405 Method Not Allowed - Dynamics GP 2010 Web Service - wcf

I am trying to access my client's GP 2010 web service, but I get this error:
The request failed with HTTP status 405: Method Not Allowed.
The URL is http://www.xyz.com:48620/Dynamics/GPService
In Visual Studio, I see this URL in the add web reference box:
When I visit the URL in the browser, I can see the WSDL:
Here is the WSDL code:
The customer has installed the GP2010 web service and it appears in the browser. I cannot add a reference to it in Visual Studio. The customer has added an inbound and an outbound firewall rule.
Am I using the wrong URL or is there something else to install?

When you add a web reference, you add localhost:48620/Dynamics/GPService . If you need to authenticate to another one, add change the URL:
// Create an instance of the service
DynamicsGP.Core.DynamicsGPService.DynamicsGP wsDynamicsGP = new DynamicsGP.Core.DynamicsGPService.DynamicsGP();
wsDynamicsGP.Url = "http://www.mysite.com:48620/DynamicsGPWebServices/DynamicsGPService.asmx";
// Be sure the default credentials are used
wsDynamicsGP.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
wsDynamicsGP.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domain");
CompanyCriteria cc = new CompanyCriteria();
Company[] c = wsDynamicsGP.GetCompanyList(cc, new Context());
return wsDynamicsGP;


ASP.NET Core WEB API self-connection through external URL "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"

I have multitenant Web API application with Hangfire scheduler that calls a task which trying to connect to self endpoint through external server DNS name with tenant name in it. Doing it this way, because Hangfire doesn't have HttpContext to resolve on which tenant task must shoot. On my staging server or if I send this request from Postman it works nice, but on my local machine and on production server it raises the error from title.
The code looks like nothing special:
var url = $"{tenant.Url}/notifications/client/send-appointment-sms";
var jwtToken = await _authService.GetTokenByUsername("admin");
using var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url);
requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", jwtToken.AccessToken);
var response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);
Where tenant.Url is for example https://api.tenant1.example.com/api2 which is available from browser on production server where application is running.
If I understanding clearly, my application can not connect to itself for some reason.
I have tried common solutions like firewall settings or disable proxy, still nothing on this point. What can I check next?
UPD I must add that NodeJS server on production is able to call this service too, so I think issue is not in server but maybe more about ASP.NET configuration settings.

Remote service call through proxy

I'm trying to make a very simple service call from VS2012.
The service is on a domain outside a proxy and requires logon credentials.
I have set a refrence to the service in visuals studio. At that point i entered in the remote domian username and password and VS created all the proxy classes for me.
I then added this line to appconf file.
<defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
Which i believe will allow me to get through our proxy using my own credentails
I then wronte this simple piece of code
private void GetData()
OASIS.OasisServiceSoapClient o = new OASIS.OasisServiceSoapClient();
o.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = #"OtherDimain\UserName";
o.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "Password";
var d = o.SelectOfficersAll();
and of course it didn't work and i got all the errors that everyone has posted on.
So first question is
do i need to add this
o.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
because i did and still get that same stupid error
"The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'."
and inner exception
"{"The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."}"
so am i getting through the proxy ?
Am i using my own credentials ?
Am i passing the right paramaters in to the Service Model ?
Some examples show the username and password properties in the code above are to impersonate the current job.
But i read these on the MSDN page as being the credentials you want to use on the remote serve. The Help topic is ambigious. And if i don't enter them here then how ?
I'm trying to do something so simple , yet can't seem to get past this point.
Ok thanks to my Colleague Sean. It seems that depending on wether you are calling a web service or a WCF services determines what you need to do.
So as a web service this works
OASISWeb.OasisService s = new OASISWeb.OasisService();
s.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("Username", "Password", "Domain");
var d = s.SelectOfficersAll();
DataSet x = (DataSet)d;
if it's a WCF service then you need this
var service = new OasisTest2.ServiceReference1.OasisServiceSoapClient();
System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = system.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
service.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("Username", "Password", "Domain");
var result = service.SelectOfficersAll();
It seems that WebRequest is a global object and you need to set the DefaultWebProxy.Credentails on it.
How you are suppose to know that ? I never found any reference to it when i searched on how to connect to a WCF service on MSDN. Must be a secret. So keep it under your hat.

