The number corresponds to an internal resource identifier that is apparently not exposed through the api. I want to say I saw somebody say that it might be available for things like forum signup/registration (where it would be more useful). The SDK makes mention as if it works as you would expect it to but that is an error.

Currently Yodlee does not have helptext populated for any field. Hence a numerical value is associated to it. In future if any helptext gets added then instead of numerical value you will have text in that field.
Hence if you are receiving numerical values then you should take it as helptext not present.


Paypal API USER, PWD, SIGNATURE field lengths

I've gone through a number of pages and PDFs within the Paypal guides and x.com, but I can't find any reference to the maximum field lengths for the API login/connection. I see the Transaction ID maxes out at 19 characters, but they seem to avoid saying the maximums for the access fields.
I'm setting up a database table to hold multiple Paypal API logins as well as a section to edit it with I'll have validate by length. I want to use some real values instead of guessing 255 characters.
Surely someone must have been as specific as me in this regard, I'm hoping someone has found this answer.
I've always gone with 75 and that seems to be safe.
On the NVP API Method and Field Reference page at http://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/ebook/PP_NVPAPI_DeveloperGuide/Appx_fieldreference.html they indicate EMAIL as "127 single byte characters".
As for the other items, I did not see any documented lengths, but checking 5 client accounts, it appears that
API PWD is 16 characters
API signature is 56 characters - in each account (these must be fixed length).

Getting the exact edited data from SQL Server

I have two Tables:
Articles(artID, artContents, artPublishDate, artCategoryID, publisherID).
ArticleUpdated(upArtID, upArtContents, upArtEditedData, upArtPublishDate, upArtCategory, upArtOriginalArticleID, upPublisherID)
A user logging in to the application and update an article's
contents at (artContents) column. I want to know about:
Which Changes the user made to the article's contents?
I want to store both versions of the Article, Original version and Edited Version!
What should I do for doing above two task:
Any necessary changes into the tables?
The query for getting exact edited data of (artContents).
(The exact edited data means, that there may 5000 characters in the coloumns, the user may edit 200 characters in the middle or somewhere else in column's characters, I want exact those edited characters, before of edit and after of edit)
Note: I am using ASP.NET with C# for Developing
You are not going to be able to do the exact editing using SQL. You need an algorithm such as the Unix diff on files (which works on the line level). At the character level, the algorithm would be some variation of Levenshtein distance. If diff meets your needs, you could download it, write a stored-procedure to call it, and then use it in the database. This would be rather expensive.
The part of your question of maintaining the different versions is much easier. I would add two colmnns EffDate and EndDate onto each record. You can get the most recent version by looking for EndDate is NULL and find the version active at any given time. Merge is generally useful for maintaining such a table.
Basically this type for requirement needs custom logging.
The example what you have provided i.e. "The exact edited data means, that there may 5000 characters in the coloumns, the user may edit 200 characters in the middle or somewhere else in column's characters, I want exact those edited characters, before of edit and after of edit"
Can have a case that user updates particular words from different place from the text.
You can use http://nlog-project.org/ for logging, its a fast and robust tool that normally we use for doing .net logging.
Also you can take a look
Asp.net Event for change tracking of entities
What would be the best way to implement change tracking on an object
Above urls will clear some air, on how to do it.
You would obviously need to track down and store every change.

CategoryId in venues search not working correctly

In foursquare Api documentation for "Search venues" https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/venues/search it states
"categoryId - A comma separated list of categories to limit results to. This is an experimental feature and subject to change or may be unavailable. If you specify categoryId you may also specify a radius. If specifying a top-level category, all sub-categories will also match the query."
Realise its supposed to be experimental, but when I provide Food category i.e. 4d4b7105d754a06374d81259, it only returns a few local results, the rest are miles away. However if I execute same search on website sing Food category, it returns correctly lots of results, assuming its the last bit "If specifying a top-level category, all sub-categories will also match the query" is not working , i.e. its not searching sub-categories ?
Any fix work around for this ?
Neil Pepper
You're making a /venues/search request with its default intent of intent=checkin. This returns a filter on nearby results, heavily biased by distance since it's trying to guess where the user might be checking in.
Foursquare Explore uses the /venues/explore endpoint and attempts to return recommended results for a query. If you want to get the sorts of results you get in that tool, call /venues/explore?section=food