Do not comment shaerpoint's Lists.asmx service

I am trying to fetch the list of file names which are there in my document library of office 365 SharePoint site.
I am using below code to access the List.asmx Service using Visual Studio 2010.
ServiceReference1.ListsSoapClient ws = new ServiceReference1.ListsSoapClient();
ws.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("USERNAME", "PASSWORD", "sharepoint");
ws.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
ws.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress("http://XYZ.sharepoint.com/_vti_bin/lists.asmx");
XElement li = ws.GetListCollection();
This code gives me below error while executing ws.GetListCollection() function:
The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'.
Can anyone help me that? Is there any problem on SharePoint site access permissions or am I missing something in code part or some configuration things?

how to dynamic binding of web service URL

i store web service url in web.config or app.config. when i call web service like
ServiceAvailabilityTestClient.TestClient servAvailClient = new ServiceAvailabilityTestClient.TestClient();
servAvailClient.url= myapp.config url here.
the problem is the property called url is not appearing. sp please tell me what to do.
i just add wsdl file location as service reference because web service path called not being added. web service url which i try to add as web service reference is
1) i just not being able why i am not being able to add this web service url as service reference
2) why url property is not exposed in client side.
can anyone guide me what is the matter. thanks
You could do it through your generated client or ChannelFactory:
var client = ChannelFactory(IWcfService).CreateChannel(Binding, ServiceModel.EndpointAdress)
var client = New Client(binding, RemoteAdress)
EndpointAdress just takes string or uri in constructor e.g.http://yourservice.asmx
Are you using the <System.ServiceModel/> config section? If so you shouldn't have to do anything - the URL will be loaded from the <client/> section of the config when you create the channel.

Issue Contacting ADFS Endpoint When on Server

I have a service that is setup to retrieve a secure token from ADFS and use that token to communicate with other services. When I contact my ADFS windowsmixed endpoint from my local development machine hitting the ADFS service I am able to successfuly retrieve the token. However, when I install my service on the same machine that is running ADFS I receive the following error:
Secure channel cannot be opened because security negotiation with the remote endpoint has failed. This may be due to absent or incorrectly specified EndpointIdentity in the EndpointAddress used to create the channel. Please verify the EndpointIdentity specified or implied by the EndpointAddress correctly identifies the remote endpoint.
I am able to reproduce the error with the following code that simply gets the token. Again this code works when I am on my dev machine hitting the remote server, but it fails when on the server directly. I am using the same user credentials on both. I get the same error within the IIS web service using the app pool credentials and with a simple test client using the code below.
private static SecurityToken GetToken()
string stsEndpoint = "https://adfsserver.com/adfs/services/trust/13/windowsmixed";
string appliesTo = "http://domain.com/application/myapplication";
var factory = new WSTrustChannelFactory(
new WindowsWSTrustBinding(SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential),
factory.TrustVersion = TrustVersion.WSTrust13;
var rst = new RequestSecurityToken
RequestType = RequestTypes.Issue,
AppliesTo = new EndpointAddress(appliesTo),
KeyType = KeyTypes.Symmetric
var channel = factory.CreateChannel();
return channel.Issue(rst);
I turned on tracing in the Windows Event Log for ADFS 2.0 debug. When hitting that windowsmixed endpoint directly on the server, I do not receive any entries which leads me to belive that it is not actually getting to the endpoint.
I do receive quite a few audit failures in the security log that are related to the services that I am running:
A handle to an object was requested.
Security ID: DOMAIN\ODI$ODIController
Account Name: ODI$ODIController
Account Domain: DOMAIN
Logon ID: 0x1a574b5
Object Server: SC Manager
Object Name: WinHttpAutoProxySvc
Handle ID: 0x0
Process Information:
Process ID: 0x1f8
Process Name: C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
Access Request Information:
Transaction ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Accesses: Query status of service
Start the service
Query information from service
Access Reasons: -
Access Mask: 0x94
Privileges Used for Access Check: -
I am able to access the usernamemixed endpoint using stored credentials and receive the proper token, so it seems to be something with authenticating the user to even be able to communicate with the ADFS endpoint.
If I set specific credentials in the code above, it is able to connect. Which again leads me to believe that it is not passing the correct credentials for my Windows user when on the same machine.
factory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("UserID", "password1", "dev.domain");
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
I had a similar issue. I was able to get it working using the example from here: http://blogs.southworks.net/mwoloski/2009/07/17/getting-a-token-from-adfs-ex-geneva-server-using-wcf/
The difference between your code and the working example is that you modify the message security to use the current security credentials in the binding rather than on the client. If you are using WIF 4.0, you need to modify the code to use a WSTrustChannelFactory instead of WSTrustClient. The other code doesn't change much though.
My code for the factory looks like this:
var binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential);
binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.Windows;
binding.Security.Message.EstablishSecurityContext = false;
var factory = new WSTrustChannelFactory(
new EndpointAddress(new Uri(sts), EndpointIdentity.CreateUpnIdentity(adfsUpn)));