Best practice to keep RSS feeds unique in sql database

I am working on a project which shows rss feeds from different sites.
I keep them in the database, every 3 hours my program fetches and inserts them into sql database.
I want unique records for providers not to show duplicate content.
But problem is some providers do not give GUID field, and some others gives GUID field but not pubdate.. And some others does not even give GUID or PubDate just title and link.
So to keep rss feeds uniqe in sql server what would be the best way?
Should I check for first guid, then pubbdate, then link, then title? Will it be to good practice to compare link fields in SQL to check uniqueness?
I would develop a routine that takes certain key parameters like the title, source and body and then combines them to create a CRC hash. Then store the hash as an attribute with the feed and check for a matching hash before adding a new feed.
I'm not sure what your environment contraints are but here is an example for calculating CRC-32 in C#: http://damieng.com/blog/2006/08/08/calculating_crc32_in_c_and_net
Currently, this is what I am doing
# If we have a GUID in the feed item, use it as the feed_item_id else use link
# http://www.詹姆斯.com/blog/2006/08/rss-dup-detection
def build_feed_item_id(entry):
guid = trim(entry.get('id', ''))
if len(guid):
feed_item_id = guid
feed_item_id = trim(entry.get('link', ''))
return hashlib.md5(feed_item_id.encode(encoding)).hexdigest()
It is based on the reasoning mentioned in the blog post linked in the snippet which I ll reference here in case the post gets taken down
RSS 2.0 has a guid element that fits the bill perfectly, but it’s not
a required element and many feeds don’t use it.
I can’t say for sure what algorithms applications are using, but after
running 150 tests on more than 20 different aggregators, I think have
a fair idea how many of them work.
As you would expect, for most the guid is considered the key element
for determining duplicates. This is pretty straightforward. If two
items have the same guid they are considered duplicates; if their
guids differ then they are considered different.
If a feed doesn’t contain guids, though, aggregators will most likely
resort to one of three general strategies – all of which involve the
link element in some way.
Technique 1
Guid must be unique
If a post doesnt have guid, consider link, title, description or any combination of them to get a unique hash
Technique 2
Link must be unique
If both link and guid are missing, check other elements such as title or description
Technique 3
Combination of link + title or link + description must be unique
The most obvious recommendation is that you should always include
guids in your feeds.
In addition, I would recommend you also include a unique link element
for each item in your feed, to allow for aggregators that don’t handle
guids very well. No two items should ever have the same link element,
and ideally a link should never change (if you do update a link, be
aware that it could show up as a new item for some aggregators).
Finally, although this is not essential, it is advisable that you
refrain from updating your article titles if at all possible. There
are at least two aggregators that will consider an entry with an
altered title to be a completely new post – somewhat annoying to
readers when all you’ve done is make a spelling correction in your

Flickr Geo queries not returning any data

I cannot get the Flickr API to return any data for lat/lon queries.
This should return something, anything. Doesn't work if I use lat/lng either. I can get some photos returned if I lookup a place_id first and then use that in the query, except then all the photos returned are from anywhere and not the place id
I deleted out my key obviously, replace with yours to test.
Any help appreciated, I am going mad over this.
I believe that the Flickr API won't return any results if you don't put additional search terms in your query. If I recall from the documentation, this is treated as an unbounded search. Here is a quote from the documentation:
Geo queries require some sort of limiting agent in order to prevent the database from crying. This is basically like the check against "parameterless searches" for queries without a geo component.
A tag, for instance, is considered a limiting agent as are user defined min_date_taken and min_date_upload parameters — If no limiting factor is passed we return only photos added in the last 12 hours (though we may extend the limit in the future).
My app uses the same kind of geo searching so what I do is put in an additional search term of the minimum date taken, like so:
http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.search&media=photo&api_key=KEY_HERE&has_geo=1&extras=geo&bbox=0,0,180,90&min_taken_date=2005-01-01 00:00:00
Oh, and don't forget to sign your request and fill in the api_sig field. My experience is that the geo based searches don't behave consistently unless you attach your api_key and sign your search. For example, I would sometimes get search results and then later with the same search get no images when I didn't sign my query.